Sterens, Plot Revealed
(too old to reply)
2005-06-09 20:06:43 UTC
A warring species by force... warrying against an indifferent Universe
for survival, the tenent of any organic species (and maybe even of
inorganic species), jumping from world to world during millenia, after
millenia of exploration and scouting... fighting full species in their
own home worlds! How can small squads of survivors, with advanced
knowledge but little technology, a sensible assumption for an invading
force that has to survive for millenia before the main force arrives,
can defeat a growing, adapted populations...? Is it possible? Is it
even an idea worth considering...?

Danilo J Bonsignore then Fabrizio J Bonsignore again Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-06-09 20:30:08 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
A warring species by force... warrying against an indifferent Universe
for survival, the tenent of any organic species (and maybe even of
inorganic species), jumping from world to world during millenia, after
millenia of exploration and scouting... fighting full species in their
own home worlds! How can small squads of survivors, with advanced
knowledge but little technology, a sensible assumption for an invading
force that has to survive for millenia before the main force arrives,
can defeat a growing, adapted populations...? Is it possible? Is it
even an idea worth considering...?
Danilo J Bonsignore then Fabrizio J Bonsignore again Danilo J Bonsignore
Assume a manipulation scheme.
"Poor Humans! They are like animals to us Sterens", (the name doesn't
matter, they will change names any time to avoid being identified). And
so, under this philosophy, the attitude of superiority of long lived
animals, for animals they are too!, even if more knowledgeable, even if
creators of species!, they set to conquer us, a long saga that will
last millenia, the time needed for huge floats of whole complete
diverse econsystems traveling through space to arrive to the new
_lands_, the new planets where their life will thrive again and be safe
for a few nanoseconds in the eternal life of the Universe...

Consider this: Mars, the red planet, the planet of the big unexplained
face, the arid planet, the planet without atmosphere has a escape
velocity for gases... of *what* density? What is the correct atmosphere
that Mars can support and what kind of anaerobic bacteria, or plants or
any other biological (by far the most unexpensive, even cheap tool
[life is cheap, as any Economics text would revel, even if REason is
abosultely invaluable]), would be right to restore an atmosphere... for

And what value will those beings assign to our species, so nude, so
weak, so sacrificeable, so *prolific*, when they are _soooo_ immortal,
can even change species and do biological tricks??? Of course, little
value, not much, even for the scouts! Since those scouts are, will be,
under the eyes of a wary population, suspicious of... betrayal! Indeed:
offering immortality to mere humans to betray other humans, making them
betray their species! And in turn betrayed, very probably, used by the
same small group of beings, the manipulators, increasing their numbers
and keeping alive the Story, I mean, History! Any History is a Story
and a Story can become Historic trough the power of Prophecy!

And so the great inventions, Religion, for instance, the control tools
from which a small throttle can be used to manipulate a population,
will lead to those scenarios, carefully anticipated through
demographics, genetic research (they ought to know the semantics of
DNA! so simple a species like ours for such advanced and complex
beings), carefully IMPLEMENTED through skillful offers of immortality
and test to aquire immortality, an immortality that, once the main
population, again skillfully anticipated to arrive shortly, will be
sacrificed TOTALLY, a total war just-in-time for the arrival of the

What a future are the Sterens awaiting! A sour death by the hands of
those who know the local Sterens are betrayers and dealt with
betrayers, and those who did not betrayed their own soecies were ...
utterly ...

Danilo J Bonsignore then Fabrizio J Bonsignore again Danilo J
(not yet defeated! though I do believe there is some double of me, s
2005-06-09 22:27:49 UTC
Read the thread "Sterens, Knowledge Revealed", the beginning in this
same group...

Danilo Jose Bonsignore then Fabrizio J Bonsignore again Danilo J
2005-06-09 22:34:19 UTC
...and that's why we must be prepared!

Losers! Losing whole genotypes, whole strains of a single species,
losing the best specimens of a weak species, no more giant Egyptians,
Aztec populations going wild with self mutilation, mutilation of whole
populations... for a promised immortality? The Atlantida self destroyed
for being technologycally superior?... Whole exosystems sacrificed to
whole ecosystems traveling through the void to have survival as the
foremost values, that value which defines life itself!

And what can we do, when we are already seeded with taboo, when we have
been reared in non virtues, jealousy foremost? And their plot keeps in
movement, adapting, perhaps with the experience not of millenia but of
millions and millions of world hopping, looking for weak species, new
worlds to conquer *before it is _too_late_*!

Because by the time they are here... we don't want to fight them in our
land but before they arrive! And yet mot developments are _socially_

Danilo Jose Bonsignore then Fabrizio J Bonsignore again Danilo J
2005-06-10 23:02:41 UTC
They speak of the past
when it's yet to come
They say it didn't last
when it's not yet done...

Clever and subtle manipulations, the human folly exploited, Big Secrets
revealed to a species where hierarchy, the mutual measure, is at the
fore and most important. So Big Secrets are symbol of betterness, that
betterness that to animals means the difference between being spread
out or having their line extinguished, basic need for any system
evolutively guided. But the end result is the same: pruning! Guided
selection but not the advantage of the species but to the advantage of
the predators! Present and future, though we are ALL convinced that
predators are and were in the past! The Big Mysteries of the Antique
Civilizations! Past times were better and we "don't know", we just can
marvel at their achievements! Mayans, with huge pyramids in the jungle,
the jungke! WIth "advanced" mathematics and even the depiction of
"starcrafts", and yet modifying their skulls to become... less human...
Big Secret to chieve, what? Their goals, of course, but which actually
led to extinction... and a mystery for modern minds.
Post by f***@beethoven.com
...and that's why we must be prepared!
Losers! Losing whole genotypes, whole strains of a single species,
losing the best specimens of a weak species, no more giant Egyptians,
Aztec populations going wild with self mutilation, mutilation of whole
populations... for a promised immortality? The Atlantida self destroyed
for being technologycally superior?... Whole exosystems sacrificed to
whole ecosystems traveling through the void to have survival as the
foremost values, that value which defines life itself!
And what can we do, when we are already seeded with taboo, when we have
been reared in non virtues, jealousy foremost? And their plot keeps in
movement, adapting, perhaps with the experience not of millenia but of
millions and millions of world hopping, looking for weak species, new
worlds to conquer *before it is _too_late_*!
Because by the time they are here... we don't want to fight them in our
land but before they arrive! And yet mot developments are _socially_
Danilo Jose Bonsignore then Fabrizio J Bonsignore again Danilo J
2005-06-10 23:31:58 UTC
Divide and conquer? Unite and conquer!

Conquest is the ultimate goal, of course. Ask the astronomers, how
valuable can a livable planet be. Threats of world destruction? No way!
Of ecosystem destruction of course, but not of the planet. The world
per se is important, not so the living beings on it. It is the law of
the jungle at a grand scale! Except that it is played between
intelligent species and not so intelligent species... or species made
less intelligent, so that they don't have the chance, the time needed
to discover the real secrets of the Universe. Intelligence sacrificed
to more intelligence! And in so many ways... Full strains destroyed,
full strains prevented from developing or even from coming back,
countries, families, individuals... examples abound...

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J BOnsignore
Post by f***@beethoven.com
They speak of the past
when it's yet to come
They say it didn't last
when it's not yet done...
Clever and subtle manipulations, the human folly exploited, Big Secrets
revealed to a species where hierarchy, the mutual measure, is at the
fore and most important. So Big Secrets are symbol of betterness, that
betterness that to animals means the difference between being spread
out or having their line extinguished, basic need for any system
evolutively guided. But the end result is the same: pruning! Guided
selection but not the advantage of the species but to the advantage of
the predators! Present and future, though we are ALL convinced that
predators are and were in the past! The Big Mysteries of the Antique
Civilizations! Past times were better and we "don't know", we just can
marvel at their achievements! Mayans, with huge pyramids in the jungle,
the jungke! WIth "advanced" mathematics and even the depiction of
"starcrafts", and yet modifying their skulls to become... less human...
Big Secret to chieve, what? Their goals, of course, but which actually
led to extinction... and a mystery for modern minds.
Post by f***@beethoven.com
...and that's why we must be prepared!
Losers! Losing whole genotypes, whole strains of a single species,
losing the best specimens of a weak species, no more giant Egyptians,
Aztec populations going wild with self mutilation, mutilation of whole
populations... for a promised immortality? The Atlantida self destroyed
for being technologycally superior?... Whole exosystems sacrificed to
whole ecosystems traveling through the void to have survival as the
foremost values, that value which defines life itself!
And what can we do, when we are already seeded with taboo, when we have
been reared in non virtues, jealousy foremost? And their plot keeps in
movement, adapting, perhaps with the experience not of millenia but of
millions and millions of world hopping, looking for weak species, new
worlds to conquer *before it is _too_late_*!
Because by the time they are here... we don't want to fight them in our
land but before they arrive! And yet mot developments are _socially_
Danilo Jose Bonsignore then Fabrizio J Bonsignore again Danilo J
2005-06-11 13:01:44 UTC
"Too late!"

Whole populations lost! Self-defeated. The Aztecs first going mass
murderous (promised immortality by eating human hearts? Huitzilopochtli
must have something to say!), then self defeat because "the gods
arrived". A prophecy fulfilled and destroying not a few people, but a
whole civilization! They say it was Quetzalcoatl, a feathered snake;
our limited decimononic and twentieth century thinking immediately
says: "sure, a Viking arrived early and convinced them that white men
would come, we was wearing...", etc. But how limited! They actually
speak of a *feathered snake*. Maybe a not so extinct dinosaur species?
Would it live fossils if it was as recent as one thousand years? Maybe
intelligent. People say: "I've been in 15 cities in 10 countries.
Sasquatchs don't exist". Wow! That's certainty... And DNA has only
little more than 50 years...

A bad prophecy allowing a few men to set ones against the others in a
new old continent till all we have remaining are a few codexes, those
who invented alphabetic writing turned primates (no frontal lobules
through deformation) and forgotten. Intestine war, a new civilization
still trying to make peace with the fact 500 years after... Sych is the
power of belif, prophecies and a few (in this case one) individuals
ably manipulating a population, a civilization, generations and
generations til what was easily forcastable with a litlle knowledge
finally happened.

(No, I am not Aztec! But I can understand the tragedy).

How funny... Spaniards arrived with Christian ideology precisely at the
moment of maximum splendour of human sacrifices. Mass hysteria, mass
credulity, just in time to be erradicated by an ideology...
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Divide and conquer? Unite and conquer!
Conquest is the ultimate goal, of course. Ask the astronomers, how
valuable can a livable planet be. Threats of world destruction? No way!
Of ecosystem destruction of course, but not of the planet. The world
per se is important, not so the living beings on it. It is the law of
the jungle at a grand scale! Except that it is played between
intelligent species and not so intelligent species... or species made
less intelligent, so that they don't have the chance, the time needed
to discover the real secrets of the Universe. Intelligence sacrificed
to more intelligence! And in so many ways... Full strains destroyed,
full strains prevented from developing or even from coming back,
countries, families, individuals... examples abound...
Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J BOnsignore
Post by f***@beethoven.com
They speak of the past
when it's yet to come
They say it didn't last
when it's not yet done...
Clever and subtle manipulations, the human folly exploited, Big Secrets
revealed to a species where hierarchy, the mutual measure, is at the
fore and most important. So Big Secrets are symbol of betterness, that
betterness that to animals means the difference between being spread
out or having their line extinguished, basic need for any system
evolutively guided. But the end result is the same: pruning! Guided
selection but not the advantage of the species but to the advantage of
the predators! Present and future, though we are ALL convinced that
predators are and were in the past! The Big Mysteries of the Antique
Civilizations! Past times were better and we "don't know", we just can
marvel at their achievements! Mayans, with huge pyramids in the jungle,
the jungke! WIth "advanced" mathematics and even the depiction of
"starcrafts", and yet modifying their skulls to become... less human...
Big Secret to chieve, what? Their goals, of course, but which actually
led to extinction... and a mystery for modern minds.
Post by f***@beethoven.com
...and that's why we must be prepared!
Losers! Losing whole genotypes, whole strains of a single species,
losing the best specimens of a weak species, no more giant Egyptians,
Aztec populations going wild with self mutilation, mutilation of whole
populations... for a promised immortality? The Atlantida self destroyed
for being technologycally superior?... Whole exosystems sacrificed to
whole ecosystems traveling through the void to have survival as the
foremost values, that value which defines life itself!
And what can we do, when we are already seeded with taboo, when we have
been reared in non virtues, jealousy foremost? And their plot keeps in
movement, adapting, perhaps with the experience not of millenia but of
millions and millions of world hopping, looking for weak species, new
worlds to conquer *before it is _too_late_*!
Because by the time they are here... we don't want to fight them in our
land but before they arrive! And yet mot developments are _socially_
Danilo Jose Bonsignore then Fabrizio J Bonsignore again Danilo J
2005-06-11 16:31:47 UTC
"Too much"

And progress is not a steady process, as it was implied during the and
after the Industrial Revolution. On the contrary, as Sagan speculated,
we should be traveling the stras by now if the Greeks had entered a
steady dynamic! But there was Socrates suicided, by his best friends?
Plato and Aristotle? Aristotle the great proto-sicnetist (like in
protitype, not yet complete) and PLato the great proto-philosopher. And
both with LOTS of mistakes, but lots of mistakes! Yet they managed to
direct the Whole Ancient World with worng ideas and misdirections...

Socrates inventing Justice, then suffering unjustice... PLato
idealizing and creating chimeras, dreams, metaphysics directing minds
toward non existen worlds. Necessary... but how much given the Socratic
Method(s), the real contribution to Humanity as Method is Reason and
the difference with animals (Irrational Living Beings), so "tracked" on
instinct and Evolution...

They already had engineering! Even electricity! But progress is not
steady. How come they turned homosexuals with so many BEAUTIFUL WOMEN,
to the point that still today the ideal is the Greek Profile and the
Greek Sculpture? Progress as a bursted process, with the "necessity" of
revolutions to recover from another onslaught by... who would have the
interest to go against obvious contributions, that is, an easier life
and more possibilities? The tree of Knowledge pruned..

Danilo J Bonsignore then Fabrizio J Bonsignore again danilo J Bonsignore
2005-06-11 16:59:23 UTC
"A big mistake!"

So progress is not steady, we have the Decadence of Occident as a
prophecy! And how do we explain it? By using THE Hermetic Principle, as
is above is below, as is below is above, ruling principle of the
Universe, so if individuals die... so cultures and peoples,
understanding peoples as strains of humans, in the very basic and
unescapable biological sense. But then we should be dead and
Civilization dead! Instead we have a difficult process, like a car
being driven by an inexperienced driver...

The foremost individual erradicated: Toth, Socrates, Christ, Mahoma
(really persecuted), a definitely antihuman and antisocial pattern, and
yet we are social beings. Gregarious.

Giant egyptians, the explanation of their architecture, defeated...
how? We don't know. All tombs desecrated, few real relics around, tombs
used and reused as they little by little let go an assumedly
millenarian civilization (15000 according to some!). Of course, with
"lesser men" as Tolkien would say and actually said, no bones nor
relics would be found, even if in Denmark there are still stories...
and Jack and the Beans as the Story hiding History. Ibis headed gods...
to us it must speak either of genetic manipulation or advanced medicine

Danilo J Bonsignore then Fabrizio J Bonsignore again danilo J
2005-06-11 21:55:10 UTC
"We did not believe"

archetypes, fears, desires... The whole gamut of manipulation,
psychologcal manipulation as we call it now. But not everybody
believes, which is precisely the reason and justification of diversity
in biological beings. When ALL believe... the whole population is
sacrificated. Oops! Sacrificed. Sentenced. All believe, all follow, all
fall, all are forgotten. Mission accomplished! What need would there be
for ANY human population, group, tribe, family or individual to
actually get rid of a whole population... to go without women (or men
in its case)? Specially if it can reach his/her own racial, ethnic,
strain, population group! The pattern repeated several times, with
different populations... The mayans were extinguished, "mysteriously",
as well as other precolumbian populations. Others were successful and
diversity had its effect: safeguarding a biological population from
changes in the environment, so that at least some can continue and
multiply again... even if diminished, for who knows which
characteristics were lost in the lost believers? The same mistake
commited over an over again all around the World, throughout History.
Suspicious to say the least. And very hardly a mistake, for it would
have extinguished the species! At the beginning of it, the dawn of
Human History.

Rationality can only reach one conclusion: external influence. EXTERNAL
influence! Well hidden, sordid, manipulative...
Post by f***@beethoven.com
"A big mistake!"
So progress is not steady, we have the Decadence of Occident as a
prophecy! And how do we explain it? By using THE Hermetic Principle, as
is above is below, as is below is above, ruling principle of the
Universe, so if individuals die... so cultures and peoples,
understanding peoples as strains of humans, in the very basic and
unescapable biological sense. But then we should be dead and
Civilization dead! Instead we have a difficult process, like a car
being driven by an inexperienced driver...
The foremost individual erradicated: Toth, Socrates, Christ, Mahoma
(really persecuted), a definitely antihuman and antisocial pattern, and
yet we are social beings. Gregarious.
Giant egyptians, the explanation of their architecture, defeated...
how? We don't know. All tombs desecrated, few real relics around, tombs
used and reused as they little by little let go an assumedly
millenarian civilization (15000 according to some!). Of course, with
"lesser men" as Tolkien would say and actually said, no bones nor
relics would be found, even if in Denmark there are still stories...
and Jack and the Beans as the Story hiding History. Ibis headed gods...
to us it must speak either of genetic manipulation or advanced medicine
Danilo J Bonsignore then Fabrizio J Bonsignore again danilo J
2005-06-12 13:29:54 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
"We did not believe"
archetypes, fears, desires... The whole gamut of manipulation,
psychologcal manipulation as we call it now. But not everybody
believes, which is precisely the reason and justification of diversity
in biological beings. When ALL believe... the whole population is
sacrificated. Oops! Sacrificed. Sentenced. All believe, all follow, all
fall, all are forgotten. Mission accomplished! What need would there be
for ANY human population, group, tribe, family or individual to
actually get rid of a whole population... to go without women (or men
in its case)? Specially if it can reach his/her own racial, ethnic,
strain, population group! The pattern repeated several times, with
different populations... The mayans were extinguished, "mysteriously",
as well as other precolumbian populations. Others were successful and
diversity had its effect: safeguarding a biological population from
changes in the environment, so that at least some can continue and
multiply again... even if diminished, for who knows which
characteristics were lost in the lost believers? The same mistake
commited over an over again all around the World, throughout History.
Suspicious to say the least. And very hardly a mistake, for it would
have extinguished the species! At the beginning of it, the dawn of
Human History.
Rationality can only reach one conclusion: external influence. EXTERNAL
influence! Well hidden, sordid, manipulative...
Post by f***@beethoven.com
"A big mistake!"
So progress is not steady, we have the Decadence of Occident as a
prophecy! And how do we explain it? By using THE Hermetic Principle, as
is above is below, as is below is above, ruling principle of the
Universe, so if individuals die... so cultures and peoples,
understanding peoples as strains of humans, in the very basic and
unescapable biological sense. But then we should be dead and
Civilization dead! Instead we have a difficult process, like a car
being driven by an inexperienced driver...
The foremost individual erradicated: Toth, Socrates, Christ, Mahoma
(really persecuted), a definitely antihuman and antisocial pattern, and
yet we are social beings. Gregarious.
Giant egyptians, the explanation of their architecture, defeated...
how? We don't know. All tombs desecrated, few real relics around, tombs
used and reused as they little by little let go an assumedly
millenarian civilization (15000 according to some!). Of course, with
"lesser men" as Tolkien would say and actually said, no bones nor
relics would be found, even if in Denmark there are still stories...
and Jack and the Beans as the Story hiding History. Ibis headed gods...
to us it must speak either of genetic manipulation or advanced medicine
Danilo J Bonsignore then Fabrizio J Bonsignore again danilo J Bonsignore
The Gitanes (zingari), the Jews, again last century, The Berbers...
nomads! In the midst of sedentary civilizations. Chosen destiny or
forced? The first ones musicians, the second ones financers with a
great written tradition; the Berbers I know little but are world
famous! Fame seems to be the best protection! Fame so that all know
about them and...

Hidden trick or life saving strategy? More about it later...

But the consistency with which the *apparently* best are "sacrificed"
is appaling! Evolutively makes no sense, as best means more offspring
in all species, actually an essential step in any evolutive algorythm,
that of ordering individuals. In humans instead the best seem to be
sacrificed! Old kings were not really the best individuals, while monks
(traditionally) leave no offspring despite being the learned ones! But
if it is a flaw of the human species it would have *involved* long ago!
No more intelligence.

So we have an *averaging process* going on which is against what reason
would achieve when running its course. And for some populations the
average will be slowly or rapidly drifting backwards, while for others
will drift forward. This alone exposes a pair of tendencies, one
positive for the species and self sustaining, the other one negative
for the species and... being sustained...

The questions are by whom and HOW...

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-06-12 14:01:28 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
"We did not believe"
archetypes, fears, desires... The whole gamut of manipulation,
psychologcal manipulation as we call it now. But not everybody
believes, which is precisely the reason and justification of diversity
in biological beings. When ALL believe... the whole population is
sacrificated. Oops! Sacrificed. Sentenced. All believe, all follow, all
fall, all are forgotten. Mission accomplished! What need would there be
for ANY human population, group, tribe, family or individual to
actually get rid of a whole population... to go without women (or men
in its case)? Specially if it can reach his/her own racial, ethnic,
strain, population group! The pattern repeated several times, with
different populations... The mayans were extinguished, "mysteriously",
as well as other precolumbian populations. Others were successful and
diversity had its effect: safeguarding a biological population from
changes in the environment, so that at least some can continue and
multiply again... even if diminished, for who knows which
characteristics were lost in the lost believers? The same mistake
commited over an over again all around the World, throughout History.
Suspicious to say the least. And very hardly a mistake, for it would
have extinguished the species! At the beginning of it, the dawn of
Human History.
Rationality can only reach one conclusion: external influence. EXTERNAL
influence! Well hidden, sordid, manipulative...
Post by f***@beethoven.com
"A big mistake!"
So progress is not steady, we have the Decadence of Occident as a
prophecy! And how do we explain it? By using THE Hermetic Principle, as
is above is below, as is below is above, ruling principle of the
Universe, so if individuals die... so cultures and peoples,
understanding peoples as strains of humans, in the very basic and
unescapable biological sense. But then we should be dead and
Civilization dead! Instead we have a difficult process, like a car
being driven by an inexperienced driver...
The foremost individual erradicated: Toth, Socrates, Christ, Mahoma
(really persecuted), a definitely antihuman and antisocial pattern, and
yet we are social beings. Gregarious.
Giant egyptians, the explanation of their architecture, defeated...
how? We don't know. All tombs desecrated, few real relics around, tombs
used and reused as they little by little let go an assumedly
millenarian civilization (15000 according to some!). Of course, with
"lesser men" as Tolkien would say and actually said, no bones nor
relics would be found, even if in Denmark there are still stories...
and Jack and the Beans as the Story hiding History. Ibis headed gods...
to us it must speak either of genetic manipulation or advanced medicine
Danilo J Bonsignore then Fabrizio J Bonsignore again danilo J Bonsignore
Toth, Socrates, Christ, Mahoma, even Budha, (but not Krishna): the
origin of Tragedy. Greeks made a fine description of it, actually a
justification much akin to a prophechy: it is disgrace brough about by
the character of the individual, his very being, therefore inevitable
and justifiable and... enjoyable. Poignant emotion being preferred over
more sweet, positive ones. Lots of tragedies in History and we call
them Human Nature! Homo homini lupus and it is final. But objectively
contrary to Reason, where even the argument of "we do it because we
*can* think of it (and nothing else)" is lost in the recorded history
of many peoples and the possible paths we can follow. Same mistakes
committed again? Because we are being CONVINCED??? IT cannot be
Rational nor Human nor even next to Life to know, for instance, the
story of Jesus Christ and even then go ahead and justify the christs!
Lots of noise, lots of fame, but... And we believe the BUT above
everything else! Same mistake: the obvious sacrificed, wasted, not
believed by those who arnt adequate, meeting impossible opposition by
stubborn people; Napoleon unifying Europe, through a little force at
first, through more force later, only to fail being accepted as... what
other poeples gave for granted! Despite obvious merits... Though it
seems that History hides many more, much better examples, non belic,
but forgotten in... generations of geniuses...

Danilo J BOnsignore previously Fabrizio J BOnsignore
2005-06-12 14:07:06 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
"We did not believe"
archetypes, fears, desires... The whole gamut of manipulation,
psychologcal manipulation as we call it now. But not everybody
believes, which is precisely the reason and justification of diversity
in biological beings. When ALL believe... the whole population is
sacrificated. Oops! Sacrificed. Sentenced. All believe, all follow, all
fall, all are forgotten. Mission accomplished! What need would there be
for ANY human population, group, tribe, family or individual to
actually get rid of a whole population... to go without women (or men
in its case)? Specially if it can reach his/her own racial, ethnic,
strain, population group! The pattern repeated several times, with
different populations... The mayans were extinguished, "mysteriously",
as well as other precolumbian populations. Others were successful and
diversity had its effect: safeguarding a biological population from
changes in the environment, so that at least some can continue and
multiply again... even if diminished, for who knows which
characteristics were lost in the lost believers? The same mistake
commited over an over again all around the World, throughout History.
Suspicious to say the least. And very hardly a mistake, for it would
have extinguished the species! At the beginning of it, the dawn of
Human History.
Rationality can only reach one conclusion: external influence. EXTERNAL
influence! Well hidden, sordid, manipulative...
Post by f***@beethoven.com
"A big mistake!"
So progress is not steady, we have the Decadence of Occident as a
prophecy! And how do we explain it? By using THE Hermetic Principle, as
is above is below, as is below is above, ruling principle of the
Universe, so if individuals die... so cultures and peoples,
understanding peoples as strains of humans, in the very basic and
unescapable biological sense. But then we should be dead and
Civilization dead! Instead we have a difficult process, like a car
being driven by an inexperienced driver...
The foremost individual erradicated: Toth, Socrates, Christ, Mahoma
(really persecuted), a definitely antihuman and antisocial pattern, and
yet we are social beings. Gregarious.
Giant egyptians, the explanation of their architecture, defeated...
how? We don't know. All tombs desecrated, few real relics around, tombs
used and reused as they little by little let go an assumedly
millenarian civilization (15000 according to some!). Of course, with
"lesser men" as Tolkien would say and actually said, no bones nor
relics would be found, even if in Denmark there are still stories...
and Jack and the Beans as the Story hiding History. Ibis headed gods...
to us it must speak either of genetic manipulation or advanced medicine
Danilo J Bonsignore then Fabrizio J Bonsignore again danilo J Bonsignore
Toth, Socrates, Christ, Mahoma, even Budha, (but not Krishna): the
origin of Tragedy. Greeks made a fine description of it, actually a
justification much akin to a prophechy: it is disgrace brough about by
the character of the individual, his very being, therefore inevitable
and justifiable and... enjoyable. Poignant emotion being preferred over
more sweet, positive ones. Lots of tragedies in History and we call
them Human Nature! Homo homini lupus and it is final. But objectively
contrary to Reason, where even the argument of "we do it because we
*can* think of it (and nothing else)" is lost in the recorded history
of many peoples and the possible paths we can follow. Same mistakes
committed again? Because we are being CONVINCED??? IT cannot be
Rational nor Human nor even next to Life to know, for instance, the
story of Jesus Christ and even then go ahead and justify the christs!
Lots of noise, lots of fame, but... And we believe the BUT above
everything else! Same mistake: the obvious sacrificed, wasted, not
believed by those who arnt adequate, meeting impossible opposition by
stubborn people; Napoleon unifying Europe, through a little force at
first, through more force later, only to fail being accepted as... what
other poeples gave for granted! Despite obvious merits... Though it
seems that History hides many more, much better examples, non belic,
but hidden... as generations of geniuses.

For what counts here is one and only one thing: INTELLIGENCE. The kind
of intelligence that makes go FORWARD instead of CONSERVING things. For
Life, Change is Life! The old teaching of the I Ching, both authors, Fu
Hsi and King Wen preserving ilfe and making it go forward, a whole
civilization created on sound principles: Life is Change and Change
cannot be avoided, it is Everything in change, the river of the

And what for us is forward Intelligence what counts, for the Others is
backward intelligence what counts, or rather,
setting-intelligence-backwards! The two dynamics in opposition, what we
call the fight between Goodness and Evil...

Fabrizio J Bonsignore then Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-06-12 16:59:10 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Post by f***@beethoven.com
"We did not believe"
archetypes, fears, desires... The whole gamut of manipulation,
psychologcal manipulation as we call it now. But not everybody
believes, which is precisely the reason and justification of diversity
in biological beings. When ALL believe... the whole population is
sacrificated. Oops! Sacrificed. Sentenced. All believe, all follow, all
fall, all are forgotten. Mission accomplished! What need would there be
for ANY human population, group, tribe, family or individual to
actually get rid of a whole population... to go without women (or men
in its case)? Specially if it can reach his/her own racial, ethnic,
strain, population group! The pattern repeated several times, with
different populations... The mayans were extinguished, "mysteriously",
as well as other precolumbian populations. Others were successful and
diversity had its effect: safeguarding a biological population from
changes in the environment, so that at least some can continue and
multiply again... even if diminished, for who knows which
characteristics were lost in the lost believers? The same mistake
commited over an over again all around the World, throughout History.
Suspicious to say the least. And very hardly a mistake, for it would
have extinguished the species! At the beginning of it, the dawn of
Human History.
Rationality can only reach one conclusion: external influence. EXTERNAL
influence! Well hidden, sordid, manipulative...
Post by f***@beethoven.com
"A big mistake!"
So progress is not steady, we have the Decadence of Occident as a
prophecy! And how do we explain it? By using THE Hermetic Principle, as
is above is below, as is below is above, ruling principle of the
Universe, so if individuals die... so cultures and peoples,
understanding peoples as strains of humans, in the very basic and
unescapable biological sense. But then we should be dead and
Civilization dead! Instead we have a difficult process, like a car
being driven by an inexperienced driver...
The foremost individual erradicated: Toth, Socrates, Christ, Mahoma
(really persecuted), a definitely antihuman and antisocial pattern, and
yet we are social beings. Gregarious.
Giant egyptians, the explanation of their architecture, defeated...
how? We don't know. All tombs desecrated, few real relics around, tombs
used and reused as they little by little let go an assumedly
millenarian civilization (15000 according to some!). Of course, with
"lesser men" as Tolkien would say and actually said, no bones nor
relics would be found, even if in Denmark there are still stories...
and Jack and the Beans as the Story hiding History. Ibis headed gods...
to us it must speak either of genetic manipulation or advanced medicine
Danilo J Bonsignore then Fabrizio J Bonsignore again danilo J Bonsignore
Toth, Socrates, Christ, Mahoma, even Budha, (but not Krishna): the
origin of Tragedy. Greeks made a fine description of it, actually a
justification much akin to a prophechy: it is disgrace brough about by
the character of the individual, his very being, therefore inevitable
and justifiable and... enjoyable. Poignant emotion being preferred over
more sweet, positive ones. Lots of tragedies in History and we call
them Human Nature! Homo homini lupus and it is final. But objectively
contrary to Reason, where even the argument of "we do it because we
*can* think of it (and nothing else)" is lost in the recorded history
of many peoples and the possible paths we can follow. Same mistakes
committed again? Because we are being CONVINCED??? IT cannot be
Rational nor Human nor even next to Life to know, for instance, the
story of Jesus Christ and even then go ahead and justify the christs!
Lots of noise, lots of fame, but... And we believe the BUT above
everything else! Same mistake: the obvious sacrificed, wasted, not
believed by those who arnt adequate, meeting impossible opposition by
stubborn people; Napoleon unifying Europe, through a little force at
first, through more force later, only to fail being accepted as... what
other poeples gave for granted! Despite obvious merits... Though it
seems that History hides many more, much better examples, non belic,
but hidden... as generations of geniuses.
For what counts here is one and only one thing: INTELLIGENCE. The kind
of intelligence that makes go FORWARD instead of CONSERVING things. For
Life, Change is Life! The old teaching of the I Ching, both authors, Fu
Hsi and King Wen preserving ilfe and making it go forward, a whole
civilization created on sound principles: Life is Change and Change
cannot be avoided, it is Everything in change, the river of the
And what for us is forward Intelligence what counts, for the Others is
backward intelligence what counts, or rather,
setting-intelligence-backwards! The two dynamics in opposition, what we
call the fight between Goodness and Evil...
Fabrizio J Bonsignore then Danilo J Bonsignore

So lets sum up.

In an at least 15 zzz zzz zzz years (15 billions) old Kosmos (Greek
(griego) for ALL, EVRYTHING), an old and intelligent species survives
by hopping from world to world, all sciences completed or as complete
as Reality allows (growing Universe, expansion) to handle their excess
of population and simple survival. They send scouts and find other
worlds, but this one is occupied by a very intelligent and prolific
species. They are few, so they begin a patient process of handling and
manipulation to avoid the species from becoming too powerful and
growing to the point where they would waste their emigration. They act
from within. And the species without this knowledge fights through a
long process of advance and retreat, without understanding (low level
of development as a species) that the enemy is hidden within, an OLD
enemy, sordid and disguised. (Theory of revolutions and Theory of
crisis as particular explanations missing the whole picture). They have
lots of "tricks" and strategies and their advanced knowledge, even
though they have little technology (may have tools hidden, but limited,
lest the indigenous species would steal it)...

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-06-12 17:08:01 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
So lets sum up.
In an at least 15 zzz zzz zzz years (15 billions) old Kosmos (Greek
(griego) for ALL, EVRYTHING), an old and intelligent species survives
by hopping from world to world, all sciences completed or as complete
as Reality allows (growing Universe, expansion) to handle their excess
of population and simple survival. They send scouts and find other
worlds, but this one is occupied by a very intelligent and prolific
species. They are few, so they begin a patient process of handling and
manipulation to avoid the species from becoming too powerful and
growing to the point where they would waste their emigration. They act
from within. And the species without this knowledge fights through a
long process of advance and retreat, without understanding (low level
of development as a species) that the enemy is hidden within, an OLD
enemy, sordid and disguised. (Theory of revolutions and Theory of
crisis as particular explanations missing the whole picture). They have
lots of "tricks" and strategies and their advanced knowledge, even
though they have little technology (may have tools hidden, but limited,
lest the indigenous species would steal it)...
Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Science Fiction? That's the right approach, focus for us scientific
types! For older generations it was gods, later demonology, later
legends... Whatever to hide it in plain view! It is seen, it happens,
it is discovered, but... (it is anticipated) it is hidden as a story,
steganography, hidden in plain view to generate disbelief, therefore
inaction therefore their triumph. But they are only interested in a
few, in those who actually represent a danger for them, those who would

Alexander Magnus (Greek), Julius Ceasar (Rome), Charlemagne, Napoleon,
Hitler... all of them conquerors and feared, even when there WERE
Emperors who were even more dangerous than they were... but were not
unifiers. Deceived? Certainly! Each one with its particularities, one
turned homosexual and wasted thorugh fevers, the other, betrayed and
assassinated after all his senators lied to him, the other one opposed
by "demons", Napoleon hated as the... what was the real reason?, Hitler
went crazy and genocider... But all of them unifiers! Rome actually
unified and even let others develop their own cultures, the Pax Romana
which allowed the Europeans to grow in numbers...

Fabrizio J BOnsignore then Danilo J BOnsignore
2005-06-12 21:46:07 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Post by f***@beethoven.com
So lets sum up.
In an at least 15 zzz zzz zzz years (15 billions) old Kosmos (Greek
(griego) for ALL, EVRYTHING), an old and intelligent species survives
by hopping from world to world, all sciences completed or as complete
as Reality allows (growing Universe, expansion) to handle their excess
of population and simple survival. They send scouts and find other
worlds, but this one is occupied by a very intelligent and prolific
species. They are few, so they begin a patient process of handling and
manipulation to avoid the species from becoming too powerful and
growing to the point where they would waste their emigration. They act
from within. And the species without this knowledge fights through a
long process of advance and retreat, without understanding (low level
of development as a species) that the enemy is hidden within, an OLD
enemy, sordid and disguised. (Theory of revolutions and Theory of
crisis as particular explanations missing the whole picture). They have
lots of "tricks" and strategies and their advanced knowledge, even
though they have little technology (may have tools hidden, but limited,
lest the indigenous species would steal it)...
Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Science Fiction? That's the right approach, focus for us scientific
types! For older generations it was gods, later demonology, later
legends... Whatever to hide it in plain view! It is seen, it happens,
it is discovered, but... (it is anticipated) it is hidden as a story,
steganography, hidden in plain view to generate disbelief, therefore
inaction therefore their triumph. But they are only interested in a
few, in those who actually represent a danger for them, those who would
Alexander Magnus (Greek), Julius Ceasar (Rome), Charlemagne, Napoleon,
Hitler... all of them conquerors and feared, even when there WERE
Emperors who were even more dangerous than they were... but were not
unifiers. Deceived? Certainly! Each one with its particularities, one
turned homosexual and wasted thorugh fevers, the other, betrayed and
assassinated after all his senators lied to him, the other one opposed
by "demons", Napoleon hated as the... what was the real reason?, Hitler
went crazy and genocider... But all of them unifiers! Rome actually
unified and even let others develop their own cultures, the Pax Romana
which allowed the Europeans to grow in numbers...
Fabrizio J BOnsignore then Danilo J BOnsignore
...only to be wasted by another mass movement... SUDDENLY thousands of
warriors crossing vast terrains to exterminate a period of peace, even
when Civilization was extending... choosing conflict and death over
teaching and ... civilization! Even leaving their settlements! Mix of
human emotions, _suddenly_ stirred up in *mass* to destoy another
mass... and reach stalemate. Later wasted by the stupidity of
demonology, fear of the Enemy and get rid of all cats! Rats. Pest.
Horror. And demons abounded at the time! Again, not gods of human body
and animal head, but demons of human face and fish of goat. Serf
superstitions? Genetic diversity? Or the Enemy confident enough to show
itself knowing that, at that time, it would have an advantage in their
ignorance? Or maybe they *couldn't* help but being discovered! At least
in Europe, the *only* story that seems to count. While other wastes
happened in other countries, again mass movements of cultural
recession, very finely _timed_. The Enemy in action.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-06-12 22:46:29 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Post by f***@beethoven.com
So lets sum up.
In an at least 15 zzz zzz zzz years (15 billions) old Kosmos (Greek
(griego) for ALL, EVRYTHING), an old and intelligent species survives
by hopping from world to world, all sciences completed or as complete
as Reality allows (growing Universe, expansion) to handle their excess
of population and simple survival. They send scouts and find other
worlds, but this one is occupied by a very intelligent and prolific
species. They are few, so they begin a patient process of handling and
manipulation to avoid the species from becoming too powerful and
growing to the point where they would waste their emigration. They act
from within. And the species without this knowledge fights through a
long process of advance and retreat, without understanding (low level
of development as a species) that the enemy is hidden within, an OLD
enemy, sordid and disguised. (Theory of revolutions and Theory of
crisis as particular explanations missing the whole picture). They have
lots of "tricks" and strategies and their advanced knowledge, even
though they have little technology (may have tools hidden, but limited,
lest the indigenous species would steal it)...
Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Science Fiction? That's the right approach, focus for us scientific
types! For older generations it was gods, later demonology, later
legends... Whatever to hide it in plain view! It is seen, it happens,
it is discovered, but... (it is anticipated) it is hidden as a story,
steganography, hidden in plain view to generate disbelief, therefore
inaction therefore their triumph. But they are only interested in a
few, in those who actually represent a danger for them, those who would
Alexander Magnus (Greek), Julius Ceasar (Rome), Charlemagne, Napoleon,
Hitler... all of them conquerors and feared, even when there WERE
Emperors who were even more dangerous than they were... but were not
unifiers. Deceived? Certainly! Each one with its particularities, one
turned homosexual and wasted thorugh fevers, the other, betrayed and
assassinated after all his senators lied to him, the other one opposed
by "demons", Napoleon hated as the... what was the real reason?, Hitler
went crazy and genocider... But all of them unifiers! Rome actually
unified and even let others develop their own cultures, the Pax Romana
which allowed the Europeans to grow in numbers...
Fabrizio J BOnsignore then Danilo J BOnsignore
...only to be wasted by another mass movement... SUDDENLY thousands of
warriors crossing vast terrains to exterminate a period of peace, even
when Civilization was extending... choosing conflict and death over
teaching and ... civilization! Even leaving their settlements! Mix of
human emotions, _suddenly_ stirred up in *mass* to destoy another
mass... and reach stalemate. Later wasted by the stupidity of
demonology, fear of the Enemy and get rid of all cats! Rats. Pest.
Horror. And demons abounded at the time! Again, not gods of human body
and animal head, but demons of human face and fish of goat. Serf
superstitions? Genetic diversity? Or the Enemy confident enough to show
itself knowing that, at that time, it would have an advantage in their
ignorance? Or maybe they *couldn't* help but being discovered! At least
in Europe, the *only* story that seems to count. While other wastes
happened in other countries, again mass movements of cultural
recession, very finely _timed_. The Enemy in action.
Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
An enemy following already characteristic patterns, in our most
manicheic culture. The great mistake of the Greeks, the dichotomy as
THE dynamic. There must be the two sides, even when dynamics are more
complex! Why not three or five, like in star systems? The focus
stressed in the duality, where it is easier to handle ambiguity, the
last minute decision that makes sense to everything said and done.
Whatever is done, it works for the advantage of the enemy! Because what
counts is, as said, to _rob_ *this* Humanity of... exactly _what_ is
difficult to understand, at this moment in time, but in the end is the
future of the species, or rather, its futureS...

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-06-12 22:55:25 UTC
There must be no chance of saving if that minimizes conflict for the
travelers, those for which the effort is greater, the conquerors. Which
means no progress, no advances, no betterments, in technology, in
civilization, or worse, in genetical terms! For the enemy relies on
being within, hidden, protected, smarter, superior. To deceive,
outsmart, outmaneuver! And to that effect fitness has to be wasted, the
idea of the saviour wasted so that the group, the population remains
under the manipulative, if not the outright tutelage of the enemy,
sometimes knowingly, sometimes without knowing it! Or known by a few,
the Holders of the Big Secret, the secret society which Controls and
Directs and... is directed? How better to deceive but to let the poor
victims believe they are being leaders and *priviledged* tomake them do
the bidding of the enemy?

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-06-12 23:58:43 UTC
And the priviledged must be strong! To be able to protect the enemy,
hiding as a friend, as the best, the director, the one who knows best
because... you'll see, he is an Authority. Full power and support of an
authoritative voice, the father revisited and aggrandized (no, no
inherent probelm with authority here as some would say...). He lets
them think by themselves, they *know* and do what is necessary, mature
men, self directed... while the other, the enemy of the enemy is, from
the outset, discredited, hidden, covered...

Jehova directing Moses or Moses taking as his Jehova;s words, the 72
names used to hide and aggrandize?

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-06-13 15:13:58 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
And the priviledged must be strong! To be able to protect the enemy,
hiding as a friend, as the best, the director, the one who knows best
because... you'll see, he is an Authority. Full power and support of an
authoritative voice, the father revisited and aggrandized (no, no
inherent probelm with authority here as some would say...). He lets
them think by themselves, they *know* and do what is necessary, mature
men, self directed... while the other, the enemy of the enemy is, from
the outset, discredited, hidden, covered...
Jehova directing Moses or Moses taking as his Jehova;s words, the 72
names used to hide and aggrandize?
Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Jehova directing Moses or Moses taking as his Jehova's words, the 72
names used to hide and aggrandize? The burning bush explained: Jehova's
(if that was the right name...), murdered and incinerated, the evidence
concealed, a mirace made! For the times, very easy to believe. Was
Jehova an Egyptian and Moses the jew? Jews directed by an Egyptian!
Politically incorrect, so Joseph (the real name?) must dissapeared, his
message delivered by a Jew, who surely will be followed. But first seed
confusion with the names so that authorship can be claimed; hence the
*secret* names, those that would allow the original authorto identify
himselfwith the different groups! And of course the message is bound to
be hidden by *them*. "Don't kill", all important commandment in an age
when human life was even cheaper than it is now! A saviour, but first
perform a closure: "Revere God (Jehova) above all things". Because this
is all important! It is saving YOU, is the implicit message. Instant
authority, as this message goes first, and once the impression is made
follow the rest, even if you don't understand. For life saving
instructions, understanding is less important than following them to
the letter.

Because it was the Jews being saved from... systematic murder by the
Egyptians. One strain of humans defeated being followed by another on
the verge of being defeated. And an Egyptian considering them worth
saving for our good luck, as Jews have given consistent genius to us
all! Humanity dragged by the works of one human group, *despite*
Humanity. And Jews persecuted, savaged, conquered, dispersed as a
matter of prnciple almost! Since they are among the best and the
teaching they received are sound: they mean welfare for us humans,
increasing in numbers and material well being. More peace. To the
detriment of _THEM_, who would rather have... theocratic led humans, A
U T O M A T A, easier to rule and conquer and... extinguish.

It should be noticed that this drama happened between two of the most
important strains of humans! Actually, from a Historians point of view
the only strain of humans at the time, the rest ignorable. So we have
the same pattern again: conflict instead of cooperation, prejudice and
abuse meant to hurt both sides...

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-06-13 15:43:09 UTC
A difficult path followed through History here. Again, the pattern
repeated. How come, in an intelligent species, with Reason and
imagination able to search for and follow new paths? Details more,
details less, same Story, same results, small variations hiding naively
the pattern, the formula. Joseph poor, Jesus poor. Both with a message
of Saving! Moses-Joseph-Jehova with a Cosmogony, a Cosmovision, an
explanation clashing with contemporary thought, the next step in
human's "evolution". It should be sytomatic that Jews had TWO savings,
that of Moses and that of Christ. But Christ was _partially_ failed,
and while the first saving led to splendour, the second one led to
disarray and dispersion. But note: there were twelve tribes first, then
twelve disciples. Suspicious number, not based on an easily counting
base. The scouts. Not that *their* origin is extraterrestrial! But were
*organized*, policed, accumulated. And the natural leader obliterated.
Defeated by miracles: those of the extraterrestrial-sponsored leader.
Multiple success for _them_, because they got rid of LOTS and LOTS of
AGGRESSIVE Egyptians while saving LOTS and LOTS of easily led
proto-Jews, sympathetic followers, because they stunted technology,
Egyptian construction principles suplanted by sedentary fruit gathering
and animal raising, because the *teaching* IMPLICITLY SUGGESTS MURDER,
one to one dstruction vs. mass to mass destruction because... Again,
the pattern obvious in allits complexity, BECAUSE it is not just a
matter of getting rid of humans for their own forces, but to have
CONTROL of the dynamic to wait for the RIGHT moment... the arrival of
the main colonizers... of their *particular* species...

Fabrizio J Bonsignore then Danilo J Bonsignore in the JobPartners
office in Brooklin
2005-06-13 15:54:23 UTC
(A clever enemy, or enemies indeed! CONTROL above all, make the natural
leader suspicious, make him one of them enemies, makehim suspicious and
play ambiguity... for the chosen [by them] leader will also look
suspicious but not at the sametime to the same people! Timing as the
key to distinguish, since names are easily smeared! And play mirroring!
Symmetry that won't be falsified, or rather, simmetry that WITHOUT time
will not be broken... Another atavic tendency? But we have advanced!
Now we can hold time easily in our minds! "The good one is A because
X", but X is true for B first so B turns into A! Or viceversa... To
their advantage...)

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-06-13 17:21:38 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
And the priviledged must be strong! To be able to protect the enemy,
hiding as a friend, as the best, the director, the one who knows best
because... you'll see, he is an Authority. Full power and support of an
authoritative voice, the father revisited and aggrandized (no, no
inherent probelm with authority here as some would say...). He lets
them think by themselves, they *know* and do what is necessary, mature
men, self directed... while the other, the enemy of the enemy is, from
the outset, discredited, hidden, covered...
Jehova directing Moses or Moses taking as his Jehova;s words, the 72
names used to hide and aggrandize?
Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
The proto-engineers and methematicians, Egyptians and Babylonians,
sacrificed to the proto-dwellers, Jews and Assirians. Engineering vs
Architecture, or material technology vs biological technology. But They
already have The Technology! Otherwise wouldn't be here. Yet if they
show it up, if they begin building... what prevents Humans from
conquering, and acquring if not stealing for ever? After Them being
exposed... So they must be discrete, go by with what the host species
can offer. And what type of technology can be best for scouts but
biological technology? Architecture as a laboratory, the pyramids
abandoned to favor the Temple. Architecture is control, of sorts. And
they are interested in taming! Preparing for their great coming, less
aggressive humans, humans as cattle... which is the idea behind many
religions, religao, the community being led and the main theme of
Judeo-Christian civilization, humans being led by gods.

But then the gods are also rebels! The Angels raping the daughters of
Men (in a city turned homosexual... too many humans together to be
governed by them? Decrease their numbers! Keep control!). Enoch being
saved by the gods to be lost in the skies... and being sacrificed? Or
worse, experimented? Enoch also, of notorious mind...

If one found us, others can, the same way we can, having the
technology, choose sympathetic stars and use them as main targets for
scout groups, before huge migrations begin, the Hordes. So as there is
conflict among us there is conflict among them! War or truce? How many?
How many *interested*? 15 000 000 000 years of possibilities... (15
zzzzzzzzz in case there are midman attacks, and this was posted on
disciples plus leader of half of disciples lunar period, at mezzogiorno
plus one).

It is Humans as booty, or more likely, Earth as booty, Humans as

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-06-13 18:10:59 UTC
Angels and Demons and Humans. A Golden Bough. A dynamic. Sterens
finding humans and using them as hosts, probably, with biological
technology to either make symbiosis or parasite, whiel waiting for the
hordes. very likely. Armageddon! The gordes of demons. And they are
BOTH the enemy and the saviour! Both roles played leaving those led in
between as spectators of a game, immovable, following the drama between
gods and savior and demons and the chosen and the sinners, judging,
loser, winner, dichotomy, ambiguity, back and forth, good and evil,
hypnotic and disabling. While THEIR game matures! Playing both sides
for safety, preparing us for the invasion while at the same time making
us think of it as inevitable. (But with a back up plan, Nostradamus, to
append and comment, Old Testament, New Testament, Nostradamus, All
Saints, new prophecies to advance the story, present characters, FOOL
US with our own fears and desires... WARNING US TO BE READY WHICH MEANS
BE BE READY TO ACCEPT IT). This is most important, their most important

This is what we are going to do: prepare because there is nothing you
can do about it. Be ready to die (sleep)



Biological technology to the extreme to the square to the cube for
humans by our FRIENDLY guides, gods, God, GOD! {As if G O D...) But

What in Hell or in Heaven or in Limbo is ALIEN IMMORTALITY? WHO CAN
UNDERSTAND IT? Methuselah living till 900 or maybe more... BEFORE otehr
things happened. The natural Human life span? Giant Egyptians,
different strains of humans (and we have Races now!) having great
lifespans much to the disgarce of the so called Sterens? And then god's
given immortality... TO WHAT EFFECT?

Ask it: would you give another species, a deadly, free species,
learning, intelligent species immortality when their numbers are bound
to grow and your to remain small for a while? IT IS SUICIDE.

But a symbol of intelligence, of Reason is to know and accept death.
Death. The unavoidable, unless....

Double promise: immortality in Afterlife IF you do what I say (which
benefits "me", Alien extraterrestrial) AND "*REAL*" IMMORTALITY for the
Chosen, the leaders, the Brothers, those who will be their (the
Alien's) best human betrayers... And a third immortality: that of those
who, knowing the big secret (directly or through rumor) will offer the
unwary the "Big Secret", in quotes, the big secret mentioned in Sterens
Knowledge Revealed with all the power struggles mentioned there, while
the "REAL" immortality of the aliens is... Alien! In times without
__SCIENCE__ NOR REAL UNDERSTANDING. Turned youself aliens... of sorts.

In a dynamic where we are but a TOOL to their END which is LIFE and
continuation, to ethe detriment of our LIFE and CONTINUATION... with
all the political implications that can be discerned here... and

Fabrizio J Bonsignore nos Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-06-13 18:13:47 UTC
"A future in symbiosis. Different species, integrated, specialized,
stable, living life in an ever changing Universe... The new organism."

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-06-13 19:04:09 UTC
"In a dynamic where we are but a TOOL to their END which is LIFE and
continuation, to the detriment of our LIFE and CONTINUATION... with
all the political implications that can be discerned here... and

Victims and victimizers, leaders and led, and rebels.
Joseph-Jehova-Moses followed by Lazarus-Jesus-Judas. A winner and
miracles, a controller and director for the next stage and the
sacrificed remembered in stories... in a world too big for _them_. For
there are other human strains, and certainly other alien species. How
many secrets are there in Matter and Time yet to be discovered by us
and them? Oil, gas, electricity, nuclear power, chemical energy,
cinetic energy, animal transformers, administration and management,
laser, microwaves, waves, wind... so many sources of power. And they?
What is it that we still don't have, what is it that they and the
others and the new comers have and have not? What they want us to have
and not have? To what end are they and they, all theys leading us the
childish species?

Aristotle (Socrates) said Zoon politikon. Reason is Method and a Method
principle for all possible life forms. What differs are the ends! And
the means.

We are being led by the here called Sterens to host them, the scouts,
whiel waiting for the host. Development, but not "too much", numbers,
but not "too much", conflict, but not "too much". Except that we are a
prolific species! So the message must change from time to time to
prepare us. The Demons. And the Angels? Angels and Archangels or Angels
or Archangels? Another species roaming the Universe, different ends,
different means, their own secrets (technologies, capabilities), raping
humans sometimes (Sodomah), neutralizing them sometimes (Enoch), saving
them others (Mahoma), foghting without fighting the Devils. Maybe
piggybacking (mounted) on the Devils control achievements? "Too much"
and they intervene. With their own politics!

The theme of persecution is repeated once and again, different from the
evolutively expected phenomenon of migration. A difficult but careful
balance of human strains. The saviour persecuted! Mahoma saved by an
Angel, made to fight against Everybody, leading the sacrificed rebels
with a message, his family sacrificed, a loser (lost everything!),
secrets revealed, carefully weighted and transmitted... and a new
splendour ahead, architecture and mathematics again til more senseless
war is fought. Another back up plan! This time the Jihad, similar to
Armageddon... but on a continuous basis. Nice balance achieved! From
their point of view. Seeds of constant war plus a final war, two worlds
confronted face to face, geared to self destruction at the RIGHT

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-06-16 13:29:38 UTC
In the I Ching in hexagram five three unexpected guests bring fortune
if honored. Then there are three angels in the Bible. Jesus was visited
by three wise kings. References are lost (or I have no time to look for
them for these posts here!) but then we have The Three Musketeers
(whatever happened to D'Artagnan?). In Ufology also the three men in
black appear from time to time, mysterious, almost unremembered...

And they bring gifts! But what agenda do they have? The origin of
trinities... a very satisfying concept, more than with duality, it is
with the trinity when we "feel" we begin to understand... And of
course, we have the very convenient theory of archetypes. Anything can
be justified by recurring to archetypes! How did these archetypes
aroused in our minds? Are they necessities of All Rationality (our
mark)? Or the patterns perpetuated not by us by a stronger, more
lineal, older line of... gods?

"I am here with news from your god". And there is no god! Ultimate
Responsibility denied, it is the envoy who is or is turned into a god,
true or false, and brings the news... but nobody can reply and no
committment is made...

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-06-17 19:33:28 UTC
[Three in one. How to explain to ignorant people the name confusion?
"he is him, but he is also *he*, and *HE* you get it. It is the same
person, but he used three names, if you know what I mean. It is like
three persons in one, like the Hindus, you know? That's why he is a
god." Easy. Trinity hiding three people, interfased by the winner, and
the loser? Who was the loser? The one who ended up having three names?
No wonder he lost! If you cannot even refer to yourself... Wittgenstein
teaching the meaning of references and the contentn of names,
surrounded by the Viena circle... apostles... twelve of them too? Only
a few going famous, but the same twelve? Or only ten left? Or maybe
seven? After so many years, how many scouts-enemies left? Waiting
for... how long for the residual radiation to be spent? That many years
before they arrive will be the last moment. That's how much time we
have! How long before the next fnal crisis? Population wise, may be
calculated, of sorts. So new genocides to keep the population pressure
at its point of almost catastrophe. Euthanasia within, suicide
attacking stronger countries, murder going against weaker countries.
Victims and victimizers. And religaos are keen on sacrifices! Just a
little twist of mind to send Monasteries into Cruzades, turn priests
into warriors. Always a priest in the army?

Danilo J. Bonsignore then Fabrizio J Bonsignore again Danilo Jose
Bonsignore ]
2005-06-17 22:29:43 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
[Three in one. How to explain to ignorant people the name confusion?
"he is him, but he is also *he*, and *HE* you get it. It is the same
person, but he used three names, if you know what I mean. It is like
three persons in one, like the Hindus, you know? That's why he is a
god." Easy. Trinity hiding three people, interfased by the winner, and
the loser? Who was the loser? The one who ended up having three names?
No wonder he lost! If you cannot even refer to yourself... Wittgenstein
teaching the meaning of references and the contentn of names,
surrounded by the Viena circle... apostles... twelve of them too? Only
a few going famous, but the same twelve? Or only ten left? Or maybe
seven? After so many years, how many scouts-enemies left? Waiting
for... how long for the residual radiation to be spent? That many years
before they arrive will be the last moment. That's how much time we
have! How long before the next fnal crisis? Population wise, may be
calculated, of sorts. So new genocides to keep the population pressure
at its point of almost catastrophe. Euthanasia within, suicide
attacking stronger countries, murder going against weaker countries.
Victims and victimizers. And religaos are keen on sacrifices! Just a
little twist of mind to send Monasteries into Cruzades, turn priests
into warriors. Always a priest in the army?
Danilo J. Bonsignore then Fabrizio J Bonsignore again Danilo Jose
Bonsignore ]
The Trinity, but Jews insist in one God: "There is only one, we cannot
accept the Trinity" Or: This was done by Joseph! (I mean Jehova). It
belongs to a single one, only one! And he was like a god to them. Mses
fleeing with his followers after... renaming himself? Who was wasted
and who was saved? But the fact is that "this was done by a Dingle One"
(and He was turned into a god, God. Because... a neuron cannot be aware
of the whole body! Or can it? We cannot talk to a single neuron, but a
neuron CAN be aware of the whole body's state (See my theory of
Beliefs). It may even be taht a single neuron can be aware of the rest
of the cells or a great majority! (See the "possibility of telepathy").
Again the same pattern: don't let Him (whoever he is) be recognized,
acknowledged, the true one, disperse him, not because of envy (there
are always followers! But because then... he would be turned into a
god. A Human God! The teaching of the Christians lost among words and
REINTERPRETATIONS. Christ, the HUMAN GOD, not one of THE "gods", the
others, but HUMAN. One of us. Hence the importance of the concept of
salvation: SAVE JESUS. ANd he ends up saving US! Double salvation, a
truly HUMAN, concept: PIETY. It's US for US, the god (other) turned
HUMAN to save HIM and save US. ANd saved he was as he was RESURRECTED.
Here the theme of resurrection (that of lazarus), changes from god
given resurrection, that is FROM OTHER TECHNOLOGY (as a promise to the
followers, those who do THEIR bidding), to that of RESURRECTION as a
gift of the HUMAN GOD, Jesus... even if Jesus's resurrection was, also
other-given, given by the OTHERS, as technology at the time was scarce,
non existent, miraculuous... hence the idea of JESUS as the JUDGE, as
he is the one who has the SECRET and grants the secret to those who are
HIS lambs...

Fabrizio J Bonsignore then Danilo J BOnsignore
2005-06-13 19:08:11 UTC
"And we went global, scientific, technological, and totally

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-06-13 19:48:50 UTC
Now, what is more efficient and less risky, to try to mix clashing
ecosystems or to begin with a clean slate and rebuild anew? There are
already three available planets (if our space sciences have not been
deceived or we have not been deceived). Mars is ready to "terraform",
repopulate, but Earth? What incentive would there be to try to adapt to
the planet, after an unspecified time of space travel for whole growing
populations? Isn't it easier to *STERILIZE* the whole planet, wait a
few seconds and then repopulate, particularly while Mars, already rid
of humans and egyptians and other vermin is being worked on? And the
Moon, so unused... or is it unused? And if they are already HERE? How
even such quantities *may*not*be*enough* should extended conflict

We know how diverse are our ecosystems, other species, but how diverse
are WE? HOW DIVERSE ARE WE NOW? Are we diverse enough? After so many
thousands of years of extraterrestrial intervention? After so many
years of NON NATURAL procreation rules? Irrational Living beings follow
Evolutionary processes with an anticipated growth in diversity, given
other elements in the algorythm. But human procreation laws have a non
analyzed effect on gene spread and distribution of characteristics! WE

Nazi inheritance, achieving several goals for them. Get rid of Jews
("too smart") and Germans ("too smart" and VERY scientific and
engineer-ing), diminish a whole, diverse group numbers (Europeans and
Americans and Japanese), spread the idea of genocide, and make a new
TABOO of race, race issues, human experimentation (done irrationally by
the Nazis), eugenics (social discrimination: all equal!), etc. We don't
know the effect of social rules on the genetic diversity of our own

Do we want to become a species of drones, slaves for another alien
species? Will we be saved? And how? Politically, are traitors and
betrayers (deceived and deceivers) such as those invited to the secret,
worth saving? Aren't they already sacrificed by accepting
extraterrestrial modifications (if such a thing is possible or has been
done) in exchange of an uncertain immortality or life span

Danilo J Bonsignore then Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-06-14 16:57:27 UTC
Because once you BELIEVE, you are open to any manipulation, because you
already grant them authority! So any "modification" will be accepted
and self applied, no matter how dangerous or unknown it is!
Flagellation, ritual castration, mass murder, fasting... any practice
suggested will be accepted because they "made believe"! To the
detriment to the others, because if somebody believes that they must go
and kill all people with blue eyes because then they will be given the
secret of immortality... well, I wouldn't be so happy!

Manipulation for some alien end, and the means are humans. Without
humans and human believers they can do nothing! They cannot move
objects just like that. They need a leader to deliver a message, kind
of a context were somebody will win and somebody will lose, the winner
being He (a she would be too weak) who manages to... become a full
believer. An intelligent believer as long as there are enough believers
around him to provide a support while the manipulation consolidates
itself... And the LOSER! He will be that one who was contacted,
manipulated and DIDN'T BELIEVE! Can see through them... perhaps not
literally, but enough to discover. Krishna, the great rebel, even
managed to go to war and destroy the Demons in Sri Lanka (real demons
must have been! a full island where they managed to rule and extend,
but he was then helped by Hanuman, alien if we believe the stories
literally, helping Arjuna, another player... maybe the loser when he
had to be the winner?).

Weird combination, a believer leader, willing to do anything for his
gods who will grant him the godhood, immortality, maybe after doing
some "miracle" involving some drug or modifications unexplainable for
him the AVATAR but without questioning their motives! And then by
following the advice of the "guides", the scouts, will further lead the
rest of mortals to... some point helping their goals. Simple pieces in
a long chess which, should be obvious, doesn't benefit us in the long
run. Destruction at the touch of a button. Very convenient for a
leading species looking for new planets to colonize.

Danilo J Bonsignore then Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-06-14 17:29:22 UTC
"Thou Art Gods"

Wise words! By one of the great losers: the disciples, all equal,
giving the betraying kiss to get rid o the man who looked through them,
after making EVERYBODY ELSE, (What happened with the Speech of the
Mountain? Why everybody wanting to crucify him later?)

Danilo J Bonsignore then Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-06-15 15:50:39 UTC
"Thou Art Gods"

Beauty sacrificed as a matter of fact, as a matter of principle, the
beautiful species turning the only species with ugliness! Beauty seen
as an enhancer of procreation, more beauty more offspring, so keep them
numbers low, make them ugly, get rid of beauty! And introduce conflict.
Homo homini lupus again.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-06-15 20:24:26 UTC
"Thou Art Gods"

So Jesus was "turned" gay, surrounded by "disciples", all men, kissed!
by a _man_ to show who he was, indistinguishable! AT waht point did
they became all indistinguishable? Messed with prostitutes, no way to
prove he is not gay but to make love with a woman! And all women
deflected... a monstruous man having thousands of followers? A
prostitute as only resource? With twelve jealous disciples following...
no women around. There must be no possibility of HIM being reproduced,
no more of the kind! Genocide at the lowest level, common denominator:
stop the genes from spreading before there *are* genes to spread! Kill
the women as the best path to have HIM stopped.

Buddha, self negated, also surrounded by disciples, no women, a prince
*sacrificing* (he or him?) sex and love to attain a no state:
contrariwise, it is Asia as a static population, growing and growing
nonstop, and Africa, RIGHT NOW, as an Aztec population, self-killing,
disgregated, disunited.

But Krishna did win and as a prize, women. The devils where destroyed,
the gopis danced and he had children. Mahoma also, rebel and loser but
winner, and as a prize "go to them in all ways you want".

Procreation as the underlying theme, the real and inner essence of

Danilo J Bonsignore then Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo Jose
2005-06-16 20:22:53 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Now, what is more efficient and less risky, to try to mix clashing
ecosystems or to begin with a clean slate and rebuild anew? There are
already three available planets (if our space sciences have not been
deceived or we have not been deceived). Mars is ready to "terraform",
repopulate, but Earth? What incentive would there be to try to adapt to
the planet, after an unspecified time of space travel for whole growing
populations? Isn't it easier to *STERILIZE* the whole planet, wait a
few seconds and then repopulate, particularly while Mars, already rid
of humans and egyptians and other vermin is being worked on? And the
Moon, so unused... or is it unused? And if they are already HERE? How
even such quantities *may*not*be*enough* should extended conflict
We know how diverse are our ecosystems, other species, but how diverse
are WE? HOW DIVERSE ARE WE NOW? Are we diverse enough? After so many
thousands of years of extraterrestrial intervention? After so many
years of NON NATURAL procreation rules? Irrational Living beings follow
Evolutionary processes with an anticipated growth in diversity, given
other elements in the algorythm. But human procreation laws have a non
analyzed effect on gene spread and distribution of characteristics! WE
Nazi inheritance, achieving several goals for them. Get rid of Jews
("too smart") and Germans ("too smart" and VERY scientific and
engineer-ing), diminish a whole, diverse group numbers (Europeans and
Americans and Japanese), spread the idea of genocide, and make a new
TABOO of race, race issues, human experimentation (done irrationally by
the Nazis), eugenics (social discrimination: all equal!), etc. We don't
know the effect of social rules on the genetic diversity of our own
Do we want to become a species of drones, slaves for another alien
species? Will we be saved? And how? Politically, are traitors and
betrayers (deceived and deceivers) such as those invited to the secret,
worth saving? Aren't they already sacrificed by accepting
extraterrestrial modifications (if such a thing is possible or has been
done) in exchange of an uncertain immortality or life span
Danilo J Bonsignore then Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Diversity of humans, the Jews organized in twekve tribes. And the
prophecies making sense, the number of the beast tattooed in our
astounding prophecy for such an a-scientific age! Or in other words,
HUMANS WON'T HAVE SCIENCE. But they do! Or maybe, they do KNOW how it
happens, WHY it happens, even WHEN it will happen and that they WILL
HELP it happen. Therefore, Armageddon, total destruction andonly those
saved... those equal enouugh or those unequal enough? That's why the
beginning of science has all the characteristics of the birth if a
religion! Charisnatic leaders, winners and losers (the astrologer, the
alchemists), and, above all MARTIRS. Lavoisier, Bruno, Harvey,
Sammelweis, almost Galilei and... who know how many more, or how many
were forgotten andhow many were spread out? Again, GENIUS
NOW; no I don't began publishing "just like that", I studied a whole

The Human ANIMAL branded just like that to be distinuished... because
it would happen, sooner or later in their experience or in their
science (genetics is not THAT difficult... at leasy in theory is a code
that can be completed for a species, all its possiblities explored?
maybe not but the semantics certainly). And ANIMALS *cannot* find
methods to solve the problem! But war.

"You cannot create too much"

Ambiguous order, isn't it? It is an order: limit yourself. We don't
allow you to create too much... because you would stop being an animal!
OUR (*theirs*) animal. Again on other words: REASON is not recognized!
REASON as anability which makes us equal is not recognized, is
considered guilty and has to be TRIMMED and PRUNED, not allowed to
develop nor to spread, lest they would lose control, control of US. But
women are attracted to intelligence! and it is not true that men want
stupid women: actually, intelligent women are mre free sexually than
stupid women, more prone to follow the taboo, the multiple taboos on
the flesh that religions, in their essence as asexual statement to
limit humans to the world of the "spirit", impose on
must-remain-limited humans

World of the spirit, by the way, which is NOT REVEAKED. Or rather, is
expected to berevealed by the gods, or GODS, or GOD. It has to be
revealed and is the uttermost mystery, the last mystery, that of the
spirit and by extension that of death, the irrationality of which
humans cannot understand, or rather, understand very well as a
tragedy... and expect the gods to reveal the secret, to give hope,
opportunity they take to advantage by promising without actually giving
proof... and only seldom, guidance as to hw to achieve that "world"
where the are supposed to live and lie. The notion of the dead god...
so well handled by the Christians!!! Double purposes everywhere and the
possibility of taking them to the advantage of *them*. Both Dead God
Unreachable (revelations andpriests as necessary and also the "gods"
hidden), and the PERMISSION (or even more the order [military order,
not religious order]} to KILL whoever or whatever pretends oreven
APPEARS to be a god or God: further stunting of intelligence and...
special abilities.

Danilo Jose Bonsignore then Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo j
2005-06-16 23:21:03 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Now, what is more efficient and less risky, to try to mix clashing
ecosystems or to begin with a clean slate and rebuild anew? There are
already three available planets (if our space sciences have not been
deceived or we have not been deceived). Mars is ready to "terraform",
repopulate, but Earth? What incentive would there be to try to adapt to
the planet, after an unspecified time of space travel for whole growing
populations? Isn't it easier to *STERILIZE* the whole planet, wait a
few seconds and then repopulate, particularly while Mars, already rid
of humans and egyptians and other vermin is being worked on? And the
Moon, so unused... or is it unused? And if they are already HERE? How
even such quantities *may*not*be*enough* should extended conflict
We know how diverse are our ecosystems, other species, but how diverse
are WE? HOW DIVERSE ARE WE NOW? Are we diverse enough? After so many
thousands of years of extraterrestrial intervention? After so many
years of NON NATURAL procreation rules? Irrational Living beings follow
Evolutionary processes with an anticipated growth in diversity, given
other elements in the algorythm. But human procreation laws have a non
analyzed effect on gene spread and distribution of characteristics! WE
Nazi inheritance, achieving several goals for them. Get rid of Jews
("too smart") and Germans ("too smart" and VERY scientific and
engineer-ing), diminish a whole, diverse group numbers (Europeans and
Americans and Japanese), spread the idea of genocide, and make a new
TABOO of race, race issues, human experimentation (done irrationally by
the Nazis), eugenics (social discrimination: all equal!), etc. We don't
know the effect of social rules on the genetic diversity of our own
Do we want to become a species of drones, slaves for another alien
species? Will we be saved? And how? Politically, are traitors and
betrayers (deceived and deceivers) such as those invited to the secret,
worth saving? Aren't they already sacrificed by accepting
extraterrestrial modifications (if such a thing is possible or has been
done) in exchange of an uncertain immortality or life span
Danilo J Bonsignore then Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Diversity of humans, the Jews organized in twekve tribes. And the
prophecies making sense, the number of the beast tattooed in our
astounding prophecy for such an a-scientific age! Or in other words,
HUMANS WON'T HAVE SCIENCE. But they do! Or maybe, they do KNOW how it
happens, WHY it happens, even WHEN it will happen and that they WILL
HELP it happen. Therefore, Armageddon, total destruction andonly those
saved... those equal enouugh or those unequal enough? That's why the
beginning of science has all the characteristics of the birth if a
religion! Charisnatic leaders, winners and losers (the astrologer, the
alchemists), and, above all MARTIRS. Lavoisier, Bruno, Harvey,
Sammelweis, almost Galilei and... who know how many more, or how many
were forgotten andhow many were spread out? Again, GENIUS
NOW; no I don't began publishing "just like that", I studied a whole
The Human ANIMAL branded just like that to be distinuished... because
it would happen, sooner or later in their experience or in their
science (genetics is not THAT difficult... at leasy in theory is a code
that can be completed for a species, all its possiblities explored?
maybe not but the semantics certainly). And ANIMALS *cannot* find
methods to solve the problem! But war.
"You cannot create too much"
Ambiguous order, isn't it? It is an order: limit yourself. We don't
allow you to create too much... because you would stop being an animal!
OUR (*theirs*) animal. Again on other words: REASON is not recognized!
REASON as anability which makes us equal is not recognized, is
considered guilty and has to be TRIMMED and PRUNED, not allowed to
develop nor to spread, lest they would lose control, control of US. But
women are attracted to intelligence! and it is not true that men want
stupid women: actually, intelligent women are mre free sexually than
stupid women, more prone to follow the taboo, the multiple taboos on
the flesh that religions, in their essence as asexual statement to
limit humans to the world of the "spirit", impose on
must-remain-limited humans
World of the spirit, by the way, which is NOT REVEAKED. Or rather, is
expected to berevealed by the gods, or GODS, or GOD. It has to be
revealed and is the uttermost mystery, the last mystery, that of the
spirit and by extension that of death, the irrationality of which
humans cannot understand, or rather, understand very well as a
tragedy... and expect the gods to reveal the secret, to give hope,
opportunity they take to advantage by promising without actually giving
proof... and only seldom, guidance as to hw to achieve that "world"
where the are supposed to live and lie. The notion of the dead god...
so well handled by the Christians!!! Double purposes everywhere and the
possibility of taking them to the advantage of *them*. Both Dead God
Unreachable (revelations andpriests as necessary and also the "gods"
hidden), and the PERMISSION (or even more the order [military order,
not religious order]} to KILL whoever or whatever pretends oreven
APPEARS to be a god or God: further stunting of intelligence and...
special abilities.
Danilo Jose Bonsignore then Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo j
Because what we call spirituality is nothing else and nothing more than
a MENTAL discipline. It is the human brain making use of its capacity
and its abilities, as opposed to the human body making use of its
abilities and capacities. Or as has been understood many times, mental
profficiency OVER corporal profficiency. And yet the Greeks understood
that both go together, and their gods reflected (or taught this?) this
Reality. But then, would WE be so self-unselfish to teach another
intelligent (and aggressive) species what to do with their brains?
THEIR BRAINS? Where are the motivations, ends and means of such
teachings? Teaching of that which is useful for them, not for us, or
spirituality also as the stunning of OTHER types of spirituality, of
the UNDERSTANDING of the Kosmos as spirituality, not the spirituality
that is CENTERED on THEM!!! For instance, prayers to some god as
opposed t o prayers (mantrams) for ourselves, or disciplines like
autogenous training and yoga. No spirituality should be detached from
this world nor be centered in other worlds. And to center it in gods...
is to what purpose? Who is guding whom? What thoughts are being wasted
in praying time to gods who may or may not answer, or worse, may be
trying to locate us to use us for their purposes? Man located by
praying, Earth located by the accuulated signals of praying to gods, or
as understood in this essay, to advanced aliens seen as gods! And
interested in developing in US only those abilities that satisfy them
or their purposes...

Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J BOnsignore
2005-06-16 23:43:52 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Now, what is more efficient and less risky, to try to mix clashing
ecosystems or to begin with a clean slate and rebuild anew? There are
already three available planets (if our space sciences have not been
deceived or we have not been deceived). Mars is ready to "terraform",
repopulate, but Earth? What incentive would there be to try to adapt to
the planet, after an unspecified time of space travel for whole growing
populations? Isn't it easier to *STERILIZE* the whole planet, wait a
few seconds and then repopulate, particularly while Mars, already rid
of humans and egyptians and other vermin is being worked on? And the
Moon, so unused... or is it unused? And if they are already HERE? How
even such quantities *may*not*be*enough* should extended conflict
We know how diverse are our ecosystems, other species, but how diverse
are WE? HOW DIVERSE ARE WE NOW? Are we diverse enough? After so many
thousands of years of extraterrestrial intervention? After so many
years of NON NATURAL procreation rules? Irrational Living beings follow
Evolutionary processes with an anticipated growth in diversity, given
other elements in the algorythm. But human procreation laws have a non
analyzed effect on gene spread and distribution of characteristics! WE
Nazi inheritance, achieving several goals for them. Get rid of Jews
("too smart") and Germans ("too smart" and VERY scientific and
engineer-ing), diminish a whole, diverse group numbers (Europeans and
Americans and Japanese), spread the idea of genocide, and make a new
TABOO of race, race issues, human experimentation (done irrationally by
the Nazis), eugenics (social discrimination: all equal!), etc. We don't
know the effect of social rules on the genetic diversity of our own
Do we want to become a species of drones, slaves for another alien
species? Will we be saved? And how? Politically, are traitors and
betrayers (deceived and deceivers) such as those invited to the secret,
worth saving? Aren't they already sacrificed by accepting
extraterrestrial modifications (if such a thing is possible or has been
done) in exchange of an uncertain immortality or life span
Danilo J Bonsignore then Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Diversity of humans, the Jews organized in twekve tribes. And the
prophecies making sense, the number of the beast tattooed in our
astounding prophecy for such an a-scientific age! Or in other words,
HUMANS WON'T HAVE SCIENCE. But they do! Or maybe, they do KNOW how it
happens, WHY it happens, even WHEN it will happen and that they WILL
HELP it happen. Therefore, Armageddon, total destruction andonly those
saved... those equal enouugh or those unequal enough? That's why the
beginning of science has all the characteristics of the birth if a
religion! Charisnatic leaders, winners and losers (the astrologer, the
alchemists), and, above all MARTIRS. Lavoisier, Bruno, Harvey,
Sammelweis, almost Galilei and... who know how many more, or how many
were forgotten andhow many were spread out? Again, GENIUS
NOW; no I don't began publishing "just like that", I studied a whole
The Human ANIMAL branded just like that to be distinuished... because
it would happen, sooner or later in their experience or in their
science (genetics is not THAT difficult... at leasy in theory is a code
that can be completed for a species, all its possiblities explored?
maybe not but the semantics certainly). And ANIMALS *cannot* find
methods to solve the problem! But war.
"You cannot create too much"
Ambiguous order, isn't it? It is an order: limit yourself. We don't
allow you to create too much... because you would stop being an animal!
OUR (*theirs*) animal. Again on other words: REASON is not recognized!
REASON as anability which makes us equal is not recognized, is
considered guilty and has to be TRIMMED and PRUNED, not allowed to
develop nor to spread, lest they would lose control, control of US. But
women are attracted to intelligence! and it is not true that men want
stupid women: actually, intelligent women are mre free sexually than
stupid women, more prone to follow the taboo, the multiple taboos on
the flesh that religions, in their essence as asexual statement to
limit humans to the world of the "spirit", impose on
must-remain-limited humans
World of the spirit, by the way, which is NOT REVEAKED. Or rather, is
expected to berevealed by the gods, or GODS, or GOD. It has to be
revealed and is the uttermost mystery, the last mystery, that of the
spirit and by extension that of death, the irrationality of which
humans cannot understand, or rather, understand very well as a
tragedy... and expect the gods to reveal the secret, to give hope,
opportunity they take to advantage by promising without actually giving
proof... and only seldom, guidance as to hw to achieve that "world"
where the are supposed to live and lie. The notion of the dead god...
so well handled by the Christians!!! Double purposes everywhere and the
possibility of taking them to the advantage of *them*. Both Dead God
Unreachable (revelations andpriests as necessary and also the "gods"
hidden), and the PERMISSION (or even more the order [military order,
not religious order]} to KILL whoever or whatever pretends oreven
APPEARS to be a god or God: further stunting of intelligence and...
special abilities.
Danilo Jose Bonsignore then Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo j
Because what we call spirituality is nothing else and nothing more than
a MENTAL discipline. It is the human brain making use of its capacity
and its abilities, as opposed to the human body making use of its
abilities and capacities. Or as has been understood many times, mental
profficiency OVER corporal profficiency. And yet the Greeks understood
that both go together, and their gods reflected (or taught this?) this
Reality. But then, would WE be so self-unselfish to teach another
intelligent (and aggressive) species what to do with their brains?
THEIR BRAINS? Where are the motivations, ends and means of such
teachings? Teaching of that which is useful for them, not for us, or
spirituality also as the stunning of OTHER types of spirituality, of
the UNDERSTANDING of the Kosmos as spirituality, not the spirituality
that is CENTERED on THEM!!! For instance, prayers to some god as
opposed t o prayers (mantrams) for ourselves, or disciplines like
autogenous training and yoga. No spirituality should be detached from
this world nor be centered in other worlds. And to center it in gods...
is to what purpose? Who is guding whom? What thoughts are being wasted
in praying time to gods who may or may not answer, or worse, may be
trying to locate us to use us for their purposes? Man located by
praying, Earth located by the accuulated signals of praying to gods, or
as understood in this essay, to advanced aliens seen as gods! And
interested in developing in US only those abilities that satisfy them
or their purposes...
Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J BOnsignore
Prayer as an imposition, an obligation, not as a heartfelt need, though
the need for spirituality is there, the need to use our brains instead
of our bodies, channeled toward the outside, not toward the inside, or
as we could say, toward the development of our possibilties as a
rational species. The password given from time to time, a call to the
Universe by millions of electrically working brains saying: "Here we
are, here we are, here we are...". And are we heard, we all? Are our
whims and desires satisfied? Or the signal just goes out to be heard by
whom? Science was at first almost killed (not so Art, which underwent a
Renaissance, or rather Painting discovered a new venue of creativity, a
inofensive entertainment), but broadcasts were not stunted! Nor
electricity: they went right away to the stars and even We are looking
for similar broadcasts with our newly aquired tools... looking in the
most noisy channel possibly... Scientific myopia, similar to the old
style keyboard configurations? Or skillful manipulations of "made
believe that..." we would actually get results that way? Are we? Big
secret surely, kept secret by governments and scientists to avoid mass

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-06-17 22:50:21 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Now, what is more efficient and less risky, to try to mix clashing
ecosystems or to begin with a clean slate and rebuild anew? There are
already three available planets (if our space sciences have not been
deceived or we have not been deceived). Mars is ready to "terraform",
repopulate, but Earth? What incentive would there be to try to adapt to
the planet, after an unspecified time of space travel for whole growing
populations? Isn't it easier to *STERILIZE* the whole planet, wait a
few seconds and then repopulate, particularly while Mars, already rid
of humans and egyptians and other vermin is being worked on? And the
Moon, so unused... or is it unused? And if they are already HERE? How
even such quantities *may*not*be*enough* should extended conflict
We know how diverse are our ecosystems, other species, but how diverse
are WE? HOW DIVERSE ARE WE NOW? Are we diverse enough? After so many
thousands of years of extraterrestrial intervention? After so many
years of NON NATURAL procreation rules? Irrational Living beings follow
Evolutionary processes with an anticipated growth in diversity, given
other elements in the algorythm. But human procreation laws have a non
analyzed effect on gene spread and distribution of characteristics! WE
Nazi inheritance, achieving several goals for them. Get rid of Jews
("too smart") and Germans ("too smart" and VERY scientific and
engineer-ing), diminish a whole, diverse group numbers (Europeans and
Americans and Japanese), spread the idea of genocide, and make a new
TABOO of race, race issues, human experimentation (done irrationally by
the Nazis), eugenics (social discrimination: all equal!), etc. We don't
know the effect of social rules on the genetic diversity of our own
Do we want to become a species of drones, slaves for another alien
species? Will we be saved? And how? Politically, are traitors and
betrayers (deceived and deceivers) such as those invited to the secret,
worth saving? Aren't they already sacrificed by accepting
extraterrestrial modifications (if such a thing is possible or has been
done) in exchange of an uncertain immortality or life span
Danilo J Bonsignore then Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Diversity of humans, the Jews organized in twekve tribes. And the
prophecies making sense, the number of the beast tattooed in our
astounding prophecy for such an a-scientific age! Or in other words,
HUMANS WON'T HAVE SCIENCE. But they do! Or maybe, they do KNOW how it
happens, WHY it happens, even WHEN it will happen and that they WILL
HELP it happen. Therefore, Armageddon, total destruction andonly those
saved... those equal enouugh or those unequal enough? That's why the
beginning of science has all the characteristics of the birth if a
religion! Charisnatic leaders, winners and losers (the astrologer, the
alchemists), and, above all MARTIRS. Lavoisier, Bruno, Harvey,
Sammelweis, almost Galilei and... who know how many more, or how many
were forgotten andhow many were spread out? Again, GENIUS
NOW; no I don't began publishing "just like that", I studied a whole
The Human ANIMAL branded just like that to be distinuished... because
it would happen, sooner or later in their experience or in their
science (genetics is not THAT difficult... at leasy in theory is a code
that can be completed for a species, all its possiblities explored?
maybe not but the semantics certainly). And ANIMALS *cannot* find
methods to solve the problem! But war.
"You cannot create too much"
Ambiguous order, isn't it? It is an order: limit yourself. We don't
allow you to create too much... because you would stop being an animal!
OUR (*theirs*) animal. Again on other words: REASON is not recognized!
REASON as anability which makes us equal is not recognized, is
considered guilty and has to be TRIMMED and PRUNED, not allowed to
develop nor to spread, lest they would lose control, control of US. But
women are attracted to intelligence! and it is not true that men want
stupid women: actually, intelligent women are mre free sexually than
stupid women, more prone to follow the taboo, the multiple taboos on
the flesh that religions, in their essence as asexual statement to
limit humans to the world of the "spirit", impose on
must-remain-limited humans
World of the spirit, by the way, which is NOT REVEAKED. Or rather, is
expected to berevealed by the gods, or GODS, or GOD. It has to be
revealed and is the uttermost mystery, the last mystery, that of the
spirit and by extension that of death, the irrationality of which
humans cannot understand, or rather, understand very well as a
tragedy... and expect the gods to reveal the secret, to give hope,
opportunity they take to advantage by promising without actually giving
proof... and only seldom, guidance as to hw to achieve that "world"
where the are supposed to live and lie. The notion of the dead god...
so well handled by the Christians!!! Double purposes everywhere and the
possibility of taking them to the advantage of *them*. Both Dead God
Unreachable (revelations andpriests as necessary and also the "gods"
hidden), and the PERMISSION (or even more the order [military order,
not religious order]} to KILL whoever or whatever pretends oreven
APPEARS to be a god or God: further stunting of intelligence and...
special abilities.
Danilo Jose Bonsignore then Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo j
Because what we call spirituality is nothing else and nothing more than
a MENTAL discipline. It is the human brain making use of its capacity
and its abilities, as opposed to the human body making use of its
abilities and capacities. Or as has been understood many times, mental
profficiency OVER corporal profficiency. And yet the Greeks understood
that both go together, and their gods reflected (or taught this?) this
Reality. But then, would WE be so self-unselfish to teach another
intelligent (and aggressive) species what to do with their brains?
THEIR BRAINS? Where are the motivations, ends and means of such
teachings? Teaching of that which is useful for them, not for us, or
spirituality also as the stunning of OTHER types of spirituality, of
the UNDERSTANDING of the Kosmos as spirituality, not the spirituality
that is CENTERED on THEM!!! For instance, prayers to some god as
opposed t o prayers (mantrams) for ourselves, or disciplines like
autogenous training and yoga. No spirituality should be detached from
this world nor be centered in other worlds. And to center it in gods...
is to what purpose? Who is guding whom? What thoughts are being wasted
in praying time to gods who may or may not answer, or worse, may be
trying to locate us to use us for their purposes? Man located by
praying, Earth located by the accuulated signals of praying to gods, or
as understood in this essay, to advanced aliens seen as gods! And
interested in developing in US only those abilities that satisfy them
or their purposes...
Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J BOnsignore
Prayer as an imposition, an obligation, not as a heartfelt need, though
the need for spirituality is there, the need to use our brains instead
of our bodies, channeled toward the outside, not toward the inside, or
as we could say, toward the development of our possibilties as a
rational species. The password given from time to time, a call to the
Universe by millions of electrically working brains saying: "Here we
are, here we are, here we are...". And are we heard, we all? Are our
whims and desires satisfied? Or the signal just goes out to be heard by
whom? Science was at first almost killed (not so Art, which underwent a
Renaissance, or rather Painting discovered a new venue of creativity, a
inofensive entertainment), but broadcasts were not stunted! Nor
electricity: they went right away to the stars and even We are looking
for similar broadcasts with our newly aquired tools... looking in the
most noisy channel possibly... Scientific myopia, similar to the old
style keyboard configurations? Or skillful manipulations of "made
believe that..." we would actually get results that way? Are we? Big
secret surely, kept secret by governments and scientists to avoid mass
Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
So it is the SECRET as the source of power and authority. And where
would the Other, Them, would hide in plain view? The *only* way to
escape a pointing gun is to fight for it, go to it and get hold of it,
so that you can point it to the other side... It is the Other hidden IN
power and hidden BY power, to better exercise their control, control
given by the granting of the SECRET to those who are their followers,
AND control to CONTROL those who might appear as models, as the
exposers, as the opposers, those who would not accept the Other's
control but would fight it! It is then control of the best of Human to
favor the Other and the Others-to-come. Victims per force, as they can
make Human save itself, that is, Human take control of its own Destiny
(finality, teleology given by Other inspired religions to detach from
teleology inspired by Human's needs and desires; Man know thyself: and
Socrates was BAM! and WHAM!), and oppose, at the right moment, the
appearance of the "Hordes of others".

For, WHERE TO HELL ARE WE ALL GOING NOW? As said, Armageddon, Jihad,
uncontrolled growth or self-destruction (more or less) the alternatives
we are facing at the moment. ANd it is at THIS moment that finally we
can actually IMPLEMENT ARmageddon ( how to implement the sevel
plagues?) with all its dangers and possibilities for the Others.. and

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-06-19 16:11:44 UTC
The pattern of outside control repeated again and again, with small
variations to correct course and protect for the moment of truth.
Messes, to avoid there being a TRIUMPHANT HUMAN GOD. The Armageddon
prophecised and within it, hidden, the teaching of what to expect, of
what we really need and wait. Impossible for the outsiders to keep the
humans from adding true understanding, even when, at the time,
understanding was very scarce and severely limited. And so, just in
case, back up plans! Several prophecies, just in case one of them is
revealed, exposed and neutralized. For they cannot control all human
groups! The attempt of the twelve, once Jesus, the Human God was
defeated, to spread the new control structure, with its variations
Disporahs ain a world increasingly populated and free, to try and get
control before the inevitable end: total unification, mass
communications, advanced technology, the advanced technology they know
of and try to stun as far as possible, and then control to prepare for
the moment of the Arrival. How well the NOrse understood that there
would be a Dawn of the Gods! Gods, in plural, ending in a big battle,
but also all Prometheus chastised and sacrificed...

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
the ram arm
2005-06-19 16:42:06 UTC
[Again, the posting limit in the other account exceeded...]
Post by f***@beethoven.com
The pattern of outside control repeated again and again, with small
variations to correct course and protect for the moment of truth.
Messes, to avoid there being a TRIUMPHANT HUMAN GOD. The Armageddon
prophecised and within it, hidden, the teaching of what to expect, of
what we really need and wait. Impossible for the outsiders to keep the
humans from adding true understanding, even when, at the time,
understanding was very scarce and severely limited. And so, just in
case, back up plans! Several prophecies, just in case one of them is
revealed, exposed and neutralized. For they cannot control all human
groups! The attempt of the twelve, once Jesus, the Human God was
defeated, to spread the new control structure, with its variations
Disporahs ain a world increasingly populated and free, to try and get
control before the inevitable end: total unification, mass
communications, advanced technology, the advanced technology they know
of and try to stun as far as possible, and then control to prepare for
the moment of the Arrival. How well the NOrse understood that there
would be a Dawn of the Gods! Gods, in plural, ending in a big battle,
but also all Prometheus chastised and sacrificed...
Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
.. for it is Prometheus, the human sympathetic god, the god being
sympathetic to humans the one who is dangerous, because he makes humans
advance and be freer! That's why heroes go to paradise in Valhalla,
muslims go to pardise after jihad: both human heroes, human warriors
liberating humans from the false gods, the Other gods. It is the
Kingdom on Earth concept, Earth as a paradise, a Kingdom, a single
country, AFTER the battle occurs... thwarted to be offered as an
afterlife, a promise that won't occur on Earth for some, but for ither
has to occur on Earth after it all is finished... Currents and
countercurrents of understanding and mis-understandings, humen trying
to take control of our own destinies while other-gods trying to control
us to keep us behind and vulnerable. Note that it was the disciples
diaspora what make the message be given in all coreners, the message of
the defeat of Jesus, but then, the Jewish diaspora, the unaccounted
effect, the genocide failed, giving the other message, the single BIG
god message... and it is the clash between this messages what is
keeping the battle ongoing, for for each "waste yoursleves" messages
there is noathe of "there is hope for ourselves". ["All this was done
by Him" And the Jews understood the whole creation! Jehova creating the
universe and a cosmology born, but not THE cosmologym the one science
can understand and bring to us...]

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo Jose Bonsignore
2005-06-19 21:56:41 UTC
[Read my Model of Reality in sci.physics; search for posts by this
author. They say they already killed all my family, raped the daughter
I didn't know and wasted my ex lover, and that I had the opportunity.
Nice judiciales and their friends... Theur justification? It is
disgrace and I am being governed]

A single unifying principle explaining and making sense of lots of
events and stories in human History, mainly religious events, as it is
religion where we accumulate everything else that doesn't belong to
everyday affairs, that is, out contact with the other, which for other
centuries was simply marvelous and unexplainable, but for us should be
obvious, when seen without prejudice and without fear of death. It
doesn't make sense to recur to envy, to class struggle, to particular
explanations as the reasons behind all this human suffering. Animal
species don't go against their main evolutive advantage! This is the
reason of the alpha males in many species: the best reproduce more and
the species continuous as a side effect, a byproduct, til it is changed
by environment, drift, mutations and external influences? Note that
Reason allows the possibility of envy, but *IT CANNOT BE THE ONLY
EXPRESSION OF REASON*. Otherwise Reason would cancel out of the genetic
pool just like that, if its effect is only to turn man into Homo homini
lupus, the predator of man... How come when there was so much space
there were so many wars? And we have a multmillion population and
manage to stay more or less the same without going into total
annihilation at any minute? Here it is where an external influence can
be noticeable, as Reason says that there aer phenomena that are simply
impossible and require a global explanation...

Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J BOnsignore
2005-06-19 23:28:50 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
[Read my Model of Reality in sci.physics; search for posts by this
author. They say they already killed all my family, raped the daughter
I didn't know and wasted my ex lover, and that I had the opportunity.
Nice judiciales and their friends... Theur justification? It is
disgrace and I am being governed]
A single unifying principle explaining and making sense of lots of
events and stories in human History, mainly religious events, as it is
religion where we accumulate everything else that doesn't belong to
everyday affairs, that is, out contact with the other, which for other
centuries was simply marvelous and unexplainable, but for us should be
obvious, when seen without prejudice and without fear of death. It
doesn't make sense to recur to envy, to class struggle, to particular
explanations as the reasons behind all this human suffering. Animal
species don't go against their main evolutive advantage! This is the
reason of the alpha males in many species: the best reproduce more and
the species continuous as a side effect, a byproduct, til it is changed
by environment, drift, mutations and external influences? Note that
Reason allows the possibility of envy, but *IT CANNOT BE THE ONLY
EXPRESSION OF REASON*. Otherwise Reason would cancel out of the genetic
pool just like that, if its effect is only to turn man into Homo homini
lupus, the predator of man... How come when there was so much space
there were so many wars? And we have a multmillion population and
manage to stay more or less the same without going into total
annihilation at any minute? Here it is where an external influence can
be noticeable, as Reason says that there aer phenomena that are simply
impossible and require a global explanation...
Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J BOnsignore
Why would the Market, a totally Reason-able construction work so well,
dspite its inherent shortcomings, but when it comes to human affairs
Reason breaks, even when it all points to splendour and more order
inhuman affairs? The destabilizing influence being... what? Because we
are talking mass phenomena with no apparent Reason, when an
alternative, peaceful, reason-able solution through the market is
available! Capital destabilizing? But it is a modern world construction
too! In the ancient world sudden destablizations, despite the slow
communications! And the recurrent pattern of sacrificing the best,
genociding, the un-reason-able-ness of anti-survival... While unifying
influences are systematically corrupted and destroyed! Reason against
Reason, but how can it be a recurrent principle? Sometimes would make
sense, be reasonable, but as a matter of fact, the failure of Reason as
the expected outcome when human groups deal with each other, but
peculiarly when single individuals become outstanding? And how come
they become outstanding?! The logic of envy would make them permanent
losers, unnoticeable, not a single possibility of order through great
authority, no Emperors, no Kings, no Ceasars, no conquerors, no
followers at all! And not all followers are religios oriented or
religious types, not all mass phenomena are due to religion, though
many are due to the Charismatic Leader...

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo Jose Bonsignore
2005-07-01 20:12:16 UTC
Mind how envy is exemplified in the Bible, at the very beginning, Cain
and Abel experiencing the "first" human conflict recorded,
interestingly enough not because of a woman. And so envy is elevated to
the category of the trouble maker par excellence, The Reason, the
lesson that has to be learned first, the explanation of all human
behaviour leading to... murder, death by man's hand. Over recognition
by the Lord! Vegetarianism preferred over carnivorism, when actually
Man evolved from herbivores to omnivores, that is, it added meat to Our
diet! Skillful play of motives and lessons and hidden thoughts, for
under the light of further experiences what was not said is what really
counts. So we have envy as an explanation, powerful on a local basis,
of economic importance and consideration, manageable as a motive, but
also hiding the Other presence, the easy explanation that can be
extended to explain ALL human conflict an behaviour. A very economics
like thought, given scarce resources, but not taking into account
intelligence, technological advancement, in those times also the
possibilty of emiogration, also lesson to be found right away...

Double play of motives and explanations that like a bias more than a
firm directive lead and make the gaze turn to the other side, to forget
what can happen, what would actually be reasonable and is to be
expected sometime...

So it is envy over recognition (by them) touted as the all powerful
motive, the solution given as emigration of those rebel (go away!), a
hint to forget meat, to go back to the origins, (here the double play
of civilization being born from agriculture but also agriculture as a
return to peaceful animalis)...

No wonder this story of the killer brothers has been repeated in many
cultures and many lives!

Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-07-06 16:47:00 UTC
Nothing easier to control a population than to make it go against
itself! But not from the top, too exposed, nor from the bottom (only
sometimes, as the bottom is easily smeared and hidden, sordid), but
from the middle, where the tweezer can be applied to separate top from
from bottom, the throttle between governed and government, the true
force of power, to govern communications and thwart them when
necessary. Nothing easier than to tell lies when both sides won't ever
be together! Lies as a principle, what the Christians know as the Devil
in everyday life, even when the devil is more complex than it seems at
first in the Scriptures!

Therefore the Jesus' teaching of Truth will Set us Free, and the
emphasis on Truth from all Religions, Truth God given, but also
something to be sought. For the enemy will always tell lies! It won't
tell the Truth, simply put. Everything backwards, everything in the
past, always deceiving. So friends end up being enemies and enemies
friends. And the usual reaction is to fight enemies and be a friend of
friends! The enemy will never praise, will only feel contempt and make
feel contempt. The result being to leave the victim, the Bearer of
Truth, alone and despised, Ghetsemani, all friends turned into enemies,
total defeat, the loser, while the sponsored enemy, the anti-champion
receives all praises! Because IT is in between, the "Devil's Advocate",
advocating for the traitor while defeating the real leader, the one
that ought to win, even when at the same time working *with* the
victim, or making him know, a flow of information that at any moment
can be interpreted whatever way it pleases the in between leader.
Ambiguity at its most excellent moment til, at least, a doubt is cast
on the appointed loser, or the needed substitution is achieved, the
traitor turned the champion, the champion turned the loser.

Everything backwards, wrong, deceitful, to which the only answer is
Error! A big mistake, or rather, lots of small mistakes accumulating,
forced by the in between, hidden power, the wedge that informs both
sides while keeping them apart, so that, in the end, everybody praises
the traitor, while the betrayed fights everybody, everything. For how
do you react to enemies but insulting, trying to defeat them? Hence the
Christian teaching of placing the other cheek! You don't know who is
your enemy, so it is better not to insult! Or on the contrary, insult
everybody! For the enemy will know who you want to befriend and thus
will fight them too. Or, do nothing, contemplate, accept while denying,
in which case the victimized is disabled! The other cheek by doing
nothing, and while both sides, the fighter and the granter of Victory
are kept apar, wedged by the enemy, the REAL enemy, the result is
certain: wrong victory, wrong defeat, though, even at the last moment,
the real identities of the players are kept ambiguous confused...
(Rules which allow to distinguish the good from the evil side, but only
after victory is declared, when roles have to change to recognize the
real victim, the positive influence, the person when tags are no longer

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-07-07 08:37:44 UTC
[And how clever are they! Once established the wedge, the motive, the
human nature into effect, their mechanisms suggested, they can
dissapear from the picture! Human machinery in their hidden hands, the
invisible hand of Adam Smith but not human, alien, strange, operating
with the *same strategy*, since Osiris (really Toth) was dismembered,
dispersed {and then put together as Horus, or was Horus the final
impersonator?}. 15000 years of strategy... working once and again in a
young, inexperienced species...]

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-07-10 13:36:26 UTC
The real question is not whethere it is true, or what if it is true?
The REAL question is: what is the WORST that can happen IF we ACT under
the assumption that this is true? Notice that once exposed they will go
inactive, they don't attract attention to themsleves! They have to be
sordid, act hidden, cunningly... and wreak havoc. And what we want is
to be ready! What if... and we don't know when. We would not even know
if they are approaching or approached! But only we can care for
ourselves. It is OUR interest, as a whole species. How many of us think
of it this way? What can be done? Our moovies assume that they invade
us, but that is the last thing we want! It is this thought what has to
lead us, for "many are the tricks of the enemy"...

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-07-11 13:22:08 UTC
What is a better cue of success than money? All purpose money,
capabilities and capcities and possibilities and futures the Defeated
must not reach! That's why it is turned into a loser, losing *it*. The
purpose of poverty in Catholicism, Christ(s) and Saints praised for
their poverty! In a rich Church and by a rich Church. Buddha, a great
loser, for he, borned aware and wealthy, lost joy (fat, uncomely,
unloved?) first and chose (chose? or was forced to?) poverty and self
denial. Mahoma persecuted, turned into a loser, desert wanderer, heroic
resistance, the effort to maintain and to conquer (back) what was lost,
as many values are lost when in a constant persecution. How come Jesus
becomes poor, sent to the lepers (another loss, to become a leper,
illness, the loss of health and love and beauty), when by being born
attracted Wise Kings, gifts, for his birth was anticipated?
Anticipated... by whom? Prophecy as manipulation, sure, but also as a
warning for the fight, no doubt, is not between Us and Them, but very
probably between Us and Them and the Others and... how many can we
distinguish, how many involved? The Wise Kings making him rich,
*persecution* turning him and them into a loser... which then and now
means no money. Even with the protection of Kings were defeated! Or
maybe precisely because of it? Again a double play, a _game_, like a
big chess game where the next pawn will open up new possibilities for
both sides, tension...

Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-07-16 16:28:17 UTC
Money first before anything else, or nothing. Only hard work and
limited joy. But then to work you need health. So nect to last defeat,
before death, extiction, lose health, well being. Is it Jesus
sacrificed for being with lepers? Or *forced* to be with lepers? It is
illness as an excuse, for him who dare cure blindness! (Probably, a bad
infection and lack of hygiene, coupled with lots of ignorance). So it
is a good excuse to sacrifice: first make diseased, then plead for
worthlesness, finally death... Or is it first plead worthlesness, then
make disease? Was Buddha fat or was turned fat? Easy way to keep him in
place, like a plant, or Christ choked, like a fish...

Fabrizio J Bonsignor adeso Danilo J BOnsignore
2005-07-18 18:48:32 UTC
And yet... they lie! No way THEY can win. For whatever is done they
pretend to win? Not even a good move recognized? It is the lie
exposed!What about the "miracles", the wisdom, the followers, the
survival, even the martyrs? The teaching remains, the experience makes
us grow, their insitence in defeasting, the struggle proper is proof of
real defeat. Once the lie is exposed (and has already been exposed) the
rest can be deduced. For who is being defeated? Who is the weakest, the
one who always loses, the one that has to be proven false, who is the
one whose followers are disgregated, neutralized, *dissapeared*? Who is
persecuted, martirized? WHO makes the effort, the fight,
the-against-all-odds resistance? Who is the innocent, caught
unprepared, recognized and then fought? Whose was the initial defeat,
the treason, the betrayal, when it all pointed to easy success, natural
results? Not the perpetual liar, the sardonic, the cynic, the
disdainful, the defeater, the prophet...

And a teaching remains. A teaching *remained*. So that a guide could be
found against the enemy. That who would claim right away,
*immediately*, the sweet rewards of victory...

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-01 18:34:10 UTC
"Is, was, will be"

YHWH, the secret letters, the secret name, that name which must not be
mentioned lest it identifies Him. And each letter a secret, a word, a
formula. Sacrificed to Him, He! A fact, given as a fact, something that
had happened, but was still in the future! An is that was but will be
because it is that it was and not yet, a creatio ex nihilo, a self
fulfilling prophecy, the Christ sacrificed as matter of fact just
because it WAS sacrificed. The past as a guide to the future.

But mind that it _was_ already at that moment. I.e., it was a GIVEN!
GIven by whom to whom? Here is the link to the Egyptians, the Jews
Persecuted by Egyptians, or maybe the Egyptians persecuting the Jews
being persecuted by the Romans, persecuting the Arabs, persecuting... A
simple formula pplied once and again from utter antiquity and yet not
written, not REALLY written nor explained, simply a... tradition? A
tradition to sacrifice THEM! But not THEIR THEM, OUR THEM. Those of us
Humans, those of us ahead, or those who can go ahead...

Where was this formula originated? Such a sophistication! From times
when the rule of force was the force of the rules...

A backbone of History. All our histories! Antiquity as we know it. And
yet the Aztecs were also victims. Cuauhtemoc and Nezahualpilli, heroe
and poet, betrayed by an expectation, a self defeat: they _are_ (the
Spaniards) as it was (the prophecy) and will be (the inevitable
conquest). A story, a PREVIOUS STORY. That has to be followed by the
silly, the dumb, the naive, the careless, the believers, the skeptics,
the indifferent... The story unfolding itself in front of their own
eyes! It is the sense of AWE that disables and leaves you astounded,
immovable, a spectator letting things occur, believeing just for
believing, just because it _was_ mentioned, this was being one minute
ago, one hour ago, days ago, years ago... such a view of time, two
eternities between us, the past and the future flat while the present
is passing and no distinction is made. So past is past and cannot be
changed: Absolute Truth (even if it is a lie). And being Absolute
Truth, the nearest thing to God, consequences must follow. And it
doesn't matter if one past is paster than the other past! That one
event led to another event, that there is a historic development, taht
not everything is real truth (onle what was said, the fact of the
speech-description of facts, not the fact of
speech-describing-actually-happened-events. It is within this game of
blocks hiding blocks toil all is flat that the past manipulates the
future, and this present-describing-a-descripted-past becomes
future-that-is-a-present-past. The prophecy fulfilled by the mere and
simple resoure of lying it!!! Sacrificed... just because it was said
"sacrifice him"! Not a single strand of Reason, Rationality,
HUMANITY here. Man as a mere animal... seen as such by... Whim, I mean

Fabrizio J Bonsgnore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-01 18:34:41 UTC
"Is, was, will be"

YHWH, the secret letters, the secret name, that name which must not be
mentioned lest it identifies Him. And each letter a secret, a word, a
formula. Sacrificed to Him, He! A fact, given as a fact, something that
had happened, but was still in the future! An is that was but will be
because it is that it was and not yet, a creatio ex nihilo, a self
fulfilling prophecy, the Christ sacrificed as matter of fact just
because it WAS sacrificed. The past as a guide to the future.

But mind that it _was_ already at that moment. I.e., it was a GIVEN!
GIven by whom to whom? Here is the link to the Egyptians, the Jews
Persecuted by Egyptians, or maybe the Egyptians persecuting the Jews
being persecuted by the Romans, persecuting the Arabs, persecuting... A
simple formula pplied once and again from utter antiquity and yet not
written, not REALLY written nor explained, simply a... tradition? A
tradition to sacrifice THEM! But not THEIR THEM, OUR THEM. Those of us
Humans, those of us ahead, or those who can go ahead...

Where was this formula originated? Such a sophistication! From times
when the rule of force was the force of the rules...

A backbone of History. All our histories! Antiquity as we know it. And
yet the Aztecs were also victims. Cuauhtemoc and Nezahualpilli, heroe
and poet, betrayed by an expectation, a self defeat: they _are_ (the
Spaniards) as it was (the prophecy) and will be (the inevitable
conquest). A story, a PREVIOUS STORY. That has to be followed by the
silly, the dumb, the naive, the careless, the believers, the skeptics,
the indifferent... The story unfolding itself in front of their own
eyes! It is the sense of AWE that disables and leaves you astounded,
immovable, a spectator letting things occur, believeing just for
believing, just because it _was_ mentioned, this was being one minute
ago, one hour ago, days ago, years ago... such a view of time, two
eternities between us, the past and the future flat while the present
is passing and no distinction is made. So past is past and cannot be
changed: Absolute Truth (even if it is a lie). And being Absolute
Truth, the nearest thing to God, consequences must follow. And it
doesn't matter if one past is paster than the other past! That one
event led to another event, that there is a historic development, taht
not everything is real truth (onle what was said, the fact of the
speech-description of facts, not the fact of
speech-describing-actually-happened-events. It is within this game of
blocks hiding blocks toil all is flat that the past manipulates the
future, and this present-describing-a-descripted-past becomes
future-that-is-a-present-past. The prophecy fulfilled by the mere and
simple resoure of lying it!!! Sacrificed... just because it was said
"sacrifice him"! Not a single strand of Reason, Rationality, HUMANITY
here. Man as a mere animal... seen as such by... Whim, I mean whom?

Fabrizio J Bonsgnore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-10 22:51:47 UTC
[Having problems to have ths posted. Still being impersonated by
fraudsters in anotehr city. Nobody really know me.]

The gods creating strife, humans at their mercy, otherwise, how could
they be gods? So godly is that who creates strife! And is jealous,
terrible, dangerous... Hard lesson from gods to humans, so the moment a
god is human or a human is seen as god he is turned into the "son of
god" or none at all. A son at the same time a god... but not God. How
many can be confused with their ancestors by this phrase as names are
the same? Meek is not godly only terrible is godly! The message
delivered, we are expected to act thus, godly as gods by being terrible
to us.

It is the secret of the Caduceum revealed. Two snakes fighting each
other, but not any way, one takes left when the other takes right and
viceversa, never matching, contradicting themselves but not the enemy,
the other snake. ANd yet... they fight AROUND the straight! It is the
straight the motive of conflict, envolved by the snakes, while the
straight is... straight. Take both sides, but not at the same time as
the enemy, while both enemies fight the common enemy, the straight, the

This is the message of the messenger. Messages among the gods? Brought
by the Caduceum holder? Two snakes fighting, weaving themselves around
the staff, the holder of power, the holder of the real message, the
messenger hiding the message by the snakes that weaved around the
symbol of power. Lots of lessons can be deduced from this symbol, this
message from the messenger, acting mercurially, as fast as it can to
become a god, if only god of messages! The quicker the messenger, the
quicker the staff is surrounded by the snakes? Who is he a messenger

Fabrizo J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-17 18:38:03 UTC
A sure message in the caduceum indeed! The two snakes fighting each
other, in a dance that is more choreography than attack, hiding the
bearer of value, alternatively going near, coinciding, and going far,
separating themselseves, as if they were fighting FOR the staff, in
favir OF the staff, but the truth is that they are hiding it, weaving
about it their vemon. And escalating.

Fabrizio j Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-08-17 19:03:24 UTC
At no point is ANY of the snakes alone near the staff! They are well
synchronized, crossing each other. No one will win the staff either! No
help from them, even when they approach: they will only cancel each
other. And at each turn the weaving is wider, bigger... without ever
covering the staff. For it keeps growing and, alas! it has wings! It is
the snakes trying to reach heaven, the speed of the wings going upward
to the gods! But also the snakes jealous of the winged staff, the staff
that won't stop growing, that eventually will reach its goal, heavens,
its sublimity being the carrot AND the stick... for the snakes.

Lesson to be learned by humans and gods alike, for humans growing like
gods, for humans acting like snakes, for the *OTHERS* fighting to
prevent the staff from reaching heaven. Gods against would be gods,
humans growing to become gods, provoked, chased, opposed by the snakes
fighting against it, for it is the nature of the snake that it will
remain on Earth!

Engineers vs architects, a dynamic between which US grow, trying to
achieve our true nature, to escape Earth, to follow the natural path of
exploration of even the spaces beyond, of heavens, of Heaven.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-09-11 21:06:04 UTC
Mercury, the envoy, the "god" of messengers, tricksters... and thieves.
He rushes! Sending the messages of strife among gods. What other
messages? The messenger stealing, rushing to be first, taking the
message of the strife, the ourobouros. There is strife among the
humans! And one of them wants to fly. What is the verdict of the
"Father of God"? But notice that the Caduceum is also a symbol of
healing. It is the human god, the wings, going to heaven, leaving
behind the struggling serpents, going his way straight to heaven. But
the message is delivered by the messenger. Note also that it is man
ascending to heaven, a difference with Prometheus, bringing back
knowledge from the gods, the forbidden and punishable act. No wonder
the greek didn't have a single "God". the messenger arrived first and
tricked the gods... If the would be human "god" can reach the Gods...
Herakles performing superb feats to be admitted among the stars... the
human "god" would save himself, and bring with him his friends. Human
turned god to help humans turn gods...

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-10-01 13:21:26 UTC
The Akashic Records, one of the big mysteries, bug myths. the story of
humanity determined beforehand, prohecies! Superior knowledge... but
prophecies are power for those who know them and have the means to make
them true! Just need a carrot and the rest follows of its own accord.

Is it true? Is it false? Written in a long forgotten past, forgotten by
us, but very clear for those who will profit. A life supporting planet
is a jewel! How would we acquire a planet that's already inhabited,
should we get the ability to travel? Threats and promises, with
believers it is an easy affair to get control... of huge masses. For
our own ends, not theirs, and they will believe they are getting

Make a prophecy, make it a known fact, let the plot develop, predict
something successfully, magically make it happen: you'll get believers,
you'll get followers. And US being independent, but only in our minds.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
