Louis M. Reigel, III -- FBI Cyber Chief's patriotism questioned
(too old to reply)
Salvador Astucia
2005-09-22 05:37:38 UTC
Louis M. Reigel, III
FBI Cyber Chief's patriotism questioned

by Salvador Astucia

Sep. 11, 2005


"Funny how those who say the world is a dangerous place think everyone
else is paranoid."

Homepage: http://www.jfkmontreal.com
Howard C. Berkowitz
2005-09-22 16:09:53 UTC
Post by Salvador Astucia
Louis M. Reigel, III
FBI Cyber Chief's patriotism questioned
by Salvador Astucia
Sep. 11, 2005
"Funny how those who say the world is a dangerous place think everyone
else is paranoid."
Homepage: http://www.jfkmontreal.com
From this message, I don't see any reason to go to an unknown website to
look at rather vague allegations. Are there specific reasons? How is
Algeria involved?
2005-09-22 19:55:35 UTC
as long we have a state terroriste and dictatorship the world still unsafe.
Look at algeria what's go'in on...and why the civilzed is silent for more
than 200000 humanbeings killed since 1992 and the crying mothers 24 H,
where's the justice in this world?

why the france's official protect the military regime in algeria?

free press international created this site
any idea....
Post by Howard C. Berkowitz
Post by Salvador Astucia
Louis M. Reigel, III
FBI Cyber Chief's patriotism questioned
by Salvador Astucia
Sep. 11, 2005
"Funny how those who say the world is a dangerous place think everyone
else is paranoid."
Homepage: http://www.jfkmontreal.com
From this message, I don't see any reason to go to an unknown website to
look at rather vague allegations. Are there specific reasons? How is
Algeria involved?
Howard C. Berkowitz
2005-09-22 20:27:30 UTC
Post by Massinissa
as long we have a state terroriste and dictatorship the world still unsafe.
Look at algeria what's go'in on...and why the civilzed is silent for more
than 200000 humanbeings killed since 1992 and the crying mothers 24 H,
where's the justice in this world?
There isn't much justice. Next question?
Post by Massinissa
why the france's official protect the military regime in algeria?
free press international created this site
any idea....
And how is this relevant to the us.military.army newsgroup? Did you
want the US military to invade Algeria and make everything OK?
Post by Massinissa
Post by Howard C. Berkowitz
Post by Salvador Astucia
Louis M. Reigel, III
FBI Cyber Chief's patriotism questioned
by Salvador Astucia
Sep. 11, 2005
"Funny how those who say the world is a dangerous place think everyone
else is paranoid."
Homepage: http://www.jfkmontreal.com
From this message, I don't see any reason to go to an unknown website to
look at rather vague allegations. Are there specific reasons? How is
Algeria involved?
2005-09-22 22:49:03 UTC
Post by Howard C. Berkowitz
Post by Massinissa
as long we have a state terroriste and dictatorship the world still unsafe.
Look at algeria what's go'in on...and why the civilzed is silent for more
than 200000 humanbeings killed since 1992 and the crying mothers 24 H,
where's the justice in this world?
There isn't much justice. Next question?
is-il all what you have to say ?
real poor humanity...
next question
what did we achieved since 1945 ?
Post by Howard C. Berkowitz
Post by Massinissa
why the france's official protect the military regime in algeria?
free press international created this site
any idea....
And how is this relevant to the us.military.army newsgroup? Did you
want the US military to invade Algeria and make everything OK?
you mean a new democracy like actually in Irak with anew puppet like ex.
saddam in 1980th?
no thanks...

algeria have already a puppet of france (called a son of DeGaulle)
responsible for many human crimes in algeria since 1962 till now.
Invading by the US military algeria is not easy and do not make everything
OK but a real hell adding to innoncent soldiers (more than 2000 killed
actually in Irak and more costs for what?)

Is it all what you get a military solution ?

we are asking for a political support to close the dictatorship from our
mother earth because the dictator is a source of the terrorism and in
algeria we have a terror state.

Stop laying a red carpet to the dictator instead force them out from the
understand? OK?

We're suggesting peace, love and a real democracy in the world and you
answering by military solution....
as you see, you are self-disqualified.....because you get in your minde only
war instead for peace, justice and a real democracy.
sorry we must end our conversation now and here.
Close file.
Post by Howard C. Berkowitz
Post by Massinissa
Post by Howard C. Berkowitz
Post by Salvador Astucia
Louis M. Reigel, III
FBI Cyber Chief's patriotism questioned
by Salvador Astucia
Sep. 11, 2005
"Funny how those who say the world is a dangerous place think everyone
else is paranoid."
Homepage: http://www.jfkmontreal.com
From this message, I don't see any reason to go to an unknown website to
look at rather vague allegations. Are there specific reasons? How is
Algeria involved?
Howard C. Berkowitz
2005-09-23 00:35:07 UTC
Post by Massinissa
Post by Howard C. Berkowitz
Post by Massinissa
as long we have a state terroriste and dictatorship the world still unsafe.
Look at algeria what's go'in on...and why the civilzed is silent for more
than 200000 humanbeings killed since 1992 and the crying mothers 24 H,
where's the justice in this world?
There isn't much justice. Next question?
is-il all what you have to say ?
real poor humanity...
Correct. That, however, is what humanity is, rather than what I would
like it to be.
Post by Massinissa
next question
what did we achieved since 1945 ?
Post by Howard C. Berkowitz
Post by Massinissa
why the france's official protect the military regime in algeria?
free press international created this site
any idea....
And how is this relevant to the us.military.army newsgroup? Did you
want the US military to invade Algeria and make everything OK?
you mean a new democracy like actually in Irak with anew puppet like ex.
saddam in 1980th?
I ask again: why are you posting this to the us.military.army newsgroup?
I am opposed to the Iraq operation. Many soldiers are, but they follow
lawful orders.

Do you simply want to complain about the policies of the US
administration, which are not pertinent to the charter of the
us.military.army newsgroup?
Post by Massinissa
no thanks...
algeria have already a puppet of france (called a son of DeGaulle)
responsible for many human crimes in algeria since 1962 till now.
Invading by the US military algeria is not easy and do not make everything
OK but a real hell adding to innoncent soldiers (more than 2000 killed
actually in Irak and more costs for what?)
Is it all what you get a military solution ?
Why are you asking that here? What is it that you want? The Army to
Post by Massinissa
we are asking for a political support to close the dictatorship from our
mother earth because the dictator is a source of the terrorism and in
algeria we have a terror state.
Then why aren't you posting to a newsgroup that deals with US politics?
Post by Massinissa
Stop laying a red carpet to the dictator instead force them out from the
understand? OK?
We're suggesting peace, love and a real democracy in the world and you
answering by military solution....
That would indeed be nice. You do not, however, suggest how to achieve
Post by Massinissa
as you see, you are self-disqualified.....because you get in your minde only
war instead for peace, justice and a real democracy.
sorry we must end our conversation now and here.
You haven't the slightest idea what is in my mind, and this has not been
a conversation. You haven't asked any non-rhetorical questions, posed
any potential solutions to discuss, but instead complained. As one US
activist said, "If you're not part of the solution, you are part of the

The US has no significant involvement, certainly on a military level,
with Algeria. I still don't understand what, if anything, you are
asking, or just generically complaining.
Post by Massinissa
Close file.
Post by Howard C. Berkowitz
Post by Massinissa
Post by Howard C. Berkowitz
Post by Salvador Astucia
Louis M. Reigel, III
FBI Cyber Chief's patriotism questioned
by Salvador Astucia
Sep. 11, 2005
"Funny how those who say the world is a dangerous place think everyone
else is paranoid."
Homepage: http://www.jfkmontreal.com
From this message, I don't see any reason to go to an unknown
look at rather vague allegations. Are there specific reasons? How is
Algeria involved?
Salvador Astucia
2005-09-23 05:30:29 UTC
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Salvador Astucia
2005-09-23 05:30:53 UTC
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