10,000 Virgins (modern story)
(too old to reply)
2005-05-24 22:49:44 UTC
He was becoming famous fast. It was his beauty, his personality, his
ability to love... He acted like a magnet, both of lovers and of
enemies. One day he was hurt by his enemies and to cure himself he
imagined love. He loved with all his being, his ability, his desire.
And it was such the power of his love that the magical moment was
shared by 10,000 virgins, who that day knew their lover and the
happiness and joy that love would bring to them. And they sang and told
others that love had come to them as a vision, that they belonged to

But the old, jealous men who were ruling that land where not happy.
They didn't share that love, they couldn't participate in it. They
could not allow it because they were not included. And so they passed
judgement: the 10,000 virgins had to be sacrificed. They had them all

Legend: it is said that the mean old men used the same arts but
backwards. They though of them and forced them and their parents to
fall in traps. In 10,000 different ways the virgins were spent, wasted,
scattered. And after their death the old men were kept in captivity and
even today their hate and jealousness can be heard in the hearts of
all; it is the matter of which guilt and taboo are made...

Legend: some say they were not killed, they were just collected, but a
charm was put on them so they became dumb and couldn't pass to others
their knowledge nor act on their desire... And their lover was sought
in all corners of Earth so that, in the utmost secret, they were
reunited in a sacred paradise...

Fabrizio J Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-06-16 12:58:15 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
He was becoming famous fast. It was his beauty, his personality, his
ability to love... He acted like a magnet, both of lovers and of
enemies. One day he was hurt by his enemies and to cure himself he
imagined love. He loved with all his being, his ability, his desire.
And it was such the power of his love that the magical moment was
shared by 10,000 virgins, who that day knew their lover and the
happiness and joy that love would bring to them. And they sang and told
others that love had come to them as a vision, that they belonged to
But the old, jealous men who were ruling that land where not happy.
They didn't share that love, they couldn't participate in it. They
could not allow it because they were not included. And so they passed
judgement: the 10,000 virgins had to be sacrificed. They had them all
Legend: it is said that the mean old men used the same arts but
backwards. They though of them and forced them and their parents to
fall in traps. In 10,000 different ways the virgins were spent, wasted,
scattered. And after their death the old men were kept in captivity and
even today their hate and jealousness can be heard in the hearts of
all; it is the matter of which guilt and taboo are made...
Legend: some say they were not killed, they were just collected, but a
charm was put on them so they became dumb and couldn't pass to others
their knowledge nor act on their desire... And their lover was sought
in all corners of Earth so that, in the utmost secret, they were
reunited in a sacred paradise...
Fabrizio J Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
Legend: some say that they went to Paradise. THe shps that would
transport them were sunken in the sea.

Legend: others say that their island was victim of a big tsunami sent
by the gods in revenge of the lover, and they never met...

Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J BOnsignore
