Cum shots, semen and dded male characteristics in women
(too old to reply)
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-02-10 09:41:54 UTC
I shouldnt be writing this, but I have no news of the women whose lives
were threatened if I kept writing. They are playing fool, I can be
reached in this threads and it is me for any notification, but I've got
no help in this matter.

The hypothesis is that for women, drinking semen would provide them
with human DNA that would trigger further growth of sexual
characteristics. I assume that it is efficient in terms of development
to arrest the growth of certain characteristics in female organisms as
the way to achieve sexual dimorphism. This kind of arrested development
would require little additional information to achieve the difference,
by simply saying, in genetic terms, that growth must stop here. But if
male genes are introduced in the system, they would trigger the
production of proteins that would tell the organism to keep growing, so
the female organism would grow characteristics that belong to males.
Particularly, I think it would trigger the growth of the jaw bone,
prognatism, and the growth of facial hair, plus other minor
characteristics. Notice that males have one X chromosome less, but
female genitalia are more complex. Even if not directly related to
sexual characteristics, these genes would act as controls, throttles,
to other genes containing the actual information to build those organs.
As to say, it is cheaper to create male genitalia, so it needs less
information, like a default, but the extra genes and building
complexity in women can be efficiently encoded by *arresting*
development from the default to compensate for the added complexity in
creating female genitalia. What I odnt know is of to the extreme it
would lead to sex change or some form of castration.

Now, when can I get news of these women? How can I rescue them? I
already explained in an email the military plot of this being a
bribe... which it is not. Notify me here what to do. This hypothesis I
already sent to a medical association, but again I received no email
reply die to the friendly hackers placing facades in my email
accounts... the ones left.

Danilo J Bonsignore previously Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-02-10 18:40:39 UTC
"Fabrizio J Bonsignore" <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:***@g43g2000cwa.googlegroups.com...

I would suggest you look up "microchimerism". Mothers contain cells from
there children for years decades in a fetal maternal exchange. Non-identical
twins can also can share genetic material among themselves between male and
The rest is troll material of what you are talking about.
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-02-13 19:57:45 UTC
Post by Fabrizio J Bonsignore
As to say, it is cheaper to create male genitalia, so it needs less
information, like a default, but the extra genes and building
complexity in women can be efficiently encoded by *arresting*
development from the default to compensate for the added complexity in
creating female genitalia. What I odnt know is of to the extreme it
would lead to sex change or some form of castration.
This train of thought points to a particular family of algorythms as an
underlying basis and explaining factor for the organization of genetic
material in genes and chromosomes. I am sure several interesting
simulations can be programmed following this approach and eventually
help develop a tracking systme for particular characteristics to be
followed along inheritance paths.

I should be writing this in the Dramatis Personae III Thread. I think
the double entendre had farther consequences, even if broken. I think
that General Attorney Gonzalez es aware and is being played, either
purposefully or unintendenly as protecting the name I was supposed or
invited to use... But then he has a strong *incentive* to play hard and
pretend that he is being strict by not paying attention to the familiar
name... Or solidarizing himself with the other guy! I am of different
inheritance path that the attorney, which is another element to explain
my situation. The Belinda I think they interviewed has NO NECK. That
Belinda is neckless. I last heard Belinda in the visitors center of
NY. She said "Ay mi pierna" (ouch, my lef), and "No puede ser!" (it
cannot be). She was scared that day, but the mic didnt let me hear what
it was that she copuld not be possible. It is apity that Berenice was
messed with courts and that kind of people, she endangered us....

Danilo J Bonsignore previously Fabrizio J Bonsignore
Twittering One
2006-02-13 20:06:12 UTC
I don't even read your crap anymore!
Hell, I can't even read cereal box.
2006-02-13 22:14:05 UTC
Post by Fabrizio J Bonsignore
The hypothesis is that for women, drinking semen would provide them
with human DNA that would trigger further growth of sexual
Oral ingestion of DNA would explain why all those vegetarians are
turning into vegetables, why the meat-eaters are turning into swine,
bullocks, and fowl creatures. The only real men left are the

I guess you really ARE what you eat.


Tom Davidson
Richmond, VA
2006-02-13 22:46:50 UTC
Post by tadchem
Tom Davidson
Richmond, VA
Ha, ... Hah, Ha!

Where do these rubes come from?
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-02-18 14:29:15 UTC
Post by tadchem
Post by Fabrizio J Bonsignore
The hypothesis is that for women, drinking semen would provide them
with human DNA that would trigger further growth of sexual
Oral ingestion of DNA would explain why all those vegetarians are
turning into vegetables, why the meat-eaters are turning into swine,
bullocks, and fowl creatures. The only real men left are the
I guess you really ARE what you eat.
Tom Davidson
Richmond, VA
Naw, it is just that somebody wanted to sell me the idea that it works.
It is matter of distance, of similarity of DNA code. Abstractly the
idea makes sense. And the cannibal idea was also being sold to me by
the way! Incidentally, they would claim I am killing somebody for
posting this, but the police didnt want to acknowledge the threats.
2006-02-13 23:05:36 UTC
haha i find this really funny, i don't know where you could have come
up with this, but in the interest of providing a practical answer:
that is impossible because the ingested DNA would simply be digested in
the stomach and intestines as any other protein complex would be.
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-02-18 14:34:24 UTC
Post by sandrac
haha i find this really funny, i don't know where you could have come
that is impossible because the ingested DNA would simply be digested in
the stomach and intestines as any other protein complex would be.
I dont know if those proteins or for that matter anything beyond food
would be digested, broken up. Semen would enjoy mobiity and probably be
accepted by the defense mechanisms of the body. If it is broken up...
how do we know it would be broken down to the level where it would have
no effectiveness? Furthermore, we were not evolved eating semen, as we
cannot digest wood, but other species can digest wood! Abstractly, food
intake is an input, but semen would be an information input.
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-02-18 15:19:15 UTC
Post by Fabrizio J Bonsignore
Post by sandrac
haha i find this really funny, i don't know where you could have come
that is impossible because the ingested DNA would simply be digested in
the stomach and intestines as any other protein complex would be.
I dont know if those proteins or for that matter anything beyond food
would be digested, broken up. Semen would enjoy mobiity and probably be
accepted by the defense mechanisms of the body. If it is broken up...
how do we know it would be broken down to the level where it would have
no effectiveness? Furthermore, we were not evolved eating semen, as we
cannot digest wood, but other species can digest wood! Abstractly, food
intake is an input, but semen would be an information input.
Now, the cum shot can be more literal than assumed! A real syringe
shot. The point is that, if it is true, a woman can be changed just by
feeding her forcefully! Or even willingly, beyond ugliness but into the
real of male-ness-ish. She wouldnt look ugly, she would look like a
man, particularly if it is a continued "treatment" since a girl... The
implication is, if it is true, that somebody can change identity beyond
recognition by this "technique". Or if somebody believes it can happen,
a real woman can be changed by somebody else and the change would be
noticed. Somebody gets an achievement, but somebody else is there to
get the rewards. Or your woman can be dissapeared and nobody would pay
attention because they are convinced that the real one now looks like a
man... Incidentally again, what if *that* man is actually a man who
suffered a transexual operation? The woman dissapears (like in the 4
fantastic, invisible) and the man who did it appears in her place...
after surgery, willing or forceful, though willing also means
indoctrination (neurolinguistic programming?). So it is a hypothesis
that has to be dispelled or proven by somethingmore than a mere I sont
think so. Incidentally, any of the themes, hypothesis, writings in the
threads I published should be credited to this individual and not
somebody else. I havent got credit! Claiming credit is alack of ethics,
in an institutional environment. Mind that my name may be appearing as
something different but in this city, NY. ANd it looks the men who can
do it are enjoying domicialiary arrest with full services, including
waitress and advanced internet access (hacking), plus full duplex
communications and everything else, and it is possible that they also
have the woman I have to speak with and keep hiding her. Looks like
there are several places like this, notably just upstairs the places I
am still dependent on for food and shelter, so that all people coming
to see me are intercepted or, since they dont know me by picture, are
lured to see the people impersonating me and there is little I can do
but keep complaining that the people having my music and programming
and enjoying the products opf these efforts are very happy while I am
undergoing hunger and being ignored... without the help of a lawyer.

Danilo J Bonsignore previous name Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-02-24 05:00:14 UTC
Post by Fabrizio J Bonsignore
Post by sandrac
haha i find this really funny, i don't know where you could have come
that is impossible because the ingested DNA would simply be digested in
the stomach and intestines as any other protein complex would be.
Semen is rich in protein, but DNA isn't protein; it's a nucleic acid.
Post by Fabrizio J Bonsignore
I dont know if those proteins or for that matter anything beyond food
would be digested, broken up. Semen would enjoy mobiity
Semen isn't any more motile than egg whites. Sperm are motile in the
vagina, but in the stomach where the pH is around 2, they die very,
very quickly and as a result lose their motility, just like you would
if some wise and noble creature immersed your sorry ass in a vat of
hydrochloric acid, to the glee of thoughtful people everywhere.
Post by Fabrizio J Bonsignore
and probably be
accepted by the defense mechanisms of the body.
There is no opening in the wall of a healthy GI tract large enough for
a single sperm to pass through. Anything that survives digestion
remaining any size larger than a fat molecule ends up in the toilet.
Even protein molecules, which are generally much smaller than DNA
molecules, are way too big to get through the GI wall, so they are
broken down into amino acids.
Post by Fabrizio J Bonsignore
If it is broken up...
how do we know it would be broken down to the level where it would have
no effectiveness? Furthermore, we were not evolved eating semen, as we
cannot digest wood, but other species can digest wood! Abstractly, food
intake is an input, but semen would be an information input.
If we eat wood, it's true we don't digest it, but it ends up in the

Anyway the DNA in sperm is haploid, not diploid like the DNA in your
body's cells. By itself it can't replicate or perform any function at
all. It's only purpose is to combine with the haploid DNA in an ovum
and create a diploid cell capable of replicating.
