A unified approach to mental illness
(too old to reply)
2005-06-08 20:26:04 UTC
Following on the ideas exposed in "Possibility of Telepathy", we
propose this unified approach to mental health issues. The basic
assumption is that there exists the real possibility of a persistent
(historical) perturbance of individuals by other individuals with the
species (brain) defined possibility of projecting thoughts and
individual or purpose of will to destabilize normally funtcioning
individuals. Assuming further that there is a baseline we can call
normal for all ages, cultures and civilizations for the working of
human individuals (Reason a defined by this species capabilities), we
can establish the following categorization of mental diseases:

1) neurosis
2) functional dysfunctions
3) induced (characteristic) dysfunctions

The neurosis category would include the classical sense of
misadaptation to current conditions that lead to decreasing well being
in the individual and other individuals associated to the diseased
individual. Neurosis are per se curable, as the individual can learn to
adapt and/or conditions can change to better the well being of the
individual and/or other individuals can change to conform to patterns
of well being of the target individual (revolution, sociological
change, new moralities...). Soe neurosis (border cases) may not be
curable if they invlove long processes of education that would take
total reorientation o fthe individual and maytake, in te limit, at
least the same time to change as the time it took to develop them.

Functional dysfunctions are actual defects, either congenit or
environmental (aquired), in the way the brain of an individula works or
can work. Classical examples are endogenous depressions, where the
chemical balances of the brain are permanently or temporally perturbed.
Gross dysfunctions would actually affect the individulas ability to
survive, while milder perturbances would only affect the individual in
its social character. This category of mental illnesses is by essence
uncurable, as they affect the very working structure of the brain.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsigore (search for this variation
and follow link in the google groups)
Monica I.
2005-06-09 03:40:21 UTC
"It's an epidemic brought on by the social epidemics."
Monica I.

"Have you been diagnosed? Are your quirks tolerated because you have
status in any realm and you are undiagnosed or you have been diagnosed
but have run away from the doctor in denial due to the social epidemic
of what they choose to ignore" "Keep them homeless they say or swindle
them out of their life achievments of monetary value"
Yadda Yadda Yadda

optional rant to ignore.

Or do I care?
2005-06-09 19:00:48 UTC
Please, don't reply to my posts or at least tell me how much money you
expect to receive. (Sorry, rude, but read the underlying threads and
remember that the arguments are robust).
Post by Monica I.
"It's an epidemic brought on by the social epidemics."
Monica I.
"Have you been diagnosed? Are your quirks tolerated because you have
status in any realm and you are undiagnosed or you have been diagnosed
but have run away from the doctor in denial due to the social epidemic
of what they choose to ignore" "Keep them homeless they say or swindle
them out of their life achievments of monetary value"
Yadda Yadda Yadda
optional rant to ignore.
Or do I care?
Monica I.
2005-06-14 21:04:14 UTC
***@beethoven.com says Monica I. should:

Please, don't reply to my posts or at least tell me how much money you
Expect to receive. (Sorry, rude, but read the underlying threads and
remember that the arguments are robust).

Monica I. responds:
Obviously for someone who professes that they are "not a millionaire"
at the seattle.general newsgroup when I pointed out that a
Multi-Billion Dollar company was coerced back into backing Same Sex
rights unconditionally with the threat of a national boycott from a
local Reverend breaching the lines of being non-profit for taxation
purposes, you just could not stop after my expressed concerns. The
endorsement by the Multi-Billion Dollar company alone will funnel
multitudes of dollars for the controversial same sex marriage cause.
Why not keep it for Human Rights? You wanted the lobbying
unconditional inclusive of lobbying for same sex marriage. Correct?

Thank you.

2005-06-09 19:32:02 UTC
The third category is by far the most interesting from a psychological,
social, political and psychiatric point of view, notwhitstanding the
inherent interest as per neurobiology, chemical and systems points of
view of the working brain (the individual, indeed). By assuming an
individual or concerted attack on an individual to the point of
convince him/her of displaying weird behaviours, any and all of the
classical psychiatric disorders can be explained by the application of
a few principles of suggestion and basic psycological manipulation
(this was already exposed in "There are Four GENEMELS", on of the posts
the disgusting drug addicts that have been hunting me from Mexico might
have already published as being theirs... this is disgusting, isn't

The main point to take into consideration, besides the simple fact of
direct mind communication, (or indirect, as the medium of transmission
doesn't matter but just the effect of being non-mechanical
communication), is that the aberrant behaviour expressed in many of the
classical psychiatric illnesses is that *THEY HAVE LITTLE JUSTIFICATION
hypothesis that a complex and so delicately balanced yet plastic system
fails always along the same basic lines and gives way to the same
behaviours is simply naive, particularly since those behaviours don't
have an underlying sustainance on an evolutive and loss of survival
advantages basis! Usually the "failure" allows the individual to live
in a society *without laws*, though it is the moment it is confronted
with the social structure that the illness is exposed. The exception
would be suicide, which terminates the life of the individual and can
therefore be diffiult to consider even an illness (much less a murder)
but a catastrophic event for which there are no real explanations,
besides the fact that survivors are usually individuals *under self
control*, whose only failure is to want to terminate their lives! A
depressed individual or a totally failed brain (with the exception of
some extraordinary automatism!) don't have the control to commit
suicide except by pure omission, and it must be taken into account that
depression is basically a chemical illness, being within the normal
functionality of the individual to experiment sadness and happiness
(both emotions playing to basic role of guiding Reason). Yet mass
suicide is avery commonly observed *consensual and consented*
phenomenon, since the famous Massada suicide (political), to the last
"asteroid coming" sects' suicides! It is this last phenomenon which
serves as further evidence that suicide, taken as a possible exception
and motivating example, is not a real illness or the result of a
dysfunction but instead is *motivated behaviour*, being irrelevant the
channel through which motivation convinced the individual as the
*ACTUAL METHOD OF CONVICTION* is more important as an object of study,
more hypothetical (assumed) that observed. It is convenient at this
point to say that in order to convince a minimally rational individual
to commit suicide some kind of credible reward must be offered, whether
it is a better afterlife (believers) or diminished pain (fear of the
future, torment), oterwise a biological being won't find a reason to
commit suicide (this point of view can be commented more extensively
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Following on the ideas exposed in "Possibility of Telepathy", we
propose this unified approach to mental health issues. The basic
assumption is that there exists the real possibility of a persistent
(historical) perturbance of individuals by other individuals with the
species (brain) defined possibility of projecting thoughts and
individual or purpose of will to destabilize normally funtcioning
individuals. Assuming further that there is a baseline we can call
normal for all ages, cultures and civilizations for the working of
human individuals (Reason a defined by this species capabilities), we
1) neurosis
2) functional dysfunctions
3) induced (characteristic) dysfunctions
The neurosis category would include the classical sense of
misadaptation to current conditions that lead to decreasing well being
in the individual and other individuals associated to the diseased
individual. Neurosis are per se curable, as the individual can learn to
adapt and/or conditions can change to better the well being of the
individual and/or other individuals can change to conform to patterns
of well being of the target individual (revolution, sociological
change, new moralities...). Soe neurosis (border cases) may not be
curable if they invlove long processes of education that would take
total reorientation o fthe individual and maytake, in te limit, at
least the same time to change as the time it took to develop them.
Functional dysfunctions are actual defects, either congenit or
environmental (aquired), in the way the brain of an individula works or
can work. Classical examples are endogenous depressions, where the
chemical balances of the brain are permanently or temporally perturbed.
Gross dysfunctions would actually affect the individulas ability to
survive, while milder perturbances would only affect the individual in
its social character. This category of mental illnesses is by essence
uncurable, as they affect the very working structure of the brain.
Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsigore (search for this variation
and follow link in the google groups)
2005-06-10 20:06:42 UTC
(I guess psychiatrists will "refute" this absolutely. But Absolutely,
if not ABSOLUTELY. But then they are protecting an investment in
training and respectability above all, if not fleeing from having to
acknowledge that they were not only wrong, but lazy and dumb and even
then built a superstructure upon a bad foundation. Or upon a lie! But
such is the matter of scientific revolutions, of revolutions, any kind
of revolutions and the difference between cowards and half men and
braves and real men).

...that's why you Must Do Your Duty - Kant.

Danilo Jose Bonsignore then Fabrizio J Bonsignore again Danilo Jose
2005-06-14 16:26:00 UTC
"And it made sense", but didn't correspond to Reality

Danilo Jose Bonsignore then Fabrizio J Bonsignore again Danilo Jose
Post by f***@beethoven.com
(I guess psychiatrists will "refute" this absolutely. But Absolutely,
if not ABSOLUTELY. But then they are protecting an investment in
training and respectability above all, if not fleeing from having to
acknowledge that they were not only wrong, but lazy and dumb and even
then built a superstructure upon a bad foundation. Or upon a lie! But
such is the matter of scientific revolutions, of revolutions, any kind
of revolutions and the difference between cowards and half men and
braves and real men).
...that's why you Must Do Your Duty - Kant.
Danilo Jose Bonsignore then Fabrizio J Bonsignore again Danilo Jose