In Apr 2001 I contacted an office in WTC...
(too old to reply)
2005-08-03 16:30:18 UTC
...in Mexico City. A subcontracting company for programming companies
and was sent to another company just in the process of being sold to a
foreign company. The job didn't quite work, but I was expecting of
being hired in the WTC here in NY. And then it was 9/11! It was the
time when my computer and apartment was being hacked by the guys who
are now being protected and pampered to pretend that they are geniuses
from Mexico! Including the trapper "Fraunhofer", name which is now very
probably a gratuituous enemy (after the years I could locate the voice
as similar to another voice).

I know there is a link between Televisa and 9/11. The next day I was
laughed at, literally laughed at! If things had gone OK nothing would
have happened and I would be quite well here and now, instead of being
kept artfically homeless and defamated and harassed by Mexicans! Now,
how can I make somebody understand this racial situation? Bioterrorism
doesn't ring a bell? Then what does?

So all that propaganda about War on Terror is just propaganda, because
I am suffering terrorism and instead of acknowledging it a mirror is
being used on me, another man in my place, a so called policeman
pretends to be a policeman and using me as a scapegoat, and somebody
else is using my name and promising big rewards to make my life

And just right now the revolting woman who looks like my mother is
coming into the library. But nobody wants to admit there is a very
psychologically disturbed man having power even when it should be
obvious it is a psychotic. (And this is when they say that I am using
the mechanism of speaking of myself when talkong of another, or any
other of the disgusting things they use to voltear la tortilla, the
Mexican procedure of blaming the victim to avoid responsibility, a sign
of a very immature, I mean, very immature society).

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Bili Rubin
2005-08-03 16:43:12 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
...in Mexico City. A subcontracting company for programming companies
and was sent to another company just in the process of being sold to a
foreign company. The job didn't quite work, but I was expecting of
being hired in the WTC here in NY. And then it was 9/11! It was the
time when my computer and apartment was being hacked by the guys who
are now being protected and pampered to pretend that they are geniuses
from Mexico! Including the trapper "Fraunhofer", name which is now very
probably a gratuituous enemy (after the years I could locate the voice
as similar to another voice).
I know there is a link between Televisa and 9/11. The next day I was
laughed at, literally laughed at! If things had gone OK nothing would
have happened and I would be quite well here and now, instead of being
kept artfically homeless and defamated and harassed by Mexicans! Now,
how can I make somebody understand this racial situation? Bioterrorism
doesn't ring a bell? Then what does?
So all that propaganda about War on Terror is just propaganda, because
I am suffering terrorism and instead of acknowledging it a mirror is
being used on me, another man in my place, a so called policeman
pretends to be a policeman and using me as a scapegoat, and somebody
else is using my name and promising big rewards to make my life
And just right now the revolting woman who looks like my mother is
coming into the library. But nobody wants to admit there is a very
psychologically disturbed man having power even when it should be
obvious it is a psychotic. (And this is when they say that I am using
the mechanism of speaking of myself when talkong of another, or any
other of the disgusting things they use to voltear la tortilla, the
Mexican procedure of blaming the victim to avoid responsibility, a sign
of a very immature, I mean, very immature society).
Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-04 18:00:50 UTC
Post by Bili Rubin
So as I have written elsewhere, from MY point of view it is evident the
intention of creating a scapegoat! And a huge one. Of course, to quotee
"justify" quotee lots of crimes and let them be forgotten! Which is why
those pictures appeared in my internet sessions! Like te one implied by
the news today in the morning!

Read the story Generation X to understand what I am talking about.
Since I came from Mexico I know where is the source of this problem.
And also knowing the culture I know they will try to point to somebody
else, the same way they are doing with me. Somebody not so naive would
actually see that they have all motives to win, since they keep my
works, use me as a door opener, allows them commit all kinds of crimes,
get the rewards and then appear as heroes by pretending to be the
heroes stopping all this hassle! (Read the story Superheroe!).

And what is particularly noticeable is that everything began happening
the moment my mother and I began calling the Embassy to come to the
UNited States ****legally***-. Except, of course, that my relationship
was broken a while before that happened, including throwing out of Coca
Cola Company her father after 20 years, also because of some kind of
"incident" that simply "happened" the moment her father may have been
willing to help me get some kind of job there. Actually, it was around
the time we were doing the Entreprenuer Business Guides and those
guides failed... as everything else.

So again as I already said elsewhere, it is the coincidences which in
retrospective begin making sense... when seen in the context, this
cotext being that I am in the United States and instead of living an
ordered society I am living an even greater disorder than that we tried
to escape from! Furthermore, once seen historucally and against a
bigger background, it is also obvious that what is at stake here is a
form of organization and lots of Liebensraum, land space, space which
is being taken by force or a little less, again, a fact this is obvious
when you have to spend years to get legal documents even when you
****know**** you are entitled to those rights! In fact, I wasn't told
in the Embassy that I could cross the border with my birth certificate!
Instead had to go through lots of hassles and time consumming
paperwork! Only to find myself persecuted by people from Mexico??? And
who else better to blame, by a people notorious for destroying beauty
(after which statement very probably will come a series of art
destructions, either as a revenge from very immature people or to
pretend that that is what I want, despite ALL my efforts to make
understand that I don't want it!).

Ironically, they are doing this supposedly to become historic, implicit
allusion to the effect my works create, even when to me all my works,
despite my fondness, are only one more work I appreaciet but which will
eventually be surpased, as has to be, otherwise there would be no
point in doing art!

But everybody seems intent in denying authorship and distributing what
should be considered as the normal work of a human being to several
robbers, at which point tey will stop producing UNLESS they begin
robbing others, a good industrial/artistic espionage business for a
country like Mexico, (or pretend they were done by old men, senseless
as creativity has to be developed like a muscle, not simply "happens"
and once it happens you are in full command of it at yours fingers

And the real trap is that they are being sold several times to several
parties, after which they can simply retire to their true identities
(or false identities) with the money they collected while the
'immoratls' fight among themselves for the provilege of being the
winner of the Joust! (Now I understand why the y said I was in a
Joust!). And then they will get protection, as they 'implied them',
which of course opens up balckmailing opportunities later! Or defeats,
to put in their place people more akinty other ideas, kept in a second

What can be best then that to slowly fulfill key posts of a country,
one by one (same idea as Leprechauns!) til somebody notices what is
going one... when it is already too late. It is a very communist
approach, indeed, but that communism of the middle ages or the colony
(yes, a smel of Colonial/Inquisitorial times is quite easy to perceive
in this events).

By now I believe that the people who is actually being protected is the
same people that began this mess, the ones I know of, but who are also
the facdes to cover the true perpetrators, those who will win
afterwards, like in a chess game when only towers are left... (and I am
like the King! waiting to be check mated! Other people involved here
should have the same impression... though I was also prompted to act
the same way, as I am alone trying to make my rights be respected!)

Oh, and by the way, this only works because: they are
bribing/threatening my protectors and friends, my point of view is not
being communicated fully and there is the well created cliche of the
"mad genius" intent on world domination! Whic is what they are actually
attempting to do!


Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Bili Rubin
2005-08-04 18:31:15 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Post by Bili Rubin
So as I have written elsewhere, from MY point of view it is evident the
intention of creating a scapegoat! And a huge one. Of course, to quotee
"justify" quotee lots of crimes and let them be forgotten! Which is why
those pictures appeared in my internet sessions! Like te one implied by
the news today in the morning!
Read the story Generation X to understand what I am talking about.
Since I came from Mexico I know where is the source of this problem.
And also knowing the culture I know they will try to point to somebody
else, the same way they are doing with me. Somebody not so naive would
actually see that they have all motives to win, since they keep my
works, use me as a door opener, allows them commit all kinds of crimes,
get the rewards and then appear as heroes by pretending to be the
heroes stopping all this hassle! (Read the story Superheroe!).
And what is particularly noticeable is that everything began happening
the moment my mother and I began calling the Embassy to come to the
UNited States ****legally***-. Except, of course, that my relationship
was broken a while before that happened, including throwing out of Coca
Cola Company her father after 20 years, also because of some kind of
"incident" that simply "happened" the moment her father may have been
willing to help me get some kind of job there. Actually, it was around
the time we were doing the Entreprenuer Business Guides and those
guides failed... as everything else.
So again as I already said elsewhere, it is the coincidences which in
retrospective begin making sense... when seen in the context, this
cotext being that I am in the United States and instead of living an
ordered society I am living an even greater disorder than that we tried
to escape from! Furthermore, once seen historucally and against a
bigger background, it is also obvious that what is at stake here is a
form of organization and lots of Liebensraum, land space, space which
is being taken by force or a little less, again, a fact this is obvious
when you have to spend years to get legal documents even when you
****know**** you are entitled to those rights! In fact, I wasn't told
in the Embassy that I could cross the border with my birth certificate!
Instead had to go through lots of hassles and time consumming
paperwork! Only to find myself persecuted by people from Mexico??? And
who else better to blame, by a people notorious for destroying beauty
(after which statement very probably will come a series of art
destructions, either as a revenge from very immature people or to
pretend that that is what I want, despite ALL my efforts to make
understand that I don't want it!).
Ironically, they are doing this supposedly to become historic, implicit
allusion to the effect my works create, even when to me all my works,
despite my fondness, are only one more work I appreaciet but which will
eventually be surpased, as has to be, otherwise there would be no
point in doing art!
But everybody seems intent in denying authorship and distributing what
should be considered as the normal work of a human being to several
robbers, at which point tey will stop producing UNLESS they begin
robbing others, a good industrial/artistic espionage business for a
country like Mexico, (or pretend they were done by old men, senseless
as creativity has to be developed like a muscle, not simply "happens"
and once it happens you are in full command of it at yours fingers
And the real trap is that they are being sold several times to several
parties, after which they can simply retire to their true identities
(or false identities) with the money they collected while the
'immoratls' fight among themselves for the provilege of being the
winner of the Joust! (Now I understand why the y said I was in a
Joust!). And then they will get protection, as they 'implied them',
which of course opens up balckmailing opportunities later! Or defeats,
to put in their place people more akinty other ideas, kept in a second
What can be best then that to slowly fulfill key posts of a country,
one by one (same idea as Leprechauns!) til somebody notices what is
going one... when it is already too late. It is a very communist
approach, indeed, but that communism of the middle ages or the colony
(yes, a smel of Colonial/Inquisitorial times is quite easy to perceive
in this events).
By now I believe that the people who is actually being protected is the
same people that began this mess, the ones I know of, but who are also
the facdes to cover the true perpetrators, those who will win
afterwards, like in a chess game when only towers are left... (and I am
like the King! waiting to be check mated! Other people involved here
should have the same impression... though I was also prompted to act
the same way, as I am alone trying to make my rights be respected!)
Oh, and by the way, this only works because: they are
bribing/threatening my protectors and friends, my point of view is not
being communicated fully and there is the well created cliche of the
"mad genius" intent on world domination! Whic is what they are actually
attempting to do!
Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-07 19:59:28 UTC
Post by Bili Rubin
But it makes a lot of sense. A long term plan, so slow that it goes
unnoticed, taking advantage of law and mores l;oopholes, and then some
catastrophes, to stirr up things, make some haste decisions and then
find a scapegoat.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
