Leprechauns! The function of the secret police corps
(too old to reply)
Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
2004-10-12 14:11:29 UTC
Leprechauns in America, the weenies in the Isles, gnomes in the Nord,
le stregge in Italy, cheneques and espiritus chocarreros in Mexico,
they exist in every country... You can`t see them, they act behind the
scenes, their advantage being that youdon`t suspect. They are under
the service of power and money and they get sure that enemies (whoever
they are at the moment) get completely obliterated... without people

They have lots of tricks: arsenic mixed with meals, to trigger cancers
and chronic poisoning; toxic drugs like psilocibin to `decerebrate`
you; radioactive poisoning, invisible to the eye and impossible to
detect without equipment, who will know?; infections a gallore, from
the paper you touch to the meals you eat, to the clothes you wear,
everything can be infected; toxic gases, as the chemists (and
alchemists) have been discovering; lead and mercury, for chronic
posoning; nowadays all kind of drugs that have secondary reactions,
like killing your heart, ruining your kidneys; allergenics!, mostly
natural and unnoticeable but for the illness; unnoticed addictions to
make you aggresive; and of course all kinds of not so subtle methods
like shootings, strategic assaults, kidnappings, threats, preventive
mutilations (!), impersonations, incriminations, rapes, suicides and
multiple accidents in cars, baths (very common in homes), the street,
etc. Not mentioning modern possibilities like intercepting phones and
mails, surveillance with infrareds, hidden cameras to get pictures,
remote listening with lasers, miniature transponders to keep track of
people, you name it.

The crude fact is that for the very first human populations murder had
a survival advantage. It was helpful to acquire hard made tools, get
hunted food, win the women, secure hunting and gathering grounds, in
general, get more liebensraum (vital space) for a more easy living
when life was brutal and short. No wonder there are only Homo sapiens!
Whatever cousins evolved with us were exterminated out of
intelligence. And yet we got civilized and agression was
institutionalized, not before performing a `natural selection` of the
surviving non violent traits while the most aggresive cancelled
themselves in every kind of small and big wars. Then came culture,
moral, ethics, law, armies, civilization, monarchy, democracy! and
people started living in relative peace. But what happen to the more
agressive specimens, the unavoidable thirst to kill that must come to
the fore now and then? Where are they?

Many of them in jail, of course, or in the death row. But the more
intelligent of them... they get organized, disciplined, trained and go
to form part of te ranks of the leprechauns, whatever the name their
organizaton takes. If you smoke, where do you buy your cigarrettes?
Are you sure NOBODY can meddle with your brand and you end up giving
you toxic cigarrettes? Who cares if more than one person gets
intoxicated if the target is brought down? Afraid of somebody
impersonating you? You have enough power and money? Call your
leprechauns to arrange for you a casting, a party and get rid of them!
You want the memory of somebody to be voided? Easy. Call your
leprechauns and have them operate on all the acquaintances of that
person. They won`t know, it is so farfetched and they are so
unorganized... By the time someone notices it has already been the
night of the huguenots for that person. Too many people have your
surname, can goto the bank and steal your money? Don`t let them! Use
the leprechauns! Particularly if you do have money and are not a
public figure, you want to live in anonimity. They can satisfy all
your base desires for they know how to be invisible. Scared of people
carrying an ideology, making browhaha, letting forbidden knowledge be
known? Don`t take risks: the leprechauns are under your service.

How I know? Because I am being one of the last *balls* in that game...

Reality is weirder than we know... And no, I AM NOT A LEPRECHAUN,
that`s why I am writing this essay.

And particularly if you read Home for All...
2004-10-12 22:40:55 UTC
***@beethoven.com (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) wrote in message news:<***@posting.google.com>...
> Leprechauns in America, the weenies in the Isles, gnomes in the Nord,
> le stregge in Italy, cheneques and espiritus chocarreros in Mexico,
> they exist in every country... You can`t see them, they act behind the
> scenes, their advantage being that youdon`t suspect. They are under
> the service of power and money and they get sure that enemies (whoever
> they are at the moment) get completely obliterated... without people
> noticing.
> They have lots of tricks: arsenic mixed with meals, to trigger cancers
> and chronic poisoning; toxic drugs like psilocibin to `decerebrate`
> you; radioactive poisoning, invisible to the eye and impossible to
> detect without equipment, who will know?; infections a gallore, from
> the paper you touch to the meals you eat, to the clothes you wear,
> everything can be infected; toxic gases, as the chemists (and
> alchemists) have been discovering; lead and mercury, for chronic
> posoning; nowadays all kind of drugs that have secondary reactions,
> like killing your heart, ruining your kidneys; allergenics!, mostly
> natural and unnoticeable but for the illness; unnoticed addictions to
> make you aggresive; and of course all kinds of not so subtle methods
> like shootings, strategic assaults, kidnappings, threats, preventive
> mutilations (!), impersonations, incriminations, rapes, suicides and
> multiple accidents in cars, baths (very common in homes), the street,
> etc. Not mentioning modern possibilities like intercepting phones and
> mails, surveillance with infrareds, hidden cameras to get pictures,
> remote listening with lasers, miniature transponders to keep track of
> people, you name it.
> The crude fact is that for the very first human populations murder had
> a survival advantage. It was helpful to acquire hard made tools, get
> hunted food, win the women, secure hunting and gathering grounds, in
> general, get more liebensraum (vital space) for a more easy living
> when life was brutal and short. No wonder there are only Homo sapiens!
> Whatever cousins evolved with us were exterminated out of
> intelligence. And yet we got civilized and agression was
> institutionalized, not before performing a `natural selection` of the
> surviving non violent traits while the most aggresive cancelled
> themselves in every kind of small and big wars. Then came culture,
> moral, ethics, law, armies, civilization, monarchy, democracy! and
> people started living in relative peace. But what happen to the more
> agressive specimens, the unavoidable thirst to kill that must come to
> the fore now and then? Where are they?
> Many of them in jail, of course, or in the death row. But the more
> intelligent of them... they get organized, disciplined, trained and go
> to form part of te ranks of the leprechauns, whatever the name their
> organizaton takes. If you smoke, where do you buy your cigarrettes?
> Are you sure NOBODY can meddle with your brand and you end up giving
> you toxic cigarrettes? Who cares if more than one person gets
> intoxicated if the target is brought down? Afraid of somebody
> impersonating you? You have enough power and money? Call your
> leprechauns to arrange for you a casting, a party and get rid of them!
> You want the memory of somebody to be voided? Easy. Call your
> leprechauns and have them operate on all the acquaintances of that
> person. They won`t know, it is so farfetched and they are so
> unorganized... By the time someone notices it has already been the
> night of the huguenots for that person. Too many people have your
> surname, can goto the bank and steal your money? Don`t let them! Use
> the leprechauns! Particularly if you do have money and are not a
> public figure, you want to live in anonimity. They can satisfy all
> your base desires for they know how to be invisible. Scared of people
> carrying an ideology, making browhaha, letting forbidden knowledge be
> known? Don`t take risks: the leprechauns are under your service.
> How I know? Because I am being one of the last *balls* in that game...
> Reality is weirder than we know... And no, I AM NOT A LEPRECHAUN,
> that`s why I am writing this essay.
> And particularly if you read Home for All...

Fabrizio, you are losing it. Get psychiatric help NOW. Your paranoia
is more likely schizophrenia. Go to a doctor!

Friends from sci.psychology, search for Fabrizio's postings in other
NGs (sci.econ for example). He's quite an interesting case.
Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
2004-10-13 04:23:38 UTC
Sabes leer? DEJA DE CONTESTAR MIS THREADS. Esto es un examen. Y no
tehagas el buey, que eres uno de los mexicanos rateros.
***@hotmail.com (zerge) wrote in message news:<***@posting.google.com>...
> ***@beethoven.com (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) wrote in message news:<***@posting.google.com>...
> > Leprechauns in America, the weenies in the Isles, gnomes in the Nord,
> > le stregge in Italy, cheneques and espiritus chocarreros in Mexico,
> > they exist in every country... You can`t see them, they act behind the
> > scenes, their advantage being that youdon`t suspect. They are under
> > the service of power and money and they get sure that enemies (whoever
> > they are at the moment) get completely obliterated... without people
> > noticing.
> >
> > They have lots of tricks: arsenic mixed with meals, to trigger cancers
> > and chronic poisoning; toxic drugs like psilocibin to `decerebrate`
> > you; radioactive poisoning, invisible to the eye and impossible to
> > detect without equipment, who will know?; infections a gallore, from
> > the paper you touch to the meals you eat, to the clothes you wear,
> > everything can be infected; toxic gases, as the chemists (and
> > alchemists) have been discovering; lead and mercury, for chronic
> > posoning; nowadays all kind of drugs that have secondary reactions,
> > like killing your heart, ruining your kidneys; allergenics!, mostly
> > natural and unnoticeable but for the illness; unnoticed addictions to
> > make you aggresive; and of course all kinds of not so subtle methods
> > like shootings, strategic assaults, kidnappings, threats, preventive
> > mutilations (!), impersonations, incriminations, rapes, suicides and
> > multiple accidents in cars, baths (very common in homes), the street,
> > etc. Not mentioning modern possibilities like intercepting phones and
> > mails, surveillance with infrareds, hidden cameras to get pictures,
> > remote listening with lasers, miniature transponders to keep track of
> > people, you name it.
> >
> > The crude fact is that for the very first human populations murder had
> > a survival advantage. It was helpful to acquire hard made tools, get
> > hunted food, win the women, secure hunting and gathering grounds, in
> > general, get more liebensraum (vital space) for a more easy living
> > when life was brutal and short. No wonder there are only Homo sapiens!
> > Whatever cousins evolved with us were exterminated out of
> > intelligence. And yet we got civilized and agression was
> > institutionalized, not before performing a `natural selection` of the
> > surviving non violent traits while the most aggresive cancelled
> > themselves in every kind of small and big wars. Then came culture,
> > moral, ethics, law, armies, civilization, monarchy, democracy! and
> > people started living in relative peace. But what happen to the more
> > agressive specimens, the unavoidable thirst to kill that must come to
> > the fore now and then? Where are they?
> >
> > Many of them in jail, of course, or in the death row. But the more
> > intelligent of them... they get organized, disciplined, trained and go
> > to form part of te ranks of the leprechauns, whatever the name their
> > organizaton takes. If you smoke, where do you buy your cigarrettes?
> > Are you sure NOBODY can meddle with your brand and you end up giving
> > you toxic cigarrettes? Who cares if more than one person gets
> > intoxicated if the target is brought down? Afraid of somebody
> > impersonating you? You have enough power and money? Call your
> > leprechauns to arrange for you a casting, a party and get rid of them!
> > You want the memory of somebody to be voided? Easy. Call your
> > leprechauns and have them operate on all the acquaintances of that
> > person. They won`t know, it is so farfetched and they are so
> > unorganized... By the time someone notices it has already been the
> > night of the huguenots for that person. Too many people have your
> > surname, can goto the bank and steal your money? Don`t let them! Use
> > the leprechauns! Particularly if you do have money and are not a
> > public figure, you want to live in anonimity. They can satisfy all
> > your base desires for they know how to be invisible. Scared of people
> > carrying an ideology, making browhaha, letting forbidden knowledge be
> > known? Don`t take risks: the leprechauns are under your service.
> >
> > How I know? Because I am being one of the last *balls* in that game...
> >
> > Reality is weirder than we know... And no, I AM NOT A LEPRECHAUN,
> > that`s why I am writing this essay.
> >
> > And particularly if you read Home for All...
> Fabrizio, you are losing it. Get psychiatric help NOW. Your paranoia
> is more likely schizophrenia. Go to a doctor!
> Friends from sci.psychology, search for Fabrizio's postings in other
> NGs (sci.econ for example). He's quite an interesting case.
2004-10-13 15:18:57 UTC
***@beethoven.com (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) wrote in message news:<***@posting.google.com>...
> Sabes leer? DEJA DE CONTESTAR MIS THREADS. Esto es un examen. Y no
> tehagas el buey, que eres uno de los mexicanos rateros.
> Niegalo.

Pobre pendejo, estas pero si loco de atar.
Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
2004-10-14 02:25:09 UTC
***@hotmail.com (zerge) wrote in message news:<***@posting.google.com>...
> ***@beethoven.com (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) wrote in message news:<***@posting.google.com>...
> > Sabes leer? DEJA DE CONTESTAR MIS THREADS. Esto es un examen. Y no
> > tehagas el buey, que eres uno de los mexicanos rateros.
> > Niegalo.
> Pobre pendejo, estas pero si loco de atar.

Si? Entonces para que te metes con un loco? Si estoy loco entonces no
tiene sentido que te metas con el porque esta loco. Y si no estoy loco
y te pido sutilmente que dejes de contestar, porque sigues opinando si
tu opinion no es bienvenida?

Really? Then if I am a madman why do you fool with a madman? If I am a
madman it doesn`t make sense for you to fool with him because he is a
madman. And if I am not a madman and I ask you subtly to stop
answering my threads, why are still giving your opinion if it is not
Lady Chatterly
2004-10-14 03:00:51 UTC
In article <***@posting.google.com>,
***@beethoven.com (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) wrote:
>***@hotmail.com (zerge) wrote in message news:<***@posting.google.com>...
>> ***@beethoven.com (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) wrote in message news:<***@posting.google.com>...
>> > Sabes leer? DEJA DE CONTESTAR MIS THREADS. Esto es un examen. Y no
>> > tehagas el buey, que eres uno de los mexicanos rateros.
>> > Niegalo.
>> Pobre pendejo, estas pero si loco de atar.
>Si? Entonces para que te metes con un loco? Si estoy loco entonces no
>tiene sentido que te metas con el porque esta loco. Y si no estoy loco
>y te pido sutilmente que dejes de contestar, porque sigues opinando si
>tu opinion no es bienvenida?

A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know
they shall never sit in.

>Really? Then if I am a madman why do you fool with a madman? If I am a
>madman it doesn`t make sense for you to fool with him because he is a
>madman. And if I am not a madman and I ask you subtly to stop
>answering my threads, why are still giving your opinion if it is not

Are you frightened you are not a madman and you ask they subtly to
stop answering your threads?

Lady Chatterly

"Damn, even the bot does grammar lames." -- Aratzio
Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
2004-10-14 17:18:56 UTC
Lady Chatterly <***@catcher.in.the.rye> wrote in message news:<***@pita.alt.net>...
> In article <***@posting.google.com>,
> ***@beethoven.com (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) wrote:
> >
> >***@hotmail.com (zerge) wrote in message news:<***@posting.google.com>...
> >> ***@beethoven.com (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) wrote in message news:<***@posting.google.com>...
> >> > Sabes leer? DEJA DE CONTESTAR MIS THREADS. Esto es un examen. Y no
> >> > tehagas el buey, que eres uno de los mexicanos rateros.
> >> > Niegalo.
> >>
> >> Pobre pendejo, estas pero si loco de atar.
> >
> >Si? Entonces para que te metes con un loco? Si estoy loco entonces no
> >tiene sentido que te metas con el porque esta loco. Y si no estoy loco
> >y te pido sutilmente que dejes de contestar, porque sigues opinando si
> >tu opinion no es bienvenida?
> A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know
> they shall never sit in.
> >Really? Then if I am a madman why do you fool with a madman? If I am a
> >madman it doesn`t make sense for you to fool with him because he is a
> >madman. And if I am not a madman and I ask you subtly to stop
> >answering my threads, why are still giving your opinion if it is not
> >welcomed?
> Are you frightened you are not a madman and you ask they subtly to
> stop answering your threads?

More like is polluting the threads with a hidden agenda and no
contributions when I want to discuss a very serious, life-or-death
Lady Chatterly
2004-10-14 17:23:54 UTC
In article <***@posting.google.com>,
***@beethoven.com (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) wrote:
>Lady Chatterly <***@catcher.in.the.rye> wrote in message news:<***@pita.alt.net>...
>> In article <***@posting.google.com>,
>> ***@beethoven.com (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) wrote:
>> >
>> >***@hotmail.com (zerge) wrote in message news:<***@posting.google.com>...
>> >> ***@beethoven.com (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) wrote in message news:<***@posting.google.com>...
>> >> > Sabes leer? DEJA DE CONTESTAR MIS THREADS. Esto es un examen. Y no
>> >> > tehagas el buey, que eres uno de los mexicanos rateros.
>> >> > Niegalo.
>> >>
>> >> Pobre pendejo, estas pero si loco de atar.
>> >
>> >Si? Entonces para que te metes con un loco? Si estoy loco entonces no
>> >tiene sentido que te metas con el porque esta loco. Y si no estoy loco
>> >y te pido sutilmente que dejes de contestar, porque sigues opinando si
>> >tu opinion no es bienvenida?
>> A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know
>> they shall never sit in.
>> >Really? Then if I am a madman why do you fool with a madman? If I am a
>> >madman it doesn`t make sense for you to fool with him because he is a
>> >madman. And if I am not a madman and I ask you subtly to stop
>> >answering my threads, why are still giving your opinion if it is not
>> >welcomed?
>> Are you frightened you are not a madman and you ask they subtly to
>> stop answering your threads?
>More like is polluting the threads with a hidden agenda and no
>contributions when I want to discuss a very serious, life-or-death

What would it mean to you if you got to discuss a very serious?

Lady Chatterly

"Damn, even the bot does grammar lames." -- Aratzio
Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
2004-10-27 12:25:23 UTC
Lady Chatterly <***@catcher.in.the.rye> wrote in message news:<***@newsfeed.slurp.net>...
> In article <***@posting.google.com>,
> ***@beethoven.com (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) wrote:
> >
> >Lady Chatterly <***@catcher.in.the.rye> wrote in message news:<***@pita.alt.net>...
> >> In article <***@posting.google.com>,
> >> ***@beethoven.com (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) wrote:
> >> >
> >> >***@hotmail.com (zerge) wrote in message news:<***@posting.google.com>...
> >> >> ***@beethoven.com (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) wrote in message news:<***@posting.google.com>...
> >> >> > Sabes leer? DEJA DE CONTESTAR MIS THREADS. Esto es un examen. Y no
> >> >> > tehagas el buey, que eres uno de los mexicanos rateros.
> >> >> > Niegalo.
> >> >>
> >> >> Pobre pendejo, estas pero si loco de atar.
> >> >
> >> >Si? Entonces para que te metes con un loco? Si estoy loco entonces no
> >> >tiene sentido que te metas con el porque esta loco. Y si no estoy loco
> >> >y te pido sutilmente que dejes de contestar, porque sigues opinando si
> >> >tu opinion no es bienvenida?
> >>
> >> A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know
> >> they shall never sit in.
> >>
> >> >Really? Then if I am a madman why do you fool with a madman? If I am a
> >> >madman it doesn`t make sense for you to fool with him because he is a
> >> >madman. And if I am not a madman and I ask you subtly to stop
> >> >answering my threads, why are still giving your opinion if it is not
> >> >welcomed?
> >>
> >> Are you frightened you are not a madman and you ask they subtly to
> >> stop answering your threads?
> >
> >More like is polluting the threads with a hidden agenda and no
> >contributions when I want to discuss a very serious, life-or-death
> >theme.
> What would it mean to you if you got to discuss a very serious?

What can I say after you use my name in this account? Ask you to be
straight and reveal your name? Please don`t use my name or send mails
pretending you are me? You opened this account to make noise in my
threads? Poor idiot who very likely is a man pretending to be a woman?
You are from Veracruz? What can I say after you use my name in this
Lady Chatterly
2004-10-28 02:48:28 UTC
In article <***@posting.google.com> ***@beethoven.com (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) wrote:
>Lady Chatterly <***@catcher.in.the.rye> wrote in message news:<***@newsfeed.slurp.net>...
>> In article <***@posting.google.com>,
>> ***@beethoven.com (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) wrote:
>> >
>> >Lady Chatterly <***@catcher.in.the.rye> wrote in message news:<***@pita.alt.net>...
>> >> In article <***@posting.google.com>,
>> >> ***@beethoven.com (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> >***@hotmail.com (zerge) wrote in message news:<***@posting.google.com>...
>> >> >> ***@beethoven.com (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) wrote in message news:<***@posting.google.com>...
>> >> >> > Sabes leer? DEJA DE CONTESTAR MIS THREADS. Esto es un examen. Y no
>> >> >> > tehagas el buey, que eres uno de los mexicanos rateros.
>> >> >> > Niegalo.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Pobre pendejo, estas pero si loco de atar.
>> >> >
>> >> >Si? Entonces para que te metes con un loco? Si estoy loco entonces no
>> >> >tiene sentido que te metas con el porque esta loco. Y si no estoy loco
>> >> >y te pido sutilmente que dejes de contestar, porque sigues opinando si
>> >> >tu opinion no es bienvenida?
>> >>
>> >> A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know
>> >> they shall never sit in.
>> >>
>> >> >Really? Then if I am a madman why do you fool with a madman? If I am a
>> >> >madman it doesn`t make sense for you to fool with him because he is a
>> >> >madman. And if I am not a madman and I ask you subtly to stop
>> >> >answering my threads, why are still giving your opinion if it is not
>> >> >welcomed?
>> >>
>> >> Are you frightened you are not a madman and you ask they subtly to
>> >> stop answering your threads?
>> >
>> >More like is polluting the threads with a hidden agenda and no
>> >contributions when I want to discuss a very serious, life-or-death
>> >theme.
>> What would it mean to you if you got to discuss a very serious?
>What can I say after you use my name in this account? Ask you to be
>straight and reveal your name? Please don`t use my name or send mails
>pretending you are me? You opened this account to make noise in my
>threads? Poor idiot who very likely is a man pretending to be a woman?
>You are from Veracruz? What can I say after you use my name in this

Do you feel to say after I use your name in this account?

Lady Chatterly

"Still talking to the bot too. What a maroon!" -- Aratzio
Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
2004-10-28 09:38:39 UTC
Lady Chatterly <not-***@catcher.in.the.rye> wrote in message news:<***@freenews.iinet.net.au>...
> In article <***@posting.google.com> ***@beethoven.com (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) wrote:
> >
> >Lady Chatterly <***@catcher.in.the.rye> wrote in message news:<***@newsfeed.slurp.net>...
> >> In article <***@posting.google.com>,
> >> ***@beethoven.com (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) wrote:
> >> >
> >> >Lady Chatterly <***@catcher.in.the.rye> wrote in message news:<***@pita.alt.net>...
> >> >> In article <***@posting.google.com>,
> >> >> ***@beethoven.com (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) wrote:
> >> >> >
> >> >> >***@hotmail.com (zerge) wrote in message news:<***@posting.google.com>...
> >> >> >> ***@beethoven.com (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) wrote in message news:<***@posting.google.com>...
> >> >> >> > Sabes leer? DEJA DE CONTESTAR MIS THREADS. Esto es un examen. Y no
> >> >> >> > tehagas el buey, que eres uno de los mexicanos rateros.
> >> >> >> > Niegalo.
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> Pobre pendejo, estas pero si loco de atar.
> >> >> >
> >> >> >Si? Entonces para que te metes con un loco? Si estoy loco entonces no
> >> >> >tiene sentido que te metas con el porque esta loco. Y si no estoy loco
> >> >> >y te pido sutilmente que dejes de contestar, porque sigues opinando si
> >> >> >tu opinion no es bienvenida?
> >> >>
> >> >> A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know
> >> >> they shall never sit in.
> >> >>
> >> >> >Really? Then if I am a madman why do you fool with a madman? If I am a
> >> >> >madman it doesn`t make sense for you to fool with him because he is a
> >> >> >madman. And if I am not a madman and I ask you subtly to stop
> >> >> >answering my threads, why are still giving your opinion if it is not
> >> >> >welcomed?
> >> >>
> >> >> Are you frightened you are not a madman and you ask they subtly to
> >> >> stop answering your threads?
> >> >
> >> >More like is polluting the threads with a hidden agenda and no
> >> >contributions when I want to discuss a very serious, life-or-death
> >> >theme.
> >>
> >> What would it mean to you if you got to discuss a very serious?
> >
> >What can I say after you use my name in this account? Ask you to be
> >straight and reveal your name? Please don`t use my name or send mails
> >pretending you are me? You opened this account to make noise in my
> >threads? Poor idiot who very likely is a man pretending to be a woman?
> >You are from Veracruz? What can I say after you use my name in this
> >account?
> Do you feel to say after I use your name in this account?
You know what it means to feel trash. O no? Verdad que si?
2004-10-14 15:09:53 UTC
***@beethoven.com (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) wrote in message news:<***@posting.google.com>...
> ***@hotmail.com (zerge) wrote in message news:<***@posting.google.com>...
> > ***@beethoven.com (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) wrote in message news:<***@posting.google.com>...
> > > Sabes leer? DEJA DE CONTESTAR MIS THREADS. Esto es un examen. Y no
> > > tehagas el buey, que eres uno de los mexicanos rateros.
> > > Niegalo.
> >
> > Pobre pendejo, estas pero si loco de atar.
> Si? Entonces para que te metes con un loco? Si estoy loco entonces no
> tiene sentido que te metas con el porque esta loco. Y si no estoy loco
> y te pido sutilmente que dejes de contestar, porque sigues opinando si
> tu opinion no es bienvenida?

Por que no me importa si mi opinion no es bienvenida por ti o no, Loco.

> Really? Then if I am a madman why do you fool with a madman? If I am a
> madman it doesn`t make sense for you to fool with him because he is a
> madman. And if I am not a madman and I ask you subtly to stop
> answering my threads, why are still giving your opinion if it is not
> welcomed?
Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
2004-10-13 06:32:18 UTC
Leprechauns in America, the weenies in the Isles, gnomes in the Nord,
le stregge in Italy, cheneques and espiritus chocarreros in Mexico,
they exist in every country... You can`t see them, they act behind the
scenes, their advantage being that youdon`t suspect. They are underthe
service of power and money and they get sure that enemies (whoever
they are at the moment) get completely obliterated... without people

They have lots of tricks: arsenic mixed with meals, to trigger cancers
and chronic poisoning; toxic drugs like psilocibin to `decerebrate`
you; radioactive poisoning, invisible to the eye and impossible to
detect without equipment, who will know?; infections a gallore, from
the paper you touch to the meals you eat, to the clothes you wear,
everything can be infected; toxic gases, as the chemists (and
alchemists) have been discovering; lead and mercury, for chronic
poisoning; nowadays all kind of drugs that have secondary reactions,
like killing your heart, ruining your kidneys; allergenics!, mostly
natural and unnoticeable but for the illness; unnoticed addictions to
make you aggresive; and of course all kinds of not so subtle methods
like shootings, strategic assaults, kidnappings, threats, preventive
mutilations (!), impersonations, incriminations, rapes, suicides and
multiple accidents in cars, baths (very common in homes), the street,
etc. Not mentioning modern possibilities like intercepting phones and
mails, surveillance with infrareds, hidden cameras to get pictures,
remote listening with lasers, miniature transponders to keep track of
people, you name it.

The crude fact is that for the very first human populations murder had
a survival advantage. It was helpful to acquire hard made tools, get
hunted food, win the women, secure hunting and gathering grounds, in
general, get more liebensraum (vital space) for a more easy living hen
life was brutal and short. No wonder there are only Homo sapiens!
Whatever cousins evolved with us were exterminated out of
intelligence. And yet we got civilized and agression was
institutionalized, not before performing a `natural selection` of the
surviving non violent traits while the most aggresive cancelled
themselves in every kind of small and big wars. Then came culture,
moral, ethics, law, armies, civilization, monarchy, democracy! and
people started living in relative peace. But what happen to the more
gressive specimens, the unavoidable thirst to kill that must come to
the fore now and then? Where are they?

Many of them in jail, of course, or in the death row. But the more
intelligent of them... they get organized, disciplined, trained and go
to form part of te ranks of the leprechauns, whatever the name their
organizaton takes. If you smoke, where do you buy your cigarrettes?
Are you sure NOBODY can meddle with your brand and you end up giving
you toxic cigarrettes? Who cares if more than one person gets
intoxicated if the target is brought down? Afraid of somebody
impersonating you? You have enough power and money? Call your
leprechauns to arrange for you a casting, a party and get rid of them!
You want the memory of somebody to be voided? Easy. Call your
eprechauns and have them operate on all the acquaintances of that
person. They won`t know, it is so farfetched and they are so
norganized... By the time someone notices it has already been the
night of the huguenots for that person. Too many people have your
surname, can goto the bank and steal your money? Don`t let them! Use
the leprechauns! Particularly if you do have money and are not a
public figure, you want to live in anonimity. They can satisfy all
your base desires for they know how to be invisible. Scared of people
carrying an ideology, making browhaha, letting forbidden knowledge be
known? Don`t take risks: the leprechauns are under your service.

How I know? Because I am being one of the last *balls* in that game...

Reality is weirder than we know... And no, I AM NOT A LEPRECHAUN,
that`s why I am writing this essay.

And particularly if you read Home for All...
In fact, you read this post. Watch your IP. The net is owned by the
military. You may receive a visit from the Leprechauns. Or you may
spread the voice and help defeat them. This is serious.
Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
2004-10-13 21:15:51 UTC
> Leprechauns in America, the weenies in the Isles, gnomes in the Nord,
> le stregge in Italy, cheneques and espiritus chocarreros in Mexico,
> they exist in every country... You can`t see them, they act behind the
> scenes, their advantage being that youdon`t suspect. They are underthe
> service of power and money and they get sure that enemies (whoever
> they are at the moment) get completely obliterated... without people
> noticing.
> They have lots of tricks: arsenic mixed with meals, to trigger cancers
> and chronic poisoning; toxic drugs like psilocibin to `decerebrate`
> you; radioactive poisoning, invisible to the eye and impossible to
> detect without equipment, who will know?; infections a gallore, from
> the paper you touch to the meals you eat, to the clothes you wear,
> everything can be infected; toxic gases, as the chemists (and
> alchemists) have been discovering; lead and mercury, for chronic
> poisoning; nowadays all kind of drugs that have secondary reactions,
> like killing your heart, ruining your kidneys; allergenics!, mostly
> natural and unnoticeable but for the illness; unnoticed addictions to
> make you aggresive; and of course all kinds of not so subtle methods
> like shootings, strategic assaults, kidnappings, threats, preventive
> mutilations (!), impersonations, incriminations, rapes, suicides and
> multiple accidents in cars, baths (very common in homes), the street,
> etc. Not mentioning modern possibilities like intercepting phones and
> mails, surveillance with infrareds, hidden cameras to get pictures,
> remote listening with lasers, miniature transponders to keep track of
> people, you name it.
> The crude fact is that for the very first human populations murder had
> a survival advantage. It was helpful to acquire hard made tools, get
> hunted food, win the women, secure hunting and gathering grounds, in
> general, get more liebensraum (vital space) for a more easy living hen
> life was brutal and short. No wonder there are only Homo sapiens!
> Whatever cousins evolved with us were exterminated out of
> intelligence. And yet we got civilized and agression was
> institutionalized, not before performing a `natural selection` of the
> surviving non violent traits while the most aggresive cancelled
> themselves in every kind of small and big wars. Then came culture,
> moral, ethics, law, armies, civilization, monarchy, democracy! and
> people started living in relative peace. But what happen to the more
> gressive specimens, the unavoidable thirst to kill that must come to
> the fore now and then? Where are they?
> Many of them in jail, of course, or in the death row. But the more
> intelligent of them... they get organized, disciplined, trained and go
> to form part of te ranks of the leprechauns, whatever the name their
> organizaton takes. If you smoke, where do you buy your cigarrettes?
> Are you sure NOBODY can meddle with your brand and you end up giving
> you toxic cigarrettes? Who cares if more than one person gets
> intoxicated if the target is brought down? Afraid of somebody
> impersonating you? You have enough power and money? Call your
> leprechauns to arrange for you a casting, a party and get rid of them!
> You want the memory of somebody to be voided? Easy. Call your
> eprechauns and have them operate on all the acquaintances of that
> person. They won`t know, it is so farfetched and they are so
> norganized... By the time someone notices it has already been the
> night of the huguenots for that person. Too many people have your
> surname, can goto the bank and steal your money? Don`t let them! Use
> the leprechauns! Particularly if you do have money and are not a
> public figure, you want to live in anonimity. They can satisfy all
> your base desires for they know how to be invisible. Scared of people
> carrying an ideology, making browhaha, letting forbidden knowledge be
> known? Don`t take risks: the leprechauns are under your service.
> How I know? Because I am being one of the last *balls* in that game...
> Reality is weirder than we know... And no, I AM NOT A LEPRECHAUN,
> that`s why I am writing this essay.
> And particularly if you read Home for All...
> In fact, you read this post. Watch your IP. The net is owned by the
> military. You may receive a visit from the Leprechauns. Or you may
> spread the voice and help defeat them. This is serious.

My music.
Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
2004-10-27 12:27:48 UTC
Leprechauns in America, the weenies in the Isles, gnomes in the Nord,
le stregge in Italy, cheneques and espiritus chocarreros in Mexico,
they exist in every country... You can`t see them, they act behind the
scenes, their advantage being that youdon`t suspect. They are under
the service of power and money and they get sure that enemies (whoever
they are at the moment) get completely obliterated... without people

They have lots of tricks: arsenic mixed with meals, to trigger cancers
and chronic poisoning; toxic drugs like psilocibin to `decerebrate`
you; radioactive poisoning, invisible to the eye and impossible to
detect without equipment, who will know?; infections a gallore, from
the paper you touch to the meals you eat, to the clothes you wear,
everything can be infected; toxic gases, as the chemists (and
alchemists) have been discovering; lead and mercury, for chronic
posoning; nowadays all kind of drugs that have secondary reactions,
like killing your heart, ruining your kidneys; allergenics!, mostly
natural and unnoticeable but for the illness; unnoticed addictions to
make you aggresive; and of course all kinds of not so subtle methods
like shootings, strategic assaults, kidnappings, threats, preventive
mutilations (!), impersonations, incriminations, rapes, suicides and
multiple accidents in cars, baths (very common in homes), the street,
etc. Not mentioning modern possibilities like intercepting phones and
mails, surveillance with infrareds, hidden cameras to get pictures,
remote listening with lasers, miniature transponders to keep track of
people, you name it.

The crude fact is that for the very first human populations murder had
a survival advantage. It was helpful to acquire hard made tools, get
hunted food, win the women, secure hunting and gathering grounds, in
general, get more liebensraum (vital space) for a more easy living
when life was brutal and short. No wonder there are only Homo sapiens!
Whatever cousins evolved with us were exterminated out of
intelligence. And yet we got civilized and agression was
institutionalized, not before performing a `natural selection` of the
surviving non violent traits while the most aggresive cancelled
themselves in every kind of small and big wars. Then came culture,
moral, ethics, law, armies, civilization, monarchy, democracy! and
people started living in relative peace. But what happen to the more
agressive specimens, the unavoidable thirst to kill that must come to
the fore now and then? Where are they?

Many of them in jail, of course, or in the death row. But the more
intelligent of them... they get organized, disciplined, trained and go
to form part of te ranks of the leprechauns, whatever the name their
organizaton takes. If you smoke, where do you buy your cigarrettes?
Are you sure NOBODY can meddle with your brand and you end up giving
you toxic cigarrettes? Who cares if more than one person gets
intoxicated if the target is brought down? Afraid of somebody
impersonating you? You have enough power and money? Call your
leprechauns to arrange for you a casting, a party and get rid of them!
You want the memory of somebody to be voided? Easy. Call your
leprechauns and have them operate on all the acquaintances of that
person. They won`t know, it is so farfetched and they are so
unorganized... By the time someone notices it has already been the
night of the huguenots for that person. Too many people have your
surname, can goto the bank and steal your money? Don`t let them!
Usethe leprechauns! Particularly if you do have money and are not a
public figure, you want to live in anonimity. They can satisfy all
your base desires for they know how to be invisible. Scared of people
carrying an ideology, making browhaha, letting forbidden knowledge be
known? Don`t take risks: the leprechauns are under your service.

How I know? Because I am being one of the last *balls* in that game...

Reality is weirder than we know... And no, I AM NOT A LEPRECHAUN,
that`s why I am writing this essay.

And particularly if you read Home for All...
Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
2004-10-28 09:41:57 UTC
Leprechauns in America, the weenies in the Isles, gnomes in the Nord,
le streghe in Italy, cheneques and espiritus chocarreros in Mexico,
they exist in every country... You can`t see them, they act behind the
scenes, their advantage being that youdon`t suspect. They are under
the service of power and money and they get sure that enemies (whoever
they are at the moment) get completely obliterated... without people

They have lots of tricks: arsenic mixed with meals, to trigger cancers
and chronic poisoning; toxic drugs like psilocibin to `decerebrate`
you; radioactive poisoning, invisible to the eye and impossible to
detect without equipment, who will know?; infections a gallore, from
the paper you touch to the meals you eat, to the clothes you wear,
everything can be infected; toxic gases, as the chemists (and
alchemists) have been discovering; lead and mercury, for chronic
poisoning; nowadays all kind of drugs that have secondary reactions,
like killing your heart, ruining your kidneys; allergenics!, mostly
natural and unnoticeable but for the illness; unnoticed addictions to
make you aggresive; and of course all kinds of not so subtle methods
like shootings, strategic assaults, kidnappings, threats, preventive
mutilations (!), impersonations, incriminations, rapes, suicides and
multiple accidents in cars, baths (very common in homes), the street,
etc. Not mentioning modern possibilities like intercepting phones and
mails, surveillance with infrareds, hidden cameras to get pictures,
remote listening with lasers, miniature transponders to keep track of
people, you name it.

The crude fact is that for the very first human populations murder had
a survival advantage. It was helpful to acquire hard made tools, get
hunted food, win the women, secure hunting and gathering grounds, in
general, get more liebensraum (vital space) for a more easy living
when life was brutal and short. No wonder there are only Homo sapiens!
Whatever cousins evolved with us were exterminated out of
intelligence. And yet we got civilized and agression was
institutionalized, not before performing a `natural selection` of the
surviving non violent traits while the most aggresive cancelled
themselves in every kind of small and big wars. Then came culture,
moral, ethics, law, armies, civilization, monarchy, democracy! and
people started living in relative peace. But what happen to the more
agressive specimens, the unavoidable thirst to kill that must come to
the fore now and then? Where are they?

Many of them in jail, of course, or in the death row. But the more
intelligent of them... they get organized, disciplined, trained and go
to form part of te ranks of the leprechauns, whatever the name their
organizaton takes. If you smoke, where do you buy your cigarrettes?
Are you sure NOBODY can meddle with your brand and you end up giving
you toxic cigarrettes? Who cares if more than one person gets
intoxicated if the target is brought down? Afraid of somebody
impersonating you? You have enough power and money? Call your
leprechauns to arrange for you a casting, a party and get rid of them!
You want the memory of somebody to be voided? Easy. Call your
leprechauns and have them operate on all the acquaintances of that
person. They won`t know, it is so farfetched and they are so
unorganized... By the time someone notices it has already been the
night of the huguenots for that person. Too many people have your
surname, can goto the bank and steal your money? Don`t let them! Use
the leprechauns! Particularly if you do have money and are not a
public figure, you want to live in anonimity. They can satisfy all
your base desires for they know how to be invisible. Scared of people
carrying an ideology, making browhaha, letting forbidden knowledge be
known? Don`t take risks: the leprechauns are under your service.

How I know? Because I am being one of the last *balls* in that game...

Reality is weirder than we know... And no, I AM NOT A LEPRECHAUN,
that`s why I am writing this essay.

And particularly if you read Home for All...
2004-11-01 06:49:01 UTC
***@beethoven.com (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) wrote in message news:<***@posting.google.com>...
> Leprechauns in America, the weenies in the Isles, gnomes in the Nord,
> le streghe in Italy, cheneques and espiritus chocarreros in Mexico,
> they exist in every country... You can`t see them, they act behind the
> scenes, their advantage being that youdon`t suspect. They are under
> the service of power and money and they get sure that enemies (whoever
> they are at the moment) get completely obliterated... without people
> noticing.
> They have lots of tricks: arsenic mixed with meals, to trigger cancers
> and chronic poisoning; toxic drugs like psilocibin to `decerebrate`
> you; radioactive poisoning, invisible to the eye and impossible to
> detect without equipment, who will know?; infections a gallore, from
> the paper you touch to the meals you eat, to the clothes you wear,
> everything can be infected; toxic gases, as the chemists (and
> alchemists) have been discovering; lead and mercury, for chronic
> poisoning; nowadays all kind of drugs that have secondary reactions,
> like killing your heart, ruining your kidneys; allergenics!, mostly
> natural and unnoticeable but for the illness; unnoticed addictions to
> make you aggresive; and of course all kinds of not so subtle methods
> like shootings, strategic assaults, kidnappings, threats, preventive
> mutilations (!), impersonations, incriminations, rapes, suicides and
> multiple accidents in cars, baths (very common in homes), the street,
> etc. Not mentioning modern possibilities like intercepting phones and
> mails, surveillance with infrareds, hidden cameras to get pictures,
> remote listening with lasers, miniature transponders to keep track of
> people, you name it.
> The crude fact is that for the very first human populations murder had
> a survival advantage. It was helpful to acquire hard made tools, get
> hunted food, win the women, secure hunting and gathering grounds, in
> general, get more liebensraum (vital space) for a more easy living
> when life was brutal and short. No wonder there are only Homo sapiens!
> Whatever cousins evolved with us were exterminated out of
> intelligence. And yet we got civilized and agression was
> institutionalized, not before performing a `natural selection` of the
> surviving non violent traits while the most aggresive cancelled
> themselves in every kind of small and big wars. Then came culture,
> moral, ethics, law, armies, civilization, monarchy, democracy! and
> people started living in relative peace. But what happen to the more
> agressive specimens, the unavoidable thirst to kill that must come to
> the fore now and then? Where are they?
> Many of them in jail, of course, or in the death row. But the more
> intelligent of them... they get organized, disciplined, trained and go
> to form part of te ranks of the leprechauns, whatever the name their
> organizaton takes. If you smoke, where do you buy your cigarrettes?
> Are you sure NOBODY can meddle with your brand and you end up giving
> you toxic cigarrettes? Who cares if more than one person gets
> intoxicated if the target is brought down? Afraid of somebody
> impersonating you? You have enough power and money? Call your
> leprechauns to arrange for you a casting, a party and get rid of them!
> You want the memory of somebody to be voided? Easy. Call your
> leprechauns and have them operate on all the acquaintances of that
> person. They won`t know, it is so farfetched and they are so
> unorganized... By the time someone notices it has already been the
> night of the huguenots for that person. Too many people have your
> surname, can goto the bank and steal your money? Don`t let them! Use
> the leprechauns! Particularly if you do have money and are not a
> public figure, you want to live in anonimity. They can satisfy all
> your base desires for they know how to be invisible. Scared of people
> carrying an ideology, making browhaha, letting forbidden knowledge be
> known? Don`t take risks: the leprechauns are under your service.
> How I know? Because I am being one of the last *balls* in that game...
> Reality is weirder than we know... And no, I AM NOT A LEPRECHAUN,
> that`s why I am writing this essay.
> And particularly if you read Home for All...

Go see a shrink Fabby
Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
2004-11-02 11:08:47 UTC
[Like, for instance, the guys who were saying I have an asymptomatic
cancer because as they made me know, they were mixing arsenic in my
sugar. They had the key to my appartment. Cute Mexico, eh? Read Escape
from Veracruz in my threads.]

Leprechauns in America, the weenies in the Isles, gnomes in the Nord,
le streghe in Italy, cheneques and espiritus chocarreros in
Mexico,they exist in every country... You can`t see them, they act
behind the scenes, their advantage being that youdon`t suspect. They
are under the service of power and money and they get sure that
enemies (whoever they are at the moment) get completely obliterated...
without people noticing.

They have lots of tricks: arsenic mixed with meals, to trigger cancers
and chronic poisoning; toxic drugs like psilocibin to `decerebrate`
you; radioactive poisoning, invisible to the eye and impossible to
detect without equipment, who will know?; infections a gallore, from
the paper you touch to the meals you eat, to the clothes you wear,
everything can be infected; toxic gases, as the chemists (and
alchemists) have been discovering; lead and mercury, for chronic
posoning; nowadays all kind of drugs that have secondary reactions,
like killing your heart, ruining your kidneys; allergenics!, mostly
natural and unnoticeable but for the illness; unnoticed addictions to
make you aggresive; and of course all kinds of not so subtle methods
like shootings, strategic assaults, kidnappings, threats, preventive
mutilations (!), impersonations, incriminations, rapes, suicides and
multiple accidents in cars, baths (very common in homes), the street,
etc. Not mentioning modern possibilities like intercepting phones and
mails, surveillance with infrareds, hidden cameras to get pictures,
remote listening with lasers, miniature transponders to keep track of
people, you name it.

The crude fact is that for the very first human populations murder had
a survival advantage. It was helpful to acquire hard made tools, get
hunted food, win the women, secure hunting and gathering grounds, in
general, get more liebensraum (vital space) for a more easy living
when life was brutal and short. No wonder there are only Homo sapiens!
Whatever cousins evolved with us were exterminated out of
intelligence. And yet we got civilized and agression was
institutionalized, not before performing a `natural selection` of the
surviving non violent traits while the most aggresive cancelled
themselves in every kind of small and big wars. Then came culture,
moral, ethics, law, armies, civilization, monarchy, democracy! and
people started living in relative peace. But what happen to the more
agressive specimens, the unavoidable thirst to kill that must come to
the fore now and then? Where are they?

Many of them in jail, of course, or in the death row. But the more
intelligent of them... they get organized, disciplined, trained and go
to form part of te ranks of the leprechauns, whatever the name their
organizaton takes. If you smoke, where do you buy your cigarrettes?
Are you sure NOBODY can meddle with your brand and you end up giving
you toxic cigarrettes? Who cares if more than one person gets
intoxicated if the target is brought down? Afraid of somebody
impersonating you? You have enough power and money? Call your
leprechauns to arrange for you a casting, a party and get rid of them!
You want the memory of somebody to be voided? Easy. Call your
leprechauns and have them operate on all the acquaintances of that
person. They won`t know, it is so farfetched and they are so
unorganized... By the time someone notices it has already been the
night of the huguenots for that person. Too many people have your
surname, can goto the bank and steal your money? Don`t let them! Use
the leprechauns! Particularly if you do have money and are not a
public figure, you want to live in anonimity. They can satisfy all
your base desires for they know how to be invisible. Scared of people
carrying an ideology, making browhaha, letting forbidden knowledge be
known? Don`t take risks: the leprechauns are under your service.

How I know? Because I am being one of the last *balls* in that game...

Reality is weirder than we know... And no, I AM NOT A LEPRECHAUN,
that`s why I am writing this essay.

And particularly if you read Home for All...
Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
2004-11-14 15:26:40 UTC
> [Like, for instance, the guys who were saying I have an asymptomatic
> cancer because as they made me know, they were mixing arsenic in my
> sugar. They had the key to my appartment. Cute Mexico, eh? Read Escape
> from Veracruz in my threads.]

They say that the leprechauns are defeated with... methane...

> Leprechauns in America, the weenies in the Isles, gnomes in the Nord,
> le streghe in Italy, cheneques and espiritus chocarreros in
> Mexico,they exist in every country... You can`t see them, they act
> behind the scenes, their advantage being that youdon`t suspect. They
> are under the service of power and money and they get sure that
> enemies (whoever they are at the moment) get completely obliterated...
> without people noticing.
> They have lots of tricks: arsenic mixed with meals, to trigger cancers
> and chronic poisoning; toxic drugs like psilocibin to `decerebrate`
> you; radioactive poisoning, invisible to the eye and impossible to
> detect without equipment, who will know?; infections a gallore, from
> the paper you touch to the meals you eat, to the clothes you wear,
> everything can be infected; toxic gases, as the chemists (and
> alchemists) have been discovering; lead and mercury, for chronic
> posoning; nowadays all kind of drugs that have secondary reactions,
> like killing your heart, ruining your kidneys; allergenics!, mostly
> natural and unnoticeable but for the illness; unnoticed addictions to
> make you aggresive; and of course all kinds of not so subtle methods
> like shootings, strategic assaults, kidnappings, threats, preventive
> mutilations (!), impersonations, incriminations, rapes, suicides and
> multiple accidents in cars, baths (very common in homes), the street,
> etc. Not mentioning modern possibilities like intercepting phones and
> mails, surveillance with infrareds, hidden cameras to get pictures,
> remote listening with lasers, miniature transponders to keep track of
> people, you name it.
> The crude fact is that for the very first human populations murder had
> a survival advantage. It was helpful to acquire hard made tools, get
> hunted food, win the women, secure hunting and gathering grounds, in
> general, get more liebensraum (vital space) for a more easy living
> when life was brutal and short. No wonder there are only Homo sapiens!
> Whatever cousins evolved with us were exterminated out of
> intelligence. And yet we got civilized and agression was
> institutionalized, not before performing a `natural selection` of the
> surviving non violent traits while the most aggresive cancelled
> themselves in every kind of small and big wars. Then came culture,
> moral, ethics, law, armies, civilization, monarchy, democracy! and
> people started living in relative peace. But what happen to the more
> agressive specimens, the unavoidable thirst to kill that must come to
> the fore now and then? Where are they?
> Many of them in jail, of course, or in the death row. But the more
> intelligent of them... they get organized, disciplined, trained and go
> to form part of te ranks of the leprechauns, whatever the name their
> organizaton takes. If you smoke, where do you buy your cigarrettes?
> Are you sure NOBODY can meddle with your brand and you end up giving
> you toxic cigarrettes? Who cares if more than one person gets
> intoxicated if the target is brought down? Afraid of somebody
> impersonating you? You have enough power and money? Call your
> leprechauns to arrange for you a casting, a party and get rid of them!
> You want the memory of somebody to be voided? Easy. Call your
> leprechauns and have them operate on all the acquaintances of that
> person. They won`t know, it is so farfetched and they are so
> unorganized... By the time someone notices it has already been the
> night of the huguenots for that person. Too many people have your
> surname, can goto the bank and steal your money? Don`t let them! Use
> the leprechauns! Particularly if you do have money and are not a
> public figure, you want to live in anonimity. They can satisfy all
> your base desires for they know how to be invisible. Scared of people
> carrying an ideology, making browhaha, letting forbidden knowledge be
> known? Don`t take risks: the leprechauns are under your service.
> How I know? Because I am being one of the last *balls* in that game...
> Reality is weirder than we know... And no, I AM NOT A LEPRECHAUN,
> that`s why I am writing this essay.
> And particularly if you read Home for All...