A three pronged pyramid for the new WTC...
(too old to reply)
2005-05-11 13:05:26 UTC
Each tower would symbolize one of the three powers of democracy, with a
high anthena like an Eiffel tower to nake it tall without compromising
security. It doesn't have to be a real pyramis, it can have a gentle
slope or be more like a ziggurat, with gardens in the terraces (a
gentle slope would allow people to slide down if necessary if it is a
very smooth building). It can be extended below street level to include
metro stations and underground malls, even several levels/stories below
ground level. The towers need not be very tall, just enough to complete
the design and give it an appearance of a crown (isn't this the Empire
State?). The original Americans built pyramids, now the modern
Americans would have their own pyramid, honoring the tradition.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-06-01 01:57:37 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Each tower would symbolize one of the three powers of democracy, with a
high anthena like an Eiffel tower to nake it tall without compromising
security. It doesn't have to be a real pyramis, it can have a gentle
slope or be more like a ziggurat, with gardens in the terraces (a
gentle slope would allow people to slide down if necessary if it is a
very smooth building). It can be extended below street level to include
metro stations and underground malls, even several levels/stories below
ground level. The towers need not be very tall, just enough to complete
the design and give it an appearance of a crown (isn't this the Empire
State?). The original Americans built pyramids, now the modern
Americans would have their own pyramid, honoring the tradition.
I got rid of the sketch, just in case it was stolen, but it can be
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Fabrizio J Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
Paul Hovnanian P.E.
2005-06-01 02:31:55 UTC
I still like this design:

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Paul Hovnanian mailto:***@Hovnanian.com
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