Dramatis Personae III
(too old to reply)
2005-07-31 12:48:52 UTC
[Search in Dramatis Personae II for "the mirror" to pick up where it
began making sense. New thread to see if I can post, because they don;t
let me in this setup...]

[Looks like they are using the Patriot Act to sequester me, while
leaving the real terrorists act freely. Hence the resistance. Beacuse
ghamc.org appears to be a charity, though the real gham lost meaning
after Lu is left since I was not willing to go on alone. BUt I believe
they did "resurrected" it, and have been using myname to send money
(bribes) and burn my name, as per the Fraser program and other "hints"
(bad business: I am absolutely genial in all kinds of music, whie they
need a whole team to produce common rock music, plus some hints of my
music techniques {wah guitar, patch 70}, and confession in lyrics. SO
instead of fighting the real terrorists, they are wasting ime in having
me "controllked" to actually hide they guilt... but it seems genociding
is already one accpeted social technique, by them...)]

There seems to have been a REAL extradition trial in Texas. ACtually,
there seem to have been two trials. BUt it is the second when some
money was deposited and the impersonation began in earnest. This trial
is where it was determined that I am innocent, so they decided for the
identoty theft scam. TO steal the money. ANd that trial is censored,
the proceedings are not available. AT the time I was in LA, very far,
and though maybe they did try to reach me, in the Weingart (MExican
managers in front desk) and the post mail (had a PO BOX), my mails were
stolen. I did receive a free afiliation to a lwyer's association, but
it didn't work. ANd there was a weird letter directed to some Jon(?)
(Pederson?) with some debt. I sent a mail complaining to these lawyers
in NJ. Pederson i s the man I wrote to about my stolen patent (either
sold as triangulation or hacked, the claimant is a network programmer
and later I received in 003 a mail from Unmesh Patil, unexpected). He
knows the arguments: they try to patent an idea, not a process, too
genearl, I have the algorythms more complete and they didn't even
mentioned the concept! The prototypes are in my hard drive, the one
stolen and which seems to be in the hands of the FB...

The money seems to have been deposted by the group of seven, though it
may be a ploy too. IT is then when they placed the puppets, my clones,
clonos, clons...

This is no fiction, is what this people wanted me to believe plus my

By then I was laready sequestered in the LA hotel. I would arrive and
find the phone disconnected. Even my mother had trouble calling me and
they were denying the existence of the man next door, the bioterrorist
from Mexico who was informnig me. There were some African-Americans in
the other room using vocoders to give messages, freaky moments...

And it must have been then when the judiciales went to the UN and began
giving different names, and when they got the passports. I still don't
know the particular combination of names and pictures they used, but I
do believe it was to incriminate later the ambassadors and disabled
them. ANother trap.

I believe it was Ledezma who brought in the Ztek Armie to cover his
theft of my coding!

The problem now is that Lu is Rinc on is probably *kidnappped* by the
CIA or some kind of agents. THe same who began th STeren show... though
I now believe it was the Ztek who were sending false people, after
paying UUSS agents, so that my friends where not extradited, but
remained in Mexico and where somehow entramped. The "night of" phrase
is from one of my mails to the ESP.CM.

Mattheson is the comic who showed my yearbook in LA last year.

I don't know what trick they are using in the visitors center, but
goivernmnet is being very irresponsible in AMerica...

Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J BOnsignore
2005-07-31 17:57:49 UTC
They just confessed they rejected several scholarships that arrived to
my mail accounts! It is a matter of finding which schools sent those
scholarshps to accuse them of fraud. I didn't reject nor received any
scholarship despite my interest and the mails I sent to get a

The excuse that they "didn't believe" is a bad escuse, because they are
using it to prevent me from actually *showing* and *proving*. They want
me to do time to have time to erase all evidences and have the fraud

Ib elieve there was a fake news about my death in Los Angeles. meant to
hide me or to "save face". Also, the embassy officials who gave me my
passport may be in danger. I am sure there has been a fraud with my
borth certificate in El Paso Texas. I had a copy that was lost with my
computer and luggage. I am a accusing these people of fraid and
identity theft!

It is not the property lost, but the intellectual contents: it is like

They are very comfortable protected by some kind of agent whjile I am
passing hunger in teh street. Today Id on;t have money to eat and will
have to wait til next month to have some food, tehrefore I am exposed
to whatever foos is given in the shelters plus all the rumors of poison
in the food and medications I don't want to take.

That they are committing a big fraud is obvious.

I am accusing the son of Fox (the one I call Faunhofer, name he gave to

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-07-31 18:06:01 UTC
I believe they are "defeating" the associates and family if the robbers
they sent against me! So they can incriminate me. And also the people
of friends or would be helpers, to get me even more enemies.

And tehy kept sending robbers to"prove" drug addiction! This is the
theory of side effects.

Isn't it better to get rid of a few perverted individuals and let
others be than to protect this aberrations? Bad business: to trade
honest people and propositive people to protect the criminal families
of a few aberrated and perturbed gangsters from another country...

Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-07-31 20:02:51 UTC
I fear a cantilever on drugs: this is not yours because you wre on
drugs (side effects), you cannot do this if you are not on drugs so we
cannot credit all this to you. In both cases an invocation is all they
need to justify what they did. And of course, denial is te last step,
so they will pretend that nothing happened!

The problem is that going in the middle (who has access to mail
accounts at the server level with access to passwords? Who has access
to packets on the fly?) this victim cannot know who to contact, and the
other victims can think whatever they can of the other victim, while
the in betweeners canp lay both the way they want and make deals and
businesses in the name of the victim! But only if the discrimination is
broken, that is, if the barrier between the different victims is broken
and they enter into contact, the crime can be actually exposed, but
then the perpetrators never revealed their names! Who can actually know
about and can implement this kind of crimes? And the problem is
compounded if what they sold is the authorship! Many people has to
acknowledged that they were defrauded and/or taht they tried to defraid
others, though what kind of arguments may the perpetrators use to
convince others to actually buy ideas or authorships I cannot

By saying that "this happened three years ago", tehy may make people
believe that this is not happening just right now, but is something
very pastr, or that it is something that "simply happens" and therefore
tehre isn othing to be done. In both cases there is nothing to be

The fact is that I need my hard drive and there is somebody out there
that has them...

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-07-31 20:53:37 UTC
I fear a cantilever on drugs: this is not yours because you wre on
drugs (side effects), you cannot do this if you are not on drugs so we
cannot credit all this to you. In both cases an invocation is all they
need to justify what they did. And of course, denial is te last step,
so they will pretend that nothing happened!

The problem is that going in the middle (who has access to mail
accounts at the server level with access to passwords? Who has access
to packets on the fly?) this victim cannot know who to contact, and the
other victims can think whatever they can of the other victim, while
the in betweeners canp lay both the way they want and make deals and
businesses in the name of the victim! But only if the discrimination is
broken, that is, if the barrier between the different victims is broken
and they enter into contact, the crime can be actually exposed, but
then the perpetrators never revealed their names! Who can actually know
about and can implement this kind of crimes? And the problem is
compounded if what they sold is the authorship! Many people has to
acknowledged that they were defrauded and/or taht they tried to defraid
others, though what kind of arguments may the perpetrators use to
convince others to actually buy ideas or authorships I cannot

By saying that "this happened three years ago", tehy may make people
believe that this is not happening just right now, but is something
very pastr, or that it is something that "simply happens" and therefore
tehre isn othing to be done. In both cases there is nothing to be

The fact is that I need my hard drive and there is somebody out there
that has them...

They have a chain: they speak in the past of what has not yet been
done. When it is reported or accused, then they commit it to reality,
make it happen and appear the victim as the originator. But the chain
of events and pushes taht leads to your present state is not
acknowledged: then eveything is the present: the past doesn't exist, so
you are judged just on the present, as if it is a permanent condition.

Another character in the circus: a man looking like Warhol, gay,
smoking a cigar in an incovenient, notorious and obvious place, at a
strategic moment... Also a man waiting for somebody very angry in the
corner of one of the shelters.

The only way to break this tricks is, ultimately, to acty according to
line four, hexagram 21 (justice) of the I Ching: straight and
inflexible as a metal arrow... be consistent.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-07-31 22:14:22 UTC
And theu are doing this because a family of torturers and fraudsters
oaid them, and to protect a miserable drug dealer in Mexico DF and an
opossum drug addict in Veracruz we dared to call the police to arrest

I don't know what happened to my cats, I don't know if my mother is
answering my mails, and a group of drug dealers from the UNited States
posing as agents are helping this group of terrorists...

Two years left in the street because there is afraud somewhere in the
SSA and couldn't get my SSN in time... and then sequestered to promote
a gay who said he was called Lu is Bi strain... and another psychotic,
Luis Vargas (the one in my generation not any other homonymous).

And this is supposed to be the United States?

Oh, by the way, they may be exporting strong cryptography to Mexico
with my hard drive. I guess it doesn't matter either. Nothing matters
here. This is what the Mexicans want me to say, don't they?

And if I want justice then theyll say I want revenge, which would prove
I am Lu is Bi strain!!! ANd haven't seen those pictures they are using
to pretext this torture! but I obstricted a park bench, why they gave
me just a few hours? Should have been there for 50 years art least!!!

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Bili Rubin
2005-07-31 22:37:44 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
And theu are doing this because a family of torturers and fraudsters
oaid them, and to protect a miserable drug dealer in Mexico DF and an
opossum drug addict in Veracruz we dared to call the police to arrest
I don't know what happened to my cats, I don't know if my mother is
answering my mails, and a group of drug dealers from the UNited States
posing as agents are helping this group of terrorists...
Two years left in the street because there is afraud somewhere in the
SSA and couldn't get my SSN in time... and then sequestered to promote
a gay who said he was called Lu is Bi strain... and another psychotic,
Luis Vargas (the one in my generation not any other homonymous).
And this is supposed to be the United States?
Oh, by the way, they may be exporting strong cryptography to Mexico
with my hard drive. I guess it doesn't matter either. Nothing matters
here. This is what the Mexicans want me to say, don't they?
And if I want justice then theyll say I want revenge, which would prove
I am Lu is Bi strain!!! ANd haven't seen those pictures they are using
to pretext this torture! but I obstricted a park bench, why they gave
me just a few hours? Should have been there for 50 years art least!!!
Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-07-31 23:02:07 UTC
This is a copy of the mails that are supposedly from my mother in the
mail account we use to keep in touch, though of course these
fundamentalist psychotic fanatics (an interview can prove they are),
are introducing false emails.

Danilo J Bonsignore Re: imaginate el hijo ciudadno americano, con
estudios muy talentoso y hablando ... Sun 07/31 3k
DONDE ESTAS Thu 07/28 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore Como cees que te voy a creer que Luis Bristrain
fue a estados unidos a Thu 07/28 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore quienes son con nombres y con hechos los que no
te dejan estar limpio??? Thu 07/28 2k
Tamesis Cachetes no no entiendo por que no se quienes son"NO ME
Danilo J Bonsignore NO entiendes que no me dejan ni estar limpio????
Tue 07/26 2k
Tamesis Cachetes Ya que mas me queda por decirte? Me quitaste la
oportunidad de vivir como person... Mon 07/25 4k
07/25 2k
Mon 07/25 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore CUAL ORDEN DE RESTRICCION??????????? Mon 07/25
Mon 07/25 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore Es muy facil... Fwd: ves como nada mas hablas
incherencias, si es un militar que... Sat 07/23 4k
Danilo J Bonsignore No tenias ningun derecho de haberme hecho esto,
ahora que Tue 07/19 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore Mira en lo que terminaste y en lo que me hiciste
terminar a mi TU NO TENIAS QUE ... Tue 07/19 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore Tu crees que si yo he sabido que ibas a ir a
vender tu muerte de isabel Tue 07/19 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore yo no me queme pidiendo 50,000.00 pesos para que
tu fueras estados Tue 07/19 3k
PINCHE DE BELINDA??????? Tue 07/19 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore No entendiste que me quitaron a los
gatos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tue 07/19 2k
DE MI VIDA Mon 07/11 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore imaginate el hijo ciudadno americano, con
estudios muy talentoso y hablando ingl... Fri 07/08 2k
AQUI LAS 4 DE TU HORA. Fri 07/08 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore Mira no sabes como odio todo esto cuando TUVE
QUE PEDIR QUE ME Fri 07/08 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore Verdaderamente no me entiendes TU. Fri 07/08 3k

Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J BOnsignore
2005-07-31 23:57:59 UTC
Another trap! They are not letting me do **"NOTHING"**, because quote
"if we let him do he would be like the devil" quote. And at the same
time they can claim that I am useless and there is no loss in
apostrophe sacrificating apostrophe me...

So they don;t let me advance in life to be able to steal from me and at
the same time tey give as garnted what they want to prove!!! And I
still can't understand why the international community is not reacting!

More revenge of the perturbed Mexicans. Against a fundamentally stable
man! (the one inthe tsreet , not the one kidnapped ni teh hotel)
Post by f***@beethoven.com
This is a copy of the mails that are supposedly from my mother in the
mail account we use to keep in touch, though of course these
fundamentalist psychotic fanatics (an interview can prove they are),
are introducing false emails.
Danilo J Bonsignore Re: imaginate el hijo ciudadno americano, con
estudios muy talentoso y hablando ... Sun 07/31 3k
DONDE ESTAS Thu 07/28 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore Como cees que te voy a creer que Luis Bristrain
fue a estados unidos a Thu 07/28 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore quienes son con nombres y con hechos los que no
te dejan estar limpio??? Thu 07/28 2k
Tamesis Cachetes no no entiendo por que no se quienes son"NO ME
Danilo J Bonsignore NO entiendes que no me dejan ni estar limpio????
Tue 07/26 2k
Tamesis Cachetes Ya que mas me queda por decirte? Me quitaste la
oportunidad de vivir como person... Mon 07/25 4k
07/25 2k
Mon 07/25 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore CUAL ORDEN DE RESTRICCION??????????? Mon 07/25
Mon 07/25 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore Es muy facil... Fwd: ves como nada mas hablas
incherencias, si es un militar que... Sat 07/23 4k
Danilo J Bonsignore No tenias ningun derecho de haberme hecho esto,
ahora que Tue 07/19 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore Mira en lo que terminaste y en lo que me hiciste
terminar a mi TU NO TENIAS QUE ... Tue 07/19 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore Tu crees que si yo he sabido que ibas a ir a
vender tu muerte de isabel Tue 07/19 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore yo no me queme pidiendo 50,000.00 pesos para que
tu fueras estados Tue 07/19 3k
PINCHE DE BELINDA??????? Tue 07/19 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore No entendiste que me quitaron a los
gatos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tue 07/19 2k
DE MI VIDA Mon 07/11 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore imaginate el hijo ciudadno americano, con
estudios muy talentoso y hablando ingl... Fri 07/08 2k
AQUI LAS 4 DE TU HORA. Fri 07/08 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore Mira no sabes como odio todo esto cuando TUVE
QUE PEDIR QUE ME Fri 07/08 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore Verdaderamente no me entiendes TU. Fri 07/08 3k
Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J BOnsignore
2005-08-01 19:00:02 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Another trap! They are not letting me do **"NOTHING"**, because quote
"if we let him do he would be like the devil" quote. And at the same
time they can claim that I am useless and there is no loss in
apostrophe sacrificating apostrophe me...
So they don;t let me advance in life to be able to steal from me and at
the same time tey give as garnted what they want to prove!!! And I
still can't understand why the international community is not reacting!
More revenge of the perturbed Mexicans. Against a fundamentally stable
man! (the one inthe tsreet , not the one kidnapped ni teh hotel)
Post by f***@beethoven.com
This is a copy of the mails that are supposedly from my mother in the
mail account we use to keep in touch, though of course these
fundamentalist psychotic fanatics (an interview can prove they are),
are introducing false emails.
Danilo J Bonsignore Re: imaginate el hijo ciudadno americano, con
estudios muy talentoso y hablando ... Sun 07/31 3k
DONDE ESTAS Thu 07/28 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore Como cees que te voy a creer que Luis Bristrain
fue a estados unidos a Thu 07/28 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore quienes son con nombres y con hechos los que no
te dejan estar limpio??? Thu 07/28 2k
Tamesis Cachetes no no entiendo por que no se quienes son"NO ME
Danilo J Bonsignore NO entiendes que no me dejan ni estar limpio????
Tue 07/26 2k
Tamesis Cachetes Ya que mas me queda por decirte? Me quitaste la
oportunidad de vivir como person... Mon 07/25 4k
07/25 2k
Mon 07/25 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore CUAL ORDEN DE RESTRICCION??????????? Mon 07/25
Mon 07/25 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore Es muy facil... Fwd: ves como nada mas hablas
incherencias, si es un militar que... Sat 07/23 4k
Danilo J Bonsignore No tenias ningun derecho de haberme hecho esto,
ahora que Tue 07/19 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore Mira en lo que terminaste y en lo que me hiciste
terminar a mi TU NO TENIAS QUE ... Tue 07/19 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore Tu crees que si yo he sabido que ibas a ir a
vender tu muerte de isabel Tue 07/19 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore yo no me queme pidiendo 50,000.00 pesos para que
tu fueras estados Tue 07/19 3k
PINCHE DE BELINDA??????? Tue 07/19 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore No entendiste que me quitaron a los
gatos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tue 07/19 2k
DE MI VIDA Mon 07/11 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore imaginate el hijo ciudadno americano, con
estudios muy talentoso y hablando ingl... Fri 07/08 2k
AQUI LAS 4 DE TU HORA. Fri 07/08 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore Mira no sabes como odio todo esto cuando TUVE
QUE PEDIR QUE ME Fri 07/08 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore Verdaderamente no me entiendes TU. Fri 07/08 3k
Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J BOnsignore
And what a trap: keep neutralized, everything difficult, static, to
claim a dark vague menace that can become whatever, but also to claim
uselessnes, a no-loss, an apostrophe "adequate" apostrophe... And to
make it worse such inutilization is also the excuse to claim Sainthood!
Apostrof He is too goood, he must be hiding something, I don't believe
it, it is suspicious apostrof. So if you don't ACTUALLY commmit crime
THEN it apostrof proves apostrof that you HAD done something, otherwise
you would not be so GOOD. (as an addendum: same argument but for
sickness, as in he does n9thing because he is sick of the mind, the
body, the spirit or all three).

Traps? What about this (foreign) closure:

A bunch of MExicans abusing me to steal this More on Sterens

"is, was, will be"

YHWH, the secret letters, the secret name, that name which must not be
mentioned lest it identifies Him. And each letter a secret, a word, a
formula. Sacrificed to Him, He! A fact, given as a fact, something that
had happened, but was still in the future! An is that was but will be
because it is that it was and not yet, a creatio ex nihilo, a self
fulfilling prophecy, the Christ sacrificed as matter of fact just
because it WAS sacrificed. The past as a guide to the future.

But mind that it _was_ already at that moment. I.e., it was a GIVEN!
GIven by whom to whom? Here is the link to the Egyptians, the Jews
Persecuted by Egyptians, or maybe the Egyptians persecuting the Jews
being persecuted by the Romans, persecuting the Arabs, persecuting... A
simple formula pplied once and again from utter antiquity and yet not
written, not REALLY written nor explained, simply a... tradition? A
tradition to sacrifice THEM! But not THEIR THEM, OUR THEM. Those of us
Humans, those of us ahead, or those who can go ahead...

Where was tis formula originated? Such a sophistication! From times
when the rule of force was the force of the rules...

A backbone of History. All our histories! Antiquity as we know it. And
yet the Aztecs were also victims. Cuauhtemoc and Nezahualpilli, heroe
and poet, betrayed by an expectation, a self defeat: they _are_ (the
Spaniards) as it was (the prophecy) and will be (the inevitable
conquest). A story, a PREVIOUS STORY. That has to be followed by the
silly, the dumb, the naive, the careless, the believers, the skeptics,
the indifferent... The story unfolding itself in front of their own
eyes! It is the sense of AWE that disables and leaves you astounded,
immovable, a spectator letting things occur, believeing just for
believing, just because it _was_ mentioned, this was being one minute
ago, one hour ago, days ago, years ago... such a view of time, two
eternities between us, the past and the future flat while the present
is passing and no distinction is made. So past is past and cannot be
changed: Absolute Truth (even if it is a lie). And being Absolute
Truth, the nearest thing to God, consequences must follow. And it
doesn't matter if one past is paster than the other past! That one
event led to another event, that there is a historic development, taht
not everything is real truth (onle what was said, the fact of the
speech - description of facts, not the fact of
speech-describing-actually-happened-events. It is within this game of
blocks hiding blocks toil all is flat that the past manipulates the
future, and this present-describing-a-descripted-past becomes
future-that-is-a-present-past. The prophecy fulfilled by the mere and
simple resoure of lying it!!! Sacrificed... just because it was said
"sacrifice him"! Not a single strand of Reason, Rationality,
HUMANITY here. Man as a mere animal... seen as such by... Whim, I mean

Fabrizio J Bonsgnore now Danilo J Bonsignore

I wonder and worry: the trap is too obvious! Mexico leveraging on the
US laws, an implicit threat of extradition of X (name your favorite
indispensible US character) unless... and te extradition based on the
least and most suspicious claim-accusation: drugs. So easily faked, so
easily qts "proven" qts, so easily stigmatized! A simple power
argument: qts "X on drugs, extradite or you are legalizing drugs
(unbounded jusriprudence, or the non willingness to decide for limited
jurisprudence, eternal dilemma for eternal void polemic), but maybe we
can NEGOTIATE, this for that, my (claimant) advantage for your
disadvantage... or you siffer another disadvantage." qts BLACKJACK! And
we lose. No matter what, our own rules self defeat. But then there ARE
winners. Perticuler winners. Who cares if the social solution, the
social benefits and costs yield a loss if those perticuler interests
have a win! And so and on til the closure closes and the circle
diminshes itself to a point. A sad, empty, pointless point...
[It also works if somebody self-sacrifices {with good support, of
course}, and claims that the individual was drugged by him/her. The
word of the so persecuted poisoners WILL be stronger than that of the
victim taht is going to be abused and robbed by this

And following the same reasonings, another trap, this time with illegal
sex for the very Freudian: what can be the ultimate goal but sex,
including but not necessarily taboo sex? So promise it! As payment,
ultimate payment, sex and money, a l l o w it (only authorities),
promote greed and envy with sex, manipulate throught it ((((to greater
powers)))) and once the weak individual falls... WHAM! The authority,
the TEMPTATOR, knows! And thus the leverage is obtained! Who can think
of sex when you are hungry and homeless and have the very basic needs
and those pertaining to your own nature insatisfied for a LONG while
because of THAT kind of individuals?

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Bili Rubin
2005-08-01 19:08:36 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Another trap! They are not letting me do **"NOTHING"**, because quote
"if we let him do he would be like the devil" quote. And at the same
time they can claim that I am useless and there is no loss in
apostrophe sacrificating apostrophe me...
So they don;t let me advance in life to be able to steal from me and at
the same time tey give as garnted what they want to prove!!! And I
still can't understand why the international community is not reacting!
More revenge of the perturbed Mexicans. Against a fundamentally stable
man! (the one inthe tsreet , not the one kidnapped ni teh hotel)
Post by f***@beethoven.com
This is a copy of the mails that are supposedly from my mother in the
mail account we use to keep in touch, though of course these
fundamentalist psychotic fanatics (an interview can prove they are),
are introducing false emails.
Danilo J Bonsignore Re: imaginate el hijo ciudadno americano, con
estudios muy talentoso y hablando ... Sun 07/31 3k
DONDE ESTAS Thu 07/28 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore Como cees que te voy a creer que Luis Bristrain
fue a estados unidos a Thu 07/28 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore quienes son con nombres y con hechos los que no
te dejan estar limpio??? Thu 07/28 2k
Tamesis Cachetes no no entiendo por que no se quienes son"NO ME
Danilo J Bonsignore NO entiendes que no me dejan ni estar limpio????
Tue 07/26 2k
Tamesis Cachetes Ya que mas me queda por decirte? Me quitaste la
oportunidad de vivir como person... Mon 07/25 4k
07/25 2k
Mon 07/25 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore CUAL ORDEN DE RESTRICCION??????????? Mon 07/25
Mon 07/25 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore Es muy facil... Fwd: ves como nada mas hablas
incherencias, si es un militar que... Sat 07/23 4k
Danilo J Bonsignore No tenias ningun derecho de haberme hecho esto,
ahora que Tue 07/19 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore Mira en lo que terminaste y en lo que me hiciste
terminar a mi TU NO TENIAS QUE ... Tue 07/19 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore Tu crees que si yo he sabido que ibas a ir a
vender tu muerte de isabel Tue 07/19 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore yo no me queme pidiendo 50,000.00 pesos para que
tu fueras estados Tue 07/19 3k
PINCHE DE BELINDA??????? Tue 07/19 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore No entendiste que me quitaron a los
gatos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tue 07/19 2k
DE MI VIDA Mon 07/11 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore imaginate el hijo ciudadno americano, con
estudios muy talentoso y hablando ingl... Fri 07/08 2k
AQUI LAS 4 DE TU HORA. Fri 07/08 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore Mira no sabes como odio todo esto cuando TUVE
QUE PEDIR QUE ME Fri 07/08 2k
Danilo J Bonsignore Verdaderamente no me entiendes TU. Fri 07/08 3k
Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J BOnsignore
And what a trap: keep neutralized, everything difficult, static, to
claim a dark vague menace that can become whatever, but also to claim
uselessnes, a no-loss, an apostrophe "adequate" apostrophe... And to
make it worse such inutilization is also the excuse to claim Sainthood!
Apostrof He is too goood, he must be hiding something, I don't believe
it, it is suspicious apostrof. So if you don't ACTUALLY commmit crime
THEN it apostrof proves apostrof that you HAD done something, otherwise
you would not be so GOOD. (as an addendum: same argument but for
sickness, as in he does n9thing because he is sick of the mind, the
body, the spirit or all three).

Traps? What about this (foreign) closure:

A bunch of MExicans abusing me to steal this More on Sterens

"is, was, will be"

YHWH, the secret letters, the secret name, that name which must not be
mentioned lest it identifies Him. And each letter a secret, a word, a
formula. Sacrificed to Him, He! A fact, given as a fact, something that
had happened, but was still in the future! An is that was but will be
because it is that it was and not yet, a creatio ex nihilo, a self
fulfilling prophecy, the Christ sacrificed as matter of fact just
because it WAS sacrificed. The past as a guide to the future.

But mind that it _was_ already at that moment. I.e., it was a GIVEN!
GIven by whom to whom? Here is the link to the Egyptians, the Jews
Persecuted by Egyptians, or maybe the Egyptians persecuting the Jews
being persecuted by the Romans, persecuting the Arabs, persecuting... A
simple formula pplied once and again from utter antiquity and yet not
written, not REALLY written nor explained, simply a... tradition? A
tradition to sacrifice THEM! But not THEIR THEM, OUR THEM. Those of us
Humans, those of us ahead, or those who can go ahead...

Where was tis formula originated? Such a sophistication! From times
when the rule of force was the force of the rules...

A backbone of History. All our histories! Antiquity as we know it. And
yet the Aztecs were also victims. Cuauhtemoc and Nezahualpilli, heroe
and poet, betrayed by an expectation, a self defeat: they _are_ (the
Spaniards) as it was (the prophecy) and will be (the inevitable
conquest). A story, a PREVIOUS STORY. That has to be followed by the
silly, the dumb, the naive, the careless, the believers, the skeptics,
the indifferent... The story unfolding itself in front of their own
eyes! It is the sense of AWE that disables and leaves you astounded,
immovable, a spectator letting things occur, believeing just for
believing, just because it _was_ mentioned, this was being one minute
ago, one hour ago, days ago, years ago... such a view of time, two
eternities between us, the past and the future flat while the present
is passing and no distinction is made. So past is past and cannot be
changed: Absolute Truth (even if it is a lie). And being Absolute
Truth, the nearest thing to God, consequences must follow. And it
doesn't matter if one past is paster than the other past! That one
event led to another event, that there is a historic development, taht
not everything is real truth (onle what was said, the fact of the
speech - description of facts, not the fact of
speech-describing-actually-happened-events. It is within this game of
blocks hiding blocks toil all is flat that the past manipulates the
future, and this present-describing-a-descripted-past becomes
future-that-is-a-present-past. The prophecy fulfilled by the mere and
simple resoure of lying it!!! Sacrificed... just because it was said
"sacrifice him"! Not a single strand of Reason, Rationality,
HUMANITY here. Man as a mere animal... seen as such by... Whim, I mean

Fabrizio J Bonsgnore now Danilo J Bonsignore

I wonder and worry: the trap is too obvious! Mexico leveraging on the
US laws, an implicit threat of extradition of X (name your favorite
indispensible US character) unless... and te extradition based on the
least and most suspicious claim-accusation: drugs. So easily faked, so
easily qts "proven" qts, so easily stigmatized! A simple power
argument: qts "X on drugs, extradite or you are legalizing drugs
(unbounded jusriprudence, or the non willingness to decide for limited
jurisprudence, eternal dilemma for eternal void polemic), but maybe we
can NEGOTIATE, this for that, my (claimant) advantage for your
disadvantage... or you siffer another disadvantage." qts BLACKJACK! And
we lose. No matter what, our own rules self defeat. But then there ARE
winners. Perticuler winners. Who cares if the social solution, the
social benefits and costs yield a loss if those perticuler interests
have a win! And so and on til the closure closes and the circle
diminshes itself to a point. A sad, empty, pointless point...
[It also works if somebody self-sacrifices {with good support, of
course}, and claims that the individual was drugged by him/her. The
word of the so persecuted poisoners WILL be stronger than that of the
victim taht is going to be abused and robbed by this

And following the same reasonings, another trap, this time with illegal
sex for the very Freudian: what can be the ultimate goal but sex,
including but not necessarily taboo sex? So promise it! As payment,
ultimate payment, sex and money, a l l o w it (only authorities),
promote greed and envy with sex, manipulate throught it ((((to greater
powers)))) and once the weak individual falls... WHAM! The authority,
the TEMPTATOR, knows! And thus the leverage is obtained! Who can think
of sex when you are hungry and homeless and have the very basic needs
and those pertaining to your own nature insatisfied for a LONG while
because of THAT kind of individuals?

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore

2005-08-01 23:58:00 UTC
Fabrizio Bonsignore:
On May 9, 1999, the Mexican Policia Judicial Federal (PJF) issued a
warrant for your arrest for selling and distributing narcotics on
Mexican territory. I have been informed that there is a group of bounty
hunters looking for you, as we speak. They think you are still in New
York, and there is a large bounty for your head. Please be very
careful. They are closing in on you...

I have some information re the agents that are after you. A friend in
law enforcement told me that some judiciales were questioning a
musician named Roberto Valero-Valdez, a.k.a. Matt or Matto. This same
judiciales once took Belinda to the police HQ and fucked her very hard
until she fainted. Then they fucked her in the ass. I´ll keep you
2005-08-02 18:34:07 UTC
***@yahoo.com wrote:
On May 9, 1999, the Mexican Policia Judicial Federal (PJF) issued a
warrant for your arrest for selling and distributing narcotics on
Mexican territory. I have been informed that there is a group of
hunters looking for you, as we speak. They think you are still in New
York, and there is a large bounty for your head. Please be very
careful. They are closing in on you...

I have some information re the agents that are after you. A friend in
law enforcement told me that some judiciales were questioning a
musician named Roberto Valero-Valdez, a.k.a. Matt or Matto. This same
judiciales once took Belinda to the police HQ and fucked her very hard
until she fainted. Then they fucked her in the ass. I´ll keep you

I don't know who you are, but in 1999 I met Alejandro Ledezma Torres,
whose uncle is a policia judicial and his father the driver of a
politician (I believe it is Jonguitud, but may be just a
misunderstanding). That individual assaulted my house and stole a
computer with lots of programming code, being himself a programmer. At
the time I was living in the same place I lived in since I was three
til 1999, when I rented an apprtment next to the office where I met
this individual, though I didn't really moved there for several months!
And then would visit my moter almost every day...

Roberto Valero is the brother of my best friend for years Carlos, a PhD
mathematician in Oxford. Mato (we always called him that way), is
probably the only and first person who I can reliably call to "prove"
that composed "in the womb...", a musical composition in ghamac.org
which I composed and uploaded in 2000, after I bought a GR30 guitar.
Since 1998 to the end of 2000 I was working as a programmer of C++ and

And it was after I began composing music in earnest in 2000 that a
bunch of wackos, who may include the son of President Fox, began
plotting how to steal my computer and kill me and have been persecuting
me since them! So I don't understand how can there be a warrant or a
bounty hunters! In fact, I even participated in a government program
for charity which ended in pure disarray, and furthermore, during that
period I went through a name change trail, a birth certificate
invalidation trial, called the police after those wackos entered my
appartment and even went to a delegacion to report them to the policia
judicial! Who, of course, solidarized with the criminals and did

As for Belinda, she is still my life's love! Even when contact was lost
for years... So if you are actually trying a bad joke... I prefer this
to be true. I believe Belinda is or was working in the foreign service
of Mexico. I was in touch with her in 2004 after I published my
extraordinary music, but lost contact because of the criminals who are
doing this.

BTW, I sent to Casey Monahan my last composition at the time, and
knowing the quality of my music it amy be that even the governor knows
of it. (Fact is I can re-compose it again and even better, in case
somebody tried to sell it to somebody else to promote who knows what
kind of lie that is an obvious lie).

What am I supposed to do? I've suffer more than 40 assaults! I fear for
the life of Belinda! And others. Particularly since it is obvious that
he narcotics policemen are actually the drug dealers themselves! Should
be obvious, after 50 years of fighting drugs! Nobody can be more
intelligent than a whole society interested with all its being and
resources to end that kind of commerce.

It is not enough to post this here. I need more information, as to
where to go to corroborate this and where can I get help, since after
several situations, I know this is the product of a lifelong
conspiration by people from a country whose only contribution to
culture is to have no contributions at all (at least they have to
credit my poem Mexico! And the poem Sacrificado... plus the fact that
my abilities are intact and in the end they are just making me waste
time, nothing extraordinary for people of a country which is actually
only letting time pass while something happens... (see my theory of
underdevelopment based on envy; it is the result of my experience in
that place)).

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Bili Rubin
2005-07-31 22:37:40 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
I fear a cantilever on drugs: this is not yours because you wre on
drugs (side effects), you cannot do this if you are not on drugs so we
cannot credit all this to you. In both cases an invocation is all they
need to justify what they did. And of course, denial is te last step,
so they will pretend that nothing happened!
The problem is that going in the middle (who has access to mail
accounts at the server level with access to passwords? Who has access
to packets on the fly?) this victim cannot know who to contact, and the
other victims can think whatever they can of the other victim, while
the in betweeners canp lay both the way they want and make deals and
businesses in the name of the victim! But only if the discrimination is
broken, that is, if the barrier between the different victims is broken
and they enter into contact, the crime can be actually exposed, but
then the perpetrators never revealed their names! Who can actually know
about and can implement this kind of crimes? And the problem is
compounded if what they sold is the authorship! Many people has to
acknowledged that they were defrauded and/or taht they tried to defraid
others, though what kind of arguments may the perpetrators use to
convince others to actually buy ideas or authorships I cannot
By saying that "this happened three years ago", tehy may make people
believe that this is not happening just right now, but is something
very pastr, or that it is something that "simply happens" and therefore
tehre isn othing to be done. In both cases there is nothing to be
The fact is that I need my hard drive and there is somebody out there
that has them...
They have a chain: they speak in the past of what has not yet been
done. When it is reported or accused, then they commit it to reality,
make it happen and appear the victim as the originator. But the chain
of events and pushes taht leads to your present state is not
acknowledged: then eveything is the present: the past doesn't exist, so
you are judged just on the present, as if it is a permanent condition.
Another character in the circus: a man looking like Warhol, gay,
smoking a cigar in an incovenient, notorious and obvious place, at a
strategic moment... Also a man waiting for somebody very angry in the
corner of one of the shelters.
The only way to break this tricks is, ultimately, to acty according to
line four, hexagram 21 (justice) of the I Ching: straight and
inflexible as a metal arrow... be consistent.
Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Bili Rubin
2005-07-31 22:37:36 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
I fear a cantilever on drugs: this is not yours because you wre on
drugs (side effects), you cannot do this if you are not on drugs so we
cannot credit all this to you. In both cases an invocation is all they
need to justify what they did. And of course, denial is te last step,
so they will pretend that nothing happened!
The problem is that going in the middle (who has access to mail
accounts at the server level with access to passwords? Who has access
to packets on the fly?) this victim cannot know who to contact, and the
other victims can think whatever they can of the other victim, while
the in betweeners canp lay both the way they want and make deals and
businesses in the name of the victim! But only if the discrimination is
broken, that is, if the barrier between the different victims is broken
and they enter into contact, the crime can be actually exposed, but
then the perpetrators never revealed their names! Who can actually know
about and can implement this kind of crimes? And the problem is
compounded if what they sold is the authorship! Many people has to
acknowledged that they were defrauded and/or taht they tried to defraid
others, though what kind of arguments may the perpetrators use to
convince others to actually buy ideas or authorships I cannot
By saying that "this happened three years ago", tehy may make people
believe that this is not happening just right now, but is something
very pastr, or that it is something that "simply happens" and therefore
tehre isn othing to be done. In both cases there is nothing to be
The fact is that I need my hard drive and there is somebody out there
that has them...
Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Bili Rubin
2005-07-31 22:37:08 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
I believe they are "defeating" the associates and family if the robbers
they sent against me! So they can incriminate me. And also the people
of friends or would be helpers, to get me even more enemies.
And tehy kept sending robbers to"prove" drug addiction! This is the
theory of side effects.
Isn't it better to get rid of a few perverted individuals and let
others be than to protect this aberrations? Bad business: to trade
honest people and propositive people to protect the criminal families
of a few aberrated and perturbed gangsters from another country...
Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Bili Rubin
2005-07-31 22:37:08 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
I believe they are "defeating" the associates and family if the robbers
they sent against me! So they can incriminate me. And also the people
of friends or would be helpers, to get me even more enemies.
And tehy kept sending robbers to"prove" drug addiction! This is the
theory of side effects.
Isn't it better to get rid of a few perverted individuals and let
others be than to protect this aberrations? Bad business: to trade
honest people and propositive people to protect the criminal families
of a few aberrated and perturbed gangsters from another country...
Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Bili Rubin
2005-07-31 22:37:01 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
They just confessed they rejected several scholarships that arrived to
my mail accounts! It is a matter of finding which schools sent those
scholarshps to accuse them of fraud. I didn't reject nor received any
scholarship despite my interest and the mails I sent to get a
The excuse that they "didn't believe" is a bad escuse, because they are
using it to prevent me from actually *showing* and *proving*. They want
me to do time to have time to erase all evidences and have the fraud
Ib elieve there was a fake news about my death in Los Angeles. meant to
hide me or to "save face". Also, the embassy officials who gave me my
passport may be in danger. I am sure there has been a fraud with my
borth certificate in El Paso Texas. I had a copy that was lost with my
computer and luggage. I am a accusing these people of fraid and
identity theft!
It is not the property lost, but the intellectual contents: it is like
They are very comfortable protected by some kind of agent whjile I am
passing hunger in teh street. Today Id on;t have money to eat and will
have to wait til next month to have some food, tehrefore I am exposed
to whatever foos is given in the shelters plus all the rumors of poison
in the food and medications I don't want to take.
That they are committing a big fraud is obvious.
I am accusing the son of Fox (the one I call Faunhofer, name he gave to
Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-07-31 22:59:09 UTC
Post by Bili Rubin
Te falto la A de BILIRUBINA. Tal vez sea alguna enfermedad mental, no
se, escuchar canciones y no oir algunas letras... Si hasta yo la
escuche! Y eso que a mi esas cnciones vulgares no me agradan. Prefiero
el rock superpesado y la musica clasica...
Bili Rubin
2005-08-01 00:45:57 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Post by Bili Rubin
Te falto la A de BILIRUBINA. Tal vez sea alguna enfermedad mental, no
se, escuchar canciones y no oir algunas letras... Si hasta yo la
escuche! Y eso que a mi esas cnciones vulgares no me agradan. Prefiero
el rock superpesado y la musica clasica...
FUCKING NUTCASE speaking Spanish. No me jodas.
2005-08-01 18:45:49 UTC
Post by Bili Rubin
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Post by Bili Rubin
Te falto la A de BILIRUBINA. Tal vez sea alguna enfermedad mental, no
se, escuchar canciones y no oir algunas letras... Si hasta yo la
escuche! Y eso que a mi esas cnciones vulgares no me agradan. Prefiero
el rock superpesado y la musica clasica...
FUCKING NUTCASE speaking Spanish. No me jodas.
A. Ah? Termino tecnico?
Bili Rubin
2005-08-01 19:08:21 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Post by Bili Rubin
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Post by Bili Rubin
Te falto la A de BILIRUBINA. Tal vez sea alguna enfermedad mental, no
se, escuchar canciones y no oir algunas letras... Si hasta yo la
escuche! Y eso que a mi esas cnciones vulgares no me agradan. Prefiero
el rock superpesado y la musica clasica...
FUCKING NUTCASE speaking Spanish. No me jodas.
A. Ah? Termino tecnico?
FUCKING NUTCASE. Fuck off and die.
2005-08-02 18:11:54 UTC
My email accounts are being closed, even those I was maintaining. The
server for this account is being closed someday, and it was my most
stable account. ***@hotmail.com was stolen, so I reverted back
to the account of fbonignore in that server, but I was unable to log in
for months; ergo, my mails were deleted, including those were I was in
touch with an official of the SSA, which is the reason why I ended in
Skid Row, after more than four months waiting for the citizenship, I
mean, for the SSN.

Now I fear that whoever is using my mail accounts has been sending
mails in my name to some guy in LA, probably pretending that ****I****
wanted to do drug dealing from LA to NY! And that individual, a very
passing acquaintance, very probably accepted and was incriminated by
the hackers. If he beieves those mails are mine, then ***I*** am
incriminated. The real problem seems to be that there are no **humans**
in this country able to understand that I have incredible music to
sell, writings, (had) programming applications and patentable material
conceived over a span of 10 years (since 1993), plus made several
contributions (incomplete) to economics and probably physics, including
ideas to link physics and politics, plus a model that links physics,
the mind, telepathy and sociology in a single, unified model. Which is
motives enough to have a bunch of miserables from the backyard
desperate to becime somebodys while making my life miserable and
affecting my health. And they are very probably selling my works and
ideas to several people in the United States to create conflict and
blame me...

I believe there is some wacko using infrarred lasers to hurt me.

I remembered that there is a guy I haven't seen since I was eight years
whose father is a Mexican judge. His name is Camilo, orange brunette,
green eyes. I was reminded of him because of a common acquaintance I
found once and told me about some frauds in the FOREX companies that
suddenly began sprouting everywhere around 1997.

Since it is obvious I was **purposefully** and illegaly (under any
common sense assumption of fairness and decency in law) incommunicated,
I demand to have a compensation for the lost opportunities and the
inquisitorial techniques this people has been using to prompt me to
write this, plus, of course, the cowardly theft of my hard drive and
the persecution I experienced for years. Knowing the corruption in
Mexico, I am afraid that suddenly I have no friends and even my family
and very close acquaintances are turned into accusers. That's why I
fear they are being threatened and their most basic rights denied by a
government that controls people with fear of the murderers of the
judicial. (You have to live in that country to understand what it

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Bili Rubin
2005-08-02 19:00:58 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
My email accounts are being closed, even those I was maintaining. The
server for this account is being closed someday, and it was my most
to the account of fbonignore in that server, but I was unable to log in
for months; ergo, my mails were deleted, including those were I was in
touch with an official of the SSA, which is the reason why I ended in
Skid Row, after more than four months waiting for the citizenship, I
mean, for the SSN.
Now I fear that whoever is using my mail accounts has been sending
mails in my name to some guy in LA, probably pretending that ****I****
wanted to do drug dealing from LA to NY! And that individual, a very
passing acquaintance, very probably accepted and was incriminated by
the hackers. If he beieves those mails are mine, then ***I*** am
incriminated. The real problem seems to be that there are no **humans**
in this country able to understand that I have incredible music to
sell, writings, (had) programming applications and patentable material
conceived over a span of 10 years (since 1993), plus made several
contributions (incomplete) to economics and probably physics, including
ideas to link physics and politics, plus a model that links physics,
the mind, telepathy and sociology in a single, unified model. Which is
motives enough to have a bunch of miserables from the backyard
desperate to becime somebodys while making my life miserable and
affecting my health. And they are very probably selling my works and
ideas to several people in the United States to create conflict and
blame me...
I believe there is some wacko using infrarred lasers to hurt me.
I remembered that there is a guy I haven't seen since I was eight years
whose father is a Mexican judge. His name is Camilo, orange brunette,
green eyes. I was reminded of him because of a common acquaintance I
found once and told me about some frauds in the FOREX companies that
suddenly began sprouting everywhere around 1997.
Since it is obvious I was **purposefully** and illegaly (under any
common sense assumption of fairness and decency in law) incommunicated,
I demand to have a compensation for the lost opportunities and the
inquisitorial techniques this people has been using to prompt me to
write this, plus, of course, the cowardly theft of my hard drive and
the persecution I experienced for years. Knowing the corruption in
Mexico, I am afraid that suddenly I have no friends and even my family
and very close acquaintances are turned into accusers. That's why I
fear they are being threatened and their most basic rights denied by a
government that controls people with fear of the murderers of the
judicial. (You have to live in that country to understand what it
Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-02 20:11:21 UTC
Post by Bili Rubin
You lost control. What work are you trying to keep for yourself?
2005-08-02 20:32:19 UTC
Looks like they HAVE to do this against me or they will be shot! Who
would you choose? I choose myself, I am being actually creative...
2005-08-02 23:56:45 UTC
Another hater... a lawuer son of the builing manager. He tried to take
the apartment by force, but fortunately my mother didn't sign. Then it
happened that the contract was never updated! So he took revenge on my
grandmother and sent them to Veracruz... He even tried to embargo (my
copmuter) even when the lawsuit was already won. It was then when I
finally occupied my apartment. But I went back on February 2001, when I
composed and played one month. Curiously enough, I was acepted in my
new job the same day he filed the lawsuit. I guess he hated me... last
time I saw him I was very inspired with JesusChrist Superstar,

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-03 16:16:03 UTC
That there is a Lt. O'Shea. I don't know who he might be. I wrote the
FB first time in Los Angeles. I don't know who is the moron trying to
reach conclusions from the deleted mail accounts. My mail accounts are
beingc losed! I was already in tocuh with people who could help me,
common interests, and the mail account was suddenly closed.

Where do you get help if you have a corrupted policeman or something
pretending to be you, stalking you and making gratuituos enemies not
for you, but for the image he made of you! With your name. Or maybe
another name. Today another rejection! And it is because somebody
(notthis) is not telling the truth!

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Bili Rubin
2005-08-03 16:43:36 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
That there is a Lt. O'Shea. I don't know who he might be. I wrote the
FB first time in Los Angeles. I don't know who is the moron trying to
reach conclusions from the deleted mail accounts. My mail accounts are
beingc losed! I was already in tocuh with people who could help me,
common interests, and the mail account was suddenly closed.
Where do you get help if you have a corrupted policeman or something
pretending to be you, stalking you and making gratuituos enemies not
for you, but for the image he made of you! With your name. Or maybe
another name. Today another rejection! And it is because somebody
(notthis) is not telling the truth!
Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-08 04:29:34 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
That there is a Lt. O'Shea. I don't know who he might be. I wrote the
FB first time in Los Angeles. I don't know who is the moron trying to
reach conclusions from the deleted mail accounts. My mail accounts are
beingc losed! I was already in tocuh with people who could help me,
common interests, and the mail account was suddenly closed.
Where do you get help if you have a corrupted policeman or something
pretending to be you, stalking you and making gratuituos enemies not
for you, but for the image he made of you! With your name. Or maybe
another name. Today another rejection! And it is because somebody
(notthis) is not telling the truth!
Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-08 04:30:52 UTC
I am just a private investigator with some connections in law
enforcement. It so happens that some former agents from the Policia
Judicial Federal think you are related to the murder of their former
boss, all powerful (in the 80's) Primer Comandante Guillermo Gonzalez
Calderoni, in McAllen (if I remember correctly). Why they think so, I
don´t know, but they won´t rest until they have your head.
2005-08-09 21:46:46 UTC
Post by w***@yahoo.com
I am just a private investigator with some connections in law
enforcement. It so happens that some former agents from the Policia
Judicial Federal think you are related to the murder of their former
boss, all powerful (in the 80's) Primer Comandante Guillermo Gonzalez
Calderoni, in McAllen (if I remember correctly). Why they think so, I
don´t know, but they won´t rest until they have your head.
There is an almost direct link Lu is -> Herrera -> Indiana ->
ex WH Security Chief -> Karl Rove. Saying I am Lu is wouldn't help

I think those two guys, the Vargas, had plastic surgeries and now they
look vaguely like I do. Vargas would be that guy I saw in the visitors
center, with heavy rimmed glasses, woolly hair like auburn (dyed) and
he also has a triangular face. He may have dental work too. Didn't
watch him well, but the impression is that it is the same Vargas
looking like me as Lu is looks now like Ed gar Arredon do. They must
have my copmuter because they hacked the account were it was reported.
It was the new Vargas whom I said that it looke like that I was in
"a whirlwind of bullets"... That;s why I didn't even look at
him. Several encounters of that kind happened in the visitors center. I
didn't look at them, some said I was Lu is, but I know that place is
under surveillance, so I tried not to pay attention nor imply innocent
people, fell in their trap. I don't know the purpose of those
anconuters, that's why I didn't react.

THere is still my near double. I don;t know where he is. Probably he is
the guy who went to Washington... or Sacramento.

What I didn't think about at first is that the descendants of Eche
verria Alv arez are still in the Mexican politics. I doubt they will
remain neytral, but I don't know how far they are involved in this
affair. I doubt that kind of politician would simply retire to a villa
to paint!

They mentioned that it was the father if Herminio Blanco who went to
see the "nephew of Al bright" to plan this personal attack.

They even bet I would end up in the streets! So with a bet in between,
there is an incentive to produce the situation. And it is very easy if
you manipulate the police toharass the victim! They purposefully
stopped my SSN, which is very easy just by making officials to fail
their duty by seeding doubts in them.

They are artificially creating antecedents in my case against me!
People won't realize the circumstances, they will only receive a
discrete fact: police file. THAT is unfairness.

Some more tricks. The corkscrew: invite the victim to be like (your
issue). For example. Accuse of genocide, then insist on it.

Another trick they are using is to take credit for whatvere happens, so
it appears they have more power than they actually do. You sprained
your ankle? They will say they made you suffer it...

Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J BOnsignore
2005-08-09 21:51:22 UTC
I am just a private investigator with some connections in law
enforcement. It so happens that some former agents from the Policia
Judicial Federal think you are related to the murder of their former
boss, all powerful (in the 80's) Primer Comandante Guillermo Gonzalez
Calderoni, in McAllen (if I remember correctly). Why they think so, I
don´t know, but they won´t rest until they have your head.

My goodness! I think you are posting this to a [personal mix of letters
to denote that person] which is not the one I actually bear in the
place I am. Have never been in McAllen. It may also be that there was a
life long impersonation of my name to force me to change my name and
keep my rights and works. They would claim to be innocent because my
works would be credited to them!!!

It may well be that the first option is what is being confusing
everybody, scribts in the middel, madalman attack so that headers are
changed and in each concentration of people a different mix of literals
is read, to enable several robbers... Though you know well the city I
am in, though, also, it maybe that the tranns lators are actually
changing the city too!

You can see several motives behind. If you are honest, I do appreciate
your help.

Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J BOnsignore
2005-08-09 21:52:46 UTC
Will post it tomorrow. Free internet sessions today are closed... The
day is over. Time to stay awake and on the move...

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo Jose Bonsignore
2005-08-09 23:24:06 UTC
You are right about Echeverria. They tell me there is a power struggle
between him and Salinas to sponsor the next presidential candidate and
regain political power. I think Echeverria supports Lopez Obrador and
Salinas, Madrazo Pintado. Did you have any connections with CSG?,
because Calderoni worked in the PGR during part of his term. On the
other hand, LEA is still friends with Nassar, former head of the
Federal Security Directorate, who still has many many contacts in the
CIA and FBI. Moreover, Subcomandante Marcos is active again, and he is
against Lopez Obrador. This is a very complex maze, and I still don´t
know how you fit in there. We´ll keep in touch.
2005-08-10 19:38:24 UTC
You are right about Echeverria. They <a style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="http://www.qklinkserver.com/lm/rtl3.asp?si=76&k=tell%20me&st=1" onmouseover="window.status='Search for: tell me'; self.ql_skeyphrase='tell%20me'; if(window.event) self.ql_sevent=window.event.srcElement; self.ql_timeout = setTimeout('ql_doMouseOver(1)', 1000); self.ql_isOverLink=true; return true;" onclick="if(self.ql_timeout) clearTimeout(self.ql_timeout); self.ql_isOverTip = false; ql_closeiframe(); self.ql_skeyphrase='tell%20me'; window.status='Search for: tell me';return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; if(self.ql_timeout) clearTimeout(self.ql_timeout); self.ql_isOverTip = false; setTimeout('ql_closeiframe()', 1500); ">tell me</a> there is a power struggle
between him and Salinas to sponsor the next presidential candidate and
regain political power. I think Echeverria supports Lopez Obrador and
Salinas, Madrazo Pintado. Did you have any connections with CSG?,
because Calderoni worked in the PGR during part of his term. On the
other hand, LEA is still friends with Nassar, former head of the
Federal Security Directorate, who still has many many contacts in the
CIA and FBI. Moreover, Subcomandante Marcos is active again, and he is
against Lopez Obrador. This is a very complex maze, and I still don´t
know how you fit in there. We´ll keep in touch.
I should reply and keep posting but my posts from here are being lost
and they finally managed to make me feel depressed. Sleeping is a very
depressing activity.
2005-08-11 15:27:36 UTC
I now remembered an old rumor that Rincon Gallardo was actually one of
the heads of the Mexican secret service. I think I was like 11 or 12
years old when this rumor reached me, probably from the tourism
secretariat. If it is true, it explains why Lu is was following his
mirroring strategy. I don't mean Lu is Var gas, but the other Lu is.
the fact is that both were linked by the same school, one gave me the
scholarship, the other one was a student in that scool.

The current problem seems to be that the original thieves (that pair of
stupids) and the other impersonators were substituted by people from
the US. So it is now the second snake of the caduceum. I no longer know
who is playing my name, if any, but wherever I go it is just problems!
Too many constraints at the same time. No money turns you into a

Excuses they will find, no doubt, to justify themselves, but in the end
it is a bad trade! And a fraud. ANd it is all based on lies as far as I
understand. Too much information suddenly comes my way, but I cannot
assimilate it. Already said it is more an exposure than actual
advertisement, particularly since I still have to walk blocks and
blocks and have no nailcutter, nor clean shirt. They committed a big
mistake: they let me have a shirt and pants! I believe it violates one
of the real human rights, that of having property... (see the threads
on targeted theft and the raltion of thefts I suffered; I remembered
another theft, but only briefly...).

And it looks like the new are talking about me now! Even though
stillunder a somewhat different name, but since my access is trough
brief radio encounters while in a store and my last one dollar radio
was kept by somebody else... (the earphones where taken first), so I am
kind of, still, sequestered and isolated...

I was supposed to understand something, but to understand the no
understanding you would have to have been in my shoes, my place, while
all of it was happening to really understand what I haven't yet

Sorry, but their point if view gives unlimited power to thieves, while
my point of view says that property rights are not lost by thievery:
holding property is not the same as being the proprietor, which is the
basis of management, so on principle, all thefts have to be
investigated in order to recover the stolen property, or ther is no
point in even calling the police. This is particularly true when it
comes to unique properties, like th applications and gard rives that
were snatched from me. I am assuming they did the same to my mother and
switched the drives she has...

They have to understand that they did commit grave crimes, abuses, on
the bad assumption that I was an unescapable scapegoat, when I was
quite unaware of many things. Otherwise, I would have changed my
identity completely, would have published as an LLC in some other
domain and would have remained hidden instead of going to the world
saying "Hey! I have something to offer!", as all artists do...

Many people are turning themselves into criminals by selfincrimination
when they were incriminated as a tool of those guys, though again my
perceptions are somewhat distorted. they keep fighting because, I
believe, they went as far as to commit murder and genocide against my
people because I was already appointed to scapegoat for real
criminal... Not fair. I was just selling my music waiting to have
liquid capital to follow the rest of my projects (I still have lots of
ideas). What these people have to acknowledge is that they are too
victims of a group used to use people as businesses with a well known
and tested strategy. The Caduceum, but the last lesson of the caduceum
is that at the end it is the staff that prevails and produces something
of worth.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-12 00:45:31 UTC
I received a tip that this guy Matt (your friend´s brother) has also
undergone plastic surgery to change his appearance. They tell me he is
very disturbed, spending thousands on the Walter Mercado (a so-called
astrologer) hotline and going to psychiatric sessions every week. I am
not sure if the info is accurate. Could you confirm this? Perhaps call
them or e-mail them.
2005-08-12 14:34:32 UTC
Post by w***@yahoo.com
I received a tip that this guy Matt (your friend´s brother) has also
undergone plastic surgery to change his appearance. They tell me he is
very disturbed, spending thousands on the Walter Mercado (a so-called
astrologer) hotline and going to psychiatric sessions every week. I am
not sure if the info is accurate. Could you confirm this? Perhaps call
them or e-mail them.
Are you playing? There are at least four Robertos I know of; whoever is
giving you your tips is one of the confusers, you know, they pretend to
investigate but actually are making up their lies to protect the real
criminals and use scapegoats. NO matter what tehy say, I composed
several classical masterpieces that would be world hits, plus several
theories in economics that ought to win me at least the priviledged of
being despised by real PhDs in a conference, plus... you get the idea?

Mato is just a guy. He is irrelevant to me except that he was the
contact to his brother and I showed him one of my musical pieces. But I
visited his house for years til her mother was tired of the whole bunch
and Valero went to England to his Phd. The peope you talk about may
have killed my MOTHER. YOu get that? MY cats ajust appeared in
Manhattan in teh streets. Those cats were withme for years, YEARS, and
were with my mother as far as I know til two weeks ago.

Hey! Why don't you use your real name to gain credibility? Are you
aware taht being innocent I learned lots of tricks of the police who
protects criminals? Your posts now seem one of them...

Can you pubilsh the bio of Calderoni? I have no idea who he was.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-11 15:11:21 UTC
Post by w***@yahoo.com
You are right about Echeverria. They tell me there is a power struggle
between him and Salinas to sponsor the next presidential candidate and
regain political power. I think Echeverria supports Lopez Obrador and
Salinas, Madrazo Pintado. Did you have any connections with CSG?,
because Calderoni worked in the PGR during part of his term. On the
other hand, LEA is still friends with Nassar, former head of the
Federal Security Directorate, who still has many many contacts in the
CIA and FBI. Moreover, Subcomandante Marcos is active again, and he is
against Lopez Obrador. This is a very complex maze, and I still don´t
know how you fit in there. We´ll keep in touch.
I doo noot fit! Not really, though I did meet Salinas in Los Pinos. Yet
it seems that I was supposed to scapegoat for them! Somebody called it
life management, like in I use power to direct your life because I have
nothing else to do, or something like that... Or maybe it si the money
laundering motive, because of my works. What I want now is to recover
my hard drive. there is a huge thread dedicated to it. I may have
fallen between to teams the moment I decided to leave Mexico and come
to the US as a citizen. Besides that, I was not aware nor interested in
power struggles in Mexico, even when it would ventually be inevitable
to make some kind of impression... Whatever you know, please inform me.
Read the story "Nothing Happened!" to understand my point of view. What
I do know is what has been related in these threads.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-11 15:11:58 UTC
So I called for the last time a literary agent, J. C. and they don't
handle material like mine! Which is a pity. NOw I have to look for
somebody else. Point is, this is one of the reasons why Mexico doesn't
work as an economy, nothing is possible, nothing can be done, nothing
matches, nobody can give opportunities, it is not the exact thing they
need, they think they will be made rich by somebody else, etc. But
that's what they want to make me feel and live! When America is
theplace where almost everything works, where even eccentrics can make
money, where there is a market for everything, where you just need an
idea to make money, where intellectual rights are respected, etc. (Not
that it is the ONLY country where this happens). So, how far are they
willing to go? Ruin a whole country and buisness affairs to prove their
points? That I ought to go back to a place where I was not liked? Or
they keep protecting a lot of criminals?

Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J BONsignore
2005-08-12 21:43:08 UTC
Initiated another thread. This one is inmportant. Here the homeless
woman said that my cats were given to her by the nephew of Greenspan,
but she told that to a policeman. She is actually retarded... But my
cats I recognize, was with them for years, YEARS, and the nightare was
that they would get lost...

Terrorists, I want to know what happened to my mother and recover my

I just found two fo my cats in the hands of a homeless, perturbed woman
on Vesey and Church in Manhattan. I was actually assaulted bu her, she
hit me in the neck, and by her drugged, drunken, homeless, perturbed
companion. He wouldn't let me call the police. I had those cats for
years, they were waiting for me to send money to my mother in Veracruz
and suddenly they are here in Manhattan. I love those cats I want them,
I want the other 11 cats. I want to know what happened to my mother,
but all I got was nothing solid from the police. They sent me again to
the FBI. There is a Mexican or maybe AMerican colne of myself,
identical, he is receiving everything, I am being treated like an
animal in a zoo, with lots of weird encounters I don't undertsand the
purpose of. I just keep walking, trying to do something without moeny
and it is only difficulties. It is no longer funny. The site is
ghamac.org. How come &quot;we&quot; are allying to mobs from Mexico?
Against an individual! And I am getting no real help. What can I do for
my cats? It is easy to make her tell where she got those cats and
investigate from there. I have WEALTH in the form of compositions,
writings, patentable ideas, even without my now stolen hard drive, but
I am beng blocked in all my attempts at selling and getting an adequate
income. It has been one year of this, since LA. But the moment I
accuse, Mexico comes up with impersonators and false trials and tricks
and racial harassment, and giving everything to somebody else beyond my
reach! So how many times has this happened? I talk Mexicans, not
CHinese nor Russians nor Africans nor Arabs, Mexicans, and the people
they managed to convince here in the naive United States. It is just a
mafia! But they pretend to be decent people because they are stealing
from my intellectual effort! My music is classic. I should have gotten
enough money from selling the rights to the most complete composition
but it was then when I began being persecuted. Noe I have an illnes in
my feet, being burned by walking, but ut was warned by the Mexican
terrorists, and I believe they are already in the (White) House or in
los Pinos. Instead of solving the problem it is being compuond
uselessly! They cannot understand that not letting me have property nor
income is a violation to human rights, not a punishment nor scarifice
for anything their startegy is to involve people here to win
protection. Plus defamation, infiltration, treachery, etc. Just because
the MExicans are jealous that I would come to the US as a acitizen and
have a great success, because of my music, greater than can be had in

So now I have to press charges for the murder of Ella Guardia Moser, my
mother, but nobody pays attention! What else can I think? SOmebody is
very perturbed, really very perturbed, couldn't control the voices in
his ead and it is not me...

The issue is racial, I am a white man and they are all brunettes, the
first ones.

They say it is the governor of Texas because he was visited by a
Veracruzan gang who wanted to steal my music...

ghamac is the site
Luca is in syntotic in geocities in the page Mio Luca.

I am Bonsignore, Danilo Jose
2005-08-12 22:56:00 UTC
Too bad you don´t believe me, because I might be in a position to
recover your hard drive through some connections in the CIA. By the
way, I logged on ghamac.org and saw your picture. I couldn't believe my
eyes, for last week I saw an identical person entering the FBI building
in LA and I understand you are in New York, right?
2005-08-13 15:27:16 UTC
I can put one of my agents to investigate the location of your mother
and cats, but I´ll need further information, plus a retainer's fee of
2005-08-13 18:25:13 UTC
***@yahoo.com wrote:
I can put one of my agents to investigate the location of your mother
and cats, but I´ll need further information, plus a retainer's fee of

Surprising, their strategy is to leave me as poor as you can be to make
me "worthy" of being "sacrificed". They even want to ruin my health,
without understanding that my family is very healthy, able to withstand
diseases, even when I would need a good update to recover from well
over a decade of bioterrorism. Do you have any idea why cuban cigars
are no longer sold here, besides the embargo motive? I wouldn't buy
Veracruzan cigars ever again inmy life...
2005-08-13 18:20:01 UTC
***@yahoo.com wrote:
Too bad you don´t believe me, because I might be in a position to
recover your hard drive through some connections in the CIA. By the
way, I logged on ghamac.org and saw your picture. I couldn't believe
eyes, for last week I saw an identical person entering the FBI
in LA and I understand you are in New York, right?

That's right, I saw my double in NY, younger, close enough to look like
me in pictures. I even think he is an actual clone. I fear pictures,
for we may be undistinguishable in pictures, but sorry, you may be
reading my writings and pretending you are corroborating what I say. To
me the point is, what's he's got? Which name he is using? Who is he
associating with of the people who actually know me? Is he profiting
from ghamac.org? too many doubts. If he expects me to be scapegoat him,
he is a very dangerous individual. I speak three languages quite
fluently and can read french and orient me in others. May distinguish
2005-08-15 18:22:07 UTC
I remembered that Belinda worked for the Interpol in a temporary basis
in 2004. It brought lot of troubl and strain to the relationship, we
almost break, but now I think tht she may have had trouble there. It
may be that she found the Ledezmas there. Or somebody else doing this.
Everything failed miserably after it. I don't know any names of the
people she met there. I think it is this people who have been hackingme
for years and making my life miserable. So called police harassment...
I fear that the Ledezmas might have had her at ransom or threatened
me... It would be very important to me to speak with her.

Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J BOnsignore
2005-08-15 21:22:21 UTC
Worse, her sister is a lawyer and was a regular in the courts...

ANd now nobody wants to understand because they were paid that they are
exercising violence and terrorism on me. But no, one doesn't count, no
matter how much you do, it doesn't count, what counts is to protect
criminals! BUt then to complain is to be punished because I am not
protected then! As if the police were a church and all policemen popes.

I am still the victim of all the injustices you can think of. IT is
what they wanted, to come here and be relevant. MExico doesn't want to
let go. THe point is that very few people knew of ghamac.org when
trouble begun. When will I premiere my works and receive *NORMAL*
support? Right now I was left not even in conditions to get a normal
hob. ANd no, I WILL NEVER assume that name, it leaves me in illegality.
I don't know how to live in illegality, but they take it granted!

How come nobody can spot defamation?

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-15 23:22:04 UTC
WEll, I have some contacts in Mexico and can try to locate Belinda if
you give me the complete name and some clue to start with. Also, I have
to pay for expenses, even if I don´t charge you my regular fee of $200
per hour.
2005-08-16 13:35:42 UTC
(Thank you. As for this matter I would like to try myself first, except
that right now it is somewhat difficult for me to even try.)
2005-08-16 13:37:32 UTC
In the T-House I explained Home for All to Terrenceo. He was selling
cigarretes and later commented out that he was tryingto learn
macroeconomics. The last I knew of him was that he wanted to contact me
with some of his friends here in NY to sell books, but he didn't rely
again... He might have been impersonated too. He should be in LA now.

Hope he didn't try to promote HOme for All as his idea.

Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J BOnsignore
2005-08-16 14:00:51 UTC
In the T-House I explained Home for All to Terrenceo. He was selling
cigarretes and later commented out that he was tryingto learn
macroeconomics. The last I knew of him was that he wanted to contact
with some of his friends here in NY to sell books, but he didn't rely
again... He might have been impersonated too. He should be in LA now.

Hope he didn't try to promote HOme for All as his idea.

I just remembered another library I programmed and was lost: a tree
traversing library, akin to LinkedNode, implementing all three tree
traversals in two modes: recursive (bad experience with trees in the
Borland 3.1 compiler) and stacks (much better). It also featured node
selection, so nodes could be derived as a hierarchy and then traversals
of only one class implemented easily. I didn't try again to implement
it, though it proved to be very useful. Also, in the Entrepreneurs
Guides application, I implemented a complex control with collapsible
lists in a tree, some fancy controls, etc. It was mimicking one of the
Word 5 editing modes. It was useful for selecting paragraphs from
guides to help in the comparison between documents and guides. The
guides were analyzed in Ami Pro macros, dumped to common files and then
read by my application. Doing DLLs was arcane lore then, and BOrland
was not helpful at all in that matter! It was my second application,
after the Geomantic application I already described. Unfortunately, the
market dropped with the devaluation and other events...

About a sister I mentioned, if She is reading it, the sister had all
the reason to be very jealous and try to sabotage a relationship that
was nearing perfection... As other people had the same motives to do

I demand recognition for my work, to retrieve my code and property. My
human right to property has been consistently denied for several years
in TWO countries. No way it can be justified.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-16 14:20:37 UTC
(copy from last post, appended)
In the T-House I explained Home for All to Terrenceo. He was selling
cigarretes and later commented out that he was tryingto learn
macroeconomics. The last I knew of him was that he wanted to contact
with some of his friends here in NY to sell books, but he didn't rely
again... He might have been impersonated too. He should be in LA now.

Hope he didn't try to promote HOme for All as his idea.

I just remembered another library I programmed and was lost: a tree
traversing library, akin to LinkedNode, implementing all three tree
traversals in two modes: recursive (bad experience with trees in the
Borland 3.1 compiler) and stacks (much better). It also featured node
selection, so nodes could be derived as a hierarchy and then traversals

of only one class implemented easily. I didn't try again to implement
it, though it proved to be very useful. Also, in the Entrepreneurs
Guides application, I implemented a complex control with collapsible
lists in a tree, some fancy controls, etc. It was mimicking one of the
Word 5 editing modes. It was useful for selecting paragraphs from
guides to help in the comparison between documents and guides. The
guides were analyzed in Ami Pro macros, dumped to common files and then

read by my application. Doing DLLs was arcane lore then, and BOrland
was not helpful at all in that matter! It was my second application,
after the Geomantic application I already described. Unfortunately, the

market dropped with the devaluation and other events...

About a sister I mentioned, if She is reading it, the sister had all
the reason to be very jealous and try to sabotage a relationship that
was nearing perfection... As other people had the same motives to do

I demand recognition for my work, to retrieve my code and property. My
human right to property has been consistently denied for several years
in TWO countries. No way it can be justified.

By the way, Lu is (R. Beteta?) confessed to me that he did go to
Entrepreneur (Escala) to try to get the Guides for himself! It was a
scant budget for three market researches a month and I was unable to
select similar businesses to research at the same time... It lasted two
years, went from 2 and a half months for one to three a month under

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-16 22:11:39 UTC
Ok, went to the gallery where I "discovered" what is based on one of my
designs, one that was with my books and other things, mainly a sepia
drawing reminding de Chirico and a Guarro sketch notebook with ideas
for two monumental stain glasses, one I would build, the other I would
forget (or redraw). The name is A. Go ckel. A sloppy painting, but the
central figure has been in my mind for years. Inside there is anothe
painting with the same motive, and oh surprise! a drawing by de la
Vega, a guy whose drawing I just "discovered" in my route to the
shelter to drink water from the visitors center where there are
computers... The theme is a fish, in this painting two fishes kissing,
each one jumping out of their fish bowls, which obviously to me is
Alejandra and myself and that painting may be onw of her relatives...
The theme was in LA, I was in a fsish bowl, I was eaten by a shark, I
jumped into a glass of water (to be drowned). Is anybody understanding
that Mexico is an inhumane place and their people actually...? Though
de la Vega didn't seem malicious. I bet A V is in Spain... the dealer
said he is in Europe, so... when will I recover my stuff, my beloved
children books and the rest opf my belongings I left behind in a
warehouse with a friend of my mother?

Tey are near, somebody is helping with hints and investigation (looks
like), they are prompting me to do this all this and write all this.
THey are messing with my family. I am not health hopeless, bt they are
abusing me in the street. The shelters are guilty no doubt...

Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J BOnsignore
2005-08-18 00:31:10 UTC
I received a phone call from the real Fabrizio Bonsignore claiming he
has under copyright many writings on economics, philosophy and hundreds
of musical scores. He advised me to stop contacting you, as you are the
2005-08-18 14:26:09 UTC
Post by w***@yahoo.com
I received a phone call from the real Fabrizio Bonsignore claiming he
has under copyright many writings on economics, philosophy and hundreds
of musical scores. He advised me to stop contacting you, as you are the
Why! The ***REAL*** Fabrizio Jose Bonsignore Guardia???? You have him
then! Are you aware that I am the guy who has been posting this and
there is no collective implied here? See the very first discussion
searching by author, in sci.econ. It was then when those Mexican
criminals managed to drive me away from my apartment! And how come you
received a phone call if you don't have published your number? I don'
thave time to make searches. How did you manage to cointact that
criminal so soon? There IS an Italian Fabrizio Bonsignore, soccer
player, no relationship. I was forced to change my name by the American

Unfortunately I have no phone number, but are you aware that MY GAMILY

Tell me, can he whistle, compose, play guitar and sound fantastic at
the same time? Can he discuss actually all of it? Assimilated? I am
sure somebody has been recording my whistling for a long time and that
ther are several impersonators. You may be in touch with a murderer, as
far as I know, but since their strategy is to have me incommunicated by
several sordid methods to keep me a pauper, I have no way to actually
reach my family in Mexico!

Read the Dramatis Personae thread, the original. I am in the SECIND
[II] description. If the "Fabrizio" you say you are in touch with has
hazel eyes or brown eyes, but blonde, and has a sister, he is Franz

Otherwise, read that thread to see which description matches. The
Vargas is the one that looks like aweasel and a tarantula, though I am
pretty sure that by now he has had surgery, as well as Lu is Bi stran.

The pictures in ghamac show me younger than I look NOW, but it is
because I have been subjected to near starvation,to avoid being given
drugs or other things in the shelters... And incidentally, I have been
dispossesed even of cleaning instruments! So I am not shaved.

It depends on where he comes from and how he looks, I may be able to
tell you who he is really.

Wouldn't it be very strange that my whistling is in the same style as
his "scores"? I left several scored notebooks behind in Mexico, some of
the themes are still in my mind! And the theme to the Rondo Variato (te
p is simple versioning, nothing to do with any implied name), comes
from that notebook, as well as an exercise in the back part that is
based on a bass by Hindemith which tehemes I hold in my mind burned
with fired, since I was not let into the Mexican conservatory EVEN
after composing that exercise!

Is he in the United States? There ***IS*** a younger kind of ME, which
I already described in another thread the day I saw him. And a guy who
loks like me with a patched eye and a more rounded face. The younger
one would look VERY alike to my last pictures, hen I almost always look
different. Maybe you can see or find the pictures where I have a blue
shirt Partagaz and a gray suit: I appear very different in some of
them. There is also one picture that shows me in the Socavon del Grillo
with my ex grilfriend, whose life I believe is in danger HERE in NY.
there are at least three Belindas, they look very alike, but given that
Mexico revealed to be a bioterrorist country...

Why don't you publish your phone so that I can call you? Does he speak
fluently three languages? I would like very much to retrieve those
scores, the music I whistled and sang (I lost two notes, unfortunately)
and was not recorded.

Incidentally, I still have some IDs with my old name. I wonder why they
didn't steal tem, when they did go through my belongings in the Saint
Agnes Church Shelter, now Mainchance. There was a lotetry ticket ad it
dissapear, for sure...

I bet he has my computer too! If not *ALL* my computers...

I'll keep posting. Explain how come HE called you and give me a phone
number to call you. There is in the GOril laz previous CD a song that
says "se lo quitamos todo": we took everything from him: I am that

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-18 14:50:05 UTC
The picture in the Am New York today, second page, a man with an orange
tie. He is in th Metrotech, he actually recognized me even when I
didn't know him, and he made a coment to the security guards about
me... I don't know what name he bears now, but he may be the
impersonator.He ay come from Veracruz, in which case he is in touch
with those guys or the people who is protecting their drug addict
(thinner), the one I spoke of in the biography, or maybe the guys of
the Christian Institute who stole the theme that sounds like Coltrane
(they changed one note, it is the last cakewalk file in my hard drive,
the one that was with me after I left the computer behind). Or, if he
comes from El Paso, he may be related to my political greatauncle. I
don't know him, I know from my mom that he is crazy. He was a junk
dealer (though it makes me think... junk, junkie, heroin, bad strain in
New York... All those deaths around the place where I whistle! Somebody
not wanting me to show I am a naturally gifted composer? How come with
all that money the dealers are so stupid to kill their clients and have
no quality control? Six millions a week! Enough to {try to} keep their
clients happy and safe for years!). If he bears my name, he may have
been using my birth certificate and is the product of the second (as
far as I know, bigamous) marriage of that political greatuncle.

BTW, some say that the "military" don't want new Beethoven s!!! How
come? Aren't art and militia very diverse activities, and actually
armies are here to protect civilians like artists?

Another BTW, a long series of single globes forgotten or found in my
way! Even now... I don;t believe in coincidences, even when Lu is would
say that I believe in sinchronicity! So another pattern? What are those
globes meant for? I just saw one today, a chirurgical globe inflated
with the finger, on my way to the library. I believe there is a lot of
really psychotic people after me.

Somebody said in LA that someone had or asked for a ship... Supposedly
Fraunhofer, though at that time the songs and the rumors were so dense
that I was barely unable to assimilate all that information and the
weird situation. I was keeping a log in my hotmail account, but since I
was unable to log in, it was deleted, though it all points to that the
elog was actualy deleted. So this criminals are getting rid of all the

Theory of growth? Actually I meant more like the multiplier-accelerator
analysis for the theory of envy linked to development. IS somebody
aware that after a point mathematics have to go through numeric
methods? Where mathematics end, computing begins.

I wonder if Kelly is aware of that man in the picture?

There is a voice that sounds kindof sardonic: it called the Bowery
shelter (drop in) one night. I don't know who he is or was. THe case
manager that was actually helping me is no longer there, now I have no
case manager, but I believe that they have "orders" of saying that I am
Lu is Bi strain.

Yeah, now that I realize a secret service is involved through the
father of Luis Rincon, maybe through Beteta, there is a sideways link
to the father of the President. If from the beginning he was
misinformed, it will explained why I have been so mistreated while
Luisito was &quot;promoted&quot;. And my difficulties to communicate...

I still wonder if my letter to Alejandra's uncle to Banxico actually
reached its goal. I did see a young woman resebling Alejandra who may
have been her cousin, though I never met them. If they misinfomed
Ortiz, he would be turned into a sponsor of those criminals, under the
assumption that my works are theirs! They may have tried to sell some
of my music to her husband Aguilar. I did expect to see her or to have
some communication from her. We have been in touch every so many years.
But I fear that this mafia would have made money and used it to
sequester this people.

I still don't know who orchestrated the circus, but their voices can
still be heard in the visitors center and they are very gaay.

I don't want to think that my cats are in the hands of a homeless woman
in New York. She won't be able to hold them for long and the police
instead of understanding what is going on just told me to bugger off. I
needed to hold the cats for more time. My mother said the cats were
sent to a shelter in Mexico... Luca was thinner, but Simona was looking
as mean as ever. they must have been well fed at the moment, but that
retarded homeless old lady won't be able to feed them. SHe was asking
for money! And if I had tried to keep myself near the cats surely I
would have been sent to jail again! FOr the fifth time because I am the
victim of criminals and since nobody is really helping nor approaching
me, they are taking me for the take!

I just wrote to a city in Indiana trying to locate one of the names
they gave me. Hope it is a good lead and something can be done to find
that people!

What I fear is that the father of the President may be protecting the
people who were actually protecting those criminals, or the people
those criminals sold my works to. Since they are only interested in
having some fame and money, these poeple won't care about what comes
next! Nor about the people who know of me, both here in the United
States and in Mexico.

I am suffering for my cats. They even need special food. Felida is the
favorite and she is used to be on top of a warm place. I use their
names to agree with my mother passwords and accounts, that is why I
don't pblish them all, but Luca and Simona where here. I hope whoever
gave that retarded homeless woman the cats' box, retrieved them later.

Oh, from the New York Times, about the heart attack, why assume it is a
population matter when this city has already been subjected to
terrorists attacks? I would call it bioterrorism.

I wanted to post some more on the other threads but time is going short

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-18 18:11:51 UTC
And they insist...

Now the threat is that the Mexica army arrasa whole cities... So I am
remembering all the military I've met... There was an incident in
Veracruz, just before leaving that place. It was a concert with some
mariachis and orchestra. My mother and I were invited by the Trentini.
There was a woman that looked familiar, and now I think she may have
been relative of somebody from school. She seemed to recognize me. She
was with a man in white suit, very brunette, I suppose a captain from
the Mexican Navy. The concert was fine. But during the concert I spot a
woman in the front row, who happened to be a teacher from UIA who
actually flunked me in a "philosophy" class! Her statement/question:
"Do you think youth seeks novelty? (yes)"
"Are you sure...?"
"Mmmm.... (explanation of youth seeking novelty and then some
"christian" values)".

Why generalize? Actually &quot;youth&quot; may be very conservative...
once &quot;youth&quot; acquire some style/personality or copies some
style/personality from elder people. A non question in a philosophy
class, but nontheless despite her shallow explanation she finally
flunked me. Another homework, this time a team effort which I made and
then... something happened. Who knows what, my she companion did
something and of course the teacher (kind of every year for a
latinamerican-specific philosophy), flunked me...

So that night the concert was ruined for me by her presence... And I
told my mother at the end. I was quite nervous because of the computer
and definitely bad humored. The lady tried to make smalltalk, even
elbowed me, but it was kind of useless. Bad humor, a bad memory, my
mother there and she was accompanied... And the man tried to ignore the
situation too hard. I still wonder whose relative was she. She was very
tall and white, but can't remember her face well, she was sitting down
behind me to the right and her companion was to her right. I vaguely
think she was Italian, because the Trentini where receiving visits from
Italy soon.

I think that man will hate me for the rest of his life! As most people
in that place. So... what is the point? Like nobody (relevant to these
unjustices) can see or doesn't want to see the basic injustice of what
they are doing to me... Lots of threats because of race hate from them
to me! It is obvious: they want human blood and sacrifice, or at least
make me waste time, worth, realization, dignity... And not now! But in
the *future*. Because they want to justify a whole lot of criminals!
Scapegoatism... and they end up clean, millionaires, respected, because
tehy will be able to keep my works! Or reap benefits from them.

According to them, they are sacrificing all people who met me here and
in other places. I don't believe. ANd supposedly because one of the
original thieves is the son of Fox. Or because they are threatening the
relativse of friends and enemies of mine! How disgusting taht country
and this situation. Today I had to rely on teh shelters food.

Another piece of information is that the head to their secret service
lives here and is the ambassador to the UN. Go figure. Why did they
have to mess me in such subtleties? I was just selling my music waiting
to have money to patent and initiate programming ventures before going
back to college...

They say they are living in Washington DC... And I shouldn't go! SO
kind of I am in a different planet or country.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-19 12:56:42 UTC
Some hope: maybe the Canadian server has a copy of my old files, te
xsl's for the XML-GUI compiler prototype. It is part of a bigger system
that in my view increases productivity a lot, for programmers and would
be programmers and self publishers and users, etc. In a way, it was the
previous step for what is now called a blog. I saw the MIT's haystack
white papers and I believe my PCPortal is easier to use and implement,
There was a blog implementes as js scripts in 2003... in my stolen hard

The night the hard drive was stolen (swapped), I woke up with a big
headeache, dizzy, late, I was sent out of the shelter that night, when
I began the Homeless in New York thread. Other things dissapeared, but
since they switched the drive, I didn't care. I felt this sensation on
my left eyebrow... Later, when I was in the Charles H Gay shelter I
woke up with a bad headache, one day and _then_ another day I woke up
with the same pain in the same spot but I didmanage to see one of a
pair of very small Mexicans leaving my bed! I am sure they were trying
to break my skull... Never before had that pain... I even had to lie
down and get analgesics.

What really made me go desperate were the songs in LA, and the mobs.
SOngs in Spanish. I believe it was thehusband of Alejandra who was
paying those songs... In Mexico, it was either he or those guys. WHo
else had contacts in the songs industry so heavy as to begin harassing
in asuch a way a single individual? It was traumatic.

Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-19 15:53:25 UTC
[Alejandra is the niece to Mexico's Central banker. The best reference
I can give of her. She is married to a Mexican folk singer, who as far
as I know was born in San Antonio. WHen Lu is told me she married in
2000 I expected her to go famous in social life but nothing. It *do*
worries me. I would give her music exercises in high school before she
was sent to France and then I went to Italy. I am *really* worried
about her.]

It was in that Charles H. Gay shelter where I was just about to get a
basic income folding linen. I was programmed to leave on the 22 of
February, two weeks into the program, and I would have pretty good $360
just in time. BUt the second day of the program I was thrown out of the
shelter! If had not been in the Belgium trial, i would have been unable
to find another place. I had to go to the VOA Camp, the weekend of the
storm. I came back as soon as I could and asked in Legal Aid Foundation
for another place. That's how I found the other drop in.

Right now I am "fighting" for my benefits! I guess I already have
"special needs": could not hold on to a simple bag with deodorant and
shaving razors for more than one week! But I didn't receive benefits, I
cannot even get a nailcutter. I am waiting for the letter to the
appointment to the fair hearing or else it is three months without

If those guys marrid within the last year and a half, they are very
probably doing it to pretend to be respctable, though Ledezma confessed
that he "would do anyhing for his daughter", even steal a computer and
a TV! My mother's TV ended up being a cheap recorder and a watch...
That day he was very happy.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-19 16:18:53 UTC
The most disgusting aspect of this situation is that I am still being
treated, albeit nt so directly now, as if I had been a homeless my
whole life or as if this condition is actually my fault! I am being
forced to follow the life that supposedly addicts follow: walking the
whole day, dirty, unshaved, my nails uncut, no clothes... So easy to
fake, just keep sending robbers and incommunicate an individual. You
cannot make friendships in this conditions, I cannot make friendship
with the homeless, different milieu, thinking of sex is not adequate, I
fear I didn't recognize Belinda, now some other friend appear, only
with different eye color and no recognition... A forced solitude! Am I
supposed to go in the streets greeting people like a what? Making
friendship with hoever looks at me? It is what I call unhinged! Yu can
do nothing without no money. And I need to find a lawyer to sell my
music, which was the problem at the beginning. Still unable to meet
soebody who knows somebody willing to go into a contract. It feels like
some kind of mafia, but this people is forcing the sutuation to protect
that bnch of thieves. Only know they gave away the staff to somebody

Fabrizio J Bonsignroe now Danilo J BOnsignore
2005-08-19 17:04:10 UTC
Wow, great, because they are frustrated they want me to be frustrated.
What I don't understand is why being so evident this situation nobody
pays attention. This is what I am exposing and there is people who is
reading this. Who gets burned? They keep insisting that ALL my
acquintances will be genocided, that they are harassing because
otehrwise they will be genocided, that the Ledezmas aer the ones
messing with the shelters, that my belo9ngings are being sent to the
shelters when I am not in there to be trashed by the managers or the
homeless, that those guys are beinggiven free reign to act like
terrorists, shadows, ghosts, whatever, so I arrive with enemies where I
should find people attracted by my naturant enchantments, as happened
many times, particularly when I entered college.

Those guys already changed their names, have no address, I have had no
interviews, it should be obvious by now their motives and what is mine
they have. And what is ***injustice*** and what is not! They insist
that the people they are bringing here are being killed!!! they want to
keep me for years in this situation, with daily death threats and no
way even to protect my health. I can be posioned just like that.

Oh, and it is all based on my listing of all their "messages" in my
email account! Their traps. They want to become historic, which means
either passing to history as important or being forgotten because they
are "history" (reference to one of my poems).

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J BOnsignore
2005-08-20 19:56:46 UTC
More remembrances. I was suggested to call the White House after I
arrived here. Called, but nothing happened, only a secretary and I said
some &quot;characteristic phrases&quot; to &quot;identify me&quot;.
There was some insitence on this theme, even thought of Los Pinos.
Neither here nor in LA I know white houses, only buildings and
commerces, except for the new Mainchance office on 32nd, where the
Saint Agnes Church shelter moved to. But then in Mexico there were some
white houses in the zone I lived. One on Hudson and Lerma was filled
with beautiful young people from France. Dont remember when,
sporadically, was my way to Observatorio to UIA and to the Chapultepec
transport hub for since 1990 til 2001, when I recluded. Another one was
on Rio de la Plata. Once saw an elegant lady in a big expensive car.
The other house was on Panuco and turned into a gym. Anothe white house
was the representation to the state of Yucatan.

I saw &quot;Franz&quot; here in NY, green t-shirt with surgery. He know
looks quite young, was looking guilty, amused and mischievous... Would
need to talk to him to know for sure.

I saw my cat Tiburcio let free in that cementery/house here. Not fair.
Couldn't get hold of it. Went into that place. $15 to go in there. Will
wait to see him again.

Now I was &quot;invited&quot; to a &quot;shelter&quot;. Will wait for
assessment on Monday. *Maybe* I will be able to get finally a FREE drug
test. Have been asking for it since I left San Antonio. I crossed the
border with no problem. But if this people tricked my mother, I don't
trust the boxes with my books. Actually, they were waiting behind a
barricade of furniture between the time I left the appartment to the
time I had to finally leave the apartment. Since I didn't change the
lock and those guys were coming and going, I told my mother to open up
all boxes, threw them away and then repackage them again. Couldn't do
it in her apartment, was too small. I don't know of those boxes are
still there or went to the trashcan. Beautiful collections of children
books, Plesa, my guarro and other stuff, mainly books. I suspected
those guys might have setup a trap after I had to stop washing my
clothes because they blocked not the toilet but the sink with
newspapers! It flooded and that was the last time I stayed there
packing til the last day.

That picture about an American Gigolo: linus suit and a rough brick
shirt. I would use it minus the jacket and vest when in the musical

A trap: to say that I am Christ because of my contribution. So if I get
recognized, there *must* be Armageddon (JIT) to fulfill the prophecy,
or I must not be recognized to avoid Armageddon! Doesn't make sense to
me. Creative production has nothing to do with Religion. But I saw my
double, my clone (Valero and I mixed) and others clones. So it is like
kind of a... joust! to find somebody willing to go through the game in
case I am recognized as the author of this all? Including my stolen
hard drive.

There have been several mentions about boys. (Who sends those videos?).
There were two boys in the workshop, the regulars, but they moved on
December. I found one of them in the Napoles around February where they
moved. But then &quot;boys&quot; means also like &quot;one of the
boys&quot;, that is, agents of all kinds! They said the boys were
threatened. The other meaning of "boys" is the Mexicans from the
fields, like the guy in the shelter I saw leaving my bed the night of
the headache. So? Another doble entendre? At first there were songs
from Mexico while I was "sequestered" in the LA hotel (Mexican staff,
all of them), when my mother was very upset because in the hotel they
would tell her I was not registered there! The phone line was
disconnected in the nights and then there were the noises, messages
through the walls with a vocoder, etc. But then there were songs in
English, so it is crossed fire! I wonder if Murdoc (I believe he was Lu
is Var gas) is double entendre-ing Murdoch. They gave me that "hint" in
an internet cafe taht belonged to people from Korea. I stopped going
when I had to go through 15 days of hunger... That day I heard the song
Animales with a disgusting child voice. I guess they expected me to
stay in some mission and do nothing more...

They made a huge plan! And I am supposed to accept my defeat, according
to my essay, to be recognized as winnner! Really, it is so...
unbelievable, but simply the music is enough. I know what they did to
me, the obvious part, I know I didn't committed a crime and this is not
my fault. They knew I was a "genius" since I was seven when my mother
and I ran out of money (or were *forced* into poverty). How many hidden
assumptions have they built around this fact to create free enemies and
they themselves appear as what they are not? Why should my cats and
mother suffer too? What is incredible is that they could not stop me in
Mexico and I was already being supported by my mother! I want my hard
drive back to build my musical instrument... There are three important
MIDIs there plus the Cakewalk files they won't know what to do with
them... but I do. Do they have my first rack app, one with
rendered-like stackable components?

I want to avoid this genocides they are threatening so much with. That
show I went through...

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-20 22:17:29 UTC
I already tried to call the IRS. Since I was in LA. But given my
"plant" status... I tried sending an email but got no good address,
only one lateral address. Tried sending to some office from other
source of addresses but ot got rejected! At a simple office I won't be
able to expose the problem. O have tried finding if there is another
SSN but it has been impossible. These offices are only for normal
procedures, not for this kind of situations. I can't even get benefits

What somebody still cannot see here is that there have been TOO many
tricks and threats for TOO long. I don't know what is it that THEY want
to involve me in, but since 1997 at least I have been entramped
nonstop, now that I began making sense of all the &quot;small
coincidences&quot; there and here. Luis' theory about my
&quot;theory&quot; which is Jung's theory about the I Ching, though now
I see the I Ching from the perspective of the Model of Reality, the
model of belief propagation and as a narration similar to that of other
sacred books and historical occurrences (King Wen, Duke Chou, the
Tyrant: another story of... like in Sterens Plot Revealed). So the
people here... any testimony shoudl be suspicious! Unless their whole
families are in the US and there is no way they can be threatened. They
would need political asylum. So the threat of &quot;genociding&quot;
them is to cover something else: both true and false. Though there is
nobody in Mexicowho would actually speak great of me: all of them have
motives not to like me, save two, maybe three people (or their
representatives), who may be more or less fair and distant. I have seen
none of the guys who would actually speak GREAT of me! But none of
them, none of them and none of them. Particularly, nobody *REALLY*
relevant in my life from my point of view. And most have a mischievous
grin in hindsight...

I know what makes me good and what hurts me. Til now I have had no real
help. I was left and sent to the street purposefully.

The only hint lastly is that I paid to have my cartilla liberada (as if
I had been in service), but that is customary... particularly if you
are a foreigner.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-20 22:22:09 UTC
SO what's the implicit threat here and aganist whom? The seventeenth
Belinda, none of them quite *right*, no recognition after so many years
and the efforts to locte her, HERE in Ny, not in Mexico and because I
sought her or because she replied. So nobody know what to do, how to
react nor what to expect! Except that those really indifferent are
indifferent AT MOST. I was just photographed in such a way that I will
appear PRECISELY behind two children in the public Library.

If the Army is threatening people or the Veracruzans (the ones that
wanted to trigger a revolution and were playing &quot;secret
agent&quot; and &quot;adventure&quot;) are threatening with violence,
it is just a matter of sending Blue Helmets. Actually, given the
problem with my cats, *I* would do that.

My dignity tries as hard as I can NNOT to look as a homeless.

I need to see Belinda to know about my daughter, daughters or none,
from HER voice, in private, without pressures. WHo is keeping that or
those girls? If their attitude is not hate... then what is hate? Am I
supposed to make a scene and be embarrassed here in the library if she
is not Belinda or if she still has still feelings?

I assume here that this is being read by the same people who read my
hormail or were hacking myhotmailaccount. That story can be traced from
their first &quot;you have to say this&quot; to this point were I can
actually begin assimilating. Hacked probably since 1999... since 2003 n
Veraruz, and the police has answer nothing? Where are the replies to my

And the terrorists in the visitors center, including some American
agent of some kind, just keep saying that "she" whoever is she, died
very in love. And those globes were my really real friends. The voice
should have been recorded, but I am unable to send a video email to my
own account. THe last one I more or less can trust, if at all.

Look like now the Rin con are called the Con cklin. That they try to
save the "son of...", that's Lu is, UNLESS, they keep their fiction and
still try to call me Lu is, for whoever is still confused.

I want the police to confront all this people. THis is waht demands
damage compensation. There *IS* psychological damage.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-20 22:48:05 UTC
[read up for more story]
So... what next? More threats? What if I don't mention... what if I
mention...? What about reveling in the internet the names of all those
suspects of... It is so diffcult to change names in Mexico... It cost
me from Decmber 2000 to September 2002. SO it would not make any damage
and surprises would be averted!

After all, criminals are all so powerful, aren't they? They can get
lawyers, etc, while normal people would be spared! Isn't it a good

Lic. Carlos María Abascal Carranza
Secretaría de Gobernación (SEGOB)
Dr. Luis Ernesto Derbez Bautista
Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE)
Lic. Francisco Gil Díaz
Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público (SHCP)
Gral. Gerardo Clemente Ricardo Vega García
Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional (SEDENA)
Alm. Marco Antonio Peyrot González
Secretaría de Marina (SEMAR)
Dr. Eduardo Sojo Garza Aldape
Oficina de la Presidencia para las Políticas Públicas
Lic. Ramón Muñoz Gutiérrez
Oficina de la Presidencia para la Innovación Gubernamental
Lic. Fernando Canales Clariond
Secretaría de Economía (SE)
Lic. Josefina Eugenia Vázquez Mota
Secretaría de Desarrollo Social (SEDESOL)
Lic. Emilio Goicoechea Luna
Secretaría Particular
Lic. Roberto Mourey Romero
Coordinación General de Opinión Pública e Imagen
Lic. Daniel Cabeza de Vaca Hernández
Procuraduría General de la República (PGR)
Lic. Ramón Martín Huerta
Secretaría de Seguridad Pública y Servicios a la Justicia (SSP)
Lic. Eduardo Romero Ramos
Secretaría de la Función Pública (SFP)
Arq. Pedro Cerisola y Weber
Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes (SCT)
Ing. Francisco Javier Salazar Sáenz
Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social (STPS)
Ing. José Luis Luege Tamargo
Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT)
Lic. Fernando Elizondo Barragán
Secretaría de Energía (SENER)
C. Javier Usabiaga Arroyo
Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y
Alimentación (SAGARPA)
Dr. Reyes S. Tamez Guerra
Secretaría de Educación Pública (SEP)
Dr. Julio Frenk Mora
Secretaría de Salud (SS)
Lic. Rodolfo Elizondo Torres
Secretaría de Turismo (SECTUR)
Lic. Florencio Salazar Adame
Secretaría de la Reforma Agraria (SRA)
Lic. Juan de Dios Castro Lozano
Consejería Jurídica del Ejecutivo Federal
Gral. José Armando Tamayo Casillas
Jefe del Estado Mayor Presidencial (EMP)
Mtro. Rubén Aguilar Valenzuela
Coordinación General de Comunicación Social
Lic. Luis Héctor Álvarez Álvarez
Coordinación para el diálogo en Chiapas
Sr. Carlos Gutiérrez Ruíz
Comisión Nacional de Fomento a la Vivienda
Lic. Patricia Espinosa Torres
Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres
Sra. Ana Teresa Aranda Orozco
Sistema Nacional para el Desarrollo Integral de la Familia (DIF)
Sra. Sari Bermúdez Ochoa
Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (CONACULTA)
Dr. Santiago Levy Algazi
Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS)
Lic. Benjamín González Roaro
Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del
Estado (ISSSTE)
Ing. Luis Ramírez Corzo
Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX)
Ing. Alfredo Elías Ayub
Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE)
Lic. Luis de Pablo Serna
Luz y Fuerza del Centro
Lic. Héctor Reyes Retana
Banco de Comercio Exterior, S.N.C. (BANCOMEXT)
C.P. Mario Martín Laborín Gómez
Nacional Financiera (NAFIN)
Lic. Luis Alberto Pazos de la Torre
Banco Nacional de Obras y Servicios Públicos (BANOBRAS)
Lic. José Antonio Meade Kuribreña
Financiera Rural
Lic. Cristóbal Jaime Jáquez
Comisión Nacional del Agua (CNA)
Lic. John McCarthy Sandland
Fondo Nacional de Fomento al Turismo (FONATUR)
Ing. Manuel Agustín Reed Segovia
Comisión Nacional Forestal (CONAFOR)
Ing. Jaime Parada Ávila
Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT)
C.P. Víctor Manuel Borrás Setién
Instituto del Fondo Nacional de la Vivienda para los Trabajadores
Dr. Gilberto Calvillo Vives
Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática (INEGI)
Sra. Xóchitl Gálvez Ruiz
Comisión Nacional para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas
Ing. Víctor Hugo Flores Higuera
Oficina de Promoción e Integración Social para las Personas con
Prof. Nelson Vargas Basáñez
Comisión Nacional del Deporte (CONADE)
Lic. Tomás José Ruíz González
Lotería Nacional para la Asistencia Pública
Lic. Ramón de la Peña Manrique
Presidente del Consejo Nacional de Educación para la Vida y el
Trabajo (CONEVyT)
Arq. Ernesto Velasco León
Aeropuertos y Servicios Auxiliares (ASA)
Lic. Manuel Zubiría Maqueo
Caminos y Puentes Federales (CAPUFE)
Lic. Carlos Arce Macías
Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor (PROFECO)

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danbilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-20 23:28:40 UTC
Just for completeness, though already in "Escape from Veraruz", the
night those gangsters threatened my cats I called mymther and she came
to pick me up in a taxi. (They knew I was leaving, hence desperate to
kill me and take my computer). All I needed was computer, guitars,
cats, book boxes and CDS enough to fill the taxi and let's go. In my
mother's apartment the moment we arrived there was a hit of hostility.
They thought I was a thief... So from that moment on I didn't leave but
for cigarettes cross the street and few incursions after struggling to
make my mother stay to take care of my stuff. The guitar ended up in
the pawn house, as it was safer and it was a pain get it off. It was
the long wait for the "almost ready" lawsuit and then the pasport and

The neighbors didn't know. There was a judicial with two daughters and
his wife just below (we were in the penthouse), then a nurse with a
son, some other people and a yung couple with a very small daughter. It
was near a prepa popular (gov)...

(Now I get threat from Mexican that in the *US* I have to live under
threat of revenge for leaving Mexico and exposing their now terrorists
and those they "made believe" I deserve it!).

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
(I hope they don't insist: the Mexican birth certificate was ALWAYS
invalid: Lic Baranda.)
2005-08-21 21:27:08 UTC
Now new voices in the visitors center. Again, went to the TV station to
be told to wait, coming and going from studio to studio, somewhat
filmed, the security guards cannot even retrieve a phone number and I
spent another day without food just to try to be heard.

They don't want to let go. I dare this 40 people mafia to write as much
as I do in thirty minutes a day... THEN they will have *some* moral
authority. I am DYING of hunger but don't want to be medicated in the
homeless shelter. It is an FBI agent bribed or a DEA agent bribed and
the rest can go to hell. I was accusing the Mexican police of what
everybody in Mexico knows and their ineptitude, but looks like here
they *opted* to compete for ineptitude.

They are turning the visitors center into a hub of drug dealing and
terrorist activity.

The books on the influence of psychism on water is an indirect proof of
the possibility of telepathy and the MOdel of Reality applied to

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-23 12:58:52 UTC
Amnesty just doesn't want to help. ANd she was truly scared. Which is
another proof.

Now I understand: those policemen who arrested me are not policemen at
all, but federal agents of some kind. Two park bench arrests, so that I
have &quot;antecedents&quot;, which prevents me from going to the
police for ANYTHING. In other words: you stop being an animal and turn
into some kind of filthy trash if a policeman gets an eye on you, for
whatever reason, judges and everybody else aside, particularly if it is
for them profitable to turn you into a criminal of sorts! They were
dressed as civilians. Plaques can be forged easily, *somebody*
*somewhere* can provide a model and are they really corroborating the
owners? Just a phone call? Or what was the excuse to even accept such

They are going through facial surgeries to look younger, even when all
of them are my age or older. But now they look younger, so I end up
being the bad mean adult taking advantage of poor innocent youngsters?
And I wouldn't recognize them in a &quot;street stage&quot;, objective
situation, though even if I recognize them, what am I supposed to do?
And not recognizing them then I am not... myself? I am the &quot;other
one&quot;, so the whole trial, if at all, is totally false! Because it
is somebody pretending to be me under this posts accusing or being
accused by &quot;the others&quot;. And they would be
&quot;convinced&quot; that they have to say I am somebody else, maybe
because that way they would &quot;save me&quot;. So I end up being
somebody else, my claims and accusations are &quot;defended&quot; by
the other one, my clone probably, somebody with facial surgery to look
like the guy in the photos in the site. And then his fate ends up being
&quot;my&quot; fate, though I am left in the street without being
recognized and treated like a madman, while they keep feeding me
whatever they want to feed me in the shelters, because after all they
are homeless, so who cares? And the people who would help me could be
convinced of almost anything, particularly, that it would be better to
say whatever they were instructed to say or do if they wanted to
&quot;save&quot; me, don't know if from the Mexicans extraditing me, or
worse, from the Americans because I am &quot;plagiarized&quot;
(criminally) and THEN I *HAVE* to go back to Mexico to &quot;save

What's not convincing is that any supposed help is leaving me more and
more helpless. And it is the main issue: I cannot even buy MATCHES.
Even if I pick up butts. While they can mirror me in every way to
appear as THE Bonsignore or THE Bonsignor (misspelled) or THE whatever
name I am recognized by.

As I said it is a double trap, I was trapped and also the people on my
side. But I have this impression that the only ones who were trapped
are either my friends, real friends, family or American people, no
people from Mexico.

Yesterday I saw in Central Park the clone of another guy in the
shelter, one who looks like a Nosferatu, only the clone was well fed
and well dressed as a cyclist and obviously somewhat wealthy, while the
other guy in the shelter is looking, well, homeless, and would not even
understand when I told him that I saw his clone.

The fact is that Var gas appeared in my mother's apartment after he
chased me from my apartment. He was totally forgotten for years, so I
didn't recognize him til now that I was *forced* to think about it all.
Leaving my apartment was in itself another adventure. They would even
wait for me in a car in the subway station or along my usual way to the
subway, while I was loaded with whatever I could take with me, since by
then I was already without money. They, the three with their
woman-friend did found the station I get off, only the street turned
left and I would have to turn right. It was the last day I went back to
retrieve my books. In the meanwhile they manage to steal my science
fiction collection, which was one of their main targets, though since I
told all neighbors what they did they couldn't afford taking much more.
They would only test my memory of where and how I left everything
&quot;exactly&quot;, maybe trying to incriminate the old porter, 74
years old, til they finally did their final act of blocking the bath
drainage so it flooded washing clothes: I had to let them dry dirty
before picking them up.

I may have seen the other witness to Ledezma's confession, again,
changed and very scared. There was also a guy looking like the 'old
boss from the programming company, very alike, though totally retarded.
I haven't seen him again. Yet none of the other guys in the office.

I can see here several &quot;conspiracies&quot;. The original one with
my birth certificate, after the &quot;mistakes&quot; and &quot;ill
advice&quot; of my Mexican birth certificate, which actually made it
VERY difficult to come back. Then the Rin con's (Bist rain) mirroring,
waiting for the genius to give rewards so they could impersonate. Then
those guys in high school who would conspire, the Var gas and who knows
who else, maybe in aliance with the Bist rain since then, all those who
called me &quot;chivigon&quot;, which is like &quot;tamagotchi&quot;
(an idea, by the way, I wanted to implement as soon as 1995). Then the
&quot;elucubrations&quot; around my relationship and the neighbors of
that neighborhood, which ended the relationship very abruptly
(including whatever resentment the Economics students Congress left).
And finally the Ledezma's with the guys who were spying on me and my
apartment and who must have provided photograps and later arranged the
other apartment next the office, precisely where the Var gas and their
friends arrived.

The point is I don't know now who is benefitting because I am not even
being accused straight, just &quot;suggested&quot; I *will* be accused,
prompting me to write all this under danger of &quot;life
reinterpretation&quot;. The general motive that appears obvious is that
of scapegoating, depending on what I will be accused of to no matter
what turn me back to Mexico so they can prove they are very machos and
nobody escapes and all those ethos' defects their culture have. Then
there is my musical works, which these pathetic beings pretend they
could write, when they are still but &quot;first works&quot;, nothing
to do with what I will be able to compose later. My old relationship
must have provided some further motive, including that of the girl or
girls that *may* be mine without my knowledge. Then the web of
incriminations they &quot;suggested&quot; at the beginning of last
year, including getting their citizenship on virtue of having composed
my works (State Department or immigration), whoever they sold or
offered my &quot;jewels&quot;, including a judge somewhere, sometime,
if it was for real, somebody in the White House, since they already
&quot;went&quot; to the White House (story Nerets), people in the UN
after they forced me to write to them while I was sequestered in the LA
hotel, etc. And by then they already made enough noise and where
struggling among themselves, after giving me motives to write several
places, and they themselves gave motives to see me despicable... like
that moron virus. Plus the &quot;errors&quot;, people canceling each
other, the songs which were very distressing, the homeless' messages.
(I was just told that I have to mention PACMYC and my uncle of the
adam's apple...). So, in all, the situation is so incredible that I
appear as a wacko, hence the &quot;Theory of conspiracy theory&quot;

Because the real problem is that IT IS ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME TO
was left with charity clothes and not even diagrams nor phone numbers!
Didn't notice then, but now I remember there was a woman once sitting
in the LAPL, and she looks like the doctor in the ol' Saint Agnes

Oh yes! And the three cat stages, which I still hope were just stages
and the cats were picked up. (DO I see some Republic of Aztlan hand
here? Yesterday's cats had an ant collar and food with ants. Another
Luca, with a &quot;bad&quot; ear, kind of burned, like in the Aztec
novel, and a Novo with another color... maybe the first black cat was
Belinda's Tamesis).

But by now all these events and people are already being diluted in the
past because I was &quot;procrastinated&quot;. Though *I KNOW* that all
this problematic is a dirty trick and ma(gn)a from a bunch of haters
and is based on lots of lies, but LOTS AND LOTS OF LIES ABOUT ME,
including the lies about the effects their acts have left on me.
Probably ending with my not receiving even the customary mail from the
welfare office...

Isn't it stupid, but absolutely stupid for a guy with a criminal past
to attract attention to himself and go call the police, too stupid to
write this lines? That's why I am being hoisted, hidden?

To me it is very easy: who hacked my mother's account and left behind a
bug? From to my drive should be direct. Who sequestered me in the LA
hotel? From there to the morons is easy... Then, who has been bringing
people here? Though what I do care is where are they NOW? And who is
still in that visitors center? And so on and on...

I guess I can add more of the events and opossums here. And I am sorry,
but making arrangements of my music is no reason to pretend my music is
not mine! And killing people solves nothing to me! It is no justice I
don't care if it is true that they involved the son of any president:
that's why we invented Justice... I want my life back here in the US
and those psychotics behind and pubished, I have the right, so that I
can FINALLY live free, not like a subtle pet.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-23 17:24:06 UTC
Lu is Bi strain stole a disquette with addresses and a directory from
the Equidad Social department. It provided access to all important
offices and people in the Mexican government, but I couldn't see it nor
had a copy. He got it from the computer of Veronica, the woman who
misinformed us about the program requirements, when they asked us to
modify the workshop project. So he must have been sending mails using
MY name and accusing HIMSELF, because he expected me to play his game
of doubl entendre, under teh pretext that I would want to save my
philosophy, which of course he would think he can refute and is

And now I know their trick (another one): they use EYE DROPS! I used
those drops when my lasik surgery. I washed my eye with it to clean
some dust and you feel awkward, heavy, slow and your voice slurrs. They
have a particular tangy taste. Yesternight I felt just like that,
probably through one dessert from the mission. Oh, and somebody had teh
brilliant idea of ungluing the sole from my shoes. My right foot is
again feeling burning. Would be the third time I go to a hospital to
try to get attention, but they say it is just fungus. It may be that
those drops atrophy the medula oblonga. What best than to atrophy
libido as a revenge? But it may be that somebody else will be even more
abused than I am to pretend that I am not the real victim...

Looks like Ledezma was shown yesterday. He now looks rather fat from
the chin, had a cap (haven't seen any of the people here with caps) and
was wearing glasses. Once there was in the drop in a small guy who
might have been his brother, but I never met his family. There was also
a young woman who looked a lot like Ledezma (she was with an old woman
who looked ilke she didn't speak English; I wonder if they underwent
sex surgery?), and then there was a very slim woman in the visitors
center who also looked like some Ledezma relative (maybe a cousin?),
quite ago. Those in the shelter are no longer there. But there is
somebody with a T-Shirt showing himself from teh window of te BRC
shelter, fourth floor. Some homeless have told me of "situations"
there, but I am not sure. I've seen people going upstairs, never seen
them coming down, and I don't stay for long there never... He reminds
me of the man in the LA hotel and Rod rigu ez of lottery fame. That's
why I am being sequestered...

Ledezma is involved in the assault of Tony on my first Xmas in ISOL,
the night she had the payroll and her grandmother's jewels. He was not
introduced, or maybe he was, but I saw him through my cubicle window
making a phone call in very low voice and suspicious stance. there was
also an assault on another girl and her fiance when they had some money
and luggage, but they were in the client's office, working in the AFORE
project. Then there was the assault on my hose and my copmuter stolen,
when he confessed he did it. Incidentally, that day he managed to
entertain me and there was a very nice conversation where one of the
partners argued that we could not clone mature stem cells. But now
there is a new technique. I wonder if Eggan knows of my hypothesis. I
sent some mails to Harvard, and I do have some idea of *what* may do
the trick, though of course...

I believe my double is in LA, and he is identical to the first picture
in the site, though not copletely alike to my California IDs.

I could have been killed yesternight too. I just crossed the street and
a black van turned on the lights and accelerated. I could not see the
plates, but against the light in chiaroscuro could distinguish te
profile of a man who was in the sheter a few days, a rather fat man
with flat nose; he vaguely, very vaguely resembles my uncle. there have
been several balck vans around me lately. Maybe he is the one somebody
mentioned as Mendochino. I am just picking up names, but he did look
like having that last name!

Does Gral Padilla make sense? He may be the father of another school
companion, but she stayed tehre only two weeks and dissapeared when she
was beginning to be my friend. She went to Oaxaca, and reappeared when
I left that high school.

I wrote in my elog that I wanted to be an "immortal metamorphic
spacefarer". Maybe that's why they "invited" me to their secret
society? It was in the Saint AGnes shelter, but they were preparing it
with that news of people buying corpses in California... I still don't
know if it was open TV or cable TV, so ony in the hotel we received
those news, including that of the UFOs and the miracles. There was an
parabolic in the building of the same hotel crossing the street, where
the first party of bi strain's look alikes took place. The other one
was on 42 and 2nd in NY...

The voices in the visitors center were more subdued today. The post
went through without much problem today, but I need to be told
unambiguously that my email accounts are free of interference, even
that that disgusting "mark as read" button is gone. THis is the problem
with the Patriot Act: even with a judge's permission, how can we know
if the agent(s) is not taking away emails? A single email can be
crucial to destroy a life! I got this name Frank Hoffa. Mymother was
entramped, for sure, as I read those emails where she was almost
accusing me of using drugs, so what do we do with this entrampment?

Where are they getting this financing? They should be punished, they
are only getting money to use it against me and steal my future and
possible Nobel (no doubt, I know). And to finance their genocides...

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-23 18:07:33 UTC
Somebody mentioned Tom Lasorda but in my mind ended up being Frank
Hoffa. The man I don't know is Sir John (the idea for one of the
posts). It seems the homeless know of him for a while.

After I gave away Ledezma in the office nothing happened for a while,
but almost one year later the main partner was shot in the hand a few
blocks away. It was then when the company kind of broke, though was
saved for a while. I was in the middle of a dental treatment when I was
fired. Thanks to their Insurgentes cigar. But in that apartment the
water tanks were cleaned every six months, suspicious given the general
age of the building.

I am speaking of the Mexican Lu is Bi strain, not any American
counterpart. And there is at least one Italian in this mess. I wrote to
Italy several times because I needed my mother to have an Italian
passport so that she could leave Mexico, but they opted to place
demands that had nothing to do with their own laws! The relevant laws
were in one CDR in the computer I left behind.

These thieves don't understand that I am not Lu is Bi strain, that that
man is (was?) stealing my identity and that I love my country and want
to stay here. But they still insist in leaving me in the street, not
acknowldging their terrorist pressures and the rest of the

They insist in wanting me to insist on the Prsidents and their sons and
nephews to scare helpers... but I cannot see the link, unless these
thieves sold my works to them, in which case they should be treated as
criminals, the way they are treating me. They know that I cannot even
get a job, and I am tired of their clever messages.

Their last trick is to use narcotics. You don't want to associate
genius to narcotics, so none of this is mine... What a logic. The axiom
doesn't hold, hence theory of side effects. They are affectingmy health

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-23 18:14:46 UTC
[See last two posts]
Still a discrepancy between number of posts and the total. It means
there are replies, by these dirty criminals, but they don't let me see
it. They did send against me the worst of this country! So the United
States is being manipulated by a bunch of criminals! By making me
suspicious, neutralizing me and in general treating me like any
MExican. Even suggested me to go work at a restaurant! So essentially
they are commiting a "ferpect crime", though I am still the net victim
and these are net accusations.

And this was the motivation to "send me to the Sterens" (helping? ha!):
"not now but wait till you are older and surely you will try". Which
proves my moronity hypothesis: a scientist doesn't "try": needs a
theory first. And there is a method. Their narcosatanisms don't take
into account stem cells and other stuff... There is already a
hypothesis. But I am very famelic and subject to be poisoned by their
super special secret agents. Food can be substituted at the wholesome

I deman recognition to my works and my human dignity.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-25 18:51:05 UTC
[This post was deleted!(?) Can anybody see that it is not possible to
live sanely wit these doubts and abuses? Is it too late? Today]
X -98 88 -F, a sil ver van, the plates of one of around four or five
cars I have seen at least twice around me in NY. The other one is a
black van CN Z 15 04. They may be associated to those thieves. Not
precisely following me, but more like "coinciding". Maybe one of them
has my computer?

Again, Franz was a friend of one Raul who looks like Cr eel. That man
Raul I found as security guard in Los Pinos during the Congress. Now I
saw a Franz with facial surgery and looking very young. Never again saw
Franz since I was 15, even when he wsa living two neighborhoods away
from mine. I even thought he emigrated, which may be possible.

They may still be hoisting the names and pretending I am somebody else.
They want to make time pass so tath they can say: "Homeless? Oh, he has
been around for years...", when in fact I was FORCED into homelessness
because either a bureaucratic error or the fraud I suspect in El Paso
with my SSN. The more time passes, the more danger to the people I care
for. I arrived here with MY computer. I had to leave the computer
behind after I doscovered that I was sequestered in the LA hotel
because I could not talk to my mother. I literally fled them. But the
luggage brokw down, so I left the copmuter behind and I just kept my
hard drive. THere was one hard drive behind in the copmuter, not
working. That is the hard drive I found in my pocket the two times I
was arrested.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-25 18:57:33 UTC
Are they aware that it is me, any free computer I can get, my
whistling, my citizenship, emails and maybe my mother what a team of
forty plus all the agencies they are attracting are *fighting* against?

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-25 19:00:02 UTC
Oh, yes, there was a story about 12 Christs, another about UFOs, plus
my elog that was full of story beginnings... time travel, etc. and was

Any idea of who are the Balanos?

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-25 19:10:15 UTC
To the one who calls me Santiello
Oh, yes, a scientist, but how do I get to you? Is it any good? At 5:30
is the free meal in the mission which I can't miss because, you'll see,
when you begin starving all you can see is food, and then some sleep if
you sleep on a chair for more than a year.

And I don't know where is the studio. IS it on the big 4 building? I
have been in the other studios. I want my hard drive back! The police
ought to know, they say the FBI has my drive because I left my computer
behind and since then I am being treated as a terrorist and giving the
real terrorists the leeway!

Are you aware that you may still be confusing me with some kind of
Mexican? That you believe the really relevant IS the other guy, not the
one writing this, while I have to be in the street because the other
one is thieving MY identity, while many people I met appeared here and
my be dead BY NOW. Thanks to...

How come the police cannot recover such equipment and computer and
everything else from a thief from a homeless shelter?

I just received my first letter in the new drop in! Have no foodstamps
nor benefits, but they are reminding me of the wonderful services...
while I wait for my fair hearing to recover benefits, cash, before
three months pass...

Oh, yes, they went to see Miguel Aleman, in Veracruz... am I right?
Texas... so I have to lose everything to a bunch of criminals from a
forgotten swampy dock?

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-26 12:41:52 UTC
This email account doesn't react: Secretary at state dot gov

I cannot even get deodorant if I don't receive benefits. I cannot get a
job with only one shirt. And this shirt is suspicious, looks like from
a penitentiary, as if I had escaped. I cannot stash anything in these
places. They don't respect, and I am th eonly one who has asked for a
locker four or five times. The shelters is a sink, they are not helping
get out of homelessness, they cannot run out of clients because they
run out of funds, so it is just maintainng them there. I saw the trap
of the last shelter: a dangerous bed and they would say that I was on

And *they* (Mexico) want to keep me like this til I am 40. So while
they are having facial surgeries and receiving all opportunities, MY
opportunities, I am being left to get old prematurely and THEN they
will claim I am worthless, so they can do whatever they want with me.

By then all people who know of my abilities will be either defeated as
they say or murdered, them and their families, because that's what the
Mexican army does. And my mother will be who knows how or where, IF it
is still my mother, and of course my poor cats are like microbia. After
all, they don't use drugs nor sell drugs, they don't torture women nor
sell women and they don't sell nor use weapons. Therefore, useless.

But they have the &quot;I don't believe&quot; excuse, which is the
reason why they can do it and acting freely go away with eat, in which
moment I will be blamed as their strategy dictates, because they cannot
assume any responsibility: most people would like to kill them, and
they are AND LOOK very respectable.

I wonder if all the drugs that are appearing &quot;spontaneously&quot;
in my way will be credited to me, even if I miss the

It doesn't count that they admitted having my daughter and what they
did to Belinda, if she was Belinda, because we both were afraid to
speak to each other! Maybe more than once.

And to make matters worse then they pretend that I am being protected
this way! What was shocking and defeats their weak efforts to convince
me is that I saw the impersonator of another homeless, the one that
looks like Nosferatu, and he is very well to do, while the twin in the
shelter looks totally... sheltered!

The people who pretend to be writing this, how are they justifying it?
I think they try to use their mechanism to further steal among
themselves MY works, though it may be that at the end they will have to
respect my name on them, unless they manage to prove the unprovable,
that this is actually their. Did anybody noticed that the theory of
envy of underdevelopment actually leads to Keynesian schemes for
underdevelopment? But of course it cannot be mine, because who would
envy a homeless? And I was made homeless and they must have by now lots
of pictures of me being homeless, so they can say that I *am* homeless,
when I am a prisoner, because nobody is recognizing that my condition
is not that of homelessness but that of a man abused by terrorists and
gangsters manipulating a prejudice artificially. And worse, how do I
know they are not being protected by that Patriot Act that collides
with the Privacy Act? Maybe if I had some 100 and foodstamps, I may be
able to be cunning enough to actually make a phine call to LA and
convince somebody to tell me IF my threads are being read or not unde
rmy name!

How can I convince somebody that they are using non lethal weapons and
bioterrorism to damage my brain and &quot;prove&quot; their claims? I
am the guy of ghamac, but they are using it to scapegoat THEIR REAL
terrorist networks. So you cannot even use a org domain!

I am credited for all they are doing and did under the name of Lu is Bi
strain, or maybe by now they are proving that the bad guy is me, when
it was the constant pressure of the judiciales messing with the United
Nations what made me send mails everywhere. Now the Mexican agents are
no longer there, now there are American agents, quite notorious.

Has anybody noticed that I am tryong to recover a hard drive with code,
help my mother and cats, meet my old girlfriend, find a missing
daughter if she exists (my girlfriend know for sure) and get an income
by creating art, science and engineering?

The real problem is that they changed all names, so I don't know who is
it they are referring to. Some homeless are no longer there, those
weird videos are no longer there, the messages are still arriving from
almost everywhere. Today, a drunken homeless saying tha they
&quot;loved the queue&quot;, which means my LinkedQueue code, which was
with me since 1995.

Their excuses? That I said: &quot;yes, sir&quot;,
&quot;sasquatch&quot;, &quot;I don't know&quot;, &quot;I know&quot;,
&quot;wendigo&quot; and I don't remembere other &quot;passwords&quot;
which were supposedly to identify myself in the WH or the UN because
there was already another Danilo, or to distinguish me from Lu is or
something like that.

What they want me to say is: &quot;if I had known, I would have
remained in Mexico&quot;. Which is their deepest motive, envy. From
then, they must have created too many excuses to justify themselves,
actually one excuse or one pretext for every person who would have
helped me unconditionally as a sane world demands should they have
remained in their arid lands.

Now, where do I go to get compensated? Can anybody use enough neurones
to understand that my computer can be recovered, that I am Danilo, that
all this trouble was cause by gangsters from Mexico, that I lost
millions in bureaucratic and political errors of others, that... what
else can be inferred from this? Somebody has my property: if the
Mexican and the American government cannot recover them, despite all
the attention that I attract, what can be inferred from it? I should be
building my systems around the XML-GUI compiler! And my synthetic
instrument. And everything else. How can it be that nobody can even
speak nor listen to me? What is it that is worth the while then? Why is
this people letting a people who hates them destroy and denigrate a
whole country's civilization?

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-26 12:42:06 UTC
This email account doesn't react: Secretary at state dot gov

I cannot even get deodorant if I don't receive benefits. I cannot get a
job with only one shirt. And this shirt is suspicious, looks like from
a penitentiary, as if I had escaped. I cannot stash anything in these
places. They don't respect, and I am th eonly one who has asked for a
locker four or five times. The shelters is a sink, they are not helping
get out of homelessness, they cannot run out of clients because they
run out of funds, so it is just maintainng them there. I saw the trap
of the last shelter: a dangerous bed and they would say that I was on

And *they* (Mexico) want to keep me like this til I am 40. So while
they are having facial surgeries and receiving all opportunities, MY
opportunities, I am being left to get old prematurely and THEN they
will claim I am worthless, so they can do whatever they want with me.

By then all people who know of my abilities will be either defeated as
they say or murdered, them and their families, because that's what the
Mexican army does. And my mother will be who knows how or where, IF it
is still my mother, and of course my poor cats are like microbia. After
all, they don't use drugs nor sell drugs, they don't torture women nor
sell women and they don't sell nor use weapons. Therefore, useless.

But they have the &quot;I don't believe&quot; excuse, which is the
reason why they can do it and acting freely go away with eat, in which
moment I will be blamed as their strategy dictates, because they cannot
assume any responsibility: most people would like to kill them, and
they are AND LOOK very respectable.

I wonder if all the drugs that are appearing &quot;spontaneously&quot;
in my way will be credited to me, even if I miss the

It doesn't count that they admitted having my daughter and what they
did to Belinda, if she was Belinda, because we both were afraid to
speak to each other! Maybe more than once.

And to make matters worse then they pretend that I am being protected
this way! What was shocking and defeats their weak efforts to convince
me is that I saw the impersonator of another homeless, the one that
looks like Nosferatu, and he is very well to do, while the twin in the
shelter looks totally... sheltered!

The people who pretend to be writing this, how are they justifying it?
I think they try to use their mechanism to further steal among
themselves MY works, though it may be that at the end they will have to
respect my name on them, unless they manage to prove the unprovable,
that this is actually their. Did anybody noticed that the theory of
envy of underdevelopment actually leads to Keynesian schemes for
underdevelopment? But of course it cannot be mine, because who would
envy a homeless? And I was made homeless and they must have by now lots
of pictures of me being homeless, so they can say that I *am* homeless,
when I am a prisoner, because nobody is recognizing that my condition
is not that of homelessness but that of a man abused by terrorists and
gangsters manipulating a prejudice artificially. And worse, how do I
know they are not being protected by that Patriot Act that collides
with the Privacy Act? Maybe if I had some 100 and foodstamps, I may be
able to be cunning enough to actually make a phine call to LA and
convince somebody to tell me IF my threads are being read or not unde
rmy name!

How can I convince somebody that they are using non lethal weapons and
bioterrorism to damage my brain and &quot;prove&quot; their claims? I
am the guy of ghamac, but they are using it to scapegoat THEIR REAL
terrorist networks. So you cannot even use a org domain!

I am credited for all they are doing and did under the name of Lu is Bi
strain, or maybe by now they are proving that the bad guy is me, when
it was the constant pressure of the judiciales messing with the United
Nations what made me send mails everywhere. Now the Mexican agents are
no longer there, now there are American agents, quite notorious.

Has anybody noticed that I am tryong to recover a hard drive with code,
help my mother and cats, meet my old girlfriend, find a missing
daughter if she exists (my girlfriend know for sure) and get an income
by creating art, science and engineering?

The real problem is that they changed all names, so I don't know who is
it they are referring to. Some homeless are no longer there, those
weird videos are no longer there, the messages are still arriving from
almost everywhere. Today, a drunken homeless saying tha they
&quot;loved the queue&quot;, which means my LinkedQueue code, which was
with me since 1995.

Their excuses? That I said: &quot;yes, sir&quot;,
&quot;sasquatch&quot;, &quot;I don't know&quot;, &quot;I know&quot;,
&quot;wendigo&quot; and I don't remembere other &quot;passwords&quot;
which were supposedly to identify myself in the WH or the UN because
there was already another Danilo, or to distinguish me from Lu is or
something like that.

What they want me to say is: &quot;if I had known, I would have
remained in Mexico&quot;. Which is their deepest motive, envy. From
then, they must have created too many excuses to justify themselves,
actually one excuse or one pretext for every person who would have
helped me unconditionally as a sane world demands should they have
remained in their arid lands.

Now, where do I go to get compensated? Can anybody use enough neurones
to understand that my computer can be recovered, that I am Danilo, that
all this trouble was cause by gangsters from Mexico, that I lost
millions in bureaucratic and political errors of others, that... what
else can be inferred from this? Somebody has my property: if the
Mexican and the American government cannot recover them, despite all
the attention that I attract, what can be inferred from it? I should be
building my systems around the XML-GUI compiler! And my synthetic
instrument. And everything else. How can it be that nobody can even
speak nor listen to me? What is it that is worth the while then? Why is
this people letting a people who hates them destroy and denigrate a
whole country's civilization?

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-26 12:46:25 UTC
...that the impersonator already met the Presidents... from the
visitors center terrorists. All my effort wasted to a mediocre man? He
is so mediocre that he is slightly above mediocrity...

But now who do they promote under the name of Lu is B i strain? They
turned it into a psychotic schizo symbol, a banner, a tag, a title! I
don't believe the Lu is I know is being promoted, but he would accept
any offer allowing him to live without working... ANd their mechanism
maes me speak of him all I know! By now, both of us must have
canibalized each other's personality and destroyed it...

Fabrizo J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-26 12:56:24 UTC
The criminals won't admit it, nobody will admit it, so I admit it for
them: they committed treason and fraud, and a crime against humanity,
under the bad assumption that it had happened again.

And the happenings continue. A very old man looking like my mother,
sleeping in Bruant Park. I stayed there sitting on the stairs waiting
for a while. It woke up, looked surprised and took a picture of me...
with a digital camera. Then went and made a fuzz of pissing as a woman.
The nose was slightly crooked to the left. Which means that, somehow
(through somebody), they learned that my mothers nose suffered and
accident because the lion made a caress, long time a go. But it was not
that gross! She just had some difficulty breathing. And a few years
(years now) ago a cat bit her hand, almost atrophying her left fingers.
The medical attention was kind of: "Why did you let yourself be bitten
by a cat?" and nothing else. Danger of ostheoporosis. And this man had
a silver ring on that hand! Not related to me, but really looking
similar... and they'll pretend he is... the mother of Lu is B is train?

Straight to the face the picture: somebody will have a facial surgery,
for sure...

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-26 15:19:11 UTC
HEY NO LONGER BETA-GROUPS.GOOGLE.COM!!! Did I lose something? Hope

This occurrences now span several years, and the main more heated
period was last year. So many things happened, or were forecasted to
happen... with the systematic lie of making future past, who knows what
was actually done? And thus the only solution is to be very positive,
in the scientific sense. Difficult as it is.

But the main facts still remain inmy memory even if by now they have
had time to erase them from Reality, somebody giving *them* time to
hide themselves. And they will want to credit all this happenings to
me! The ultimate slap: the victim is treated as a criminal. Who is they
is the main issue. Because *they* is... Fabrizio J Bonsignore now
Danilo J Bonsignore! Not *THIS* instance, as in:

class Person
char *nickname;
static char *lastname;
char *name;
char *Nickname() {return this-&gt;nickname;}
void Nickname(char *nk) {nickname = nk;}

Person(char *n, char *ln) {
if (!n || !n[0]) n = &quot;Joe&quot;;
if (!n || !n[0]) throw int(1);//n = &quot;&quot;;//cannot self name!
shouldn't happen
name = strcpy(new char[strlen(n)+1], n);
if (!lastname)
lastname = strcpy(new char[strlen(ln)+1], ln);
nickname = this-&gt;name;

Well, more or less... so many possibilities to use the *this* in this
context! But what for? It won't compile nor be useful! And seems it
cannot be understood either! That this is being done by very old
people... it would make sense. Cruelty, lack of respect for youth,
death threatened as if it is nothing, prohibitions, irrational control,
pressure... And the mistake, the name confusion, the systematic name
confusion that even the homeless would at some point say, not being
acknowledged by me: &quot;Why didn't you say you were Lu is B i
strain?&quot;. Because I am not! And how do you know? WHY should they
know? To me now the answer is simple: because there was a wealth
transference, illegal, from my effort(lessly) accumulated wealth to an
empty sink, the moment I didn't acknowledge using a name that I cannot
use legally! And subject to several confusions...

But the trap is very evident now too! Whatever is done under my name...
people who know me will believe *I*, this instance, did it! SO I have
enemies, not friends, and no tolerance but hate, no help. While those
who don't know me don't want to know me! If they know of any bad things
done by the impersonating mafia. But those who don't know will be
rushed by *them* to be there and then claim: &quot;(this-&gt;instance)
is not DJB is LBG!&quot;. So by the time I arrive with all the chains
these people imposed on me all I get is mockery! Or closed doors, or
intolerance, bad faces, disrespect, indifference... with no apparent
reason. And if I manage to arrive first, then by the second time I am
there they will have been there with their false claims, so then I
become a problem, the until now unexplained bad face I received so many

In the ISOL trap everything went swell at first. I was accepted and
treated great. THEN... I began being brutalized (shouted at in an
office!) by the Ogrenaut, my immediate boss-director. The hiring
partner didn't want to have coffee with me. Most people in that office,
I learned later, were gays or self-denying homosexuals... And the only
day I really socialized, after all the doubts cast on my abilities
(shown moer than once despite the immediate boss' efforts), my computer
was stolen by Le dezma! HE pushed the socialization, THEN he
entertained me in the night... while he wasn't there during the day.
Finally he confessed using the same GESTALTIC techniques: I say ___ so
that you think ___...

Who can live like that? And the prize to him are my applications, which
I describes as thoroughly as I could. [Did I mention the Servip
document, a business proposal for an ISP that would sell printouts, and
develop a &quot;virtual community&quot; with &quot;intelligent
agents&quot;, which later I programmed as a framework in CLIPS?] And
the patent and... why the programmer I was getting along with, who was
the best in his field in that office, didn't appear in the show?

So, I am asking for justice! With NO money at all, but hunger and
thirst and the confusion of being able to walk so much, being able to
make phone calls only (with efforts, after a long time), being unable
to... [many communication events], etc.

It should be evident by now that I need justice done and they are net
victimizers... Who can handle and has actually experience in this kind
of life long conspiracies? Not to mention, as I have avoided so far,
the most weird aspects, those that will need more convincing, even when
it should be obvious from some basic understanding of human nature that
they have several motives, while the whole situation is ridicule, as
they left me homeless and alone! Can make friendships, but... how can I
do it under threat of them being murdered and these people still out
there? That's why we invented courts: to face victimizers and after
being sentenced have a sense of... Freedom... and safety.

How many impersonations are there? I would need eveybody to read
"Extradition", the story in ny.general.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-27 01:19:46 UTC
Hey, cheer up! I got you a job washing dishes at a Mexican restaurant
in LA! It seems the only thing fit for a moron who thinks he is a
genius. You are just a mediocre Mexican, that's all.
2005-08-28 13:52:49 UTC
Post by w***@yahoo.com
Hey, cheer up! I got you a job washing dishes at a Mexican restaurant
in LA! It seems the only thing fit for a moron who thinks he is a
genius. You are just a mediocre Mexican, that's all.
Have you ever heard of dish washing machines? I don't live in LA. THere
is only one man with my name in the world, UNLESS somebody changed his
name or has forged papers to pretend he is me. Expliain the moron,
explain the genius, words. FYI I am not Mexican AT ALL! Neiher blood,
culture, "mentality" nor physique. Are you aware you are insulting
Mexico? I have enough abilities to avoid working in a restaurant. But
without emails nor phone calls... how can you receive a call back call?
You mistify me... obviously you are one of *them*, the criminals who
persecuted me from Mexico to steal my music and computer. Are you aware
that I can compose symphonic music? And devise technologies and

What happened? You "recovered" my hard drive for 500 and gave it to the
wrong person? Or this is a fake email while the real writer wrote
something very different? YOu cannot receive onlt flames from so many
posts... statistically. You are giving proof that something is wrong...

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J BOnsignore
2005-08-28 13:55:17 UTC
Thought there were no more voices in the visitors center, but they were
just asleep. The man of the honcho again, waiting where I slept waiting
for free breakfast... Why I always wake up surrounded by people from
MExico? Aren't they aware that I left that countr yfor very good
reasons> Don't they notice how gey they look to me? ANd a mosquito
strike three times... How many days to leave a mosquito famelic? Real
mosquito... in NY?

Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-28 14:00:50 UTC
No fair using automatically generated text. One of the inviolable
rules is that you create it by tippy-tapping keys your own self.

- Wilbur

Darlene, the dog needs to be bathed. Ok, 5:23 is ok.
2005-08-28 14:56:23 UTC
And their last trick: now I am suspicious of whatever on frsutration.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-28 15:03:28 UTC
The agent who went to see the UN ambassador when I began writing to
the UN is the same agent who saw those guys. Can anybody see that all
this is unjustice and cannot be tolerated?

Again, a "security guard" suddenly comes here and harasses me. I am the
only one he will harass in the free visitors center. I am really
trembling of ire. I am defenseless and I don't know why this country's
authorities let these terrorists do this to me. They cannot do what I
can do. Just because of that I should be respected. Many people now
have to be sent to jail for ehat they aer doing. And they believe they
are being very intelligent! For doing this. I have to stay here to use
the internet, the library won't open today.

Is anybody aware that they keep confessing murders and the murder of my
family? What the hell is the power hose? I belive they are using a
keylogger, so what I write goes directly to someplace else... before I

ANd I cannot send myself a mail with their voices recorded...

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-28 18:04:40 UTC
They just said: "&quot;every time you eat in a homeless shelter
Daniello goes worse&quot;". Who is you? If they mean this->instance
then it is the double entendre, this->instance is eating in a homeless
shelter and this->instance is going worse, in all respects. If they
mean you as some other instance, then there is a man of this people
interfering in the shelters and ready to become this->instance at the
right moment. But you might mean that they still pretend that I am Lu
is B is train, so then it means that the real Lu is Bi strain is
getting worse to pretend he is the big vitim and that he is Daniello.
But their "&quot;psilocybination technology&quot;" means they are using
the myth that there is a magical medicine that makes people change and
appear as other people, when in fact it is somebody else who is taking
their place, maybe with some clever amnesia, or maybe with some clever
interrogation technique of the original person, the one that was

That propaganda is not a crime here? But this is not propaganda, this
is verbal violence directed against this->instance. They still don't
get it: I arrived here full of stuff and even had sent more stuff by
mail and now I have only charity clothes and a coat, plus a few
newspapers were I take notes, because even mynotes and addresses and
phiones were lost in the precint the last time time that I was made a
war prisoner.

www pesu art com: their propaganda has one of my drawings: a silohuette
that reminds you of Jean Arp. From the time I was studying art in the
Franklin books. C'mon, I told everybody: the mirror is broken by
putting the original and te mirror together... ANd I am not the man's
name Mexico wants to say I am, no way!

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-28 18:19:26 UTC
The gre en monk eys looks suspicious to me too... It's either those
guys from Mexico, their representatives or they sold the idea. The
professor? I would "watch" old moovies but not with them! The fact that
they have that arp-ish drawing means tey have been coming and going
into my apartments as if they were theirs. Is it really possible that
nobody can see here how miserable is *their* country and people and how
desperate are they to show that they are something?

Now they say I am fighting a judge. I came to this country expecting to
have justice without money in between. ANd tehy are solving everything
with money! Or with my works and promises of so called "immortality".
THere were drawings of "machines" like Tinguely. Of course, I can still
use that style in my drwaings! I guess it si not that easy to mirror
pictorial styles, is it? It is like forging signatures or handwritting:
the whole personality is implied. I still hope all my properties will
be restored to me. This is an ongoing crime, not just a "somebody
robbed me". It is intellectual property..

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignroe
2005-08-29 15:50:08 UTC
[now publishing also in realworldnow in yahoo groups...]
So! That it is impossible to win five Nobel Prizes? It is announced on
TV and the announcer gets SHOT! Nothing then is worth the while but...
what *they*, terrorists want. That's why I cannot even take a bath nor
choose my food in AMERICA? Funny, how many resources brought in to
&quot;prove&quot; that what I say is worthless! Now, who is being

They are jumping their bishops and now have two black bishops... isn't
it a defeat in itself?

Unwritten rule: If you live or grew up in another country you are a
double agent by definition.

Unwritten rule: Nobody can be more intelligent that the President.

Unwritten rule: If you write to the UN or another country you have to
be extradited to that country.

Unwritten rule: If you visit an Embassy, you are a spy of that

And so on and on and on... Xenophoby! &quot;Good&quot; pretexts to
avoid thinking. But it is THEIR **unwritten** rules. Ony they know
them! Which means trap, or entrampment, unacceptable.

Really, VIOLENCE is their solution! But whose solution? Supposedly this
was ordered by President Fix (still scripts out there?). But his
government was supposedly the Government of Change. (Talk of
opossumism, *they* don't let me go, so they take my property and
disposses me in my own country!). Yet it is being defeated by the same
old mafias! So many *they*'s... ANd the solution is obvious! Bring in
the Blue Helmets and help Fix get rid of these mafias while new people
is trained. Mex ico is supposedly a non interventionist country, but
they ARE interfering with my life HERE in America, even if THROUGH the
help of &quot;Very Americans&quot;, who &quot;can't admit&quot; that
they are ultimately manipulated by people from Mexico! That's why
Mexico has the Non Intervention &quot;rule&quot;: So that they can
interfere by beinng left alone, like promoting the Tlatelolco
agreements while extablishing a nuclear program, that kind of
principles. And I am just asking for their psychotics to give me back
my life's work in the form of my hard drives and CDs! Which is a slap
to ALL productive people!

They even pretend that my equipment was confiscated which amounts to
&quot;confiscate&quot; my tools of the trade, therefore leaving me

First, my birth certificate was not acknowledged as ID in the Embassy,
vs anybody identifying with it here in the US (could have crossed
pollero like with it and that's it!). Second, I was asked to invalidate
invalid Mexican papers when I could have had my citizenship recognized
right away and THEN the papers invalidated. Third, once INVALIDATED AND
NULLIFIED I was asken THEN to make a name change according to Mexican
rules! What for?! Papers were already invalid, the original birth
certificate, Texan, whouls have been accepted just like that! They left
me without citizenship for quite a while. And fourth, once I get a
valid US ID and proof of citizenship document THEN I am asked to wait
for a year to get the REAL citizenship, the SSN!

Who entertained my documents all these years? In 2000 I was well fed,
rested, working, with savings, with contacts, my family stable, my
domicile stable, communicated... by 2003 I was fleeing a mafia (they
ARE a mafia: more than three hunting for years IS a mafia, and they
acknowledge they are like 70), barely with money AND without full
papers yet! In 2005 I am in a drop in shelter with my last possessions
dispossesed BECAUSE I was trying to get help FOR people living in
another country that were threatened by these Mexican mafia! Because I
saw and had the pictures of tirture of the people of my generation!
Therefore, so far, one violent crime, two premature deaths in
accidents, seven women in torture pictures (more or less identifiable
but at least blackmailable), MY OWN case, and who know which other
cases I still don't know, not counting this &quot;happy&quot;
criminals. In high school we were like 140! And a good amount of them
of foreign origin.

And even then they want to steal my contributions and efforts nd not
even recognize my publieshed work, leave me without income, subject to
their &quot;side effects&quot; (you know, terrorism?).

Oh yes, it may be that my old boss was turned into a retarded
psychotic... SO we keep counting...

And even then they have &quot;puppets&quot; in my place and
impersonators and plagiarists and refuters, identity thiefs and
threateners and verbal propaganders (who know claim to have hostages at
ransom to make them exercise violence against me)... etc. And just to
finish it up, they insist in changing my name BECAUSE a smarta$$'s
father had it planeed for years! And it seems that that man left a
fortune (could be MY fortune), to MY name, not the false name of his
son, because he assumed the double entendre plot succeded!

And as a secondary goal they want to burn as many AMericans they can,
even going to shots. (Really, they ARE scared of music! But REALLY
Scared! MAybe music makes people not pay attention to *THEM*, all
powerful and wise gods?).

And this is very likely stolen by a librarian with a keylogger under
the bad assumption that he or them deserve to have MONEY just BECAUSE!
With that thinking, we would still be in the age of stone or earlier,
more likely in some kind of Medieval age...

I still need glasses. WE know they are exercising legal violence
against me, but they only inform me of the fact (so that I won't get
surprised, which of course would make judges and oters assume my
innocence), but they don't tell me WHERE I can confront them in time!
But when I complain: I want my work back, it was stolen under force,
they reply, you are creative, let everybody have envy...

(They had a perfect plan for a perfect crime? But there Is the

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-29 17:21:31 UTC
Well, somebody keeps provoking the homeless to become aggressive. Now
the sole of my left shoe is **almost** completely unglued. And there
were no shoes available in the Salvation Army. So I will have to walk
without a sole! They even left a tool IN the shoe. Probably while I was
asleep, or while I was concentrated writing in the library.

And it seems that when they point to the &quot;son of Fo&quot;x&quot;,
they DOmean the his son, not dome euphemism for myself or somebody
else. While they keep saying that &quot;nobody know where are my

Of course, they keep speaking in Spanish so nobody can really
understand but me. ANd they still want my works to be theirs? What for?
To bluff before whom? WHat do they expect to win? IT is so easy just
NOTto mention me in their stories... who cares? Xenophobia and racism
from one country INTO another country, and I am suffering it, becuase,
as they said, I committed &quot fraud quot; because I published
**_M_Y_** works in the internet! And their mechanism imply accusing the
victim of all crimes they are comitting because they will accuse a

And you cannot accuse! You are subject of being considered a confessor!
So who can accuse? Only the police? And if they don't know there is a
crime or a victim? Then they are on the side of criminality, as they
are when they don't take seriously all accusations.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-29 17:41:09 UTC
Did I mentioned that ME xico owes me 500 dollars? From an AFORES (just
in case tehy say I didn't pay taxes...), under my old name. They didn't
want to give me the money back, no matter how many letters explaining
that I had another citizenship and I wouldn't go back!

But their cynism is to say that they are doing time... in a luxury
appartment! And they are going to be extradited to Mex ico, which means
the backdoor, even when they are exercising violence here against ME!

Now there is a guy they call &quot;Carmichael&quot; who suddenly
becomes all relevant. And there is a district judge they won't mention,

So? They could no "nothing" to the poeple I met in Izta palapa... The
same workshop project in its first incarnation, when Lu is abandoned
for the first time.

I wonder, if I call Microsoft again, now that I have a SSN, will they
let me get the reply? Will they reply when I could not answer the first
form in 2003? They are leaving after burning all they could as invaders
and leaving me in the street without shoes! They don't understand the
idea of costs of opportunity... It had a cost, all the opportunities
they missed by impersonating me and defamating me and...

I should trust 40 Ann St, 10038 as a new post mail address.

I have no friends in Veracruz. But my mother and family. They should
have notofoed me of what was going on... I know, based on forced
testimonies... families at ransom, eeeh?

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-29 18:37:13 UTC
Oh, some moron's trap didn't work, and since I didn't let them turn me
psychotic, tehy want to believe that I want to become one of the
Steren! (as per my essays). But... who wants to be a narcosatanic? And
if nobody read completely... sorry, but I found the trap in time, EVEN,
if this essay points to some more free thoughts on the smae problem of
the book I want to write and was promoting as "summaries"... SOmehow
you have to interest the publishers, don't you?

[This post was lost due to time difficulties, but it may have been
keylogged in the NY visitors center... and in the library of NY. It
won't be the same...]

Causa mirabilis? Note that the contrary assumption is that we have
matter-energy as a &quot;reality&quot; on one hand and the void as a
different &quot;reality&quot;. There is then a mechanic, contact as in
macro reality assumed at the most basic level, where particle-energy
interact in a &quot;void&quot; medium. ANd we have no way to
mathematize it; zero as an absatraction is too weak for this void.

In this model the assumption is made of an infinitely dense
&quot;mass&quot; of fundamental particles. There is a
&quot;single&quot; typeof particle but in different modes. What we
consider matter is the same particle but stabilized in one of a series
of possible states, stabilized in virtue of other particles also
stabilized in a self sustaining equilibrium. The void is, here,
characterized as the &quot;fundamental particle&quot; in free state,
providing with its infinite degrees of liberty the necessary medium for
the exchange and transmission of the information contained in
stabilized particles and self-sustained, stable lumps of particles,
stabilized in a single or a deteremined set of states.

What is being called here as the &quot;solving&quot; of the mean field
is just the statement of the inherent dynamic of the UNiverse, or in
other words, the propagation throught the freely spinning
&quot;void&quot; (mass of fundamental particles in no particularly
stable state), of those &quot;lumps of particles&quot; that have
aqcuired a stable state out of the infinite possibility of states
(insisting in that these stable states are stabilized in virtue of
&quot;combinations&quot; of states that together, in actual touch as it
were, limit the degrees of freedom of that particular fundamental
particle to just a small set that turns that particular fundamental
particle [or its information], into some &quot;different&quot; kind of
particle, even when at the most basic, conceptual level, matter, energy
AND void are but aspects of the same basic building element).

Note that energy is here also a form of matter, except that those
fundamental particles participating at some point in what we can call
energy are fundamental particles transmitting sets of values throughout
the fundamentally freely spinning (universal) particle. In this sense
EM is just the transmission of the state of sets of stable values
throughout fndamentally free fundamental particles composingn what is
called the Void (which, in the other hand, may not be as freely
spinning eveywhere, i.e, it is not densely homogeneous, but assumes
supreous formations, self sustaining sets of pseudostable values that
would explain what we call dark matter).

What cannot be denied is that at every point there can be
conceptualized a measure of some determined set of fundamental
particles that determines its medium state, loosely characterized under
the term &quot;temperature&quot;, AND this sets of particles are also
conceptually infinite, that is, for a densely populated space, we can
take an (uncountably) infinite set of subsets of fundamental particles,
each of which will have a determined medium value, a characteristic
level of &quot;temperature&quot; and which will have &quot;some&quot;
influence on the dynamic of any other (adjacent) set. It is in this
perspective that Reality is holistic and the whole of it can be seen as
medium field being &quot;solved&quot;, or acquiring a &quot;final&quot;
stable state, including that of the fundamentally freely spinning
fundamental particles.

By &quot;solved&quot;, it should be understood that, given the
fundamentally unattached mass of FP, there is a permanent *propagation
of values*, a setting and unsetting of FP into the stable value of
stable lumps of particles, what is characterized as motion. In this
sense, cinetic energy can be seen as precisely this transference of
values from truly adjacent stable FO to unstable, free FP, a
transference that in itself &quot;forces&quot; the intertwined (self
sustaining) lumps of values to transfer themselves to other free FP. Of
course, in the event that there is no free FP, we have all the
phenomena of (macro)mechanics, including the most important phenomena
of heat entropy, or disorder cause by the interaction between very
stable lumps (strong atomic &quot;forces&quot;) and those not so
stable, (gravity and weak, chemical forces). Some of these interactions
will effectively change the way the most stable lumps of particles
associate between each other, giving rise to chemical reactions as we
understand them. Note here that as temperature-force increases, or as
the rate of change of the propagated information increases (the higher
that particular subsystem's temperature or mean value is), the more
change there will be, or entropy, where some of the FP's involved at
the most fundamental level will de-attach themselves from their
original lumps to acquire different states, some of them
self-sustaining with other adjacent FP's (in some state), others ending
up being truly freely spinning FP's as the mass of adjacent FP's with
stabilized values decreases. This &quot;free&quot; (non self sustained
nor forced-propagated) information values will eventually diffuse,
affecting other FP's during their free spin, effectively transmitting
throughout the Void this values before switching to another of the
infinite values it can assume.

The model is totally unified, for matter-energy and void.
[Would you believe that because I am writing this draft there is people
who may die if it is not credited to me under my real name? Some
nullities can be very ambitious, to a murderous level. First sent to a
mail account, then to realworldnow in yahoo and the google groups
Is Jesee still in the MIT?]

Fabrizio Jose Bonsignore Guardia now Danilo Jose Bonsignore

[I've don no other names, though there were "misspellings".... )8(
And no matter how hard they try, I composed the Rondo Variato, the
rondop.mid, in Veracruz, and improvised Isabel's Death, and there are
more compositions in my hard drive, and I bet there are lots of facts
some people don't even know about... They won't be able to retrieve
some compositions... A hard drive is like a mind. They (Mex ic an maf
ia) are jumping all decencies. astalavista.box.sk: one of the
Christians in the Saint AGnes SHelter before it turned Mainchance
'KNEW' of that address, a security site... they are so cynic...

How I ***dare*** do this to Me xi co? Because I lived there, almost
against my will and they came HERE to pressure me! And THERE I was as
good as a foreigner, for all practical purposes (including their subtle
bioterrorism). But what am I doing? Promoting my ideas and works in
this country? Then what about free open markets and internationalism?
They can as well take any other author and include it in their text
books, for there are so many authors... Who will care? Most people in
Mexico live sordid realities... will they care about some notorious
author? It will probably create more resentment. They can choose
something more substancial for the electoral circus than abusing me and
other people implied by my mere existence.

Poet in Spanish? I am in neutral ground. What's the ground for

Power? That's why there is Law and judges and some rules, to avoid
excesses such as these... I am suffering. I wonder if my cats (felines,
felis catus), are still alive or they are taking revenge on them too?
Oh, they want me to call some house... but now I am wary, and they
didn't provide the phone, despite the verbal pressure the whole year in
2005-08-29 19:56:07 UTC
Yeah, I forgot! I mentioned to myself that I might work for CBGB for
$20 a day. Maybe serving stuff in the bar or whatever. And... guess
what? The landlords wanted them to pay past rents and leave the
place!!! Coincidence? I don't think so, when this people is even
commenting that "the generals" even want a coup d'etat! I guess here
and there.

The funniest thing is that the "War on Terror" ended up being defeated
HERE! Or is it "terror to create war"? And I am being (mis)represented
*just*right*now*! In absence, but I have not the slightest idea of
where to go or who to ask. I already tried some bars, the legal aid,
the courts, several free associations, a law school, writing Harvard
and other schools, amnesty, the other human rights association, the
Coalition for the Homeless, the BRC... the only one I missed is too far
away, but I already called and nothing. And I even tried an ad in the
newspaper, but the lawyer was out of town...

Now, is this normal? Or this is THE trap, the reason why somebody
messed with the Embassy and the SSA office(s) to leave me homeless
knowing that I would not work in a restaurant nor illegaly to avoid
myself problems?

Was the guy I saw in LA on a bike the son of Millikan? It was like
secret service, federal police and army symbolically represented,
though , as they say they did with my half sister, I was treated like
an animal in the zoo... because a perturbed man had a conspiracy in

Between homeless and famous, it is a NO INCOME SITUATION AND IAM ABOUT

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-29 20:28:12 UTC
And they finally make sense! It was de la Pue nte and Var gas the guys
that appeared in my apartment, the apartment I was living with my
mjother then, and the guys who crashed us in Veracruz, and they are
doing this because they MET THE SON OF PRESIDENT FOX! ANd that
"fruanhofer" IS the son of President Fox!!! No wonder there was so much
opposition in that building. ANd yes, I recognized the girl (or should
I say gal? I cannot be informal now: she had 19 then), who was working
in the laundry wher Iw ould take my clothes every week... and she kept
no less than three of my best shorts, including ONE that would make me
look broader without being notorious... And she is here! What a

Yeah, the Mexican military have sentenced to death the family of Fox,
and of course want to do the same to me, and to the others in teh
generation, and their families and... Why don't they begin with
themselves? Of course, I am still following their brouhahaha.

I wonder if the judge is actually being impartial or also believes this
was ordered from the White House and that we are living in a kingly
totalitarian state where one of the BIG 16 "generals", it also makes
sense now, can do whatever tehy like as long as they mention
"children", which seems to be the magic word... Of course, that's what
they wanted everybody to believe... but I don't believe, I think.

So Sarah Hardin was my half sister and they didn't let me know then? To
prove my "tendencies to incest" the Gorillaz were so keen to expose as
their trauma? She does look a little bit devilish...

Now, what are we going to do?

Last, it was the theory of side effects!!! But note THEIR theory of
psilocybin granting telepathy, which is dangerous to children, of
course, but my theory of side effects corroborated in the way they have
been treating me. And no, they could not make me smoke dope.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-29 23:36:59 UTC
They are already threatening to delete my threads. THe Mexicans.
Because... who knows? I believe it is their population's inherent
demency! Mentally retarded, or how else can we call it? If the son of a

President has to go thrpugh all this to make some money...

I was just shot with a camera. Whose camera is it? I don't know. Bad
scene though. They are making a gonzo? TO prove... what? This is being
unfair, but maybe it is somebody else's camera and it sia good thing.

I still don't know what are they accusing me of. What I know is that
their double entendre show smells as fraud: they went to my friends and

helpers and asked for money! SO they ended up having no money. Or maybe

I have now a big account I don't know of! Hence, they must have me live

without mjoney lest I find out what is going on. But then... what am I
supposed todo? I don't know that money where it comes from (the banks
won't tell... I know, banks wash their hands), so **I** will end up
being accused of committing fraud to people I know nothing about! Or to

my OWN friends, who are now my enemies! Their mechanism. But their
assumption is that I am a stupid moron! SO stupid that wouldn' think of

it! Or I would run with the money. And by the time mt friends and would

be helpers are aware of what is happening... they will have nomoney to

So everybody is in a sink. Plus, of course, those pictures of torture
and bondage they put at the reach of my hand... to pretend that **I**
am blackmailing people!!! My people of course, or very dangerous
people. Here my people is the people I grew up with... in Mexico.

I wonder if in the UNited States they knew I was US citizen? Probably
no, because they had been planning this for quite a while!

I already sent mails to the Mexican banks. Should I send mails to ALL
banks in the world? I will or maybe to the central bankers. To freeze
all accounts under my name! Because that money is not mine and my name
and identity have been stolen... by the son of country (or palnet in
their terminology?)

And after all this the mockery of going to trial, really to spend years
in a court as I spent One Year waiting to decide if I trespassed a
lobby or not! When I lost all my property, but that that was in the
hands of the police!

I already tried SIX literary agents. No help. MY mails? How can I be
sure> I sent so many for no replies... only suspicious spam in accounts
tat were not open to spam lists...

My music? I cannot even get in touch with my mother! She had the
contact to the EMI classic division. Lawyers for teh Arts were of no
help. Score was of little help, etc...

So it is like living in MExico, nothing works, nothing is working, and
not even producing results works!

And I have to be here hearing to all their brouhaha and that they "ate
the cake" and such retarded comments, trying to find out who is really
allowing this, when even trying to go tothe police is not working. I
was asking for help on January 2004, iot is 2005 and I have been

Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J BOnsignore
2005-08-29 23:45:49 UTC
Yeah, this is reality show in garnd scale! I'm still not sure about
those boastings of BIG contacts and BIG names...

Certainly Lu is must be pretending that my sorks are his, and he was
keeping my mails, so if he pretended to be me OR to be my
erpresentative OT whatever just because he managed to commit fraud...

The problem is tat they gave permission to other people to abuse me as
if I had nothing to say and were just a man in the streets! When we
arrived to Veracruz, those guys were alerady waiting for us there. It
was evident. even the possibility of the "apartment" was kind of
obvious, but couldn't convince my mother of taking any other place...
so conveniently behind the old maid... ANd then ethir comments about
helicopters and the like. they al;ready had something. Their comment
was literally: "and he sent a helicopter for him". It is awful to be
unable to get out because you know you are being observed...

And soon it was obvious that all of the vagrants i that block were
already aware! But what would you mother think of it? "You are
paranoid". SO I wasn't believed! ANd here I am... NO wonder I could not
call the US Embassy. NO wonder my SSN was rejected! It looks like all
letters are being intercepted by the Mexican authorities...

I wonder if the already killed me symbolically... So many doubts... And
my mother and I waiting to have money to take care of our cats!

But now it feels like vultures. Waiting to see who keeps the cake.. if
not somebody has already claimed it as his!

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
visit ghamac.org to see what I mean
2005-08-30 13:14:13 UTC
I still cannot believe the kind of arguments I hear of! If *they* don't
understand, then the other party is drugged! But, most important,
somebody just heard that I was going to have a big deal... and tey only
thought of drugs! When it was a recording deal, or a music publisher's

The only way I can make sense of what I am recollecting is that those
guys, after finding me in Veracruz and renting the apartment that
oversees the entrance to the private street my mother and I were living
is is that they had an interview with the governor of Veracruz, Miguel
Aleman, and convinced him that my stuff was theirs. I did act
carelessly once there. After they burned my power supplies and had the
computer's power supply changed, I opted to buy a CD burner once I had
money to travel. The burner I had in 2001 was *burning* CDs, though
they might have ruined it. It was not working because I left the
controller CD in an office with a technician and it was quite a while
before I could find him to give it back to me. And then it didn't work!
I only managed to make a single copy of music applications and then I
noticed that the CDs where burning trash. I did go to the consummers
association to get my money back, though I only received less than half
the sum Ipaid for it, quite expensive.

So I bought a new, German burner and spent a good deal of time backing
up. But to have it installed... I left the copmuter overnight in that
computer's workshop. The wav files are quite big, the Serenade
(different file name) was 111 megs! That's why I wasn't concerned about
hackers getting my important music, including the industrial techno I
composed with the Double Muffin synth. But if this guys were there, and
they were, they must have convince the man in the workshop to copy my
file. How can I convince somebody that there are three (or were now
that they have everything) criminals I now identify as the Var gas
brothers and de la Puen te, persecuting me criminally and then
politically? It was before I had the internet connection, so it must
have been around June or maybe a little before, don't quite remember.
Dates must match, and that's why they went wackos. What I still don't
know is if ex-gov Miguel Aleman would accept he was defrauded by a
bunch of criminals (not his fault, for sure). There was an Aleman house
just two blocks away from high school and I am fairly sure we had one
of his realtives in school (though, with this puppets theory...).

By the way, the other CD reader had infrarred control. The control was
with me but was stolen the first night the wackos in the Saint AGnes
Church sent me to the street...

So, is it true that this criminals already went to see the President of
the United States and becuase of that I have to be turned into a
noiminal criminal becaue nobody wants to admit they were defrauded and
incriinated by real criminals? Which makes criminality contagious and
an onnus to any country, since, as per my envy theory, their
earningsare not enough to compensate my loses plus the loses that are
derived, as interests, from all the lost opportunities plus the new
creative endeavors!

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore

Bili Rubin
2005-08-02 19:02:20 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
My email accounts are being closed, even those I was maintaining. The
server for this account is being closed someday, and it was my most
to the account of fbonignore in that server, but I was unable to log in
for months; ergo, my mails were deleted, including those were I was in
touch with an official of the SSA, which is the reason why I ended in
Skid Row, after more than four months waiting for the citizenship, I
mean, for the SSN.
Now I fear that whoever is using my mail accounts has been sending
mails in my name to some guy in LA, probably pretending that ****I****
wanted to do drug dealing from LA to NY! And that individual, a very
passing acquaintance, very probably accepted and was incriminated by
the hackers. If he beieves those mails are mine, then ***I*** am
incriminated. The real problem seems to be that there are no **humans**
in this country able to understand that I have incredible music to
sell, writings, (had) programming applications and patentable material
conceived over a span of 10 years (since 1993), plus made several
contributions (incomplete) to economics and probably physics, including
ideas to link physics and politics, plus a model that links physics,
the mind, telepathy and sociology in a single, unified model. Which is
motives enough to have a bunch of miserables from the backyard
desperate to becime somebodys while making my life miserable and
affecting my health. And they are very probably selling my works and
ideas to several people in the United States to create conflict and
blame me...
I believe there is some wacko using infrarred lasers to hurt me.
I remembered that there is a guy I haven't seen since I was eight years
whose father is a Mexican judge. His name is Camilo, orange brunette,
green eyes. I was reminded of him because of a common acquaintance I
found once and told me about some frauds in the FOREX companies that
suddenly began sprouting everywhere around 1997.
Since it is obvious I was **purposefully** and illegaly (under any
common sense assumption of fairness and decency in law) incommunicated,
I demand to have a compensation for the lost opportunities and the
inquisitorial techniques this people has been using to prompt me to
write this, plus, of course, the cowardly theft of my hard drive and
the persecution I experienced for years. Knowing the corruption in
Mexico, I am afraid that suddenly I have no friends and even my family
and very close acquaintances are turned into accusers. That's why I
fear they are being threatened and their most basic rights denied by a
government that controls people with fear of the murderers of the
judicial. (You have to live in that country to understand what it
Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-07-31 17:58:02 UTC
They just confessed they rejected several scholarships that arrived to
my mail accounts! It is a matter of finding which schools sent those
scholarshps to accuse them of fraud. I didn't reject nor received any
scholarship despite my interest and the mails I sent to get a

The excuse that they "didn't believe" is a bad escuse, because they are
using it to prevent me from actually *showing* and *proving*. They want
me to do time to have time to erase all evidences and have the fraud

Ib elieve there was a fake news about my death in Los Angeles. meant to
hide me or to "save face". Also, the embassy officials who gave me my
passport may be in danger. I am sure there has been a fraud with my
borth certificate in El Paso Texas. I had a copy that was lost with my
computer and luggage. I am a accusing these people of fraid and
identity theft!

It is not the property lost, but the intellectual contents: it is like

They are very comfortable protected by some kind of agent whjile I am
passing hunger in teh street. Today Id on;t have money to eat and will
have to wait til next month to have some food, tehrefore I am exposed
to whatever foos is given in the shelters plus all the rumors of poison
in the food and medications I don't want to take.

That they are committing a big fraud is obvious.

I am accusing the son of Fox (the one I call Faunhofer, name he gave to

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore