Dramatis Personae V
(too old to reply)
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-07-06 00:02:06 UTC
[New Thread, last post form Dramatis Pesonae IV]
(go to end of post and hit Read More to get the full content
of this post. Copying this post adds spaces. WIth HexTextF new version
would be no problem, but hec ode was lost years ago... by some criminal

attack, now it is evident)

So it looks like the outcome now has been higer inflation (see the
POPULATIION thread and terrorism), higher nterest rates and lower
output, plus exchange rate turbulence. While Mexico is a money sink and

besides it sterilizes cash!

So they do if exposed, but if not exposed they do, so they do anyway!
And I am not yet myself, at least where it counts, but who knows? I
think now I know where isthe _House_, it seems to be jail! By now I am
a LONELY UNAFFILIATED individual with no attachments, as I dont know
where is my mother nor my cats. And all this because THEY WANT TO
STEAL!!! An expression of first Judaism, everybody GUILTY OF SOMETHING
BY DECREE. the guilt being intelligence... the first sin against the
state, speaking of a very old, in reality, animal structure, where the
hierarchy is as strong as that of babbons. This is exemplified in the
Genesis, one of the interpretations. IT is also the first expression of

the concept of police or guard-ing. Here I write under pressure... I
need my own copmuter like I had for TEN YEARS, every day 18 hours if I
could... programming.

I am poisoned again, the water in the library. Also the free soup or
the milk. Or the bread? Tried again to get a lawyer but there are none
in the Bar. A secretary FINALLY read an email, a sarcastic one, and was

so literal she missed the point and understood backwards. The first
number answered a friend of my mother havent heard of for years,uner
antipsychotics. In an action community phone they seem to only remove
graffiti. COuldnt find a doctor, tried changing her and got another
meaningful name, for a programmer, but the phone doesnt answer. I think

I have a new sub branch of a branch of mathematics. Which means I would

need to speak with an expert mathematician in that branch to see if
there is something like what I am thinking. My first math love, in
fact. So? Where are the psychopaths? Obviously in the same place where
my music and drives are. Think will try revisiting places. Despite the
gratuituous and out of place mockery! NO, I was given nothing. WHat I
publish is my inspiration, at least the VERY BEGINNING of what I can
produce. More cannot be worse! Goes against the logic of being

I think that baldness is also another expression of empirical,
schizophrenic bioterrorism. I dont remember if there is genetic
research, but it is associated to both intelligence and virility. So it

is easy to think of marking people bald with some grannies concotion.
It is significative that in pictures baldness is represented in friars
during the middle eages, but not during the renaissance. Yet something
similar must have happened during the revolutionatu years of France,
hence the fad for wigs. A more extensive research would be in order,
though there is alos some relation bteween professorship and baldness
with beards... a particular form of baldness. I will try to compile
another list of applications to add to the list of threads. Some files
may be recovered if there are backups in one company. The rest are in
some stashed damaged hard drives, though I think they are still

am spared because I am in Manhattan and spend almost my whole time
struggling to get foodstamps AT LEAST. Though I did collapse for
something stomachal after food from the C4H... and now I got a
summonce... Still waiting for cash, financing, fro the same source, but

I am smelling same trap, one day before a non cmplied letter and begin
anew, 45 moer days without money, and my feet are hurt again. DIDNT
GROWTH??? THAT is the secret of star-ing you, make yuo a star, in
Spanish estrellar, to star, that has the same meaning as to crash. It
happened first in LA, with the ads for Bonsignor (no e), a guy playing
a guitar and kind of mocking. COuld do nothing, try finding the source
in a big conglomerate! And nobody called me... I was just pushing
around my site with a few poems and music, when I realized the Var gas
could have been hacking, burglarizing... AND THAT IS WHY MY TOILET
no sex by turning your life conditions misrable. I do associate no sex,

life-death and good-evil issues with the Church or pseudo religious
preoccupations, worries. They, this mafia, will claim very serious
religiousity and piosity. But fact is that I have no financing even to
stay alive.

So... I think it was Beteta and his family who were a main notive for
Lu is, the people who would grant support in case of dire need... they
were bankers, I think I remember, though maybe he was in better terms
than he would telll me. I still dont know how was advising him, I know
none of this people save for those who were real robbers, Lu is, Var
gas and his two friends, Rodriguez once with Var gas, Saul... but the
fact is that I had all elements to success in 1999, more in 2000, even
more in 2001, and now I am still in the street and being harassed by
the police. There must be somebody giving money away to steal what they

cannot with money: insight. There is a NIgel the homeless mentioned, I
dont know either.

The mad men have a nice framework in the visitrs center. ANd they are
certainly obssessed with me. They couldnt resist being so unprepared
and uneducated. I still wonder who is financing them and the effect on
their deep psyche of knowing their claims are false. TO me it is total
madness and lack of manhood, even if they are doing it for money. I
dont know what issue they have with Djibouti, but since they keep
raising it, I abstain. I wont leave America unless I get safeconduits
aganst the worst dictatorship currently!

Just for the record, sent a few emails yesterday: newspapers, city
hall, ombudsman, but couldnt yet send a video of myself to myself!

I think I got a hint from WSJ of one of the **players** in CA. But of
course I cant accuse. THat is what they want! ANd they want me to take
a job and take a boss... which is the reason why I dont, even when I
was already working and trying aganst their best efforts to keep me
unemployed. As if writing all these was no effort! More than they can.
But I do hold a higher form of income right and I will keep insisting
to recover it from them, whoever they are.

There were several Luises, some very American, last one yesterday. the
one I discussed I sw in the visitors center with a small woman, the one

in that series of pictures depicting an intimate scene of my life I
didnt understand in those pictures til I recognized the figure. Nice
trick, see the palms, look ounger, bare chest, shaved, fingers with
silicon? Was the father or the real uncle< I think I met both, one
small headed (apparently), the other one big headed, though may be some

medical condition. First stime I sw LU is in NY he was in the park of
the lions library. Nightmare... He was living from debt from his
cousin! I think it was then when I noticed the name change in the Alive

and Human doc document.

There are also three or four Rodriguez, but who to tell? How can I make

it go through? The man in the Rosslyn was a Rodriguez AND the Var gas
were there with a similar guitar, in the front hotel building, with an
anthena (makes me think of a similar anthena in front of C4H). they are

very related and the reason why I had to go to that hotel. There was a

single room available! Trap, I did ask before and there was nothing
available. Which is were I was incommunicated.

My suitcase containing the computer was just right now photographed in
one newspaper. The hade had torque aplied... ANd I did change the name
of my computer, from Frontier to H... according to a family of... in
which I was interested. I ll have to check out with people whetehr the
lottery prize was after or before (almost certain after) the UN arrest.

I handled that code and music since I got my first copmuter in 1993.
THEY have the rest of my applications and code! The Rotceh virus that
wasted one had drive... easy to circumvent, that drive has a very
particular error I can solve with the help of the right equipment
(recovery), but then rotceh was the name of Candia, only backwards...
the trap company, the trap apartment... and I was waiting for my
passport and some money to leave Mexico...

Asi que Lu is ITO, te pusieron de espejo, me enredaste con un papel
legal, te metiste con mis amistades (como sabias de Isabel? tu papa...
tus tios), me entrampaste, te metiste con Belinda o las Belindas,
tomaste ESAS fotogradias (muy macho, verdad? como la foto del perro con

cara concava, tus angulitos, formando mafia, buscando similares, muchas

posibilidades, verdad?), AHI ESTABAS, preparaste la trampa, saboteaste
el proyecto, te metiste en mi computadora, hiciste tu desmadrito como
tesorerito, me trataste de quemar con los vecinos, te desapareciste y
luego apareces en EEUU en los shelters como el hombre mas iteligente
del mundo, planteas un double entendre y tratas de quedarte con todo lo

que produje, verdad?

I am looking for somebody from Mexico, Foreign Affairs in Universities
UIA, Matias Romero, and /opr Colmex / CIDE. I onlyhave a few names that

didnt make sense to me in February 2004. but may make much more sense
now. I did call the States s Department from the T-House, but was
unable to call again! ANd of course the phone was lost soon, with other

business cards of people I wanted to contact once in the States. DO I
have to mention again Lic Baranda?

I ll have to include this page as it is important in the rest of the
posts. GO t othe end and use the Read MOre link to have it complete.

(quotes)** I heard a voice in my minds saying: *I know you created a
Universe, It is the first time somebody does something like that. But,
how dow you know I am not a real person, but I am living in it?*. I
considered it briefly, then thought, remembering my infinite of
concentric balls appearing and balleting around a central earth, full
of giant cats and grass: *Really? Then tell Me: What's Within....?*

I did let Lu is use my computer. The Alive and Human document is in the

ghamac documents s directory. Though he didnt do any damage, but maybe
he did have time to open the document, change the properties name
and... find the secret web page with my email accounts, sites, fora and

passwords. Only the hack wasn ot evident til _Veracruz_. I used
internet there only two years. And now that I think of it, I did send
the FBI those pictures, though I dont remember through which account...

Definitely, I am positive that it was in Oaxaca, when we wre
transitioning to medium school (11-12 yrs old), that my generation
suffered a biochemical attack. Stunted growth, arrestyed development. I

now remember that those trips wre related to the doorman! One Mr.
Segura (that last name exists in one town of Ver...) and a janitor
Lucigno... I remember quite well the issue, there were some of us who
used **remilgos**: wouldnt eat, Valero, and one Gonzalo. They were
famous because of it! Ot was in that trip that I fell in love with
Isabel... And I still have the dim remembrance that I knew I should
have missed that trip. So, a whole life and a whole generation
struggling against an unhidden enemy, some Brujo, from the land of
hallucinogen mushrooms?

ANd now I am ALSO SURE that my hard drive was SWAPPED in front of
mynose in th epolice precinct ATER I was detained FOR NOTHING!!! @$!#%
Precinct 25thm though in MTA maps in the zone it is the 17th. I had
doubr, it could have been switched the night before, but that nioght
all that was solen were two airplane bags with essential equipment:
thread and needle, scissors, lipstick... that kind of stuff. But I was
still wearing my vest, the hard drive was deep within it, I would have
been awaken. There is a detail that makes me be sure that s the way it
happened, it was in the precinct and not in the street, but it would
come only to long term memory. This will be th third time I go to that
HOW TO HANDLE. There is no excuse, that drive has to be returned to
me. I depend on it. And the rest of the code should be recoverable
also. It didnt dissapear just like that, it is in very identifiable
hands. It holds my music. And there is also a set of CDs in the hands
of some homeless that should be recoverable too. Kant: do your duty,
that s all I ask.

(jumpt to post 209 for a non repeated post).
Sulphurs accumulate in the body and kill blood capillaries for lack of
enough showers? There is only one available shower but I am denied even

water to drink. Will risk separating paraphraphs, though the trick is
taht the server cuts everything after the first parapgraph, which is
why in the UN they though I was communicst: read the first melodramatic

parapgraph, missed the economic theory and the whole point.

THE SAME MAN. MUCH LESS do the same across disciplines.

I was more or less coercing from the search engine space for my domain,

even having backup in cache. THEN it dissapeared altogether. And I
entered forced whirlwind.

That design in the paintings of A. SOBEL was among my books in a
friendly warehouse in Mexico City. Now it appears in paintings in a
gallery on 3rd. I had that graphic idea since I was 17 or earlier (MY
de Chirico like drawing... also in their hands).

Te estan usando como arma Belinda. No te das cuenta de que ellos ya
estan psicopatas? Tu sabes que ellos tienen mi copmutadora y su escudo
es que conocen algun militar. Solo era cuestion de que te acercaras
para que hablaramos, pero te escondes en esa estacion y yo no puedo
correr sin comida. Berenice me abrio el juicio como le pedi al senor
David? Ya no pude hablar, se aventaron como manada por mi musica.

They didnt read the post, the structure of a pliable reality? The
computer simulation (in a scientific journal) found three virtual
quarks and one real quark. It is consistent with the pliable reality
post and the model of reality and other ideas I have that add together.

It is the **technique** of jumping to a first principle... Guess in my
case it is the information/informational theory one. SO... I am still
not considered myself? My reality is MECHANICAL, dont have too many
options even to move. Only thinking of food for several months.

They pushed me out of the window and two years later I am still sliding

down the wall? How STOOOOOOPID!!!

To GOOGLE, INC. There must be NO payment regarding either Fabrizio J
Bonsignore accounts, fbonsignore at hotmail.com. djbonsignore at
otmail.com fbonsignore at beethoven.com or djbonsignore at
beethoven.com or theramarm at yahoo or accounts to the domain name





And the liable parties must also be held responsible for any loss of
life or properties to the name of Danilo Jose Bonsignore resulting from

limiting the viewing of these threads and their contents or by changing

names or their contents from the originals as they were written in
Mexico City, Los Angeles and mainly in New Yorck city, where this
notice is being posted.
Food poisoned this time, another night collapsed with high fever. It is
my only **choice**, so it is easyto target. I cannot stand it. But
instead of getting help I just get lots of perturbed schizophrenics
delivering messages through a fake cell phone conversation, obviouslyl
sent by somebody giving bribes, of course.

Your email address is currently flagged as bouncing. This can occur
when messages sent to your email account are being rejected by your
mail server. Our servers periodically attempt to reactivate your
account. You can also request a bounce probe.

Bounce information
Last Bounce Probe at no probe yet
Next Bounce Probe at Sun, Mar 12 2006 5:09 pm
Bounce Probes sent: 1
4 bounces since Tues, Jan 10 2006 3:25 am

The chain of events is very clear. After several months of real life
programming finally an opportunity, through the father (or uncle? Now I

am not SURE) of Belinda, to work for Canadians... and the computer
FAILS with a virus... placed there by my so called uncle (in Veracruz)
after he wanted one of my games, first DOOM. SO three months of madness

(three months of no computer) and my aunt finally agrees to INVEST in a

top of the line equipment. Black copmuter, but detail, no printer, so
full office is not yet attained. Therefore invest a lot of energy and
inter relationship struggles and try to follow economic rationality as
taught in five years of economics: have an idea, prepare business plan,

get financing,m be on your way. The result is Servip, an IPS with a
bent on programming intelligent agents. The docmuent even contained an
algorythm, one of the copies, two copies, because it was COSTLY to
print it. BUT... I cant believe it! I even convinced my family, hard
work at the beginning but then once in equilibrium... and the bank
FAILED. Banca Confia, FRAUD, Lankenau, no money, only same interests to

cover and then... brake. But Lu is was around. Again. This is when the
Escape from Veracruz story begins. What I was doing in my **like in
vacations** in the paradise of genetic algorythms and MIDI music and
C++ programming. So teh trap begins. After multiple chats in a coffee
shop and some visits to UNAM to ecological philosophy (interested, as I

had Alive and Human already written), we decided, he convinces me, of
gham AC. I convinced because of the ANEE experience. First project? A
congress of philosophy in Acapulco...
Yes, I ve been remembering that OTHER programming company. Shortly, in
Santa Fe Mexico, 1995. I arrived and solved a simple programming bug
in a system I had never seen before (at the very beginning), to an
employee mathematician. Was accepted by a guy looking American, blonde
(ay have dyed his hair now), may be bald now?, plum and short. He saw
the copies of code that was lost in one of the hacking attacks.
TSeries, for econometric data and the list libraries, written 1995
(first working template, GOArray, Dec. 1994). I was told to show myself

to work next Thursday, one or tw weeks later (dont reember exactly). I
was there, but the mathematician (tall, characteristic ears, heavy
face), solded me and told me I was not accepted! Didnt ask to speak
with the owner. We had both the same idea! So I just left... They may
have some of my cide or be associated to some of the code already
listed in the thread they *switched* my hard drive...

Sorry, but I am NOT, NOT protected by abybody, as forcing me to go
against a healthy life style shows...

Have to include Prevoisin too, after I stopped working (along with Lu
is) in his company, though it seems it was after LU is went back to get

the contract for himself that they exploded. He was the mirror, but he
was the WALKIE TALKIE too, transmitting automatically wahtever he
heard.... I was very vaguely aware of that reality then, I mistrust
myths. There is a lineal map beween sound, 3d the eardrum and the

And I just rememebred: I was in ISOL, Lu is thought I was sunkedn with
a failed gham ac (the ball that he sabotaged...), but! in that Sanborn
s partying alone my first wage, cigar and tomato in hand, and he
appeared... with a clone of Guillermo M. D... SO! I am still in doubt
about those PHOTOGRAPHS OF TORTURE. Particularly after the FACIAL
SURGERIES I witnessed personally here. Who paid them? Whoever did and
performed them knows the whole gang, from father and father cousin s.
(Lu is had an uncle... he more or less told me about his family, many
or most adopted, and the uncle Beteta he would sell stolen sculptures,
stolen from his father, sculptor (!?) and lithographer... (I was doing
lithography in high school... how funny he didnt introduce, but tehn he

was in Biarritz...)), to were are the girls? Somebody must admit that
those OTHER pictures, the yoga and the ballerina, were very sad. I
think the ballerina is my undisclosed daughter. I dont think the guy in

Veracruz is my real cousin AT ALL, much less after all these schemes. I

do think I have an Italian second cousin and half siblongs in the US,
plus other relatives in Italy I more or less know and those in the US I

dont know at all.

Other themes in the email account, Kosher, 68 affairs, origami fold and

the schizo schedule(s) (no better name for it), the idea of
schizophrenia as erosion (should have used polarization as in
crystals), retrofit to 15 thousand years in the past of the pattern,
some more computable models... They missed lots of ideas that extend
much more than evident... (A model based on a constraint for
settlements in old Egypt and the thread beads metaphor model of human
behavior, undeveloped)

I want, need back my programming and music.

It is the fight of animality against Human Intelligence. It is very
suspicious! You are normally intelligent so you are polyphacetic? Then
the armggedonists and Christs(ians) arrive, and you are compared to the

Prophet or you HAVE TO BE THE old man or... What is the point for the
moderns? An old man, sorry, not enough neurons to be as cornucopia. It
is correlated to many aspects of REALITY. They are making me starve.
And I am still threatened to death by some very ignorant but very very
politic from Mexico. The capital grille, a restaurant, it means I made
gossip politics in the capital...

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-07-08 16:30:27 UTC
My fact regarding Lu is, the LU is _I_ mean, is that never thought well
of his family, though I did think of it sometimes. It was the bad point
in the fake friendhsip, though to be honest I leave family matters to
what people want to reveal, as I feel them an itrusion in their
privacy. I hold no secrets though. But in retrospective, when he told
me that his grandfathers had lots of adopted children...

[New Thread, last post form Dramatis Pesonae IV]
(go to end of post and hit Read More to get the full content
of this post. Copying this post adds spaces. WIth HexTextF new version
would be no problem, but hec ode was lost years ago... by some criminal

attack, now it is evident)

So it looks like the outcome now has been higer inflation (see the
POPULATIION thread and terrorism), higher nterest rates and lower
output, plus exchange rate turbulence. While Mexico is a money sink and

besides it sterilizes cash!

So they do if exposed, but if not exposed they do, so they do anyway!
And I am not yet myself, at least where it counts, but who knows? I
think now I know where isthe _House_, it seems to be jail! By now I am
a LONELY UNAFFILIATED individual with no attachments, as I dont know
where is my mother nor my cats. And all this because THEY WANT TO
STEAL!!! An expression of first Judaism, everybody GUILTY OF SOMETHING
BY DECREE. the guilt being intelligence... the first sin against the
state, speaking of a very old, in reality, animal structure, where the
hierarchy is as strong as that of babbons. This is exemplified in the
Genesis, one of the interpretations. IT is also the first expression of

the concept of police or guard-ing. Here I write under pressure... I
need my own copmuter like I had for TEN YEARS, every day 18 hours if I
could... programming.

I am poisoned again, the water in the library. Also the free soup or
the milk. Or the bread? Tried again to get a lawyer but there are none
in the Bar. A secretary FINALLY read an email, a sarcastic one, and was

so literal she missed the point and understood backwards. The first
number answered a friend of my mother havent heard of for years,uner
antipsychotics. In an action community phone they seem to only remove
graffiti. COuldnt find a doctor, tried changing her and got another
meaningful name, for a programmer, but the phone doesnt answer. I think

I have a new sub branch of a branch of mathematics. Which means I would

need to speak with an expert mathematician in that branch to see if
there is something like what I am thinking. My first math love, in
fact. So? Where are the psychopaths? Obviously in the same place where
my music and drives are. Think will try revisiting places. Despite the
gratuituous and out of place mockery! NO, I was given nothing. WHat I
publish is my inspiration, at least the VERY BEGINNING of what I can
produce. More cannot be worse! Goes against the logic of being

I think that baldness is also another expression of empirical,
schizophrenic bioterrorism. I dont remember if there is genetic
research, but it is associated to both intelligence and virility. So it

is easy to think of marking people bald with some grannies concotion.
It is significative that in pictures baldness is represented in friars
during the middle eages, but not during the renaissance. Yet something
similar must have happened during the revolutionatu years of France,
hence the fad for wigs. A more extensive research would be in order,
though there is alos some relation bteween professorship and baldness
with beards... a particular form of baldness. I will try to compile
another list of applications to add to the list of threads. Some files
may be recovered if there are backups in one company. The rest are in
some stashed damaged hard drives, though I think they are still

am spared because I am in Manhattan and spend almost my whole time
struggling to get foodstamps AT LEAST. Though I did collapse for
something stomachal after food from the C4H... and now I got a
summonce... Still waiting for cash, financing, fro the same source, but

I am smelling same trap, one day before a non cmplied letter and begin
anew, 45 moer days without money, and my feet are hurt again. DIDNT
GROWTH??? THAT is the secret of star-ing you, make yuo a star, in
Spanish estrellar, to star, that has the same meaning as to crash. It
happened first in LA, with the ads for Bonsignor (no e), a guy playing
a guitar and kind of mocking. COuld do nothing, try finding the source
in a big conglomerate! And nobody called me... I was just pushing
around my site with a few poems and music, when I realized the Var gas
could have been hacking, burglarizing... AND THAT IS WHY MY TOILET
no sex by turning your life conditions misrable. I do associate no sex,

life-death and good-evil issues with the Church or pseudo religious
preoccupations, worries. They, this mafia, will claim very serious
religiousity and piosity. But fact is that I have no financing even to
stay alive.

So... I think it was Beteta and his family who were a main notive for
Lu is, the people who would grant support in case of dire need... they
were bankers, I think I remember, though maybe he was in better terms
than he would telll me. I still dont know how was advising him, I know
none of this people save for those who were real robbers, Lu is, Var
gas and his two friends, Rodriguez once with Var gas, Saul... but the
fact is that I had all elements to success in 1999, more in 2000, even
more in 2001, and now I am still in the street and being harassed by
the police. There must be somebody giving money away to steal what they

cannot with money: insight. There is a NIgel the homeless mentioned, I
dont know either.

The mad men have a nice framework in the visitrs center. ANd they are
certainly obssessed with me. They couldnt resist being so unprepared
and uneducated. I still wonder who is financing them and the effect on
their deep psyche of knowing their claims are false. TO me it is total
madness and lack of manhood, even if they are doing it for money. I
dont know what issue they have with Djibouti, but since they keep
raising it, I abstain. I wont leave America unless I get safeconduits
aganst the worst dictatorship currently!

Just for the record, sent a few emails yesterday: newspapers, city
hall, ombudsman, but couldnt yet send a video of myself to myself!

I think I got a hint from WSJ of one of the **players** in CA. But of
course I cant accuse. THat is what they want! ANd they want me to take
a job and take a boss... which is the reason why I dont, even when I
was already working and trying aganst their best efforts to keep me
unemployed. As if writing all these was no effort! More than they can.
But I do hold a higher form of income right and I will keep insisting
to recover it from them, whoever they are.

There were several Luises, some very American, last one yesterday. the
one I discussed I sw in the visitors center with a small woman, the one

in that series of pictures depicting an intimate scene of my life I
didnt understand in those pictures til I recognized the figure. Nice
trick, see the palms, look ounger, bare chest, shaved, fingers with
silicon? Was the father or the real uncle< I think I met both, one
small headed (apparently), the other one big headed, though may be some

medical condition. First stime I sw LU is in NY he was in the park of
the lions library. Nightmare... He was living from debt from his
cousin! I think it was then when I noticed the name change in the Alive

and Human doc document.

There are also three or four Rodriguez, but who to tell? How can I make

it go through? The man in the Rosslyn was a Rodriguez AND the Var gas
were there with a similar guitar, in the front hotel building, with an
anthena (makes me think of a similar anthena in front of C4H). they are

very related and the reason why I had to go to that hotel. There was a

single room available! Trap, I did ask before and there was nothing
available. Which is were I was incommunicated.

My suitcase containing the computer was just right now photographed in
one newspaper. The hade had torque aplied... ANd I did change the name
of my computer, from Frontier to H... according to a family of... in
which I was interested. I ll have to check out with people whetehr the
lottery prize was after or before (almost certain after) the UN arrest.

I handled that code and music since I got my first copmuter in 1993.
THEY have the rest of my applications and code! The Rotceh virus that
wasted one had drive... easy to circumvent, that drive has a very
particular error I can solve with the help of the right equipment
(recovery), but then rotceh was the name of Candia, only backwards...
the trap company, the trap apartment... and I was waiting for my
passport and some money to leave Mexico...

Asi que Lu is ITO, te pusieron de espejo, me enredaste con un papel
legal, te metiste con mis amistades (como sabias de Isabel? tu papa...
tus tios), me entrampaste, te metiste con Belinda o las Belindas,
tomaste ESAS fotogradias (muy macho, verdad? como la foto del perro con

cara concava, tus angulitos, formando mafia, buscando similares, muchas

posibilidades, verdad?), AHI ESTABAS, preparaste la trampa, saboteaste
el proyecto, te metiste en mi computadora, hiciste tu desmadrito como
tesorerito, me trataste de quemar con los vecinos, te desapareciste y
luego apareces en EEUU en los shelters como el hombre mas iteligente
del mundo, planteas un double entendre y tratas de quedarte con todo lo

que produje, verdad?

I am looking for somebody from Mexico, Foreign Affairs in Universities
UIA, Matias Romero, and /opr Colmex / CIDE. I onlyhave a few names that

didnt make sense to me in February 2004. but may make much more sense
now. I did call the States s Department from the T-House, but was
unable to call again! ANd of course the phone was lost soon, with other

business cards of people I wanted to contact once in the States. DO I
have to mention again Lic Baranda?

I ll have to include this page as it is important in the rest of the
posts. GO t othe end and use the Read MOre link to have it complete.

(quotes)** I heard a voice in my minds saying: *I know you created a
Universe, It is the first time somebody does something like that. But,
how dow you know I am not a real person, but I am living in it?*. I
considered it briefly, then thought, remembering my infinite of
concentric balls appearing and balleting around a central earth, full
of giant cats and grass: *Really? Then tell Me: What's Within....?*

I did let Lu is use my computer. The Alive and Human document is in the

ghamac documents s directory. Though he didnt do any damage, but maybe
he did have time to open the document, change the properties name
and... find the secret web page with my email accounts, sites, fora and

passwords. Only the hack wasn ot evident til _Veracruz_. I used
internet there only two years. And now that I think of it, I did send
the FBI those pictures, though I dont remember through which account...

Definitely, I am positive that it was in Oaxaca, when we wre
transitioning to medium school (11-12 yrs old), that my generation
suffered a biochemical attack. Stunted growth, arrestyed development. I

now remember that those trips wre related to the doorman! One Mr.
Segura (that last name exists in one town of Ver...) and a janitor
Lucigno... I remember quite well the issue, there were some of us who
used **remilgos**: wouldnt eat, Valero, and one Gonzalo. They were
famous because of it! Ot was in that trip that I fell in love with
Isabel... And I still have the dim remembrance that I knew I should
have missed that trip. So, a whole life and a whole generation
struggling against an unhidden enemy, some Brujo, from the land of
hallucinogen mushrooms?

ANd now I am ALSO SURE that my hard drive was SWAPPED in front of
mynose in th epolice precinct ATER I was detained FOR NOTHING!!! @$!#%
Precinct 25thm though in MTA maps in the zone it is the 17th. I had
doubr, it could have been switched the night before, but that nioght
all that was solen were two airplane bags with essential equipment:
thread and needle, scissors, lipstick... that kind of stuff. But I was
still wearing my vest, the hard drive was deep within it, I would have
been awaken. There is a detail that makes me be sure that s the way it
happened, it was in the precinct and not in the street, but it would
come only to long term memory. This will be th third time I go to that
HOW TO HANDLE. There is no excuse, that drive has to be returned to
me. I depend on it. And the rest of the code should be recoverable
also. It didnt dissapear just like that, it is in very identifiable
hands. It holds my music. And there is also a set of CDs in the hands
of some homeless that should be recoverable too. Kant: do your duty,
that s all I ask.

(jumpt to post 209 for a non repeated post).
Sulphurs accumulate in the body and kill blood capillaries for lack of
enough showers? There is only one available shower but I am denied even

water to drink. Will risk separating paraphraphs, though the trick is
taht the server cuts everything after the first parapgraph, which is
why in the UN they though I was communicst: read the first melodramatic

parapgraph, missed the economic theory and the whole point.

THE SAME MAN. MUCH LESS do the same across disciplines.

I was more or less coercing from the search engine space for my domain,

even having backup in cache. THEN it dissapeared altogether. And I
entered forced whirlwind.

That design in the paintings of A. SOBEL was among my books in a
friendly warehouse in Mexico City. Now it appears in paintings in a
gallery on 3rd. I had that graphic idea since I was 17 or earlier (MY
de Chirico like drawing... also in their hands).

Te estan usando como arma Belinda. No te das cuenta de que ellos ya
estan psicopatas? Tu sabes que ellos tienen mi copmutadora y su escudo
es que conocen algun militar. Solo era cuestion de que te acercaras
para que hablaramos, pero te escondes en esa estacion y yo no puedo
correr sin comida. Berenice me abrio el juicio como le pedi al senor
David? Ya no pude hablar, se aventaron como manada por mi musica.

They didnt read the post, the structure of a pliable reality? The
computer simulation (in a scientific journal) found three virtual
quarks and one real quark. It is consistent with the pliable reality
post and the model of reality and other ideas I have that add together.

It is the **technique** of jumping to a first principle... Guess in my
case it is the information/informational theory one. SO... I am still
not considered myself? My reality is MECHANICAL, dont have too many
options even to move. Only thinking of food for several months.

They pushed me out of the window and two years later I am still sliding

down the wall? How STOOOOOOPID!!!

To GOOGLE, INC. There must be NO payment regarding either Fabrizio J
Bonsignore accounts, fbonsignore at hotmail.com. djbonsignore at
otmail.com fbonsignore at beethoven.com or djbonsignore at
beethoven.com or theramarm at yahoo or accounts to the domain name





And the liable parties must also be held responsible for any loss of
life or properties to the name of Danilo Jose Bonsignore resulting from

limiting the viewing of these threads and their contents or by changing

names or their contents from the originals as they were written in
Mexico City, Los Angeles and mainly in New Yorck city, where this
notice is being posted.
Food poisoned this time, another night collapsed with high fever. It is
my only **choice**, so it is easyto target. I cannot stand it. But
instead of getting help I just get lots of perturbed schizophrenics
delivering messages through a fake cell phone conversation, obviouslyl
sent by somebody giving bribes, of course.

Your email address is currently flagged as bouncing. This can occur
when messages sent to your email account are being rejected by your
mail server. Our servers periodically attempt to reactivate your
account. You can also request a bounce probe.

Bounce information
Last Bounce Probe at no probe yet
Next Bounce Probe at Sun, Mar 12 2006 5:09 pm
Bounce Probes sent: 1
4 bounces since Tues, Jan 10 2006 3:25 am

The chain of events is very clear. After several months of real life
programming finally an opportunity, through the father (or uncle? Now I

am not SURE) of Belinda, to work for Canadians... and the computer
FAILS with a virus... placed there by my so called uncle (in Veracruz)
after he wanted one of my games, first DOOM. SO three months of madness

(three months of no computer) and my aunt finally agrees to INVEST in a

top of the line equipment. Black copmuter, but detail, no printer, so
full office is not yet attained. Therefore invest a lot of energy and
inter relationship struggles and try to follow economic rationality as
taught in five years of economics: have an idea, prepare business plan,

get financing,m be on your way. The result is Servip, an IPS with a
bent on programming intelligent agents. The docmuent even contained an
algorythm, one of the copies, two copies, because it was COSTLY to
print it. BUT... I cant believe it! I even convinced my family, hard
work at the beginning but then once in equilibrium... and the bank
FAILED. Banca Confia, FRAUD, Lankenau, no money, only same interests to

cover and then... brake. But Lu is was around. Again. This is when the
Escape from Veracruz story begins. What I was doing in my **like in
vacations** in the paradise of genetic algorythms and MIDI music and
C++ programming. So teh trap begins. After multiple chats in a coffee
shop and some visits to UNAM to ecological philosophy (interested, as I

had Alive and Human already written), we decided, he convinces me, of
gham AC. I convinced because of the ANEE experience. First project? A
congress of philosophy in Acapulco...
Yes, I ve been remembering that OTHER programming company. Shortly, in
Santa Fe Mexico, 1995. I arrived and solved a simple programming bug
in a system I had never seen before (at the very beginning), to an
employee mathematician. Was accepted by a guy looking American, blonde
(ay have dyed his hair now), may be bald now?, plum and short. He saw
the copies of code that was lost in one of the hacking attacks.
TSeries, for econometric data and the list libraries, written 1995
(first working template, GOArray, Dec. 1994). I was told to show myself

to work next Thursday, one or tw weeks later (dont reember exactly). I
was there, but the mathematician (tall, characteristic ears, heavy
face), solded me and told me I was not accepted! Didnt ask to speak
with the owner. We had both the same idea! So I just left... They may
have some of my cide or be associated to some of the code already
listed in the thread they *switched* my hard drive...

Sorry, but I am NOT, NOT protected by abybody, as forcing me to go
against a healthy life style shows...

Have to include Prevoisin too, after I stopped working (along with Lu
is) in his company, though it seems it was after LU is went back to get

the contract for himself that they exploded. He was the mirror, but he
was the WALKIE TALKIE too, transmitting automatically wahtever he
heard.... I was very vaguely aware of that reality then, I mistrust
myths. There is a lineal map beween sound, 3d the eardrum and the

And I just rememebred: I was in ISOL, Lu is thought I was sunkedn with
a failed gham ac (the ball that he sabotaged...), but! in that Sanborn
s partying alone my first wage, cigar and tomato in hand, and he
appeared... with a clone of Guillermo M. D... SO! I am still in doubt
about those PHOTOGRAPHS OF TORTURE. Particularly after the FACIAL
SURGERIES I witnessed personally here. Who paid them? Whoever did and
performed them knows the whole gang, from father and father cousin s.
(Lu is had an uncle... he more or less told me about his family, many
or most adopted, and the uncle Beteta he would sell stolen sculptures,
stolen from his father, sculptor (!?) and lithographer... (I was doing
lithography in high school... how funny he didnt introduce, but tehn he

was in Biarritz...)), to were are the girls? Somebody must admit that
those OTHER pictures, the yoga and the ballerina, were very sad. I
think the ballerina is my undisclosed daughter. I dont think the guy in

Veracruz is my real cousin AT ALL, much less after all these schemes. I

do think I have an Italian second cousin and half siblongs in the US,
plus other relatives in Italy I more or less know and those in the US I

dont know at all.

Other themes in the email account, Kosher, 68 affairs, origami fold and

the schizo schedule(s) (no better name for it), the idea of
schizophrenia as erosion (should have used polarization as in
crystals), retrofit to 15 thousand years in the past of the pattern,
some more computable models... They missed lots of ideas that extend
much more than evident... (A model based on a constraint for
settlements in old Egypt and the thread beads metaphor model of human
behavior, undeveloped)

I want, need back my programming and music.

It is the fight of animality against Human Intelligence. It is very
suspicious! You are normally intelligent so you are polyphacetic? Then
the armggedonists and Christs(ians) arrive, and you are compared to the

Prophet or you HAVE TO BE THE old man or... What is the point for the
moderns? An old man, sorry, not enough neurons to be as cornucopia. It
is correlated to many aspects of REALITY. They are making me starve.
And I am still threatened to death by some very ignorant but very very
politic from Mexico. The capital grille, a restaurant, it means I made
gossip politics in the capital...

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-07-08 23:52:41 UTC
(See post above)
Var gas looks like the current Pope, unless he too had facial surgery.
I think it is the father of Lu is, now quite old, who impersonated me,
too. And... dont tell me, an engineer in the Mexican IPN is ALSO a
programmer and has some (not all, they are distributing it
amongthemselves) of my applications? Which is what I spoke about the
moment I wrote "Luis is the mirror" (should have been Lu is ...). THey
discover the old principle of mafia! They acted through their fathers,
and the director was (or maybe the deputy?) the father of Lu is... I
think I know the name of the engineer but have no more information...

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-07-09 15:09:46 UTC
Chaz. Damn thief. So it was Var gas s nickname in school. WE have
toadmit he was the ugliest and looking like a Sesame Street cartton
puppet. (_puppet_!). And of course I would not call him Chaz, I would
not talk to him not even address him! Much less ask about his nickanme
nor any other nicknme. I would not even know who was referred how! So
Chaz, eh? The gong in ththeme of my wind quintet, i my old score
notebooks, now i his hands, right? waiting form e in a warehouse to get
established HERE and get them back. Themes composed in a monophonic
portable synth since I was 12 and copied but not harmonized. So you
were burglarizing since I was 15! I knew Mexico was nightmarish but not
that much. That is why Belinda went aggressive when I whistled it and
asked me who it was! There was NO relation between her and that school.
Only didnt think of the father of Lu is and his family. Impossible to
link them til now! And he was waiting for me to complete it for years!
But didnt quite arrived to it, only copied it to the first MIDI card,
along with other themes... but not many, I was savoring for the moment
I would be established and dedicated tomusic.

Chaz is the gong in the quintet. Atmosphere. I was studying Rimsky
Korsakov s treatise on orchestration. Then there was a Mexican
percussion ensemble... I wanted a percussion ensemble then. The
conservatory wouldnt take me for bureaucratic restrictions. I want my
MIDI sequencer back.

It was the miserables dying to know of those who are not miserable. So
wew were not afe at all, only a pocket of ...

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-07-09 15:43:30 UTC
I can stil see the influence of the Churches here. It has to be
admitted that our current concept of church was born under and as a
strong dictatorship. The old Egyptians turn religious concerns with
death into an ordered society, different from the diffuse idolization
of Nature and humans by sparsely populated tribes. It is expressed in
economics as the imopsition of a dictators preferences over the whole
population, even when for big groups the law of big numbers says that
there will be exceptions. The priestly class, from which the old
Hebrews escaped and later formed wat can be considered the first real
(modern concept) of Church. Animposition of a single viewpoint over a
whole population, exceptions... being trimmed away? But exceptions are
always the new paths! As per evolution. So there is a fight against
intelligence and whatmakes us more person than animal! (this should go
n the Plot revealed essay, but the thread closed itself, more ordered
material in the final book, these are nly examples of chapters. I do
trust in freedom of expression).

Now I remember that I was hinted to waht Var gas was doing. ONly the
hint was given of another acquaintance, the life stalker... I placed my
attention yesterday on a magazine. Then... I felt suspicious about my
foodstamp financed water. The cap is very different, it was freezing
and had a vague aftertaste of food... No security seal. So a few
minutes and go back to buy a different brand. The magazine was no
longer there. I dont believe in coincidences, not this kind, when most
and many stores that attracted my atention or I began having
familiarity with simply put went bankrupt. Leisure time economics...
which store would go bankrupt? Prediction. NOt certainly THAT store,
there are lots of clients. And then... wham. So no familiarity, no
nothing. I wont leave the US , I know the trick of Mexico of protecting
criminals by sacrificing (catholicism) innocents IN ANOTHER COUNTRY.
But not in the US, not if they are US citizens because of
jurisprudence! Which, incidentally, would leave lots of cases out of

Who the hell said homeless defines me? I had 18 rooms full of stuff
when this began in earnest... you dont go on charity just like that
without a bunch of .... doing this to you.

I dont know the name of Chaz s friend. But it is very easy, as I wrote
teh FBI in 2004: just follow my works! And you ll find, after
traversing, the guys I meant. At the time didnt remembered Chaz at all,
only later when I reminisced of my medium shool (I was saying high).
There is some very old, by now, PSYCHOPATH, PSYCHOSIS, DEMENTED,
WACKO(SIS) behind the whole experience.

In this definition of psychosis, the wacko decides to destroy
everything than to accept tha its dogma doesnt hold in Reality. He
thinks he is the owner of reality...

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-07-09 16:15:17 UTC
ANd readers and others KEPP talking to the fulanos of the mafia taht
chased me to the US. hey were WAITING for me. NY was not my choice
because of Winter. Ha! I HAD that hospital birth certificate for YEARS.
I knew of me. The man using my name IS Mexican, or the FATHER of ther
REAL LU IS. Simply put: in the US you dont wait YEARS yo show your
production becuase yoa re losing money. I could NOT leave MEXICO

All of them feel threatened! Those who ought to support me. While my
life is exposed every night and day when I sleep in the street. YOU
CANNOT PRODUCE AS I AM BEING OLD. It is so stupid... noe of them is a
programmer, they hae NO IDEA of how much any average programmer writes!
ANd it is perfect or the computer says NO. They have NO IDEA of what it
means to produce something really technologically complex!

All those problems are technical. They can be solved by technology. Big
Brother is a technological problem, but Orwell already immunized us
against the solution, as Superman did too through Luthor.
Post by Fabrizio J Bonsignore
I can stil see the influence of the Churches here. It has to be
admitted that our current concept of church was born under and as a
strong dictatorship. The old Egyptians turn religious concerns with
death into an ordered society, different from the diffuse idolization
of Nature and humans by sparsely populated tribes. It is expressed in
economics as the imopsition of a dictators preferences over the whole
population, even when for big groups the law of big numbers says that
there will be exceptions. The priestly class, from which the old
Hebrews escaped and later formed wat can be considered the first real
(modern concept) of Church. Animposition of a single viewpoint over a
whole population, exceptions... being trimmed away? But exceptions are
always the new paths! As per evolution. So there is a fight against
intelligence and whatmakes us more person than animal! (this should go
n the Plot revealed essay, but the thread closed itself, more ordered
material in the final book, these are nly examples of chapters. I do
trust in freedom of expression).
Now I remember that I was hinted to waht Var gas was doing. ONly the
hint was given of another acquaintance, the life stalker... I placed my
attention yesterday on a magazine. Then... I felt suspicious about my
foodstamp financed water. The cap is very different, it was freezing
and had a vague aftertaste of food... No security seal. So a few
minutes and go back to buy a different brand. The magazine was no
longer there. I dont believe in coincidences, not this kind, when most
and many stores that attracted my atention or I began having
familiarity with simply put went bankrupt. Leisure time economics...
which store would go bankrupt? Prediction. NOt certainly THAT store,
there are lots of clients. And then... wham. So no familiarity, no
nothing. I wont leave the US , I know the trick of Mexico of protecting
criminals by sacrificing (catholicism) innocents IN ANOTHER COUNTRY.
But not in the US, not if they are US citizens because of
jurisprudence! Which, incidentally, would leave lots of cases out of
Who the hell said homeless defines me? I had 18 rooms full of stuff
when this began in earnest... you dont go on charity just like that
without a bunch of .... doing this to you.
teh FBI in 2004: just follow my works! And you ll find, after
traversing, the guys I meant. At the time didnt remembered Chaz at all,
only later when I reminisced of my medium shool (I was saying high).
There is some very old, by now, PSYCHOPATH, PSYCHOSIS, DEMENTED,
WACKO(SIS) behind the whole experience.
In this definition of psychosis, the wacko decides to destroy
everything than to accept tha its dogma doesnt hold in Reality. He
thinks he is the owner of reality...
Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-07-09 18:07:35 UTC
The theme of the quintet is bucolic and modal.

In the model of reality is easy toexplain and define tunnel effects.

What else? I sent the FBI the IP logs of the firewalls, in 2004.

Var gas /Chaz managed to steal the framwork of the other computer, the
one I bught after Saul stole the Acer Aspire. It is the framework of
the hard drive that was switched for the one I was using in the
computer I left in my luggage. THere are now two sets of CDs here in
NY, one that was with my luggage (denim bag) and one I most likely
forgot in some of those bathrooms.

And now it is who knows how many years without an APPROPPRIATE
BATHROOM. So music, programming, business projects, theories, essays...
NOTHING EARNS MONEY FOR ME? Where is GUILT and who is guilty? A good
assessment of how that country spends taxes... no wonder fiscal
morality is so low.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-07-09 18:11:11 UTC
The theme of the quintet is bucolic and modal.

In the model of reality is easy toexplain and define tunnel effects.

What else? I sent the FBI the IP logs of the firewalls, in 2004.

Var gas /Chaz managed to steal the framwork of the other computer, the
one I bught after Saul stole the Acer Aspire. It is the framework of
the hard drive that was switched for the one I was using in the
computer I left in my luggage. THere are now two sets of CDs here in
NY, one that was with my luggage (denim bag) and one I most likely
forgot in some of those bathrooms.

And now it is who knows how many years without an APPROPPRIATE
BATHROOM. So music, programming, business projects, theories, essays...
NOTHING EARNS MONEY FOR ME? Where is GUILT and who is guilty? A good
assessment of how that country spends taxes... no wonder fiscal
morality is so low.

The Model of Reality is the TOE. It is the framework behind that post
about plastics and embedded metals... >8[

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-07-09 18:36:46 UTC
Yeah, and a very rough financial planning waiting for computer with
Excel, printer AND money at the same time was also... lost. Recently.

Their mechanism implies a (probably remote) CHANCE of becoming the
LEADER! Only thus you can colve the problem. BUT then you cannot
create. In any case you cannot create, but worse, your good feelings of
well being and atunement with people are wasted, not to mentioned your
very well cared for despite bioterrorist attacks (they didnt recover
those arsenic ) is also wasted. ANd everything else too.

I am the one who was decided... to come back to the US! It read I
decided... in one form of the SSA, after one year treating this affair
with one official. Cant understand how come I had to wait for a whole
year without there being black hand under the water.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-07-09 23:04:08 UTC
My fact is that I was alrady in touch with music associations, in 2004
after publishing ghamac.org I even got a scholarship! To one festival
in Washington DC of electronic music, but I couldnt sell enough to pay
the ride. I think it was around the date when the company s system was
REFURBISHED. Soon after I stopped selling, not even the minimum.
[Incidentally I began drawing while using the phone, all those drawing
are now... where? I lost one in the street, something like a clown,
earthenware and a big thumb; strange but with charged with unconcsious
meaning; it was lost ebacuse I wouldnt dare leave it in the hotel as
that crazy blasfemous devil guy was already going in and pushing; I did
discovered him following me in a bike, just by staying in the hotel s
stairs... of course, I have to tell everybody beacsue nobody would come
speak with me about this]. I think the system was changed so tht my
employee number wouldnt get fresh leads. Once a colelague used his
nomber to log in in my copmuter (job s computer), it was easy to sell!
But not with my employee number. Myabe it was then when my emails where
dissapearing with cynism?

Quote. **...al torne voy, voy reyno, entonces gano...** Half heard
while waking up. But it is a phallacy! The tournament began earlier. I
did try to get in touch with a theatrical medieval society. My bahina
was perfect to give atmosphere. now it is lost, only wrote like a
sixth, I had composed like a third of it, the second part of that third
was quite copmlex to play. OPf course, tehre are sevreal continuation
but that was quite right.

DIdnt think of Bonsignor without e. Easy to confuse, but computers
would fail it!

Cant beileve it: the executive being directed by legacy systems!

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-07-14 18:38:04 UTC
Again another woman weapon. Not today. As soon as I approach this place
I feel depressed, but really depressed. So, my last name was
impersonated, now my _father_ is the other man! I end up being the
*brother* of Lu is! Or his cousin. I cannot yet speak with my mother,
she will hate me if she beileves this is my own doing.

Got another idea for a patent based business, can grow to franchise. I
am tempted to write down the claims in the groups. But I can only write
in a few selected places. I am still trying to get some real life help,
but it seemed they arrived first. It is suspicious, so I asked for a
few hypothesis corroborations. These are no bribes! I do intend to
exploit the possibilities of my thinking. In economics rents, in a
working economy, it is called getting an economic rent due to the
scarcity of the resource.

Obviously I am posting to say that I am alive and that it is me. things
havent change AT ALL in two years, but this is not equilibrium, it is
forced. I think staying around is freeing me from many dangers that can
only happen because of all those thefts. IN other words, I didnt come
to fight protected mafias.

I still have lots of hypothesis, I guess in a book I would be able to
express them in novel form, once this experience is over satisfactorily
for me.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J. Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-07-15 22:43:54 UTC
Where is Justice? Somebody has my music and my porgramming. It makes me
wonder... I just remembered Manuel M. Ponce (with middle initial). Out
of epoch music, with Empire flavor. Works of Maximilian. Almost a
century after, right? In hose times, middle 1800, studying music was a
must in high level education. I can imagine it, a gifted performer but
no musical production... so lets take advantage of this big secret,
this music... profited for years, to have an International Master.
Again the pattern, because I KNOW IT IS MY MUSIC WHAT THEY HAVE. AND
THEY ALSO RECORDED my whistling. No doubt, lots of themes...

I just unporivsed on my mperial Zandunga (nice titke). And
choreographed a ba;;et. It was watched by an MTA amployee. I cna
rep[eated again, though inspiration wouldnt be so fresh. It was in my
score notebooks, and also in te lback computer, one of te first themes
I wrote in MIDI... maybe it was with me since 1993! AS wellas the
Legend, another sabotaged work in my site, written in MIDI long time

I have agood idea for an evolutionary model with real life figures.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-07-15 22:44:08 UTC
Where is Justice? Somebody has my music and my porgramming. It makes me
wonder... I just remembered Manuel M. Ponce (with middle initial). Out
of epoch music, with Empire flavor. Works of Maximilian. Almost a
century after, right? In hose times, middle 1800, studying music was a
must in high level education. I can imagine it, a gifted performer but
no musical production... so lets take advantage of this big secret,
this music... profited for years, to have an International Master.
Again the pattern, because I KNOW IT IS MY MUSIC WHAT THEY HAVE. AND
THEY ALSO RECORDED my whistling. No doubt, lots of themes...

I just unporivsed on my mperial Zandunga (nice titke). And
choreographed a ba;;et. It was watched by an MTA amployee. I can repeat
it again, though inspiration wouldnt be so fresh. It was in my score
notebooks, and also in te lback computer, one of te first themes I
wrote in MIDI... maybe it was with me since 1993! AS wellas the Legend,
another sabotaged work in my site, written in MIDI long time ago...

I have agood idea for an evolutionary model with real life figures.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-07-16 17:17:54 UTC
So.... An alternate reality suddenly explodes in the mind. It makes
sense, ultimately, as there is purpose behind it, even if inconsistent
or irrational, but purpose. Not everything can be verified as the
channel is _hidden_ and possibly remote. BUt sanity is not doubt. So
there are different personal approaches to handle the excess of
information through a hidden channel. We have on two extremes, the
attitude of considering everything false, imaginary, nonexistent, didnt
happen. On the other extreme is the possibility (power) to turn it all
true, it happened, is real. Between both extremes there is a third
possibility, that followed by Descartes, of methodic doubt. But doubt
in that proposition (also linked to the cogito ergo sum, probably an
attempt at convincing him of his nonexistence, as in some very modern
philosphies), is methodic, it has a purpose also, and a set of
principles tohandle it. SO we can think of inaugurating another axis,
that of doubt and belief. In one extreme of this middle way (the middle
way of the I CHing and confucianisms)), we have absolute doubt, also a
for of nihilism but also pf paralysis. IN the other extreme is total
belief: this is the way of the true schizophrenic, the believer...

Fabrizio J BOnsignore nw Danilo J.ose Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-07-16 20:45:38 UTC
[On previous post, the traversing in the axis space would be governed
by time and density of interactions]

Rats! I am in this bad situation because of rats, as they call thieves
in Mexico. A thief acts like a rat, he scurries, but I ask, who lost a
set of experimental drugs in the for of onnoculated rats? Real
laboratory rats. Of course, they were mice, but for the rat it would be
just a rat? Any sudden development with little or lessthan protocol
research when there should be long experimentation with laboratory
rats? Somewhere? Or none at all since the rats were discarded? This may
be the only explanation to call thieves rats, though it would depend on
how long the term has been used...

And now I remember, I sent her an email in 2003 from Veracruz. I was
guessing the email address as I did with Lu is s in 2000 with THAT
success. I still dont know when the hacking of my email accounts began.
SO I am not sure if I got a reply or not.

Some people are playing fool, real fool. I can be found HERE IN THE
INTERNET. EASILY. IN my threads. It is just a matter of openeing an
email account, then use it for a google account and leave some message.
Clear message.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-07-16 21:53:07 UTC
These moovies and programs are based in my experience:
Broken Trail, though the heroism was to arrive to the States... period.
Psychic detective
All three after the Possibility of Telepathy thread and follow ups in
other threads.
Smal town, big secret, more distant but also within some of my thoughts
Eureka! AT the end of my first Food for Thought in the ghamac.org site

This is very difficul to investigate in the internet, particularly in
ten minute sessions. Which reminds me of an old idea... I think I
already discussed part of it, a web AI. It would help here, in a
modified form.

Nothing has changed despite my good humor. Doors are still as closed
though I am not so mocked nor so harassed. ANd I am still suffering
same threats to life and health as since... probably since I was kicked
out form the rent saving program, or had to leave the incommunated
hotel, or was discarded from that place with all and coat, now
comfortably resting in my all purpose and heavy but almost useless
backpack. No verbal contact with the human species yet, deeply
meaningful, I mean.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-07-16 22:38:34 UTC
From previous post: Rats! I am in this bad situation because of rats,
as they call thieves
in Mexico. A thief acts like a rat, he scurries, but I ask, who lost a
set of experimental drugs in the for of onnoculated rats? Real
laboratory rats. Of course, they were mice, but for the rat it would be

just a rat? Any sudden development with little or lessthan protocol
research when there should be long experimentation with laboratory
rats? Somewhere? Or none at all since the rats were discarded? This may

be the only explanation to call thieves rats, though it would depend on

how long the term has been used...

And I cannot believe it, but it seems that the name of Lu is turned
into a TITLE! Because of Alive and Human, no doubt, but it is still
just the beginning of a long project, not related to this material
(would say at all but it is more like not completely), in the form of a
book. So, I am still axiomatically and dogmatically called under that
name (a form of THEFT AND FRAUD) while should use that name as a TITLE?
As far as it was impressing people in LA, it has more the flavr of a
circus scam than of a serious person. I _know_ my identity and knew it
my whole life. Maybe this is why polygraphs were invented?

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore now Danilo J. Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-07-21 17:42:02 UTC
The father of Lu is Rin con now looks really old, with my nose (no
neck). But they insist that it is the son of Fox, the guy who sounds
like Fox when making an effort. Friend of psycho Var gas and the rest
of the psychopaths. I dont doubt that an impartial person would agree
with me. I wonder which one likes to cut arms and legs? And just to
make matters worse, I got siome bad coffee in another bureacucratic
office and feel really angered. No hard drive in sight nor nothing. SO
it was Mexico who sent their beasts to my computer and guitar! Probably
they already raped among themselves and are happy and upset. SO I will
going on as if nothing. I do have a human right to get income and
wealth, despite the involved beats down the Rio Grande and their bribed
croonies. Should I be more courteous or they doubt this is the
impression I have when I could not see them in a court to feel healed?
I still want my hard drive and my guitar back. Now I think psychosis is
contageous, so tyehy are turning other people into psychos too, madness
(under a suitable definition, of course, but obvious to common sense).
SUch low self esteems, they had to humiliate me once and again. but I
am still better and more humane.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignroe
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-07-21 17:45:14 UTC
The father of Lu is Rin con now looks really old, with my nose (no
neck). But they insist that it is the son of Fox, the guy who sounds
like Fox when making an effort. Friend of psycho Var gas and the rest
of the psychopaths. I dont doubt that an impartial person would agree
with me. I wonder which one likes to cut arms and legs? And just to
make matters worse, I got siome bad coffee in another bureacucratic
office and feel really angered. No hard drive in sight nor nothing. SO
it was Mexico who sent their beasts to my computer and guitar! Probably
they already raped among themselves and are happy and upset. SO I will
going on as if nothing. I do have a human right to get income and
wealth, despite the involved beats down the Rio Grande and their bribed
croonies. Should I be more courteous or they doubt this is the
impression I have when I could not see them in a court to feel healed?
I still want my hard drive and my guitar back. Now I think psychosis is
contageous, so tyehy are turning other people into psychos too, madness
(under a suitable definition, of course, but obvious to common sense).
Such low self esteems and sense of banality of heir own lives, so they
had to humiliate me. But I am still better and more humane. After all,
it is a whole life used to being mocked by those beasts, and I was well
treated and accepted before they catch up with me in the US. I wonder
what kind of self justifications will they invent now to keep
brutalizing me beacuse she didnt turn to look at them?

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-07-22 15:05:18 UTC
So? Lu is is no longer being smeared on me as if he was relevant. I was
and am victim of a stalker, until I can confront it formally and
assured that the threat is over.

Did I mention the rock musicians of the Christian Institute in front of
where I was living with my mother in Veracruz?

My music and programming were stolen. IT just didnt happened just like
that. I was manhunted and chased and then defamated to disable me. It
is done with the help of the police on the side of the criminals and
for patrioterismo. I demand the products of my mind back. MY guitar was
being played behind the library were I send emails calling for help to
stop the blockade. DO you know how many PHONE CALLS WERE HANGED IN MY

How come this country lost control and sold itself to a bunch of
supercriminals from another county?

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-07-23 14:42:07 UTC
An ERROR in the LOGIN scriot of Google. So maybe my password was HACKED
becaue Mexico sent the ARmy against me (still dont know which army, but
the army). I insist, I came here with TWO drives and thre are more
waiting for me with my mother.

Magnetars fall nicely in the Model of Reality.... should I use a
trick? Would it help the psychos, the prejudiced, the terrorists or me?
Well, I used magne(s)tars in that email. WHo has it? I also wrote a
talk show... maybe it is there were some information I should have
comes from?

I think they are using another email log like I was using at first oto
jump over the hackers. I donthave access to it but it is not mine. The
technique is to send account and password. Obviously didnt use it with
my important accounts.

Indeed, Mexico sent one of their police wakopaths and they still want
to steal: art, science, technology, philosophy, writings, money,
properties, women and family from me to reduce me to their level. If
somebody can fall so low.

I dont know if I should send more emails from here. Anyway, by next
week I al again in the process of balancing POISONING AND STARVATION.

No matter what they think or say, they are wrong and I am right. I have
reason as it is said in Spanish, they dont.

Oh yes, more thugs sent my way. Neat trick. Are they still seeding
clouds with an **antigravity** zeppelin? Fans and anemometyers and
copmuters ina system I was supposed to program instead of going to

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-07-24 23:48:23 UTC
One POST was deleted from one therad. So THREE years later I still dont
have PRIVACY in my commuications nor privacy in any other aspect. I
still cant understand how come nobody is feeling indignat for this
situation but me, but my emotions are too strong to express with this

They are ABSOLUTELY STUPID if they think they can prove something
forcing me to have sex or by not letting me have a shower.

I still dont know who it is that was so convinced by the Mexican
thieves to become like them.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-07-26 14:23:38 UTC
Very clever of the father of Lu is. I wonder how many Lu ises? I saw
several in NY, and now that I remember sometimes I had difficulty in
finding him, in front of me! Kind of his neck would look shorter, but
not much. Maybe he had a twin? And the voice, little bit thinner, but
he didnt speak much, I would do the entertainment and show. So the son
was forgotten for years and then appears, makes his happening, gets in
trouble, so daddy can appear to help, and voila, get associated to
judiciales (marshalls) very naturally and easily. Meanwhile, the
knitting together of people I knew was happening! I didnt like how he
would not accept any third party, meither man nor woman (he didnt make
advances at all, of course... only waste) and his emphasis on not
mixing friendships. But at the first moment my best friend ended up on
his side!

He was sent back? But which one? Just found another she Lu is, making
little noises, like in Veracruz in the house of the Witch, and then
very happy with the BIG SECRET smile that I already know so well.
(Similar but more subdued to the alarmed hen attitude with cynic smile
I also know quite well, alittle similar to the
I-am-moron-with-round-mouth-and-lowered-eyelids that means amazed

I already found three schemes like the ones Lu is was proposing to
profit from the GHAM NFP, only happening here. Maybe they are

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-07-26 15:20:28 UTC
Yeah, so it is confirmed, a group of untected spychopaths providing
surreptitously antipsychotics, probably in coffe and sauces, causing
dyskinesia (yeas, I am a guitarrist playing daily for years TIL I
arrived to the US) and impotence (the great punishment exercised on me
as a religious principle, most certainly). Too much potasium and it may
be shortcircuit.

I wonder if the blackout in Queens has something to do with this too. I
can imagine somebody trying to produce a jammer and fusing the wires.
Or somebody robbing somebody else.

What I want is that authorities ACT and grant me Justice. Justice does
have a very specific meaning and I am STILL being **judged** by lies,
myth, false prejudice and the hallucinations of some fanatic psychic...
(projection, it is them who are judging themselves).

The bunch of thieves. AS if they could recover the hostages if there
are hostages.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-07-26 15:21:07 UTC
Yeah, so it is confirmed, a group of untected spychopaths providing
surreptitously antipsychotics, probably in coffe and sauces, causing
dyskinesia (yeas, I am a guitarrist playing daily for years TIL I
arrived to the US) and impotence (the great punishment exercised on me
as a religious principle, most certainly). Too much potasium and it may
be shortcircuit.

I wonder if the blackout in Queens has something to do with this too. I
can imagine somebody trying to produce a jammer and fusing the wires.
Or somebody robbing somebody else.

What I want is that authorities ACT and grant me Justice. Justice does
have a very specific meaning and I am STILL being **judged** by lies,
myth, false prejudice and the hallucinations of some fanatic psychic...

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-07-29 23:19:27 UTC
I HAVENT CHANGE MY PHONE NUMBER. NO guarantee I will get all messages.
It is a VOICEMAIL. I dont control the line nor the application. It is
very easy to manipulate those fils, just wavs with some different

Again error in login in google. I dontknow how but I enetred a google
page like yahoo! How come in America terrorists rule?

I just sent a letter to google. There must be NO deletions. I insist,
one post was deleted after several DAYS of using it.

What s the point of keep writing here? Washington DC has a Mexican SPY
in a place of power and prefers to lose population, economy and
development than make order rule.

The fine distinction I made was not understood. Psychics, telepaths and
schizophrenics are not the same. Schizophrenics BELIEVE in what they
hear and end up AWAY from reality. Psychics, telepaths, remain in
control and dont act on what they hear. Non believers, pues. A psychic
may turn itself into a schizophrenic. This is not the place to go into
it. As somebody else posted (finally a reply!), the theme goes into
quantum, but not that easily nor directly... And of course nothing to
do with religiousness. Telepathy is not divine, it is just biological
radio... You dont know who is talking.

Dont assume ANYTHING about people who know me or say they know me.
Maybe they do, you dont know if they are lying on purpose, telling the
truth or FORCED to lie.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J. Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-08-02 13:57:10 UTC
A train of children passing by the bench I am resting on, they are
counting in tens. They stress 70, LXX. It means there are so many
people left in your life as if you were a man of LXX, though iot may be
also the age of the fathers of those guys who think I am a sonofabich,
which means, I cant stand watching you on skates with an electric
guitar because...

A group of girls, teens, exercising a Broadway musical in the visitors
center. I dont feel like hunting a madman. It was full of provocations,
puyas (the sticks used to provoke bulls). SO the US governemnet still
else. ANd here it links to the father of Lu is, whoi met me when he was

make them confess? Now I think that MAYBE the same policemen implied in
the Mochaorejas case in Mexico are the friends or sponsors of those
torturers. Was it understood that I IDENTIFIED THE FATHER OF LUIS
exposed there. But they are letting them do. WHo opposes so hard a case
against that man and his gang? He must then be one of the sympathetic
torturers. In fact, an extrene condition will turn people
schizophrenic, that is what they want. There must have been many
schizos (telepaths) in NY after 9 11... fear and then use what was
already implied in my other writings.

really believe it is not in the rules to kill people in the street?** I
think an HONEST interrogation of these insane madmen would yield big
PROTECTOR must have been offering money from the hidden accounts of
Mexico, right?

I just remembered four guys with a van from San Antonio. It maybe that
I saw them here in NY, but not sure. Teen homosexuals, quite obnoxious.
Several characters appeared OBVIOUSLY. SO it is their technique, to
show, you write, then...? Mentioning them or not the interpreteres
(easy intelligence show) will find a way to apply a cantilever and an
opportunity to mock one ceteris paribus of mine, as well.

If I provide information, to their benefit. If I dont provide
information, to my detriment.

That policeman from the interpol. Mexico 1994. It was then when
EVERYTHING went wrong. Relationship, university, scholarship, job... he
SURELY has a motive against me. I think he is the son of those thieves
taht wre waiting to send Saul (one Belinda s supposed cousin) to steal
my copmuter with that patent they couldnt find (I was writing the
claims). A police mafia. After it I dedicated myself completely to
computing much to their liver pain.

I wonder how come nobody from Aca Fest 2000 appeared. NOt too much but
I did provide show to be remembered...

I am XXXVII years old. DIdnt think of using Romans! Because if the
hypothetical scripts in the wire (read the DoD orange Book). So I am
born on X/XXXI...

I am again on the verge of no food, no money at all. Today nothing. I
cant make those offices understand! But I dont know. Again another trip
downtown to see when will I be granted a little freedom, at least to
have somethiong cool.

Are there any microwave satellites? This heat is like that of Veracruz.

How come nobody want to send to the madhouse that ALL POWERFUL, SUPREME
BEING FROM WORLD CAPITAL MEXICO? I ll grant that they may have
performed an enormously big casting. I dont think so, I tyhink they try
to become important before their father and impress their mother
(through revenge) by brutalizing women. So... tehy all look alike
because they belong to the same family? Change their faces, right?

I am still suffering some Catholic fanaticism mechanism. Fear by
leaving behind christs, martirs, and pretend it is the hand of
God!Though now I know how they send the, in current society,

they are fighting over a musical work I can copmose a a rate of one a
month, easy, same quality. They didnt understand, I am a PROFESSIONAL
in several disciplines, I profess, and I can provide high and unique
quality witout waiting to be inspired.

I ll have to keep sending emails to see if I can find the people who
were lied to by those SUPERMEN.

Who knows when will I be able to post again.

Just in case, the material on ghamac.org was sabotaged at some point
after I published and I didnt notice. Maybe even the material in my
copmuter. DO you kow how it feels to have some twenty men without
shirts out of the door, on the roof, trying to watch tyhrough the
window, shoputing outside, connected to your phone line and you are
alone with your copmuter waiting for paperwork to leave that place???

I will keep visiting a city office to get support t recover my human
being status.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-08-07 23:00:01 UTC
How come the Major gave sold the city to that Mexican gang? It happened
in LA: forced to the shelters, in less than six months I was being
forced out to the street... would have been very different there than

How many posts am I losing? Where is freedom of expression? They stole
my other site and sabotaged my ghamac.org site. No excuses. They are
desperate to show some intelligence, but nop mater what they do is

Therei s a flase Bonsignor(e). He knows. Maybe Victor? Maybe that
Robert before changing his name? Or the uncles and father of Lu is? I
think I remember seeng very fleetingly an uncle of Lu is. Noneck,
budging chest, round big head. Not the fther but the uncle, in UIA, ina
calss of Belinda, as a professor. Never thought of it! Maybe it was the
last time I was in that university. No next to last, last time I needed
three IDs to go to the library. Her term paper was not there... So it
was the father of LU is AND his uncle nd who knows who else they
brought into their party. It was easy to recognize him in the pictures
once I began thinking of them for earnest.

Consensual reality? Earth is flat, taht is consensual. reality: Earth
is a sphericoid.

The form of induced psychosis they used is mathematical, an algebra.
DId I mention a model including syndicalism? True investigation.
Neural networks are a little buit different from what I have in mind...

Cant speak with my mother yet.

Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-08-07 23:03:02 UTC
Maybe another lost post. Just remembered that uncle of Lu is linked to
Belinda. Math model fo their psychosis. I think the man they called the
son of Fox is an adopted guy.

Neural networks are a little bit different from what I have in mind.
Etc. Maybe tomorrow I will repost what was lost. SOme sparse ideas they
surely have already...

Was there a patent for directed detection of door crossings in 1985?
Maybe 1986...

Fabrizio J BOnsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-08-13 23:06:08 UTC
I am the only one who cannot even use the clipboard in this computer...
A post was missing from my list of posts, On the form of cloud
galaxies. ANd I cant even send myelf a list to a POLICE server without
being hacked.

THEY are committing a big fraud and have no wau to reach them. So
instead of getting the billion financing for my research center, the
money was given to a group of frauds!

They are projecting themselves on me, their truth, reality and then the
ideal image they want of themselves over my real personality.

No point in writing all this. EIght thousand pages of texts with
contents (their last figure even if I am not interested in being
informed so cowardly) and I cant even... NO reply, no effect. I can
still stay the whole day writing as I am used to it.

ALl they have is that they are giving money and exercising this
pressure to keep me a homeless man. Hope my last attempt at selling
will be respected, but I doubt it. Apparently they already intercepted
and threatened a person I dont even know so that she goes against her
best interest and keep me again in the street. It is not my fault that
their relatives were so miserable. I dont deserve this.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-08-26 23:41:31 UTC
New bank account, Washington Mutual, 012272723 3081251907. Only valid
account for my legal name, not the name of the account.

And again, now lost pens while sleeping. Nothing yet I can do!

Have much more material, but maybe I am still confused, cant se what s
so funny to have policemen laughing at me. I think all of them went
back to Mexico with my belongings, all of them and now have new names.
They have my music and programming and I will keep demanding them.

It is not funny, mean field doesnt mean making men more handsome and
women less beautiful through facial surgery.

I hope I wre ACCUSED of something instead of wriingthis general
defenses t o the now very scarce hints and leads. Yes, I calle the
White House eight times with no visible result, but tha was last year.

None of this material is a BRIBE nor is for free. It is SAMPLES, all of
it an introduction to someting larger, though interrelated. I have more
material with me but not published here.

Still cant make a full index of threads... the email was stolen even
from my new account.

More tricks, cousin Beteta of Luis (or maybe Luis also uses that
name???) district attorney in Mexico. And one of them interviewed
Condoleeza! Pretty clever, if Lu is suffrers enough consequences here
in teh US according to BEteta he can escape hgoing to jal, so he,
Beteta has an incentive to make LUis go through some adventure like
mine... I should have placed the report to the police about the stolen
amplifier. The invoice was with me when I came here, the missing
microdyne the hint, he kept the keys, I dont know if he picked up the
courtesy ten percent of the project funds of if there were more
deposits to the account, etc. (I remember now, his ID was not IFE, but
some syndicate or something lile that... Her ID was valid enough to go
into the UIA).

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-09-03 17:44:47 UTC
Much as I dislike it I have to post from this IP in this place.

I got the lead to write to Schenectady, TV. It is a far but familiar
city reference. Got the visit of several characters. Sent email, of
course, and nothing, of course. I am quite sure now that that pair are
the guys behind the Vargas from Veracruz, the hackers and funders. Very
disagreeable both, they even uttered in Spanish that it was them who
**suggested** and made possible those photos and I believe it. I
translated what they said and left. There is always a policeman
afternight, where I sleep. He heard and one guy made yet another
report, it seems, but I didnt hear what he said. The others wre
noticeable but feel like fillers. THEY must have my hard drive and I
dont know why I think the rest of my systems. FIrst time I see them,
though. One looks from Puebla, baguely reptilian (furry), the other
vaguely foxy. Following the logic there would be other impersonators in
that city, from another victim family. It was those two guys who were
speaking of helicopters... and their ideologues. They are calling
narcosatanism psylocibinism... So...

Other two characters more! Another lead. Far past: contador
(aacountant) Pastrana (my grandfather s) and Dr Luna, daughter of my
childhood psychologist, the one who **suggested** special schooling in
province... So... the same logic! Precisely when economic trouble began
(seven years), and the fatehr of Luis. According to his mechanism,
*his* uncle would be MY uncle, so Beteta looks like my uncle from Italy
(reminded me of the King of Belgium...)... and they must speak great of
me! But my mother didnt wanted me homosexually raped (Islam) so... I
wonder if there is a picture of him. It all says that whoever opposes
my ideas IS guilty of someting. In fact, being the whloe phenomenon
social, I am sure that CAT is useless to study the phenomenon...
besides being a closed chamber that would neutralize signals...

I have a program structure to match several testimonies.... And I am
waiting to have some cash to make phone calls. Fact is that after what
they say I would like to ask for an extradition from DC, not from NY.
Or maybe from Texas? I am sure tehy also have my OTHER drives, switched
from my mother s place. And books and... what not.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-09-03 18:13:00 UTC
{SEE post above}
IOW, it is either EVERYBODY or you are in it! Those who have ears...

The game is not complete information, but approaches it (if youa re in
the kernel + memory it almost look like perfect information). It is not
divinable but it is decidable (no first thrower). This is the more true
the bigger the game is, in the limit collapsing to a very
characteristic structure (lotus flower [dispersion?]). Which made me
write quite a lot...

AS I wrote in an email, the principle of Heisenberg holds in social
reality. The more you study the phenomenon the more that reality
changes. I said i would get little information, therefore I got an
excess of information. Incidentally, my Model of Reality also links
physical to mental to social reality in an unified framework (saw the
modelof reality site, seems we coincide, not time to go deeper there).
Governmental research programs would be at least biased. I wouldnt
trust ANY model done by those guys, none at all. AT ALL. In fact, they
must have a lot of MY documentation, the one I was unable to write down
my claim: I cannot go deeper and produce a finished product because
those guys are not stopped and their crime is to give me difficulties
to claim what I produce as theirs! Blocked. (They must know the family
of the man I called Ledezma).

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-09-10 18:40:55 UTC
Fabrizio J Bonsignore wrote:
Post by Fabrizio J Bonsignore
The game is not complete information, but approaches it (if youa re in
the kernel + memory it almost look like perfect information). It is not
divinable but it is decidable (no first thrower). This is the more true
the bigger the game is, in the limit collapsing to a very
characteristic structure (lotus flower [dispersion?]). Which made me
write quite a lot...
The structure would be more of a sunflower (lemniscate curves).

I lost my two notebooks with notes. Of course, FORCED to be in the
street. ANd also again scrub and letters with appointments taken from
my back pack. Dictatorship. America a dictatorship through disabling
the police.

I discovered the whole game. It is a situation of Superheroe! (see the
story here). They had it ready through Luis to create trouble. But
there is more than one Lu is! I think they are (or were) three
identical twins, maybe more... Which explains why somethimes he would
be meek and other times unsufferably overbearing...but always I would
do the talking. I think Valero too was schizophrenic, which explains
some of his... well, I even told him he sometimes acted like an idiot
savant... But one or more Luises may have fallen to the whole culture
of schizophrenia, including characteristic myths.

The trap was then to act obviously to make me go to the police. Then
some people were sent toMexico to bring here people. I was litearlly
forced to come to NY! They also fell in a trap of which they would
blame ME. But the solution was to... simply ignore me. While I believed
it was first a witness identification process (in my case), then a
wtness protection program, after all those guys with cell phones.
Therefore the same people who placed in danger the Belindas and who
knows who else, attached to me, would be the SAVIOURS because they
would believe the people from the US were sent by me! I wasnt convinced
that Lu is would turn millionaire; they would say the same of me,
because of what I was writing! Then you believe everything. One Lu is
may be posing as me somewhere while I am still considered some stupid
Lu is somewhere else... etc. Incommunhication is the key to their

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-09-10 21:40:11 UTC
Post by Fabrizio J Bonsignore
{SEE post above}
The game is not complete information, but approaches it (if youa re in
the kernel + memory it almost look like perfect information). It is not
divinable but it is decidable (no first thrower). This is the more true
the bigger the game is, in the limit collapsing to a very
characteristic structure (lotus flower [dispersion?]). Which made me
write quite a lot...
More like a sunflower including its center (leminscate curve).

GLUE in CIGARS. The glue used to glue the wrapped leaf. Burned would
turn into solvents. Yet another source of solvents.

I dont know what happened, it all began with that party in LA so loud I
could hear it accusing me. If something happened in a taxi... it is
from the side of Glez. Apaolaza (though may have been yet one more
prophecy: I let you know... etc.). I think i remember one man in
Acapuklco, of he group that looked like they would kidnap me, and the
guys in the apartment infront of where I lived with my mother before
moving alone. Flinstone style, long face, also similar to one of the
judiciales in Cuauhtemoc, (not the guys who didnt take the report of
the Vargas burglary in Benito Juarez, but the one of the Ledezma
burglary), maybe teh same who later stole my game boy, next Saturday

It seems taht the Veracruzans are living UPSTAIRS in the shelter!
Manybe in all shelters, as I have been unable to visit any of those
places. It would explain why I was almost left in the street with light
clothes in the middle of winter, or why the coffee was medicated... or
why I cant get a decent shower. It is easy to foliow my track in this
circumstances. Customary appointments, known places, known people. I
already have a visit aganist my will but to my convenience with a name
that was already mentioned, though there are several possiblities of
who he may be.

If you find my notes, it will be easy to deliver them to the
supermarket of the tickets. the police didnt take teh report as lost.
HOw would they know it was mine? Because of my handwriting? Naw!

And all this done to me with religious support and justification... I
was happy and others were too, or may be happier now... It is the
criminal mafia scheme evident since the Renaissance.. Probably in the
middle ages the sunflower was so small... five killing one, or the
determinant for the existence of monasteries, even kingships. If we
advanced was because during the Renaissance and the INdustrial
revolution the pattern was more rationalized, in teh form of different
identities. Which is what I didnt want to go through. Even my name
change was forced. I already experimented the CHristian method of
sacrificing by reviving the Christ experience. It was evident after a
while. Maybe I didnt find out the twelve... onle a few. the rest seems
to be a substratum even deeper, that of the baboon like psyche, totally
oriented toward accepting self destruction. I infer this because my
psychological orientation is totally pro creativity. And I live without
religion, whithout any conflict. NOw instead tehre is conflict, and I
am being imposed several ideologies, exposed but unconvinced. {I can
recover the content of the notes, they want my diagrams too! It would
all be much more systematized tehre and complete}. The pattern seems to
have started precisely afer my first IQ test,. In fact, Lu is spoke of
a she medicine student, maybe I already found her as a doctor! Dont
know. But what is clear is that schizophrenia is being used as a tool
and that the concept itself, though a solution, only closes the system.
It is not admitted, so it leaves people at the mercy of whoever is
talking to them. Very influenciable. And if admitted the person is
disabled, again leaving it at the mercy (from or to the French merci,
imagine the conflict yourlselves) of whoever is using them. This
ideology is used by the Church and their users...

And tehre is double of me somewhere.

Seems it is affecting people of European origin MORE than anybody else,
HERE in the US. Once again?

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-09-10 21:30:21 UTC
Post by Fabrizio J Bonsignore
{SEE post above}
The game is not complete information, but approaches it (if youa re in
the kernel + memory it almost look like perfect information). It is not
divinable but it is decidable (no first thrower). This is the more true
the bigger the game is, in the limit collapsing to a very
characteristic structure (lotus flower [dispersion?]). Which made me
write quite a lot...
More like a sunflower including its center (leminscate curve).

GLUE in CIGARS. The glue used to glue the wrapped leaf. Burned would
turn into solvents. Yet another source of solvents.

I dont know what happened, it all began with that party in LA so loud I
could hear it accusing me. If something happened in a taxi... it is
from the side of Glez. Apaolaza (though may have been yet one more
prophecy: I let you know... etc.). I think i remember one man in
Acapuklco, of he group that looked like they would kidnap me, and the
guys in the apartment infront of where I lived with my mother before
moving alone. Flinstone style, long face, also similar to one of the
judiciales in Cuauhtemoc, (not the guys who didnt take the report of
the Vargas burglary in Benito Juarez, but the one of the Ledezma
burglary), maybe teh same who later stole my game boy, next Saturday

It seems taht the Veracruzans are living UPSTAIRS in the shelter!
Manybe in all shelters, as I have been unable to visit any of those
places. It would explain why I was almost left in the street with light
clothes in the middle of winter, or why the coffee was medicated... or
why I cant get a decent shower. It is easy to foliow my track in this
circumstances. Customary appointments, known places, known people. I
already have a visit aganist my will but to my convenience with a name
that was already mentioned, though there are several possiblities of
who he may be.

If you find my notes, it will be easy to deliver them to the
supermarket of the tickets. the police didnt take teh report as lost.
HOw would they know it was mine? Because of my handwriting? Naw!

And all this done to me with religious support and justification... I
was happy and others were too or may be happier...

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-09-26 17:46:51 UTC
I am not sure if she is my aunt after three days inspecting her. I am
not even sure she didnt have a facial surgery after three days spent
with her! My mother doesnt know where my aunt is and cant call her so
she may be kidnapped. But then she may be a _lost_, one of two babies
grandmother said thirty plus years ago was born dead and had _blue_
eyes. I dont know if eye color can be changed permanently, but maybe it

is possible if damaging. Maybe they were twins but now I cant ask my
grandmother. It is a single corporal detail that confuses, plus the
passing of time, though she even looks a little like my mother. She is
speaking French, communication is hard, she keeps talking to herself.
The baby stroller I think I saw before twoce. With a man who looks like

Peter Sellers, in 2004, in the visitors center, when I was being
convinced of the Sterens sect. Luis s uncle with facial surgery or a
very acted scene. It is more points but on different tangent lines,
forming a c
ircle. I am not even used to families with several brothers! All
in my school were very different, it even feels _prepared_. Families
with _changed_ babies. Another schizophrenic trick, a literalist,
hearing that **babies are changed** and establishing a baby swapping
scheme instead of a baby diapers scheme. Literally. It all seems
designed to lead me while confusing me, so that I cannot be trusted
recognizing people. I am still trying to distinguish the Luis s I met.
Three twins, with one or two brothers, plus half brothers and cousins,
the American Luis s looking recognizable but similar. But then he could

be changed, so there are several possiblities to order the appearances.

It was the eyes taht I recognized in the last Luis in the subway. He
madness alighted, the shining, and dint pay attention. Now I come to
think that the guy I saw in 2004 with a black vest too may be my own
HALF brother, younger, of whom I had no idea. Not that branch, I didnt

even consid
er it, his attitude was that of making a frolic
only thought of the other branch. It is very difficult to **deduct**
families ties this way, so what is it that the people behind want?
from what was stolen from me, everything!
I can identify the whole group now but I dont want to give more names.
shouldnt be investigating this! There is one Mexican militar behind,
two men like (sorry...) pigs I saw with two Belindas and ran away from
the restaurant while I was buying a can in the supermarket, rock face
and his father watching that apartment plus the other two guys, the son

of one of those guys who was in the bus to San Antonio threatening me
(Escape from Veracruz), the very fat judicial from benito Juarez and
companion who may have been in touch with Var gas and his gang and
let me file a report, the two judiciales who visited and got my Game
Boy, from three to seven Luis s, other people associated to them,
Ledezma and his gang, the other pink guy (maybe the name Fraunhofer?),
the woman who had a facial surgery and now looks like Belinda (no
Rodriguez of course, whoever is with my daughter (it is DNA TESTS
AGAINST ME WHAT SHOULD DECIDE), and on the American side that supposed
half bother impersonating me under the name of Luis Bistrain, other
five guys that seemed to be around, one doctor performing the surgeries

or tortures, one policeman and their sons, of course, a nephew of Bush
and maybe his father, other friends of him, one son of Fox (before the
rumors I didnt even conceived of Presidents have sons, how funny). And
other poeple... I can barely understand how they all can be so COWARD!
Which is why I think there is a central OLD MAN control behind them. I
still have names but I shlud be investigating them AT ALL. I dont know
what the police had been doing, I am still the composer and etc. while
they have 31 pieces of music, some five commercial applications, plus
what comes from my posts and other ghamac.org material. If they think I

will give them my material for free they are utterly wrong!!! There
four deposits to my account, TEN DOLLARS! I dont know who nor fo what
reason, could be like shareware for reading my files (which doesn
t grant rigts to copy or use that material commercially, as any fair
interpretation of copyright law would make obvious), OR they may be
idiotic payment for MY MATERIAL, when I havent sold any of it (mafia
scheme), not for ten dollars

That half brother has been taking MY place while I was sending email
he was getting the replies! Between he and the Luis I know. So no
I was treated like a wacko under who knows what lie. Which is the
I began writing this thread, because of Luis s presence among the
homeless and the effect of his defamations, he would call comments.

SO that was the secret of the Sterens, a race, the children of one man
with several similar women, what I was supposed to reproduce. Several
Belindas and Belinda lookalikes, some I already knew, plus the facial
surgeries, I would be happy forgetting everything with them leaving the

pregnant then next. But somebody would keep control of the babies and
the mothers for further use: convincing people of acting psychotic
the promise of immor(t)ality by a secret method. See? How that Sterens
changed? It was the theme of the sect, after my idea of immortal
starfarer metamorph, half science fiction half real hard scientific
speculation (he... DNA may be sequential code, at some higher abstract
level, that is spent by the reader, much like Post machines, going from

conception to old age in a predetermined sequence... with the
possibility of **scratching** the reader (like vynils), so that it goes

into a close loop, forward and back, forward and back, forward and
back... which is
one of the myths I was content pushed about the effects of dope, and
one rationalization for exercising bioterrorism on __those__ people...
Something of which nobody is insisting anymore.

The fact is that this last experience has a high EMOTIONAL TOLL nobody
will consider. I am not safe AT ALL.

It was so obvious what happened... It could be solved so easily without
so much violence. I still demand back my hard drives and the rest of my
belongings. I cant go ahead without them, should be easy to recover and
it was warned that they would be stolen. How come it happened?

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-09-30 23:39:41 UTC
Because laws are imperfect they ignored them all. fbonsignore in
hotmail. is lost, in usacops it is hacked, in yahoo too. It is the
secret Mexican service. THe merican service knows, I am a citizen, they
turned into traitors.

My MOTHER AND AUNT are DISSAPEARED. I cant get money and simply call
them. Found FOUR VERSIONA but cant comunicate. I may guess what they
were tol and find the key but it is like going through psychoanalysis.
They ignore me and I have no money to do anything. I am sequestered by
the homeless, we are all sequestered by the homeless, the miserables of
money and mind.

They have to see this drawing, it is astounding, I have nothuing else
to do but wait. I can keep explaining, but I dont want them to have
credit nor credit.

These crimes are being committed by the same people other s applauding
and admiring for what I worked and thought.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
Fabrizio J Bonsignore
2006-10-02 16:40:01 UTC
That it is the third son of president Fox. And they want to be accused
or want me to accuse them. Fighting a president? WE all are YOU. I lose
my identity.

I CAN EXPLAIN FIRE! It doesnt matter. My MOTHER AND AUNT are
DISSAPEARED. Desaparecidas. More below.

Because laws are imperfect they ignored them all. fbonsignore in
hotmail. is lost, in usacops it is hacked, in yahoo too. It is the
secret Mexican service. THe merican service knows, I am a citizen, they

turned into traitors.

My MOTHER AND AUNT are DISSAPEARED. I cant get money and simply call
them. Found FOUR VERSIONS but cant communicate. I may guess what they
were tol and find the key but it is like going through psychoanalysis.
They ignore me and I have no money to do anything. I am sequestered by
the homeless, we are all sequestered by the homeless, the miserables of

money and mind.

They have to see this drawing, it is astounding, I have nothuing else
to do but wait. I can keep explaining, but I dont want them to have
credit nor credit.

These crimes are being committed by the same people other s applauding
and admiring for what I worked and thought.

Because you dont have what other have and you want, it is an insult to
the World?

Fabrizio J Bonsignore now Danilo J Bonsignore
