A model of Reality
(too old to reply)
2005-06-22 23:12:42 UTC
See the rest of the posts in ny.general and looking by author or
searching Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, sort by date, in google groups.

Note from the last post that being the Universe essentially the process

of solving for equilibrium the mean field for an infinite set of
inifinitely valued values (or at most granular at the planck constant
value for this Universe), an adequate model for the dynamic of the
Universe, is the process of annealing from the initial set of
infinitely valued fundamental particles and initial value to the final
mean field value (thermal death), considering that the (possibly)
infinite subfields would also apply this dynamic in a recursive manner.

(This idea I discussed in San Antonio in August 2003, no political time

machine implied here). Examples of the (sub)process would be the
forming of (spontaneous) solar systems, (natural) galaxies, and of
course the evolution and dynamic of both life and intelligence,
considering that human intelligence is also solvable through the same
approach of annealing over connectionist systems. Since this seems to
be the main organizing process for this type of Universes (other
possible Universes would uses other dynamics), there is the possibility

of expressing chemistry and most bioloigical processes using the same
algorythm... And otehr disciplines would follow the same fundsamental
rule (see theory of beliefs and possibilty of telepathy)...

Danilo Jose Bonsignore, previously called Fabrizio Jose Bonsignore
2005-06-23 12:19:05 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
See the rest of the posts in ny.general and looking by author or
searching Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, sort by date, in google groups.
Note from the last post that being the Universe essentially the process
of solving for equilibrium the mean field for an infinite set of
inifinitely valued values (or at most granular at the planck constant
value for this Universe), an adequate model for the dynamic of the
Universe, is the process of annealing from the initial set of
infinitely valued fundamental particles and initial value to the final
mean field value (thermal death), considering that the (possibly)
infinite subfields would also apply this dynamic in a recursive manner.
(This idea I discussed in San Antonio in August 2003, no political time
machine implied here). Examples of the (sub)process would be the
forming of (spontaneous) solar systems, (natural) galaxies, and of
course the evolution and dynamic of both life and intelligence,
considering that human intelligence is also solvable through the same
approach of annealing over connectionist systems. Since this seems to
be the main organizing process for this type of Universes (other
possible Universes would uses other dynamics), there is the possibility
of expressing chemistry and most bioloigical processes using the same
algorythm... And otehr disciplines would follow the same fundsamental
rule (see theory of beliefs and possibilty of telepathy)...
Danilo Jose Bonsignore, previously called Fabrizio Jose Bonsignore
[Mind that this approach is in debt to a computer systems cosmovision.
The paradygm of identical processors working in parallel and deriving
results from the interconnection of the whole is powerful enough to
express most objects. There is no necessity for more complex
constructions when results can be derived by recurring to simple
objects working together and simple rules linking them. Sounds a little
bit like the Matrix... a useful insight!]

A dire possibility is that our universe is in fact the expression of a
single "fundamental" particle being built in a higher level universe in
turn the expression of a "fundamental" particle being built... ad
infinitum. In this vision we would be in a state of continuous
creation. But then mind that intelligence (Reason) creates new
constructs that cannot be readily expressed in terms of the single mean
field reaching equilibrium paradigm. It is Reason that creates new

(It seems this attracted the envy of some people with power... they
have to understand that power is to serve and so useful things and
cannot enter in competition with creativity.)

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-06-23 12:54:01 UTC
Alpha: Universe clusters are the expression of the expansion of all
possible numbers toward Infinity. The Planck constant is the value of
the fundamental spin that gave birth to this particular Universe.
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Post by f***@beethoven.com
See the rest of the posts in ny.general and looking by author or
searching Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, sort by date, in google groups.
Note from the last post that being the Universe essentially the process
of solving for equilibrium the mean field for an infinite set of
inifinitely valued values (or at most granular at the planck constant
value for this Universe), an adequate model for the dynamic of the
Universe, is the process of annealing from the initial set of
infinitely valued fundamental particles and initial value to the final
mean field value (thermal death), considering that the (possibly)
infinite subfields would also apply this dynamic in a recursive manner.
(This idea I discussed in San Antonio in August 2003, no political time
machine implied here). Examples of the (sub)process would be the
forming of (spontaneous) solar systems, (natural) galaxies, and of
course the evolution and dynamic of both life and intelligence,
considering that human intelligence is also solvable through the same
approach of annealing over connectionist systems. Since this seems to
be the main organizing process for this type of Universes (other
possible Universes would uses other dynamics), there is the possibility
of expressing chemistry and most bioloigical processes using the same
algorythm... And otehr disciplines would follow the same fundsamental
rule (see theory of beliefs and possibilty of telepathy)...
Danilo Jose Bonsignore, previously called Fabrizio Jose Bonsignore
[Mind that this approach is in debt to a computer systems cosmovision.
The paradygm of identical processors working in parallel and deriving
results from the interconnection of the whole is powerful enough to
express most objects. There is no necessity for more complex
constructions when results can be derived by recurring to simple
objects working together and simple rules linking them. Sounds a little
bit like the Matrix... a useful insight!]
A dire possibility is that our universe is in fact the expression of a
single "fundamental" particle being built in a higher level universe in
turn the expression of a "fundamental" particle being built... ad
infinitum. In this vision we would be in a state of continuous
creation. But then mind that intelligence (Reason) creates new
constructs that cannot be readily expressed in terms of the single mean
field reaching equilibrium paradigm. It is Reason that creates new
(It seems this attracted the envy of some people with power... they
have to understand that power is to serve and so useful things and
cannot enter in competition with creativity.)
Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Omega: Universe clusters are the expression of the expansion of all
possible numbers toward Infinity. The Planck constant is the value of
the fundamental spin that gave birth to this particular Universe.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-06-23 14:00:52 UTC
Alpha: Universe clusters are the expression of the expansion of all
possible numbers toward Infinity. The Planck constant is the value of
the fundamental spin that gave birth to this particular Universe.

Actually the problem of whether the Universe is expanding or is stable
is te problem of whether we are a particle being stabilized in a higher
level Universe being born or we are the inner dynamic of an already
stable particle in a higher level Universe. (Note that the idea of a
cluster of Universes is equivalent to the forming of a stable atom in
our Reality-Universe).

This approach must be understood in the sense that even if there is no
_direct_ communication between spatially distanced particles, the
moment that they are participants of some field being solved for
equilibrium implies immediately a relation, or a correlation, that (is)
the final solution for that particluar field being evaluated. At any
moment there is an infinite number, any number of particluar mean
fields being solved at the same the big UNiversal field is being solved
for equilibrium, that is, the whole UNiverse. This is the reason why
spatially distanced particles can exhibit similar or identical
behaviour as if there was some connection, but ut is actually only the
expression that there (is) a mean field being solved, and its solution
depends on the totality of particles involved in that particluar field
solved. THis is akin to the Jung uian idea of holism as expressed in
the I ching, in the sense that the moment, this moment, is a resultant
of EVERYTHING, and even small parts of it, like the coin or the
matches, determine THIS particluar moment. Yet the future cannot be
REALLY divined (saved for the automatisms we call Causality, which may
be actually spureous over long times), since the mean field does not
depend on particular particles assuming particles values, but on the
totality of it, which is the meaning of Chaos, non forecastability.
Reality is in the end opaque, as the inner structure of the particles
we brake is indeed anoter UNiverse as complex as ths one we live in,
only that its inner structures are too _small_ to be actually
discernible, though of course there is always the possibility that this
is the basic, or first level Universe, so the most we can achieve is to
try to observe the fundamental particle, which in this model is equated
with actual void, the void we relate to a virtual soup (spins
continually changing forming spureous particles and virtual particles,
that is, particles that cannot stabilize in this Universe given the
values of their spins).

This is also the view of Einstein, that Nature is simpler than we
expect and its us who add the complexity. For there is also the
possibility that, in the infinite (transcardinal?) possibilities of
particles being stabilized as mean fields, annealing, strange
formations can actually arise, much more strange than any we have in
this Universe, since complexity may arise spontaneously in stable
forms. So our laws of physics may actually be just a set of the total
possible laws of physics both for this Universe and for all universes
possible. That is, the laws of physics may have actually change with
time, even if at any moment they rule in the whole unievrse, as they
are the resultant of inner structures being formed during the solving
of the mean field of this Universe. Yet it has to be taken into account
that even with a single process, that of annealing, taking place at the
Uiverse level, there is an infinite number of paths that can be
followed, each one determining the rest of the future evolution of this
particluar system (closed system in the sense of Greniewsky). making
laws of physics very stable, since they were "chosen" during the first
moments of the expansion from the fundamental particle into the rest of
this Universe.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
ghamac.org now with somewhat full beard
2005-06-23 14:23:32 UTC
Alpha: Universe clusters are the expression of the expansion of all
possible numbers toward Infinity. The Planck constant is the value of
the fundamental spin that gave birth to this particular Universe.

Other possibilities that arise is that black holes are actually the
expression of a Universe being created in the midst of this Universe,
that is, it is the expansion and magnetizations of fundamental
particles for some inconsistent but stable value for a single
fundamental particle that is expanding to forma new Universe, with
different rules from ours. The value would be such that our matter is
"demagnetized", denaturalized, in touch with this new set of stable
values, forming an actual bubble, compleetly opaque which nothing in
this UNiverse (nothing formed of the kind of matter we know and are
formed of) can penetrate, as it could be immediately transformed, or
rather, disintegrated. Whether this structures can grow and expand or
become stabilized is another problem that may not be solvable but by
*experience*, though it would depend on the density of the new Universe
as compared to the inner density of the matter of this Universe whether
it expands or not, as a denser Universe would attract matter to the
point of denaturalization, while equal density Universes wouldb e very
stable, their size depending on the quantity of void (free spinning)
particles surrounding it. Lighter UNiverses would experience
disintegrating forces, also depending on the quantity of vaccum at
their disposal for denaturalization into the new Universe's form of
matter... And of course it may be that in the center of the galaxies
new Universes areb eing formed, reason why all we can actually see is
alot of light!

Fabrizio J Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
ghamac.org now with somewhat full beard
2005-06-23 15:37:08 UTC

Ok, now they mentioned (through the microphones in the visitors center)
the governor of Hidlago sending an ambassador. There is also a US
senatori who looks like John Wayne (ish) who is also aware of this
"case". And it is no use to deny it that the Mexican PFP is a military
police, hence the mention if so many military, even though I am biot
affiliated to any organization of any kind (you know, kind of the
problem, since I have no income...). And why they don't reveal that one
or more of this "little kids" have uncles in the police? Actually I am
beginnign to believe that Rincon Gallardo is the father of Luis Bis
train! If it is true, that's why he lost his scholarship in the UIA and
was left with a debt: they discovered after the investigation that he
was not using his real name! Therefore he is Luis Rincon Gallardo,
probably a natural son... I know he was the owner or host of that night
club in Reforma (the FBI has a pic of mine where I am reclining in a
tree and the background is said night club). Some years ago there was a
case of narcosatanics in the block behind which none of the neighbors
believed... yet it was known that that night club was closed because it
was a drug dealing hub, full of important cars and important ghosts,
which I never saw, despite being my usual route back home from the pink
zone and the circuit of Sanborn's (you know, free magazines and cheap
cigars with fine tobaccos, as I said before, taking advantage of
producer surplus through price discrimination: Davi dov and higher at
the cost of 75cents Insur gentes!). Therefore, why they keep playing?
We are in different leagues; I deal with science, art and engineering,
they deal with... they know what they deal with. So Luisito was
appointed to meet me someday...? Nice trap! Tht's why I left Mexico,
and now that this is clear, I may resume my life and compose my music.

Read the stories: Generation X and The Judge. Who can read the
proceedings of that mocked trial in Texas? I don't know where, but at
the time last year's February when this all begin and I was
destabilized the moment I found my first temporary job, I had a PO BOX,
so it means they messed with my post mail! It was announced in the
ghamac site and I stil have the number... It is a federal ofense as far
as I know... read the rest of the Dramatis Personae thread for the
restof the characters in this commedy and drama. I want to recover my
computers and the material thatwas stolen by the Ledezmas (judiciales),
the Bis trains (Rincon Gallardos? what's their real name), the Gorillaz
(Vargas? I was an aquiantance of his cousin Edgar) and the rest of the
oppo ssums. there must be some decent people here in this world,

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo j Bonsignore

Omega: Universe clusters are the expression of the expansion of all
possible numbers toward Infinity. The Planck constant is the value of
the fundamental spin that gave birth to this particular Universe.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
ghamac.org now with somewhat full beard
2005-06-23 16:51:14 UTC
Is there any way that I can actually publish this FIRST if they are
redirecting the packets? I don't know which Spanish speaking government
has "orders" that MY government don';t actually know I am the real one!
They are giving credit to a soldier, it seems... And this may be read
elsewhere with a different name, but since AMerica is acting like a
tiotalitarian country and keeps sending me to jail under the least
excuse and all my property was stolen, I am unable even to make a
simple long distance call! Much less socialize... No wonder that they
were using so much FLUORINE in the water entru for the Colonia
Cuauhtemoc: that was why the decent people were leaving that
neighborhood, the one were the USEmbassy is located. They have control
of the servers! If only they could understand these ideas... but it
looks like the parakeets simply cannot understand, thogh then I have
handling this material since at least 1993...

As a by thought, it can be seen that the same mean field approach can
be aplied to disciplines such as politics, where through different
methods the actual result is that of arriving at a a mean solution for
a field composed of discrete units with different orientations that can
be encoded as single digit real numbers... with complex rules as to
their mutual "magnetizations", these rules we call economics and
politics.. And it should also be evident that following the hermetic
principle of "above and below", being the brain and the mind
essentially aprocess of solving to equilibrium a steadily destabilized
system, while at the same time they are the solution for a higher
system of interconnections of basic (though internally complex units),
the link betwen thought and matter can be seen not only as possible but
actually as necessary (see the Theory of Beliefs, Possibility of
Telepathy and Possiblity of Remote Vision and probably the Sterens

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
in geocities syntotic and telkomakos
Who is teh yahho webmaster that has been middelattacking the account I
use to get in touch with my mother? I do care for my cats and her...
And they just revealed that it was Ledezma Torres and his judicial
family which I accused as a matter of fact) the ones who entered into
an agreementw ith the police to steal my coding patents. I need help of
a REALLY good lawyer with some human kind-ness still left in him (or
thank you.
2005-06-23 23:49:17 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Is there any way that I can actually publish this FIRST if they are
redirecting the packets? I don't know which Spanish speaking government
has "orders" that MY government don';t actually know I am the real one!
They are giving credit to a soldier, it seems... And this may be read
elsewhere with a different name, but since AMerica is acting like a
tiotalitarian country and keeps sending me to jail under the least
excuse and all my property was stolen, I am unable even to make a
simple long distance call! Much less socialize... No wonder that they
were using so much FLUORINE in the water entru for the Colonia
Cuauhtemoc: that was why the decent people were leaving that
neighborhood, the one were the USEmbassy is located. They have control
of the servers! If only they could understand these ideas... but it
looks like the parakeets simply cannot understand, thogh then I have
handling this material since at least 1993...
As a by thought, it can be seen that the same mean field approach can
be aplied to disciplines such as politics, where through different
methods the actual result is that of arriving at a a mean solution for
a field composed of discrete units with different orientations that can
be encoded as single digit real numbers... with complex rules as to
their mutual "magnetizations", these rules we call economics and
politics.. And it should also be evident that following the hermetic
principle of "above and below", being the brain and the mind
essentially aprocess of solving to equilibrium a steadily destabilized
system, while at the same time they are the solution for a higher
system of interconnections of basic (though internally complex units),
the link betwen thought and matter can be seen not only as possible but
actually as necessary (see the Theory of Beliefs, Possibility of
Telepathy and Possiblity of Remote Vision and probably the Sterens
Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
in geocities syntotic and telkomakos
Who is teh yahho webmaster that has been middelattacking the account I
use to get in touch with my mother? I do care for my cats and her...
And they just revealed that it was Ledezma Torres and his judicial
family which I accused as a matter of fact) the ones who entered into
an agreementw ith the police to steal my coding patents. I need help of
a REALLY good lawyer with some human kind-ness still left in him (or
thank you.
About the development of stars, first it must be taken into account
that we can only see a still picture of stars, then we assume there is
some relationship among them! Hence the different families of star
development. But a more integrated approach would postulate a process
similar to the formation of black holes, where particularly valued
spins (taken from a small set probably) are magnetizing the surrounding
spins in a continuous process that takes them from the single particle
which stabilizes (probably by magnetizing a stable small set of
adjacent or near adjacent fundamental particles into

Oh, they are keeping me in the streets and harassing til I confess! But
I don't know what they want me to confess, since I am not accused, only
suggestions of accusations. So this is actually an inquisitorial
technique against human rights and having five cents makes me
vulnerable to their brouhaha and manipulation through third parties...

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo Jose Bonsignore
2005-06-24 15:27:08 UTC
***@beethoven.com wrote:
About the development of stars, first it must be taken into account
that we can only see a still picture of stars, then we assume there is
some relationship among them! Hence the different families of star
development. But a more integrated approach would postulate a process
similar to the formation of black holes, where particularly valued
spins (taken from a small set probably) are magnetizing the surrounding
spins in a continuous process that takes them from the single particle
which stabilizes (probably by magnetizing a stable small set of
adjacent or near adjacent fundamental particles into a higher level set
that actually helps fix the primeval spin) to full stars as we know
them. Notice that this process would take place fundamentally in all
spatial dimensions, hence the "ball" structure of natural stars, but
notice also that there is nothing that would imply that the matter
within the star is actually the same kind of matter we know of on
Earth! Actually we call it plasma, but plasma can be modeled as a set
of less-than-freely-spinning fundamental particles in the process of
losing their fixed spins, including fundamental particles that normally
("attached" to stabilized matter) would be completely-freely spinning
(void), making a very dense kind of matter *WHICH NOT NECESARILY WOULD
HAVING DIFFERENT PROPERTIES* (it would make a very difficult object of
study, indeed). But also notice the following: we are assuming that the
core of the star is actually very hot! We postulate atomic reactions,
which makes sense, but it can also be considered that it is just the
boundary where activity takes place, while the interior of the star is
actually some form (completely different set of spins) of *INCONSISTENT
MATTER*, the inconsistency being shown as a high activity of spin
interaction and fixing. Heat can then be modeled as the propagation of
this spin setting activity, where the inner matter (supported by the
internal structure of spins of the star, that is, the mean value to
which the whole field is converging), is disordering outer space matter
already stabilized or fixing void matter. Notice that at some point
this spin fixing activity at the fundamental particle level will
actually begin affecting higher level structures, directly (nuclear
disintegration as we postulate it occurs in the inside of the star),
and then through intermediate particle-structures (local mean fields),
arrives to us as heat. Heat is modeled here under the usual form of
"disordered" matter and is directly linked to movement in the sense
that movement implies a continuous propagation of fixed spins through a
dense medium of freely spinning fundamental particles (or not freely
spinning fundamental particles where all constraints are solved
simultaneously to maintain "approximately" the same average mean field
value over big quantities of fundamental particles [tending to
infinity], the effect of this disequilibrium-equilibrium-disequilibrium
value setting error being heat precisely).

The important point of the process as is being modeled here is that the
core of a star can actually be a very stable and *cool* form of matter,
or even an entirely different form of matter! Indeed, the possibilities
of this model allow for stars to be local Universes, composed of
fundamentally different forms of matter and actually the remains of the
original process of the primeval fundamental particle setting its spin

It is also important to understand that since fields achieve an average
value, after all interactions take effect, there must be local fields

Consider too that being plasma as we conceive it coloquially fully
disordered matter, the ultimate form of plasma is void! Now, this
implies that in order for some process of matter (Universe) creation to
take place it is necesary that not only one fundamental particle fixes
its spin, but that (Trinity)

[About the Michelangelo code, it certainly corroborates the hypothesis
that Michelangelo was turned into da Vinci! But in order to prove it
(as fas as it can be proved without proving that there is no registry
indicating it in the secret library of the Vatican, which I would love
to inspect), it is necessary to prove that the same phenomenon of
hiding body parts in paintings when autopsies began to be performed
with a scientific intention cannot be found in any other painter of the
epoch whose work cannot be traced back to Michelangelo]

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo Jose Bonsignore
(looks like they want me to say that I am Mexican so they can have
"national pride" which seems so provincial in the context of this
discussion that it should make evident many situations...)

(Oh, oh, another session I have to close earlier)
2005-06-25 13:48:48 UTC
[I am not a student nor this is a homework It is a serious attempt at
understanding and building from basic concepts. You may corroborate if
it can be seen throughout the internet. The Mexico goverbment is making
a tantrum because they defrauded me and want to extradite a US citizen,
which of course would set a precedent...]
From this point if view it can be seen the possibility of there being
two sets of star development, indeed. One is based on gravity and
chemistry, including nuclear phenomena, and the other one is base on
quantum level organization and mean fields...

Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-06-25 22:00:40 UTC
***@beethoven.com wrote:
Consider too that being plasma as we conceive it coloquially fully
disordered matter, the ultimate form of plasma is void! Now, this
implies that in order for some process of matter (Universe) creation to
take place it is necesary that not only one fundamental particle fixes
its spin, but that (Trinity)

a set of particles fix their spin *simultaneously*, so that their
values sort of stabilize each other, or in other words, the mean field
assumes a specific value, in contraposition to the inifinite
(inifinitely changing) value it would assume over infinitely varying
spinning fundamental particles. (This may be the origin of the basic
insight of the Trinity as neture of God: three values forming a stable
configuration, though probably the actual number of particles forming a
fundamentally stable multiparticle particle depends on the form the
fundamental particles are *organized*. This is the basic configuration
of space or the geometry of space-Reality itself of which Realitivity
speaks of. This basic organization (set of adjacencies) is what is
modified by mass, which in this model assumes very concretely a numeric
value and substance as the number of fundamental paticles involved in
the creation of a body, number which may be transcadinal (actual

Note that the fundamental particle has an infinite value and not zero,
as zero would create a field with zero value and no movement nor change

Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J BOnsignore
2005-06-25 22:44:53 UTC
In an absolute continuum there can be no measure, no number, for the
continuum, being continuum and not divisible (otherwise would not be a
continuum) forms a unity and it is this unity what defines the whole
continuum. Therefore there must be divisiveness and discretion at some
point in the fabric of Reality or it would be an amorfous mass of
oneness. Assuming, of course that our logic holds during the moment of
passing from nonexistence to existence... So in the end, Reality is
possibility and logic first, then number, and the fundamental particle
is nothing but a number discretized. What changes and is transmitted is
this quantities: matter and solidity are thus just an illusion, since
it is the "instantaneous" and simultaneous setting of quantities what
constitutes our matter, forces and the movement of it...

Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J BOnsignore
2005-06-25 23:11:43 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
In an absolute continuum there can be no measure, no number, for the
continuum, being continuum and not divisible (otherwise would not be a
continuum) forms a unity and it is this unity what defines the whole
continuum. Therefore there must be divisiveness and discretion at some
point in the fabric of Reality or it would be an amorfous mass of
oneness. Assuming, of course that our logic holds during the moment of
passing from nonexistence to existence... So in the end, Reality is
possibility and logic first, then number, and the fundamental particle
is nothing but a number discretized. What changes and is transmitted is
this quantities: matter and solidity are thus just an illusion, since
it is the "instantaneous" and simultaneous setting of quantities what
constitutes our matter, forces and the movement of it...
Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J BOnsignore
[Now tell the Mexican luminaries and their accomplices to continue and
go on... don't stop harassing me in the visitors center, but I am
isolated living in the streets and picking up cigarette butts, thank
you. They say they are raping my eight years old daughter and that is
why I have to go to jail in Mexico for the rest of my life. Thank you.]
Uncle Al
2005-06-25 23:44:11 UTC
[snip crap]
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J BOnsignore
[snip more crap]

You see yourself this way,
Loading Image...
The entire remainder of the planet sees you this way,
Loading Image...
Uncle Al
(Toxic URL! Unsafe for children and most mammals)
2005-06-26 14:01:15 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Post by f***@beethoven.com
In an absolute continuum there can be no measure, no number, for the
continuum, being continuum and not divisible (otherwise would not be a
continuum) forms a unity and it is this unity what defines the whole
continuum. Therefore there must be divisiveness and discretion at some
point in the fabric of Reality or it would be an amorfous mass of
oneness. Assuming, of course that our logic holds during the moment of
passing from nonexistence to existence... So in the end, Reality is
possibility and logic first, then number, and the fundamental particle
is nothing but a number discretized. What changes and is transmitted is
this quantities: matter and solidity are thus just an illusion, since
it is the "instantaneous" and simultaneous setting of quantities what
constitutes our matter, forces and the movement of it...
Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J BOnsignore
[Now tell the Mexican luminaries and their accomplices to continue and
go on... don't stop harassing me in the visitors center, but I am
isolated living in the streets and picking up cigarette butts, thank
you. They say they are raping my eight years old daughter and that is
why I have to go to jail in Mexico for the rest of my life. Thank you.]
This view is that essentially what is transmitted is information. SO
there are two possibilities: either that space is fundamentally ordered
in a fixed number of dimensions or that an amorfous mass of "particles"
gets ordered into three dimensions at "the beginning". The problem is
that the intuitive image of particle is immediately that of a ball,
when in fact at this point form is not yet defined, form being then a
result of the simultaneous interactions of multiple points of
information and their order or the interrelation of their interactions.
Above the most basic level of definition this interactions assume
characteristic "forms", what we call forces,

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-06-26 14:39:40 UTC
***@beethoven.com wrote:
This view is that essentially what is transmitted is information. SO
there are two possibilities: either that space is fundamentally ordered
in a fixed number of dimensions or that an amorfous mass of "particles"
gets ordered into three dimensions at "the beginning". The problem is
that the intuitive image of particle is immediately that of a ball,
when in fact at this point form is not yet defined, form being then a
result of the simultaneous interactions of multiple points of
information and their order or the interrelation of their interactions.
Above the most basic level of definition this interactions assume
characteristic "forms", what we call forces,

and also later "laws" of science, since "by now" the interactions have
assumed characteristic forms, as well as the different set levels have
been more or less defined, (following the usual sequence physics,
chemistry, biology, sociology, economy...; note that at each new level
the same principle fo achieving an average through the interaction of
"fundamental" units can be used to define the behaviour of whole sets
of those particles, whether it be local (v.g., family, a particular
reaction) or global (v.g., society, all chemistry)).

This can be easily understood by recurring to the analogy of a
computer. The 2 and 3 D objects we see in the screen are not "really
real objects", but in a pool simulation, for instance, it is as
impossible to make a ball go through another as it is in Reality to...
(what can be really impossible?). Even when those balls are not real,
it is their interaction, the interaction of the lumps of information

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-06-26 15:51:05 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
This can be easily understood by recurring to the analogy of a
computer. The 2 and 3 D objects we see in the screen are not "really
real objects", but in a pool simulation, for instance, it is as
impossible to make a ball go through another as it is in Reality to...
(what can be really impossible?). Even when those balls are not real,
it is their interaction, the interaction of the lumps of information
makes them act according to what we expect of "real" balls; without
being real they will bounce and change trajectories, and the more
_information_ is in the simulation the more 'real' they will look and

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J BOnsignore
[it looks like they were tothe father of the president and convinced
him that my work is theirs and... of course, not truth but as fas
possible from it... ANd they have a damn criminal who looks like me,
the one I saw who looks *exactly* like my picture in ghamac.org, so
they set to make me "older" by keeping me in the _streets_ knowing that
I arrived here w/o money thanks to the legal hastles they made me go
through to change my name and reaquire my US papers... But they "cannot
admit" that hey are doing this and that they did that so tey are not
doing their duty because these criminals incriminated them with lies...
And they want me to let it be and drop dead in the streets of New York,
alone and poor! Can't even continue, they have an open mic here and
keep insulting me...]
2005-06-27 15:51:57 UTC
***@beethoven.com wrote:
This can be easily understood by recurring to the analogy of a
computer. The 2 and 3 D objects we see in the screen are not "really
real objects", but in a pool simulation, for instance, it is as
impossible to make a ball go through another as it is in Reality to...
(what can be really impossible?). Even when those balls are not real,
it is their interaction, the interaction of the lumps of information
makes them act according to what we expect of "real" balls; without
being real they will bounce and change trajectories, and the more
_information_ is in the simulation the more 'real' they will look and

They cannot help but bouncing as much as "real" balls will bounce since
it is in the instructions of that particular program. This instructions
are the equivalent to Nature Laws, as unchangeable as a compiled
program's instructions, though "at the beginning" several sets of rules
can be chosen, where the beginning would be the "origin" of the
Universe. What matters here is that there are no balls in there, only
information interacting with information according to fixed rules which
an observer outside the simulation can study and given some form
(mathematical language, for instance, or graphics), even if the actual
implementation of the rules is totally unknown...

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J BOnsignore
2005-06-27 15:59:38 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
This can be easily understood by recurring to the analogy of a
computer. The 2 and 3 D objects we see in the screen are not "really
real objects", but in a pool simulation, for instance, it is as
impossible to make a ball go through another as it is in Reality to...
(what can be really impossible?). Even when those balls are not real,
it is their interaction, the interaction of the lumps of information
makes them act according to what we expect of "real" balls; without
being real they will bounce and change trajectories, and the more
_information_ is in the simulation the more 'real' they will look and
They cannot help but bouncing as much as "real" balls will bounce since
it is in the instructions of that particular program. This instructions
are the equivalent to Nature Laws, as unchangeable as a compiled
program's instructions, though "at the beginning" several sets of rules
can be chosen, where the beginning would be the "origin" of the
Universe. What matters here is that there are no balls in there, only
information interacting with information according to fixed rules which
an observer outside the simulation can study and given some form
(mathematical language, for instance, or graphics), even if the actual
implementation of the rules is totally unknown...
Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J BOnsignore
[Interestingly, nature description rules need not be _identical_ to the
actual "reality" or "implementation" of nature's laws! Our science is
customary and reality can only be completely understood by building a
model which in the limit is Reality itself! As a consequence our
science can only go forward so much, before Science turns into
Engineering and then Art as the only way to express Reality in its
Ultimate Consequences. Art is then the goal of Nature, which points to
what we call the Creator...]

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo Jose Bonsignore
(notLuisBistrainGonzalez, sorry but I am who I am and he very probably
is in my place...)
2005-06-28 00:02:10 UTC
***@beethoven.com wrote:
[Interestingly, nature description rules need not be _identical_ to the
actual "reality" or "implementation" of nature's laws! Our science is
customary and reality can only be completely understood by building a
model which in the limit is Reality itself! As a consequence our
science can only go forward so much, before Science turns into
Engineering and then Art as the only way to express Reality in its
Ultimate Consequences. Art is then the goal of Nature, which points to
what we call the Creator...]
[Of course, there is always the possibility of finding the ultimate
law, the fundamental equation typical of science fiction {Night of
Times, Rene Barjavel}, but in any case it would amount to an
_intensive_ formulation, not an extensive formulation; in other words,
it would be The Beginning from which a new Universe would arise should
it be put to "work", since the whole includes already what has past: it
is a sum of the states which have occurred.]

Now, the importance of the previous analogy, though incomplete, is that
in the case of simple bouncing balls, the information that is pertinent
is that which occurs at *the boundary*. The simulation needs not take
into account more than the "border" of the definition of the object in
interaction with the border of the next object; all intermediate points
are implied, hidden behind this interactions and maintain their mutual
relations between themselves and those points of the border. The
"inner" information can be fixed and only change at the boundary, where
interaction occurs. This is what we mean by the solidity of matter or
mass of objects: this web of interrelations between parts which don't
cahnge when interacting with other objects with mass. Note that this
inner set of substance is equivalent to a stable mean field in
equilibrium: even if internally all is flux, the *mean*, the average
won't change inrealtion to the parts. So a multitude of phenomena can
occur witin the object without it losing its "solidity" or oneness.
Mind that from an informational point of view, it is at the boundary
(similar to the marginalism of economics) where information is
transmitted. It means a multitude, probably infinite, of local mean
fields in disruption, where multuple matter transactions can happen at
the fundamental level, but acquiring a stable value after the
interaction. This local mean fields will acuiqre a, lets call it,
average value higher than that of the original objects, but only
"during" the interaction. As long as both objects remain the same,
(they don't break), the original mean fields will stabilize to their
previous values, but this higher value during the interaction, this
disorder, will be propagated either to those objects or to the non
involved medium; it is propagated as "temporarily" higher mean value of
fields, which simultaneously and interdependently aquire "new" values,
the differences being "noticed" (to use some term) at some point in the
whole system (Reality) as heat. So heat can be seen in its usual
significance as disorder, but in an all-infomational context it will be
completely equivalent to the concept of entropy or noise as defined in
information theory.

Notice that time is already implied here in dependence to force. The
oneness of the objects will be conserved depending on the simultaneous
and then sequencial setting on recursive mean fields among multitudes
of fundamental particules (under the notion of infomation or mere
numeric value); these mean fields would be solved simultaneously at the
level of object, molecule, atom... fundamental particle, which in
essence means that information will be propagated accordingly to each
level, withot disrupting "nature" of the object unless the propagation
of information is of such nature that information is lost at some point
between these mean fields, that is, the velocity (in this case the
difference between values) of change is such that the intermediate mean
fields can no longher recover their previous values. This differences
will be propagated throughout the structure of the object along all
previous values (which may be in different dynamics among themselves)
up to the point where the difference between new and previous values
can actually stabilize within the limits of what can be considered a
unique, stable, avergaed mean value. The objects in colision will break
if the informational change at the boundary cannot be propagated with
enough velocity (big difference between pervious and future mean
fields) throughout the object, introducing enough disorder internally
as to make the once single, averaged field, (object) aquire enough
internal difference in values as to make two (or more) new
object-global fields with the same value. SO force can be seen as
rapidity of information change at the boundary and its effect noticed
as propagation of mean values along the internal coherent structure of
objects. Notice that for small forces the effect will stabilize "near"
the border, while for bigger forces the propagation of values won't
stabilize til it affects the whole structure of the object, in the
extreme being so disruptive that the once dynamically stable mean field
is disrupted an converted into a set of...

Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J BOnsignore
2005-06-29 19:25:14 UTC
***@beethoven.com wrote:
Notice that time is already implied here in dependence to force. The
oneness of the objects will be conserved depending on the simultaneous
and then sequencial setting on recursive mean fields among multitudes
of fundamental particules (under the notion of infomation or mere
numeric value); these mean fields would be solved simultaneously at the
level of object, molecule, atom... fundamental particle, which in
essence means that information will be propagated accordingly to each
level, withot disrupting "nature" of the object unless the propagation
of information is of such nature that information is lost at some point
between these mean fields, that is, the velocity (in this case the
difference between values) of change is such that the intermediate mean
fields can no longher recover their previous values. This differences
will be propagated throughout the structure of the object along all
previous values (which may be in different dynamics among themselves)
up to the point where the difference between new and previous values
can actually stabilize within the limits of what can be considered a
unique, stable, avergaed mean value. The objects in colision will break
if the informational change at the boundary cannot be propagated with
enough velocity (big difference between pervious and future mean
fields) throughout the object, introducing enough disorder internally
as to make the once single, averaged field, (object) aquire enough
internal difference in values as to make two (or more) new
object-global fields with the same value. SO force can be seen as
rapidity of information change at the boundary and its effect noticed
as propagation of mean values along the internal coherent structure of
objects. Notice that for small forces the effect will stabilize "near"
the border, while for bigger forces the propagation of values won't
stabilize til it affects the whole structure of the object, in the
extreme being so disruptive that the once dynamically stable mean field
is disrupted an converted into a set of...

smaller stable mean fields, those whose coherence is beager as their,
lets call them, absolute values, are such that their mean field changed
less than the change at the boundaries. Of course, this smaller sets
are what we call molecules, them atoms, then... It means that values
are, within lumped together mean field, more akin, more similar than
those mean fields whose average lies "in" the border of such smaller
sets. Note also that for objects whose, lets call it average mean field
value, is very "high", a colision will tend to bond them together! Yet
we don't observe that phenomenon of "bonding" normally: what we observe
is what we call friction, though all these observations are at "normal

Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J BOnsignore
2005-06-30 00:19:42 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Notice that time is already implied here in dependence to force. The
oneness of the objects will be conserved depending on the simultaneous
and then sequencial setting on recursive mean fields among multitudes
of fundamental particules (under the notion of infomation or mere
numeric value); these mean fields would be solved simultaneously at the
level of object, molecule, atom... fundamental particle, which in
essence means that information will be propagated accordingly to each
level, withot disrupting "nature" of the object unless the propagation
of information is of such nature that information is lost at some point
between these mean fields, that is, the velocity (in this case the
difference between values) of change is such that the intermediate mean
fields can no longher recover their previous values. This differences
will be propagated throughout the structure of the object along all
previous values (which may be in different dynamics among themselves)
up to the point where the difference between new and previous values
can actually stabilize within the limits of what can be considered a
unique, stable, avergaed mean value. The objects in colision will break
if the informational change at the boundary cannot be propagated with
enough velocity (big difference between pervious and future mean
fields) throughout the object, introducing enough disorder internally
as to make the once single, averaged field, (object) aquire enough
internal difference in values as to make two (or more) new
object-global fields with the same value. SO force can be seen as
rapidity of information change at the boundary and its effect noticed
as propagation of mean values along the internal coherent structure of
objects. Notice that for small forces the effect will stabilize "near"
the border, while for bigger forces the propagation of values won't
stabilize til it affects the whole structure of the object, in the
extreme being so disruptive that the once dynamically stable mean field
is disrupted an converted into a set of...
smaller stable mean fields, those whose coherence is beager as their,
lets call them, absolute values, are such that their mean field changed
less than the change at the boundaries. Of course, this smaller sets
are what we call molecules, them atoms, then... It means that values
are, within lumped together mean field, more akin, more similar than
those mean fields whose average lies "in" the border of such smaller
sets. Note also that for objects whose, lets call it average mean field
value, is very "high", a colision will tend to bond them together! Yet
we don't observe that phenomenon of "bonding" normally: what we observe
is what we call friction, though all these observations are at "normal
It is also implied that matter is quite "flexible" when interacting.
This is an effect of the known "structure" of atoms, where the inner,
stable core is surrounded by a cloud of "flexible" electrons. Each
electron can be seen as a (dynamic) field with certain value being
"solved" across several fundamental changing particles simultaneously
with the rest of the local fields that compose the atom inner structure
and the global.field that composes the total atom. It is as if
electrons "weave" the atom together, keeping an inner set of
particle-fields simultaneously stable while allowing enough flexibility
to interacting with other atoms and molecules without coliding or
bonding. Actually, the bonding together of atoms into molecules can be
seen as a sharing of these cloudy fields forming a new global value for
the whole molecule; the ever changing (implied) values of the core of
the atom can reamin stable while all informational change takes place
at the electron level, with changes in "energy" or colisions being
absorbed by these dynamic elements of the atom without changing the
total mean field value of the atom-field *beyond the breaking point*.
So when atoms bond together a certain amount of
energy-heat-rapidly_random_changing values is difused to the boundary
fundamental particles while the whole new field, that of the molecule,
stabilizes around a new mean field value for the whole new molecule,
forming a new dynamically maintained equilibrium for the newly formed

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo Jose Bonsignore
2005-06-30 02:41:58 UTC
[Looks like "they" are threatening to actually kill people just like
that because I am writing this just like that! Looks like *somebody*
sold what is mine not being his to people who pretend it to be theirs
while I didn't receive but humiliations while writing all I've written
the last year...]

It is easy to see how matter reacts under high temperature and low
temperature interaction of bodies for homogeneous and heterogeneous
bodies, under conditions of sudden and gradual change, including
colisions and explosions (very quick transmission of values resulting
in spureous bodies). The important point is that it is the interactibg
field's informational content of objects being propagated and
simultaneously set for the llocal fields what determines thhe dynamic
of the systems medium-object and medium-object-object, where the change
at the boundary of the local mean fields will determine their stability
in terms of the global mean field of the object. Mind that all fields,
local and global, are recursively and *simultaneously* set, that is,
they aquire new values, the errors or differences (that is, change),
being dissipatedthroughout the whole system, (in this case, an
absolutely isolated system (in Greniewskys's terms). Yet thus
simulatenity of mean fields needstoo be propagated, that is, needs to
affect all particles-values conforming the whiole system, which is in
essence the flow of changes that we perceive as time (change).

{Here time is linked directlly to space, considering that a system
composed only of unchanging fundamental particles (whatever their
value), would be essentially timeless or pure Being; even space as
distance being neutralized since nothing would travel, though space
would then be defined as differences of beings, though 'being' all
particles (monads in Leibnitz terms) equal then there would be only a
single essence, tieless, unchanging and undifferentiated, a wholeness
that would have no space, for it would be One. This is the "reason" why
it has to be assumed or postulated from the beginning an ever
changing, 'fundamental particle' [more on it later], [even if we can
later, as the model is being formalized, drop the concept and
substitute it for a more appropriate construction]. Note that even in
terms of logic this pure model would also be TRUE, though it would not
be neither Good nor Beautiful, as there would be no opposites to
establish the quality, the axiological hierarchy we call values [which
implies poles and difference], a matter that incidentally solves the
philosophical problem of the Universals: Truth cannot be equated with
Goodness nor Beauty, nor are they eternal as Reality is in essence

Fabrizio J Bonsignore, now Danilo Jose Bonsignore
[Danielo as it is pronounced and now with $33 of welfare! Which of
course doesn't make me happy, which implies that I do expect some
market recognitin of all my efforts... despite being attacked
repeatedly by targeted theft...]
Uncle Al
2005-06-25 23:43:00 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
In an absolute continuum there can be no measure, no number, for the
continuum, being continuum and not divisible (otherwise would not be a
continuum) forms a unity and it is this unity what defines the whole
[snip crap]

Idiot alert.
Post by f***@beethoven.com
matter and solidity are thus just an illusion, since
it is the "instantaneous" and simultaneous setting of quantities what
constitutes our matter, forces and the movement of it...
Sit on a thumbtack with its pointy end up. Tell us about the illusion
of pain (and, if there were a god, necrotizing faciitis afterwards).
Uncle Al
(Toxic URL! Unsafe for children and most mammals)
2005-06-27 15:46:42 UTC
Uncle Al wrote:
(usual unaclealishness)
Post by Uncle Al
Sit on a thumbtack with its pointy end up. Tell us about the illusion
of pain (and, if there were a god, necrotizing faciitis afterwards).
!? (8-O> !? Didn't know you were a yogini. I am particularly immune to
pain. Have you ever though of publishing your spiritual experiences?
Post by Uncle Al
Uncle Al
(Toxic URL! Unsafe for children and most mammals)
2005-07-03 15:45:28 UTC
I saw a computational model that creates a "universe" with lots of
"dark matter" in between. At plain sight it looks like it is producing
too much matter. If it is the universe that results after the system
stabilizes it points to a real problem in the underlying model, though
it may be solved by adding more precision to the numeric system on
which it is based, that is, sacrificing size of the model with na
increase in precision, even to the point of adding more precision to
the numeric vales as the model advances. SO it would be a double
strategy: increase computation time and increase the underlying numbers
to diminsih errors... I don't know the details, but I guess it might
produce better results; changing the coloring system may actually help

The model I am proposing can be simulated/emulated in several ways. It
can be used actually (which is its intention) as a generic tool.

If somebody is getting budget to implement this model, I would GREATLY
appreciate to share some of it! I mean, I want to have part of the fun
and actually add several considerations not yet included in this
thread. A notice here would be enough and I would contact the offerer.

(I do expect decency as to the origin of the model and any projects
implied by it. I am US citizen, so I do expect this model to be
implemented and addressed in this country. Maybe a little bit
chauvinistic, but my possibilities to travel are eally very restricted
thanks to some unsolved situations that I am trying to confront without
success yet).

Thank you.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-07-07 07:22:21 UTC
Note that the unidirectional line of time is implied in a very simple
sense in this model. Simply put, the informational support needed to
"go back in time" is such that a series of new universes would be
needed to hold all the information to reproduce previous states of this
Universe plus the information to "navigate them". The whole story of
the Universe would need to be stored AND those stories (every step in
the dynamic life of the UNiverse) would need to be COMPLETELY STATIC,
otherwise each Universe would mutate and continue forming a new,
parallel Universe, leaving behind a new story... Ad infinitum. And
where would the story of time travel lie? It would automatically modify
the previous story, but it has to be static or wouldn't be story, so at
most it can be a "simulated time travel", or in other words, a
successful prediction of the next state of the Universe having effect
on the current state of the Universe, but only as information on future
state of events, without real matter transfer. In some sense, all
objects "come from the future" as their coherence is expected to
continue in the future, and the past is Absolute Truth, as it is
unchanging and fully "known"! But mind that "some" story may be
"stored" in alternate dimensions (continually created in essence
orthogonally for each "instant", though this would not be possible in a
simply layered model but in one where adjacencies are also continually
changing and increasing in connections, in a way that would resemble
the increase in connections in a self learning neural network, which
can evoke ideas of the Master mind of the Universe or God), or,
alternatively, in a continuously increasing set of particles, an
expanding Universe in the sense of being "aggrandized", objects being
formed by particles each instant more separated, in which case objects
would not be stable at all, as the mean field would change by including
the information contained "within" and matter itself would change
properties at any "instant"! But again, this new "Historic" Universes
would have to be included in the solution of the local and global mean
fields! So the possibility of time travel is banned as it would
continuously change the local and global mean fields and thuis the
properties of matter! Of course, some kind of historic infomration,
like particular instances saved from time to time can be _postulated_
but then it imples a separate control, what some would like to equate
with God, but by definition this model is a model of Reality, of
EVERYTHING there is, including any possible God, and "saving space"
would need to be defined separately, violating the simplicity and the
*purpose* of this model. So, for those interested, it is the Universe
itself which is "God", interpretation which doesn't preculde from other
possibilities more akin to what people usually identifies with GOD.
(Particularly, the dynamic solution of the mean field of the whole
model at any moment can be equated, through the implicit definition of
adjacencies (either ordered and set inherently or following other
configurations), to the same working of connectionist systems like
barins, interpretation which essentially means that the whole state of
the Universe is the current evolution or step of a Master Mind or
Universal Mind, where Galaxies can be equated to particular "thoughts",

(No se hagan ya payasos: no soy puto ni porque me maten, y mi celibato
no es prueba mas que de que su pais fue un pais muy poco propicio par
un extranjero. Y ya no jueguen con sus redirecciones que yo soy el que
esta solo y ustedes son un grupo.)

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-07-08 12:11:41 UTC
shit fuck damn sex homosexual lesbian darn heck fucker fuck you
This is to test if this post is being redirected through yahoo.
2005-07-08 12:15:26 UTC
Another test of redirection:
fuck = f word with k
fuck you = + y
shit = human subproduct thoought of as number two
lesbian = they don't like the strong hunters
lesbianism = same as above as a endency
hacker = an imbecile peeking in the net privacy
fucker = he dedicates huimself to plug
motherfucker = same as above but with ancesstor
2005-07-08 12:16:44 UTC
Just updated my site but it may be visible inly in my urbanized
territory. And I am not a four sided construction builder in any of my
animal previous lines, at all.
2005-07-08 13:04:23 UTC
Note that in this formalizer of bits, the previous message appeared as
was written and not changed the way it would change if it is being
channeled through another rogue formalizer of bits first. The log in
mail is too confused as it is serializing many hints and ideas. There
is one third before in my line who does look like those four sided
builders. I am still exposed to second form of matter objects falling
on my bits controller...

Note that in this model, postulated as an ordered space in three
dimensions, the notion of a gravity geometry can be approximated
through probabilities. The key point is that the fundamental particle
in continuous unstable change may assume *unstable* values for some
"duration", that is, assuming a "normal" frequency of change for a
particle's value, it can actualllly lower its "rate of change", so some
values are "fixed", or remain for a longer time before changing, and
this perturbed rate of change is dependent on the values of adjacent or
nearby fundamental particles. In the vicinity of a stable field (a well
formed object), free fundamental particles will be more probable to
become magnetized by its neighbors, to lag in their values, than those
far away of an object, even if those values manage to form stable mean
fields with a short life span. This spureous formations of interrelated
magnetized fundamental particles are what we call radiation, alpha
particles, cosmic rays, solar wind, etc. It means that in the vicinity
of big objects in space there will be a maelstrom of particles
precisely because of that vicinity and related to the size of the
object! But now note that from the point of view of a mean field, for a
big enough object the value of the mean field of any approaching object
will be negligible, its values adding little to it, but for the
object's mean field there will be a "tendency" to "augment" in value,
that is, to approach the mean value as it is included in the
(recursive) bigger mean field! The approaching object's mean value
would be "too small" (mass) to force the bigger, global mean field to
change value, but the global field of both masses will acquire a new
mean value which will be a function of both objects, as it will now
include more mass (which can be approached as the simple count of
fundamental particles in the system), including those spureous
particles "created" by the approaching object! So the global mean
field, including the big mass, the approaching value and the
*increased* radiation field will make the global field to "grow" in
value! As the objects approach, this global mean field value will grow,
eventually approaching a "unity" (always depending on units of course),
where unity means that both objects now form what can be considered a
new, single, unitary object. It is this dynamic of the global mean
field value what is experienced as the geometry of the gravity well...

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
You have a keylogger in this IP or inbuilt in Windows.
You are a terrorist. Leprechaun. I don't care who is protecting the
other L Leprechaun: you are destabilizing the world and it is plain
wrong. I alone against a group... but I am not L nor I am an idealist
even if you call me L, it is the simple fact that you are unneeded and
we ALL can live better without your opposition. Whoever claimed or
complained about the angular moment post is the Leprechaun of the
defeated island.
I believe the guys in the CINVESTAV have been *very*aware* of this
"bursted" model. The one posting this is not a Leprechaun even if this
one can look like it. They call the guys who built piramids Am erica
nos. This is a discovery trip, no substances implied...
2005-07-08 13:26:01 UTC
Note from the previous post that gravity as the attraction of "bodies"
can also be interpreted in terms of fundamental particles as the
muitual influence of values for nearby particles! Given that both
fundamental particle values will (sometimes) at some point
"synchronize" (other relations are possible, of course), this
synchronization or mutual relation can be considered as a form of
attraction between fundamental particles, or in terms of mean fields,
as acquiring a stable, convergent value. From this point of view
gravity is completely inbuilt as a function of "space".

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-07-08 21:56:13 UTC
Notice how this theory links to the Theory of Beliefs (Model of
Brohaha) and the Possibility of Telepathy.

It seems that the terrorists I am fighting against have my mother now
in the same building, New York Visitors Center and who knows what
happened to my most beloved cats, though it seems tha Franz Lukovitsch,
the guy that went to Hawaii with MY DAUGHTER, dedicated himself to
torture cats and get photographs to make people believe that he was
myself! ANd they insist that it was the son of the President who was
also incriminated by them to pretend that one of my theories or music
is his.

I want my hard drive back to build my synthetic guitar. See
You must see a graphic of a guitar made with POV Ray.
They insist that I am an HOmosecual called Luis Bi strain because they
found a gya who looks like me, and he was actually one night in the
shelter. Another drug addict was sent to Juilliard and he didn't even
know how to use a chair! There are other four I saw who can impersonate
me, including one who really looks like me but shorter.

Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J BOnsignore
2005-07-08 23:42:38 UTC
Model of propgation of beliefs (model of browhaha [keyword]) and
Possibility of telepathy link to this model.

If you read before this a long post, it was hacked: I didn't post it,
the session closed.

I didn't meet Dornbusch, but I believe he was murdered sordidly because
he would sponsor me. I began the process to reacquire my citizenship in
2000. Other scientists, engineers and artists are threatened if this
people is not stopped. I am tired of hearing about murders every time I
come to the visitors center.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-07-09 16:43:59 UTC
Note that the previous discussino implies that all objects are
radioactive per force... though radiation would be very difficult to
detect as would emanate from all objects. Incidentally, this property
of matter xplains the phenomenon of genetic drift without having to
recur to cosmic rays or natural sources of radiation. An experiment can
be conducted in a fair void, if we can measure very small amounts of
radiation. Placing a suitable elemental object, some suitable gas can
be pumped over the object such that the presence of radiation changes
the gas in a recognizable manner. (I am not a chemist, sorry, and don't
have tome to research here, I am too busy surviving in the streets 8\)

If the gas is pumped at an adequate rate and the presence of radiation
changes it suitably, the void would end up containing the chaged gas in
a measure that can be quantified.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
(Hope you are reading this with my real tag, the second one, the first
one being my old tag. And then hope nobody else is in my place using
either one of these names or the substituted names)
2005-07-09 21:41:45 UTC
OK, I sent this to my similar hotmail account and it didn't arrive,
though it usually arrives right away. I sent it to other places, but if
they are using the webmasters of the library... I want to expose a
fraud and Mexican hackers. There must be some way to do it. So either
my mail account is being hacked or it is being redirected. Why a mark
as read button but to make it invisible if somebody enters in your

In the last experiment lead would not work, it is necessary to use a
non radiationn absierber, probably zyrconium or iridium, or maybe some
ceramic. The fair void can contain hidrogen to absorb the radiation
that would occur naturally, or (in other experiment) inert gases, to
make the subject gas reflect the radiation created at the margin when
interacting with the centrak object. Probably a lead pipe would help,
absorbing the radiation of the gas flow while passing through it. As a
gas, helium would be ok, as it would get "magnetized" right away. Other
combinations and or lone gases can be used, as different temperatures
for the central object. Of course results would be gathered across
several instances of the same experiment. It would have to be well
isolated from external (cosmic) radiation, like in the proton
experiments. Instead of an object a serup with heavy water may be
employed. the resultant gas should emit a statistically significant
amount of more radiation after the experiment...

Fabrizio J Bonsignor e now Danilo J Bonsignore
(Variations: Danilo Bonsiñor Danilo Bonsiñore)
(Oh, I am about to run out of shoes and want to be able to get a shower
without having to fight, almost beg, prepare, etc. with the case
managers... It is not whether I cannot ne recognized because I am
homeless, but rather that I am homeless because I am not being
ercognized and those thieves are like vultures on this threads...
Psylocibinism doesn't work! It is a scam. And no, not published before,
but there is a time machine in Mexico: it seems all my works have been
"published" years before I created them! For my music, at least, or so
they pretend, but then... how do you protect yourself from defamation
and close doors if you don't know where they are?).
2005-07-12 17:31:07 UTC
Note that, from the previous post on gravity, the process of finding
the mean field for the approaching mass and the big mass, plus the
radiation created by the interaction, can be approached as...
2005-07-14 09:01:03 UTC
Note that, from the previous post on gravity, the process of finding
the mean field for the approaching mass and the big mass, plus the
radiation created by the interaction, can be approached as...
a gradient descent dynamic, in a general dynamic of "annealing" or
gradual cooling down of the "average value" (temperature as a measure
of activity) of the Universe. It is this averaging procedure between
the object's mean fields and the global field of the whole system what
gives gravity its "force". Note that there is a gradation of forces, in
that the local fields are "solved" first and continuously, while the
global, "macro"field is solved "later" since it involves a bigger mass.
So it is the local fields of fundamental particles (and atoms) the ones
that stabilize and converge first, and thus have the greater cohesion
(atomic force), then the fields that conform molecules (weak force) and
finally the force of gravity, which is by far the weakest. ALso note
that EM has adifferent connotation, in that it can be seen as the
propagation of information through the whole system, particularly in
the form of heat. It should be clear then that gravity is a converging
dynamic of averaging for a global system's field the sum of the local
fields of the objects involved in the system. And the closer this
objects are the "quicker" the global field will acquire a new value,
that is, the less distance the information, in the form of EM, has to
travel, considering that distance is here pure space in the form of
quantity of fundamental particles involved, so as the object approaches
it can be observed the phenomenon in mechanics is known as
acceleration. Also note that the "quicker" the object travels the more
disruption in the (stabilized) field around it will be experimented,
disruption wich will assume the form of heat, that is, the improper
(error) stabilization of the perturbed field (irrecoverable), while in
a vaccum a surge of radiation ought to be seen around the object, the
quicker, the more radiation or spureous formation of particles due to
spureous, unstable local fields being formed. Note that as an object
acquires more velocity, that is,

Note that the "radiation" produced during the movement of the
approaching object will in part be absorbed by the object, so outer
space objects will be at least mildly readioactive, though this
radioactivity may be lost due to friction with the atmosphere. This
formation of (non fundamental) particles will also become part of the
gravity system, adding to the acceleration of an object approaching a
bigger object. And, of course, the rain of cosmic rays can be explained
by the same effect of gravity. Note also how this solving of fields is
in accordance with the "law of gravity" and the general mechanics of
Newton. It also explains the well known intuitive cncept of center of
gravity, which not necessarily coincides with the center of mass,
though it should be obvious by now.

What is really interesting is that this averaging dynamic of string
local fields and weak global fields is the very same process of entropy
or loss of information. It explains the observed displacement of
galaxies, the gradual distribution of matter in the totality of space,
as all matter is being distributed according to the averaging of mean
fields. It is then to be expected a state of total entropy, that is, a
uniformly distributed average value throughout space. But then this
average value involves also the averaging, once the main boides or
local fields keep averaging out, of atoms and then particles, to the
point where only the stringest of the fundamental particles remains,
that is, neutrons, which are the most stable fields as they actually
don't interact but act more like glue, mass, while protons and
electrons are what gives the atoms the dynamic prperties that let atoms
interact with each other. SO it can be expected at the "death" of the
Universe a uniformly distributed soup of neutrons, with spureous
fundamental particles filling out the space... this final view would
then be static, save for what we call the "cosmic rays". This
fundamental activity of space itself (the modeled topology of
fundamental continuously spinning particles), would tend to make
neutrons converge (unless, of course, that neutrons itself and alone
can be averaged with the spureous particles to form new particles, in
which case the changed mass would invoke gravity; this also is the way
to create new forms of matter, incidentally), giving the Universe the
quality of a circular dynamic, the renaissance, as neutrons gather
together. Though other dynamics are also possible, if neutrons can
actually be "compressed"...

(This has to be seen later as information flows)

(In a sense all foreaseeable "inventions" and discoveries are already
assigned! It is just a matter of saying that they were secrets and/or
military techonollogy and were discovered or invented by (placeholder)!
But it doesn't make sense to keep secrets that actually produce a
military advantage (usually the ONLY reason to keep a secret, except in
cryptography, though even there the best algorythms are those that are
exposed) since it is the showing around what gives value to those
technologies as at least deterrents, or in actual wars as military
advantage (saving lives), so there is no point in keepinng an discovery
secret! It is just a way to fight illegaly for the inventions and
discoveries of others... I wonder, is there some secret to time?)

(By the way, I believe that those guys are confusing the building I
lived in with the one tat was behind, a very old and decaying one. And
I am guerillo, as they would say. But mind that I am "fighting" with an
international gang of criminal plagiarists. How do you get decent
credit for wahtever effort you produce that is new when they threaten
to generate violence to "prove" that you are just an imbecile moron and
you are not yourself, who don't even let me get a stable shelter nor a
job, etc?).

(Sorry, had nobody to discuss this before. Just remember that ther is
actually a gang of psychopaths manhunting me for years t steal this
ideas and other works...)

Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo Jose BOnsignore
2005-07-18 19:05:06 UTC
Minkowski? Not yet, or maybe not really. But the experiment suggested
here has more practical applications that it seems at first glance.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-07-23 13:05:47 UTC
The mossbauer effect is easily explained in this model: the mean field
of the (excited) atom emitting radiation stays constant after the
emission! The mean field that composes the atom remains constant in
value, it only changes for the radiation emission, and this information
is propagated throughtout the intervening fundamental particles
without affecting the values of other adjacent particles. It is, in a
way, a form of transparency, each particle remaining constant after the
information contained (energy) in the radiation temporarily (during the
propagation proper), affects adjacent fundamental particles. This can
be made very explicit with a diagram (given the limitations of this

0 ooooooo

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignor e
2005-07-31 13:35:47 UTC
"Information is light"

Note that in terms of information transmitting, that is, in terms of
propagating throughout Reality the information of change (or not
change), the state, in one fundamental particle, each one of the
intervening particles has to be affected in order for the change to be
reflected or "known" at a certain other point, in another fundamental
particle. This transmission of information in its pure sense is what is
carried by EM and its real "meaning". Yet, since the state of the
Universe is determined by the solution of the global mean field at
every point in time (tyeh continuous updating of global state), several
phenomena independent of distance in relation to informaton transmittal
can be defined...

Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-29 18:36:26 UTC
Oh, some moron's trap didn't work, and since I didn't let them turn me
psychotic, tehy want to believe that I want to become one of the
Steren! (as per my essays). But... who wants to be a narcosatanic? And
if nobody read completely... sorry, but I found the trap in time, EVEN,
if this essay points to some more free thoughts on the smae problem of
the book I want to write and was promoting as "summaries"... SOmehow
you have to interest the publishers, don't you?

[This post was lost due to time difficulties, but it may have been
keylogged in the NY visitors center... and in the library of NY. It
won't be the same...]

Causa mirabilis? Note that the contrary assumption is that we have
matter-energy as a "reality" on one hand and the void as a
different "reality". There is then a mechanic, contact as in
macro reality assumed at the most basic level, where particle-energy
interact in a "void" medium. ANd we have no way to
mathematize it; zero as an absatraction is too weak for this void.

In this model the assumption is made of an infinitely dense
"mass" of fundamental particles. There is a
"single" typeof particle but in different modes. What we
consider matter is the same particle but stabilized in one of a series
of possible states, stabilized in virtue of other particles also
stabilized in a self sustaining equilibrium. The void is, here,
characterized as the "fundamental particle" in free state,
providing with its infinite degrees of liberty the necessary medium for
the exchange and transmission of the information contained in
stabilized particles and self-sustained, stable lumps of particles,
stabilized in a single or a deteremined set of states.

What is being called here as the "solving" of the mean field
is just the statement of the inherent dynamic of the UNiverse, or in
other words, the propagation throught the freely spinning
"void" (mass of fundamental particles in no particularly
stable state), of those "lumps of particles" that have
aqcuired a stable state out of the infinite possibility of states
(insisting in that these stable states are stabilized in virtue of
"combinations" of states that together, in actual touch as it
were, limit the degrees of freedom of that particular fundamental
particle to just a small set that turns that particular fundamental
particle [or its information], into some "different" kind of
particle, even when at the most basic, conceptual level, matter, energy
AND void are but aspects of the same basic building element).

Note that energy is here also a form of matter, except that those
fundamental particles participating at some point in what we can call
energy are fundamental particles transmitting sets of values throughout
the fundamentally freely spinning (universal) particle. In this sense
EM is just the transmission of the state of sets of stable values
throughout fndamentally free fundamental particles composingn what is
called the Void (which, in the other hand, may not be as freely
spinning eveywhere, i.e, it is not densely homogeneous, but assumes
supreous formations, self sustaining sets of pseudostable values that
would explain what we call dark matter).

What cannot be denied is that at every point there can be
conceptualized a measure of some determined set of fundamental
particles that determines its medium state, loosely characterized under
the term "temperature", AND this sets of particles are also
conceptually infinite, that is, for a densely populated space, we can
take an (uncountably) infinite set of subsets of fundamental particles,
each of which will have a determined medium value, a characteristic
level of "temperature" and which will have "some"
influence on the dynamic of any other (adjacent) set. It is in this
perspective that Reality is holistic and the whole of it can be seen as
medium field being "solved", or acquiring a "final"
stable state, including that of the fundamentally freely spinning
fundamental particles.

By "solved", it should be understood that, given the
fundamentally unattached mass of FP, there is a permanent *propagation
of values*, a setting and unsetting of FP into the stable value of
stable lumps of particles, what is characterized as motion. In this
sense, cinetic energy can be seen as precisely this transference of
values from truly adjacent stable FO to unstable, free FP, a
transference that in itself "forces" the intertwined (self
sustaining) lumps of values to transfer themselves to other free FP. Of
course, in the event that there is no free FP, we have all the
phenomena of (macro)mechanics, including the most important phenomena
of heat entropy, or disorder cause by the interaction between very
stable lumps (strong atomic "forces") and those not so
stable, (gravity and weak, chemical forces). Some of these interactions
will effectively change the way the most stable lumps of particles
associate between each other, giving rise to chemical reactions as we
understand them. Note here that as temperature-force increases, or as
the rate of change of the propagated information increases (the higher
that particular subsystem's temperature or mean value is), the more
change there will be, or entropy, where some of the FP's involved at
the most fundamental level will de-attach themselves from their
original lumps to acquire different states, some of them
self-sustaining with other adjacent FP's (in some state), others ending
up being truly freely spinning FP's as the mass of adjacent FP's with
stabilized values decreases. This "free" (non self sustained
nor forced-propagated) information values will eventually diffuse,
affecting other FP's during their free spin, effectively transmitting
throughout the Void this values before switching to another of the
infinite values it can assume.

The model is totally unified, for matter-energy and void.
[Would you believe that because I am writing this draft there is people
who may die if it is not credited to me under my real name? Some
nullities can be very ambitious, to a murderous level. First sent to a
mail account, then to realworldnow in yahoo and the google groups
Is Jesee still in the MIT?]

Fabrizio Jose Bonsignore Guardia now Danilo Jose Bonsignore

[I've don no other names, though there were "misspellings".... )8(
And no matter how hard they try, I composed the Rondo Variato, the
rondop.mid, in Veracruz, and improvised Isabel's Death, and there are
more compositions in my hard drive, and I bet there are lots of facts
some people don't even know about... They won't be able to retrieve
some compositions... A hard drive is like a mind. They (Mex ic an maf
ia) are jumping all decencies. astalavista.box.sk: one of the
Christians in the Saint AGnes SHelter before it turned Mainchance
'KNEW' of that address, a security site... they are so cynic...

How I ***dare*** do this to Me xi co? Because I lived there, almost
against my will and they came HERE to pressure me! And THERE I was as
good as a foreigner, for all practical purposes (including their subtle
bioterrorism). But what am I doing? Promoting my ideas and works in
this country? Then what about free open markets and internationalism?
They can as well take any other author and include it in their text
books, for there are so many authors... Who will care? Most people in
Mexico live sordid realities... will they care about some notorious
author? It will probably create more resentment. They can choose
something more substancial for the electoral circus than abusing me and
other people implied by my mere existence.

Poet in Spanish? I am in neutral ground. What's the ground for

Power? That's why there is Law and judges and some rules, to avoid
excesses such as these... I am suffering. I wonder if my cats (felines,
felis catus), are still alive or they are taking revenge on them too?
Oh, they want me to call some house... but now I am wary, and they
didn't provide the phone, despite the verbal pressure the whole year in
2005-09-03 22:41:08 UTC
The basic assumption has been a dense set of something called a
fundamental particle with infinite spin, or infinitely changing,
ordered in some particular way (adjacencies) defined as a "3d" space
(easily characterized by specifying each particle is "in touch" with
exactly 26 other particles. Being a dense "space" this model also
unifies matter (the fundamental particle thing) and space, space being
composed of the fundamental particle infinite set (infinite being some
suitable mathematical definition of infinity). So matter and space
become a single, unified phenomenon, where "energy" is, as known, a
form of "matter", or rather, of matter changing, or matter change, or
better, of transmission of the information of interactions between
(lumps of) "matter".

It is this infomation viewpoint what distinguishes this model as well,
the important point here being that in this view, time can be defined
as a LOGICAL ORDERING, an inequality or weak ordering, of changes
transmitted and stored as the single state of the whole (infinite) set
of fundamental particles.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-09-04 12:30:25 UTC
As a well known image/analogy pf the "beginning" of the Universe (Big
Bang), we can recur to the concept of supersaturated solutions. A
supersaturated solution in stable state will remain "as is" until a
perturbation triggers the "chain reaction" that results in the
crystallization of the dissolved substance. For the "beginning of the
Universe", space/matter can be thought of as an homogeneous set in a
stable state of homogeneously changing fundamental particles...

[I am weird being in terms of race... don't look like anybody
particular. they are waiting for me to finish my posts to mirror and
impersonate me...]

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-09-04 13:59:21 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
As a well known image/analogy pf the "beginning" of the Universe (Big
Bang), we can recur to the concept of supersaturated solutions. A
supersaturated solution in stable state will remain "as is" until a
perturbation triggers the "chain reaction" that results in the
crystallization of the dissolved substance. For the "beginning of the
Universe", space/matter can be thought of as an homogeneous set in a
stable state of homogeneously changing fundamental particles...
[I am weird being in terms of race... don't look like anybody
particular. they are waiting for me to finish my posts to mirror and
impersonate me...]
What kind of medicine, if any, are you taking for your
2005-09-04 20:40:04 UTC
JimR wrote:
Post by JimR
What kind of medicine, if any, are you taking for your
Una que tienes que preguntarle a los mexicanos que vinieron a invadir
los Estados Unidos porque les expuse lo que parece un asesinato
politico con una pieza maestra inmortal de musica orquestal. Y mas,
ademas de sus ladrones. Y la enfermedad se llama "inspiracion
excepcional en Arte, Ciencia y Tecnologia en una sola persona"...
Quieres mas detalles? Ve a Veracruz y pregunta a ver que te dicen.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore ahora Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-09-04 20:58:23 UTC
I think he's more a lithium carbonate case. 3 300mg capsules one day,
4 the next. Also, heavy restraints are suggested.

Have any of you ever considered that in the Global Brain (
http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/SUPORGLI.html ) nutcases just blend into the
whole and actually liven things up a bit, keeping it from getting
stagnant and moribund? My 1st law than applies to the situation:

"Fantastic insight into the true nature of reality is isomorphic to

Hell, might as well quote # 2 and # 3 again:

2. Asimov was a pessimist.

3. Metacivilizations (Global Brains) do not come onto the scene
linearly. They burst forth like an exploding H-Bomb, like any paradigm
shift, but the inhabitants can't see it due to the "a rising tide
raises all boats equally" effect. Also, 1 = 1

I love you all. Keep at the bickering. You're growing the Global
Brain, since it's formed by communication. The more communication
between nodes (people) the more it inches towards adulthood.

Have a nice day! Address your issues. Make certain you only engage in
appropriate behavior.
2005-09-04 21:38:55 UTC
Post by d***@hotmail.com
I think he's more a lithium carbonate case. 3 300mg capsules one day,
4 the next. Also, heavy restraints are suggested.
Yeah? wouldn't it be better lithium niobate? Can you do the exercise or
just faking a coincidence because I just searched for it from the next
Post by d***@hotmail.com
Have any of you ever considered that in the Global Brain (
http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/SUPORGLI.html ) nutcases just blend into the
whole and actually liven things up a bit, keeping it from getting
stagnant and moribund?
Indeed! Read about the greek gods if the censorship allows you.
Post by d***@hotmail.com
"Fantastic insight into the true nature of reality is isomorphic to
Because nobody else can understand for a while?
Post by d***@hotmail.com
2. Asimov was a pessimist.
3. Metacivilizations (Global Brains) do not come onto the scene
linearly. They burst forth like an exploding H-Bomb, like any paradigm
shift, but the inhabitants can't see it due to the "a rising tide
raises all boats equally" effect. Also, 1 = 1
Post by d***@hotmail.com
I love you all. Keep at the bickering. You're growing the Global
Brain, since it's formed by communication. The more communication
between nodes (people) the more it inches towards adulthood.
Have a nice day! Address your issues. Make certain you only engage in
appropriate behavior.
appropriate for whom?

Danilo antes conocido como Fabrizio J Bonsignore
lithium niobate! Sounds interesting, doesn't it?
2005-09-07 00:16:11 UTC
Have you studied elemantary calculus at least? Spivak at least?
Ignorant & lunatic moron.
2016-11-28 19:33:45 UTC
Tome ago... Now I think this model can be used to model coefficient based theories as mechanic theories, where the properties of Reality are explained as emerging from the mechanics rather than just being summarized in a coefficient (not that coefficients and trascendental constants would not happen there but emphasis is not empirical, but mechanical).

Oh, well, anyway, the problem of adjacencies, eh? Now there is a Nobel in Physics meaning more or less the same, topopology (pun) weird states of matters at the boundaries... which of course these guys had time and conditions to develop! :| Reminds me of the article in New Scientist about 2-dimensional liquids at the noundaries of the Big Bang, which is also the same idea as my **problem of adjacencies**. So now, about viscosity and government administrations...

Danilo J Bonsignore
