Dramatis personae
(too old to reply)
Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
2004-10-14 19:12:42 UTC
Luis Bistrain (Larry Belamy?) is of Basque origin, old fashioned, has
the round head of the Basques, dark eyes, MAY HAVE HAD SURGERY TO LOOK
LIKE ME, white, 5`8``(may have shoes to appear taller), rounded and
gay; may have changed his name (Belamy? Laramy? Stobes?), may have
undergone surgery to look like me (I wouldn`t doubt it from him). He
babbles english and french. Gives the impression of a swine (before
any surgeries, that is). His demeanor is sardonic. He is quite
poisonous. I met him in college he was in business administration.
Must be 38 now. Taurus. He may be far away by now... His father is a
lithographic artist. His uncle is Gonzalez Apaolaza, head of Mexico
City`s subway syndicate. May have impersonated me in a position given
by the US goverment. Mexican, may have changed citizenship. May have
beeen using my name since 2002.

I am 5`6``, have blue eyes, white-pink skin, look golden, parted chin,
ears like dumbo (lasik in left eye, glasses many years), am thin and
slim, have white hair in the forehead (hereditary). Speak three
languages, play guitar, whistle, have cat like movements, long palm,
relatively short fingers, thin wrists. I look ancient from afar. I
wear sideburns. I give the impression of a cat or a Lucifer. 35 yrs
have a little scar on third finger left hand. I can read French. Have
two opposed triangles from the vertices on left hand palm and an open
pore (small crater) on nose right side.

The two thieves look like the comics of the Gorillaz (song
`Animales`), the batterist is actually shorter than the guitarrist.
The guitarrist might have had nose surgery (his nose was aquiline) and
looks like a easel/spider/piranha, hard to describe but mean and
vermin. The batterist also has a sardonic smile. Both of them are gray
brunettes and Mexican.
Saw them at most 4 times.
The neighbor from appartment nine is about 6``, yellowish brown, gives
the impression of a baboon, stringy body, is a musician, never heard
him speak. He would visit the two old ladies that started complaining
about the bad odor when the bathroom started blocking.
Other neighbors were short, 5`4``, give the impression of toads, brown
skin, round features

Fraunhofer is pink, round cheeks, very deep voice, blonde hair. Looks
childish. Saw him once only. He know the name of the thieves.

de la Puente is also pink, oblong face, freckled, blonde, has a
disgusting, evil smile, of spaniard origin. Looks childish too; he
sent me to the hospital in high school. He uses the expression
`butifarras` quite often. He might have changed his name to Charles
Stoufer (Stoufer ?). He sent me to the hospital in high school.

Alejandro Ledezma Torres is very short, 5`4``, plump, very soft voice,
orange brunette, his uncles are federal policemen in Mexico, his
father was driver for a politician. He stole my Acer computer in 1999.
He is a programmer too.

One of these last characters (but me) are in a relationship
cousin-uncle to the policemen they sent after me... There is conflict
of interests.

Among the names that have been mentioned in this commedy are:
Zedillo, Fox, Cardenas, Camacho, Elias Ayub, Beteta, Gob. of Morelos,
Gob. of Durango, Sanchez, Rodriguez, Domitilo. Herminio Blanco,

Gral. Drummond, Allbright, Pointdexter, All members of family Bush,
Cheney, John Kerry, Quentin, Matute, Murdoch and the Fed Director.
Also an Italian, a French, a Sweden, and someone with German name,
though I couldn`t pick up the names in the multiple clues I have been
receiving from people in the street.
Whether friends, foes, are aquainted or somebody who ought to know I
don`t know. And all this because of Home for All, Alive and Human and
the musical pieces.
Oh, and the names of my cats, too many to mention here, plus some
passwords and mail accounts. Fact is I have had no mail replies, have
no money at all, haven`t found the thieves and don`t know what
happened to my contributions.

Not really relevant might mention Roberto. Petite and brunette looks
like Erik Estrada.

My friend Valero is 6 feet high, well firmed, brown brunette, looks
mozarab, fully bearded. Plays piano. Mathematician.

Friend Alberto Espinoza is over 6 feet tall, thin, impression of
giraffe, white-light brunette, glasses, thin face.

High School friend Gonzalo Zamarron, only remember know he has bulbous
head, black hair, white and may be confused with Luis Bistrain.

Terrenceo Hammon from LA, Hector Candia from Mexico (ex-boss) and Jesus
Zambrano from Mexico can be confused among themselves. They are all of
african ascent and have cuban features. They are not thieves, but mau
have been involved.

All of us may be IMPERSONATED.

See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org
Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
2004-10-21 21:07:33 UTC
Luis Bistrain (Larry Belamy?) is of Basque origin, old fashioned, has
the round head of the Basques, dark eyes, MAY HAVE HAD SURGERY TO LOOK
LIKE ME, white, 5`8``(may have shoes to appear taller), rounded and
gay; may have changed his name (Belamy? Laramy? Stobes?), may have
undergone surgery to look like me (I wouldn`t doubt it from him). He
babbles english and french. Gives the impression of a swine (before
any surgeries, that is). His demeanor is sardonic. He is quite
poisonous. I met him in college he was in business administration.
Must be 38 now. Taurus. He may be far away by now... His father is a
lithographic artist. His uncle is Gonzalez Apaolaza, head of Mexico
City`s subway syndicate. May have impersonated me in a position given
by the US goverment. Mexican, may have changed citizenship. May have
beeen using my name since 2002.

I am 5`6``, have blue eyes, white-pink skin, look golden, parted chin,
ears like dumbo (lasik in left eye, glasses many years), am thin and
slim, have white hair in the forehead (hereditary). Speak three
languages, play guitar, whistle, have cat like movements, long palm,
relatively short fingers, thin wrists. I look ancient from afar. I
wear sideburns. I give the impression of a cat or a Lucifer. 35 yrs
have a little scar on third finger left hand. I can read French. Have
two opposed triangles from the vertices on left hand palm and an open
pore (small crater) on nose right side.

The two thieves look like the comics of the Gorillaz (song
`Animales`), the batterist is actually shorter than the guitarrist.
The guitarrist might have had nose surgery (his nose was aquiline) and
looks like a easel/spider/piranha, hard to describe but mean and
vermin. The batterist also has a sardonic smile. Both of them are gray
brunettes and Mexican. Saw them at most 4 times.

The neighbor from appartment nine is about 6``, yellowish brown, gives
the impression of a baboon, stringy body, is a musician, never heard
him speak. He would visit the two old ladies that started complaining
about the bad odor when the bathroom started blocking.
Other neighbors were short, 5`4``, give the impression of toads, brown
skin, round features

Fraunhofer is pink, round cheeks, very deep voice, blonde hair. Looks
childish. Saw him once only. He know the name of the thieves.

Franz Lukovitsch can be confused with me! He is like 5`7``, has higher
cheekbones, slanted eyes, a somewhat depraved smile, must be 38 or 40
by now, white pink, of austrian origin, gives the impression of a
devil or a predator. His sister is Beatriz, looks almost like him,
little bit taller, she was calling my mother to insult her when I was
in Italy. They may be dangerous. Haven`t seen them for over 20 years.

de la Puente is also pink, oblong face, freckled, blonde, has a
disgusting, evil smile, of spaniard origin. Looks childish too; he
sent me to the hospital in high school. He uses the expression
`butifarras` quite often. He might have changed his name to Charles
Stoufer (Stoufer ?). He sent me to the hospital in high school.

Alejandro Ledezma Torres is very short, 5`4``, plump, very soft voice,
orange brunette, gives the impressio of a champignon, his uncles are
federal policemen in Mexico, his father was driver for a politician.
He stole my Acer computer in 1999.
He is a programmer too.

One of these last characters (but me) are in a relationship
cousin-uncle to the policemen they sent after me... There is conflict
of interests.

Among the names that have been mentioned in this commedy are:
Zedillo, Fox, Cardenas, Camacho, Elias Ayub, Beteta, Gob. of Morelos,
Gob. of Durango, Sanchez, Rodriguez, Domitilo. Herminio Blanco,
Joffre, Herminio Blanco

Gral. Drummond, Albright, Pointdexter, All members of family Bush,
Cheney, John Kerry, Quentin (FBI agent), Matute, Murdoch, the Fed
Director, McDowell.
Also an Italian, a French, a Sweden, and someone with German name,
though I couldn`t pick up the names in the multiple clues I have been
receiving. It is not enough to hurt, you mus know who is hurting you,
at least as a puzzle.

Whether friends, foes, are aquainted or somebody who ought to know I
don`t know. And all this because of Home for All, Alive and Human and
the musical pieces.

Oh, and the names of my cats, too many to mention here, plus some
passwords and mail accounts. Fact is I have had no mail replies, have
no money at all, haven`t found the thieves and don`t know what
happened to my contributions.

Also several people from my early childhood have been mentioned,
mainly people I wrote the UN to help me protect, but then the original
pair of thieves have my high school yearbooks. No surprise, as that
yearbook was already in TV, in LA in FOX showing the page where
Isabel`s picture is.

Not really relevant might mention Roberto. Petite and brunette looks
like Erik Estrada.

My friend Valero is 6 feet high, well firmed, brown brunette, looks
zarab, fully bearded. Plays piano. Mathematician.

Friend Alberto Espinoza is over 6 feet tall, thin, impression of
giraffe, white-light brunette, glasses, thin face.

High School friend Gonzalo Zamarron, only remember know he has bulbous
head, black hair, white and may be confused with Luis Bistrain.

Terrenceo Hammon from LA, Hector Candia from Mexico (ex-boss) and
Zambrano from Mexico can be confused among themselves. They are all of
african ascent and have cuban features. They are not thieves, but mau
have been involved.

All of us may be IMPERSONATED.

See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org
Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
2004-10-23 23:17:52 UTC
Luis Bistrain (Larry Belamy?) is of Basque origin, old fashioned, has
the round head of the Basques, dark eyes, MAY HAVE HAD SURGERY TO LOOK
LIKE ME, white, 5`8``(may have shoes to appear taller), rounded and
gay; may have changed his name (Belamy? Laramy? Stobes?), may have
undergone surgery to look like me (I wouldn`t doubt it from him). He
babbles english and french. Gives the impression of a swine (before
any surgeries, that is). His demeanor is sardonic. He is quite
poisonous. I met him in college he was in business administration.
Must be 38 now. Taurus. He may be far away by now... His father is a
lithographic artist. His uncle is Gonzalez Apaolaza, head of Mexico
City`s subway syndicate. May have impersonated me in a position given
by the US goverment. Mexican, may have changed citizenship. May have
beeen using my name since 2002.

I am 5`6``, have blue eyes, white-pink skin, look golden, parted chin,
ears like dumbo (lasik in left eye, glasses many years), am thin and
slim, have white hair in the forehead (hereditary). Speak three
languages, play guitar, whistle, have cat like movements, long palm,
relatively short fingers, thin wrists. I look ancient from afar. I
wear sideburns. I give the impression of a cat or a Lucifer. 35 yrs
have a little scar on third finger left hand. I can read French. Have
two opposed triangles from the vertices on left hand palm and an open
pore (small crater) on nose right side. Now with long curlied hair I
give the impression of a lion...
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
The two thieves look like the comics of the Gorillaz (song
`Animales`), the batterist is actually shorter than the guitarrist.
The guitarrist might have had nose surgery (his nose was aquiline) and
looks like a easel/spider/piranha, hard to describe but mean and
vermin. The batterist also has a sardonic smile. Both of them are gray
brunettes and Mexican. Saw them at most 4 times.
The neighbor from appartment nine is about 6``, yellowish brown, gives
the impression of a baboon, stringy body, is a musician, never heard
him speak. He would visit the two old ladies that started complaining
about the bad odor when the bathroom started blocking.
Other neighbors were short, 5`4``, give the impression of toads, brown
skin, round features
Fraunhofer is pink, round cheeks, very deep voice, blonde hair. Looks
childish. Saw him once only. He know the name of the thieves.
Franz Lukovitsch can be confused with me! He is like 5`7``, has higher
cheekbones, slanted eyes, a somewhat depraved smile, must be 38 or 40
by now, white pink, of austrian origin, gives the impression of a
devil or a predator. His sister is Beatriz, looks almost like him,
little bit taller, she was calling my mother to insult her when I was
in Italy. They may be dangerous. Haven`t seen them for over 20 years.
de la Puente is also pink, oblong face, freckled, blonde, has a
disgusting, evil smile, of spaniard origin. Looks childish too; he
sent me to the hospital in high school. He uses the expression
`butifarras` quite often. He might have changed his name to Charles
Stoufer (Stoufer ?). He sent me to the hospital in high school.
Alejandro Ledezma Torres is very short, 5`4``, plump, very soft voice,
orange brunette, gives the impressio of a champignon, his uncles are
federal policemen in Mexico, his father was driver for a politician.
He stole my Acer computer in 1999.
He is a programmer too.
One of these last characters (but me) are in a relationship
cousin-uncle to the policemen they sent after me... There is conflict
of interests.
Zedillo, Fox, Cardenas, Camacho, Elias Ayub, Beteta, Gob. of Morelos,
Gob. of Durango, Sanchez, Rodriguez, Domitilo. Herminio Blanco,
Joffre, Herminio Blanco
Gral. Drummond, Albright, Pointdexter, All members of family Bush,
Cheney, John Kerry, Quentin (FBI agent), Matute, Murdoch, the Fed
Director, McDowell.
Also an Italian, a French, a Sweden, and someone with German name,
though I couldn`t pick up the names in the multiple clues I have been
receiving. It is not enough to hurt, you mus know who is hurting you,
at least as a puzzle.
Whether friends, foes, are aquainted or somebody who ought to know I
don`t know. And all this because of Home for All, Alive and Human and
the musical pieces.
Oh, and the names of my cats, too many to mention here, plus some
passwords and mail accounts. Fact is I have had no mail replies, have
no money at all, haven`t found the thieves and don`t know what
happened to my contributions.
Also several people from my early childhood have been mentioned,
mainly people I wrote the UN to help me protect, but then the original
pair of thieves have my high school yearbooks. No surprise, as that
yearbook was already in TV, in LA in FOX showing the page where
Isabel`s picture is.
Not really relevant might mention Roberto. Petite and brunette looks
like Erik Estrada.
My friend Valero is 6 feet high, well firmed, brown brunette, looks
zarab, fully bearded. Plays piano. Mathematician.
Friend Alberto Espinoza is over 6 feet tall, thin, impression of
giraffe, white-light brunette, glasses, thin face.
High School friend Gonzalo Zamarron, only remember know he has bulbous
head, black hair, white and may be confused with Luis Bistrain.
Terrenceo Hammon from LA, Hector Candia from Mexico (ex-boss) and Jesus
Zambrano from Mexico can be confused among themselves. They are all of
african ascent and have cuban features. They are not thieves, but mau
have been involved.
All of us may be IMPERSONATED.
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org
Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
2004-10-24 22:04:48 UTC
Luis Bistrain (Larry Belamy?) is of Basque origin, old fashioned, has
the round head of the Basques, dark eyes, MAY HAVE HAD SURGERY TO LOOK
LIKE ME, white, 5`8``(may have shoes to appear taller), rounded
andgay; may have changed his name (Belamy? Laramy? Stobes?), may have
undergone surgery to look like me (I wouldn`t doubt it from him). He
babbles english and french. Gives the impression of a swine (before
any surgeries, that is). His demeanor is sardonic. He is quite
poisonous. I met him in college he was in business administration.
Must be 38 now. Taurus. He may be far away by now... His father is a
lithographic artist. His uncle is Gonzalez Apaolaza, head of Mexico
City`s subway syndicate. May have impersonated me in a position given
by the US goverment. Mexican, may have changed citizenship. May have
beeen using my name since 2002.

I am 5`6``, have blue eyes, white-pink skin, look golden, parted chin,
ears like dumbo (lasik in left eye, glasses many years), am thin and
slim, have white hair in the forehead (hereditary). Speak three
languages, play guitar, whistle, have cat like movements, long palm,
relatively short fingers, thin wrists. I look ancient from afar. I
wear sideburns. I give the impression of a cat or a Lucifer. 35 yrs
have a little scar on third finger left hand. I can read French. Have
two opposed triangles from the vertices on left hand palm and an open
pore (small crater) on nose right side. Now with long curlied hair I
give the impression of a lion...

The two thieves look like the comics of the Gorillaz (song
`Animales`), the batterist is actually shorter than the guitarrist.
The guitarrist might have had nose surgery (his nose was aquiline) and
looks like a easel/spider/piranha, hard to describe but mean and
vermin. The batterist also has a sardonic smile. Both of them are gray
brunettes and Mexican. Saw them at most 4 times.

Alejandro Escalante is six feet, well formed, rounded skull, pink,
green eyes, full lips (open mouthed), balding, wears long hair,
hippi-ish. He thinks he is a programmer. May sing as falsetto and play
a little guitar. He may impersonate me.

The neighbor from appartment nine is about 6``, yellowish brown, gives
the impression of a baboon, stringy body, is a musician, never heard
him speak. He would visit the two old ladies that started complaining
about the bad odor when the bathroom started blocking. Other neighbors
were short, 5`4``, give the impression of toads, brown skin, round

Fraunhofer is pink, round cheeks, very deep voice, blonde hair. Looks
childish. Saw him once only. He know the name of the thieves.

Franz Lukovitsch can be confused with me! He is like 5`7``, has higher
cheekbones, slanted eyes, a somewhat depraved smile, must be 38 or 40
by now, white pink, of austrian origin, gives the impression of a
devil or a predator. His sister is Beatriz, looks almost like him,
little bit taller, she was calling my mother to insult her when I was
in Italy. They may be dangerous. Haven`t seen them for over 20 years.

de la Puente is also pink, oblong face, freckled, blonde, has a
disgusting, evil smile, of spaniard origin. Looks childish too; he
sent me to the hospital in high school. He uses the expression
`butifarras` quite often. He might have changed his name to Charles
Stoufer (Stoufer ?). He sent me to the hospital in high school.

Alejandro Ledezma Torres is very short, 5`4``, plump, very soft voice,
orange brunette, gives the impressio of a champignon, his uncles are
federal policemen in Mexico, his father was driver for a politician.
He stole my Acer computer in 1999. He is a programmer too.

One of these last characters (but me) are in a relationship
cousin-uncle to the policemen they sent after me... There is conflict
of interests.

Among the names that have been mentioned in this commedy are:
Zedillo, Fox, Cardenas, Camacho, Elias Ayub, Beteta, Gob. of Morelos,
Gob. of Durango, Sanchez, Rodriguez, Domitilo. Herminio Blanco,
Joffre, Herminio Blanco

Gral. Drummond, Albright, Pointdexter, All members of family Bush,
Cheney, John Kerry, Quentin (FBI agent), Matute, Murdoch, the Fed
Director, McDowell.
Also an Italian, a French, a Sweden, and someone with German name,
though I couldn`t pick up the names in the multiple clues I have been
receiving. It is not enough to hurt, you mus know who is hurting you,
at least as a puzzle.

Whether friends, foes, are aquainted or somebody who ought to know I
don`t know. And all this because of Home for All, Alive and Human and
the musical pieces.

Oh, and the names of my cats, too many to mention here, plus some
passwords and mail accounts. Fact is I have had no mail replies, have
no money at all, haven`t found the thieves and don`t know what
happened to my contributions.

Also several people from my early childhood have been mentioned,
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
mainly people I wrote the UN to help me protect, but then the original
pair of thieves have my high school yearbooks. No surprise, as that
yearbook was already in TV, in LA in FOX showing the page where
Isabel`s picture is.
Not really relevant might mention Roberto. Petite and brunette looks
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
like Erik Estrada.
My friend Valero is 6 feet high, well firmed, brown brunette, looks
mozarab, fully bearded. Plays piano. Mathematician.
Friend Alberto Espinoza is over 6 feet tall, thin, impression of
giraffe, white-light brunette, glasses, thin face.
High School friend Gonzalo Zamarron, only remember know he has
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
head, black hair, white and may be confused with Luis Bistrain.
Terrenceo Hammon from LA, Hector Candia from Mexico (ex-boss) and Jesus
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Zambrano from Mexico can be confused among themselves. They are all of
african ascent and have cuban features. They are not thieves, but mau
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
have been involved.
All of us may be IMPERSONATED.
See Home for All...
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Visit ghamac.org
Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
2004-11-02 03:49:02 UTC
Luis Bistrain (Larry Belamy?) is of Basque origin, old fashioned, has
the round head of the Basques, dark eyes, MAY HAVE HAD SURGERY TO LOOK
LIKE ME, white, 5`8``(may have shoes to appear taller), rounded
andgay; may have changed his name (Belamy? Laramy? Stobes?), may have
undergone surgery to look like me (I wouldn`t doubt it from him). He
babbles english and french. Gives the impression of a swine (before
any surgeries, that is). His demeanor is sardonic. He is quite
poisonous. I met him in college he was in business administration.
Must be 38 now. Taurus. He may be far away by now... His father is a
lithographic artist. His uncle is Gonzalez Apaolaza, head of Mexico
City`s subway syndicate. May have impersonated me in a position given
by the US goverment. Mexican, may have changed citizenship. May have
beeen using my name since 2002.

I am 5`6``, have blue eyes, white-pink skin, look golden, parted chin,
ears like dumbo (lasik in left eye, glasses many years), am thin and
slim, have white hair in the forehead (hereditary). Speak three
languages, play guitar, whistle, have cat like movements, long palm,
relatively short fingers, thin wrists. I look ancient from afar. I
wear sideburns. I give the impression of a cat or a Lucifer. 35 yrs
have a little scar on third finger left hand. I can read French. Have
two opposed triangles from the vertices on left hand palm and an open
pore (small crater) on nose right side. Now with long curlied hair I
give the impression of a lion...

More names:
judge Matute, judge Mancuso, infructuously sought in the net.
Carmichael. Henaine. Who are they? I don`t know, they just popped up today.

The two thieves look like the comics of the Gorillaz (song
`Animales`), the batterist is actually shorter than the guitarrist.
The guitarrist might have had nose surgery (his nose was aquiline) and
looks like a easel/spider/piranha, hard to describe but mean and
vermin. The batterist also has a sardonic smile. Both of them are gray
brunettes and Mexican. Saw them at most 4 times.

Alejandro Escalante is six feet, well formed, rounded skull, pink,
green eyes, full lips (open mouthed), balding, wears long hair,
hippi-ish. He thinks he is a programmer. May sing as falsetto and play
a little guitar. He may impersonate me.

The neighbor from appartment nine is about 6``, yellowish brown, gives
the impression of a baboon, stringy body, is a musician, never heard
him speak. He would visit the two old ladies that started complaining
about the bad odor when the bathroom started blocking. Other neighbors
were short, 5`4``, give the impression of toads, brown skin, round

Fraunhofer is pink, round cheeks, very deep voice, blonde hair. Looks
childish. Saw him once only. He know the name of the thieves.

Franz Lukovitsch can be confused with me! He is like 5`7``, has higher
cheekbones, slanted eyes, a somewhat depraved smile, must be 38 or 40
by now, white pink, of austrian origin, gives the impression of a
devil or a predator. His sister is Beatriz, looks almost like him,
little bit taller, she was calling my mother to insult her when I was
in Italy. They may be dangerous. Haven`t seen them for over 20 years.

de la Puente is also pink, oblong face, freckled, blonde, has a
disgusting, evil smile, of spaniard origin. Looks childish too; he
sent me to the hospital in high school. He uses the expression
`butifarras` quite often. He might have changed his name to Charles
Stoufer (Stoufer ?). He sent me to the hospital in high school.

Alejandro Ledezma Torres is very short, 5`4``, plump, very soft voice,
orange brunette, gives the impressio of a champignon, his uncles are
federal policemen in Mexico, his father was driver for a politician.
He stole my Acer computer in 1999. He is a programmer too.

One of these last characters (but me) are in a relationship
cousin-uncle to the policemen they sent after me... There is conflict
of interests.

Among the names that have been mentioned in this commedy are:
Zedillo, Fox, Cardenas, Camacho, Elias Ayub, Beteta, Gob. of Morelos,
Gob. of Durango, Sanchez, Rodriguez, Domitilo. Herminio Blanco,
Joffre (poli, they said he could redirect the DNSs...), Herminio Blanco

Gral. Drummond, Albright, Pointdexter, All members of family Bush,
Cheney, John Kerry, Quentin (FBI agent), Matute, Murdoch, the Fed
Director, McDowell.
Also an Italian, a French, a Sweden, and someone with German name,
though I couldn`t pick up the names in the multiple clues I have been
receiving. It is not enough to hurt, you mus know who is hurting you,
at least as a puzzle.

Whether friends, foes, are aquainted or somebody who ought to know I
don`t know. And all this because of Home for All, Alive and Human and
the musical pieces. I am tired of rumors.

Oh, and the names of my cats, too many to mention here, plus some
passwords and mail accounts. Fact is I have had no mail replies, have
no money at all, haven`t found the thieves and don`t know what
happened to my contributions.

Also several people from my early childhood have been mentioned,
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
mainly people I wrote the UN to help me protect, but then the original
pair of thieves have my high school yearbooks. No surprise, as that
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
yearbook was already in TV, in LA in FOX showing the page where
Isabel`s picture is.
Not really relevant might mention Roberto. Petite and brunette looks
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
like Erik Estrada.
My friend Valero is 6 feet high, well firmed, brown brunette, looks
mozarab, fully bearded. Plays piano. Mathematician.
Friend Alberto Espinoza is over 6 feet tall, thin, impression of
giraffe, white-light brunette, glasses, thin face.
High School friend Gonzalo Zamarron, only remember know he has
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
head, black hair, white and may be confused with Luis Bistrain.
Terrenceo Hammon from LA, Hector Candia from Mexico (ex-boss) and Jesus
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Zambrano from Mexico can be confused among themselves. They are all of
african ascent and have cuban features. They are not thieves, but mau
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
have been involved.
All of us may be IMPERSONATED.
See Home for All...
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Visit ghamac.org
Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
2004-11-04 17:04:26 UTC
More names: Weinberger, Pointdexter.

Luis Bistrain (Larry Belamy?) is of Basque origin, old fashioned, has
the round head of the Basques, dark eyes, MAY HAVE HAD SURGERY TO LOOK
LIKE ME, white, 5`8``(may have shoes to appear taller), rounded
andgay; may have changed his name (Belamy? Laramy? Stobes?), may have
undergone surgery to look like me (I wouldn`t doubt it from him). He
babbles english and french. Gives the impression of a swine (before
any surgeries, that is). His demeanor is sardonic. He is quite
poisonous. I met him in college he was in business administration.
Must be 38 now. Taurus. He may be far away by now... His father is a
lithographic artist. His uncle is Gonzalez Apaolaza, head of Mexico
City`s subway syndicate. May have impersonated me in a position given
by the US goverment. Mexican, may have changed citizenship. May have
beeen using my name since 2002.

I am 5`6``, have blue eyes, white-pink skin, look golden, parted chin,
ears like dumbo (lasik in left eye, glasses many years), am thin and
slim, have white hair in the forehead (hereditary). Speak three
languages, play guitar, whistle, have cat like movements, long palm,
relatively short fingers, thin wrists. I look ancient from afar. I
wear sideburns. I give the impression of a cat or a Lucifer. 35 yrs
have a little scar on third finger left hand. I can read French. Have
two opposed triangles from the vertices on left hand palm and an open
pore (small crater) on nose right side. Now with long curlied hair I
give the impression of a lion...

More names:
judge Matute, judge Mancuso, infructuously sought in the net.
Carmichael. Henaine. Who are they? I don`t know, they just popped up today.

The two thieves look like the comics of the Gorillaz (song
`Animales`), the batterist is actually shorter than the guitarrist.
The guitarrist might have had nose surgery (his nose was aquiline) and
looks like a easel/spider/piranha, hard to describe but mean and
vermin. The batterist also has a sardonic smile. Both of them are gray
brunettes and Mexican. Saw them at most 4 times.
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Alejandro Escalante is six feet, well formed, rounded skull, pink,
green eyes, full lips (open mouthed), balding, wears long hair,
hippi-ish. He thinks he is a programmer. May sing as falsetto and play
a little guitar. He may impersonate me.
The neighbor from appartment nine is about 6``, yellowish brown, gives
the impression of a baboon, stringy body, is a musician, never heard
him speak. He would visit the two old ladies that started complaining
about the bad odor when the bathroom started blocking. Other neighbors
were short, 5`4``, give the impression of toads, brown skin, round
Fraunhofer is pink, round cheeks, very deep voice, blonde hair. Looks
childish. Saw him once only. He know the name of the thieves.
Franz Lukovitsch can be confused with me! He is like 5`7``, has higher
cheekbones, slanted eyes, a somewhat depraved smile, must be 38 or 40
by now, white pink, of austrian origin, gives the impression of a
devil or a predator. His sister is Beatriz, looks almost like him,
little bit taller, she was calling my mother to insult her when I was
in Italy. They may be dangerous. Haven`t seen them for over 20 years.
de la Puente is also pink, oblong face, freckled, blonde, has a
disgusting, evil smile, of spaniard origin. Looks childish too; he
sent me to the hospital in high school. He uses the expression
`butifarras` quite often. He might have changed his name to Charles
Stoufer (Stoufer ?). He sent me to the hospital in high school.
Alejandro Ledezma Torres is very short, 5`4``, plump, very soft voice,
orange brunette, gives the impression of a champignon, his uncles are
federal policemen in Mexico, his father was driver for a politician.
He stole my Acer computer in 1999. He is a programmer too.
One of these last characters (but me) are in a relationship
cousin-uncle to the policemen they sent after me... There is conflict
of interests.
Zedillo, Fox, Cardenas, Camacho, Elias Ayub, Beteta, Gob. of Morelos,
Gob. of Durango, Sanchez, Rodriguez, Domitilo. Herminio Blanco,
Joffre (poli, they said he could redirect the DNSs...), Herminio Blanco
Gral. Drummond, Albright, Pointdexter, All members of family Bush,
Cheney, John Kerry, Quentin (FBI agent), Matute, Murdoch, the Fed
Director, McDowell.
Also an Italian, a French, a Sweden, and someone with German name,
though I couldn`t pick up the names in the multiple clues I have been
receiving. It is not enough to hurt, you mus know who is hurting you,
at least as a puzzle.
Whether friends, foes, are aquainted or somebody who ought to know I
don`t know. And all this because of Home for All, Alive and Human and
the musical pieces. I am tired of rumors.
Oh, and the names of my cats, too many to mention here, plus some
passwords and mail accounts. Fact is I have had no mail replies, have
no money at all, haven`t found the thieves and don`t know what
happened to my contributions.
Also several people from my early childhood have been mentioned,
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
mainly people I wrote the UN to help me protect, but then the original
pair of thieves have my high school yearbooks. No surprise, as that
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
yearbook was already in TV, in LA in FOX showing the page where
Isabel`s picture is.
Not really relevant might mention Roberto. Petite and brunette looks
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
like Erik Estrada.
My friend Valero is 6 feet high, well firmed, brown brunette, looks
mozarab, fully bearded. Plays piano. Mathematician.
Friend Alberto Espinoza is over 6 feet tall, thin, impression of
giraffe, white-light brunette, glasses, thin face.
High School friend Gonzalo Zamarron, only remember know he has
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
head, black hair, white and may be confused with Luis Bistrain.
Terrenceo Hammon from LA, Hector Candia from Mexico (ex-boss) and Jesus
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Zambrano from Mexico can be confused among themselves. They are all of
african ascent and have cuban features. They are not thieves, but mau
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
have been involved.
All of us may be IMPERSONATED.
See Home for All...
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Visit ghamac.org
Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
2004-11-07 02:52:15 UTC
More names: Weinberger, Pointdexter.

Luis Bistrain (Larry Belamy?) is of Basque origin, old fashioned, has
the round head of the Basques, dark eyes, MAY HAVE HAD SURGERY TO LOOK
LIKE ME, white, 5`8``(may have shoes to appear taller), rounded
andgay; may have changed his name (Belamy? Laramy? Stobes?), may have
undergone surgery to look like me (I wouldn`t doubt it from him). He
babbles english and french. Gives the impression of a swine (before
any surgeries, that is). His demeanor is sardonic. He is quite
poisonous. I met him in college he was in business administration.
Must be 38 now. Taurus. He may be far away by now... His father is a
lithographic artist. His uncle is Gonzalez Apaolaza, head of Mexico
City`s subway syndicate. May have impersonated me in a position given
by the US goverment. Mexican, may have changed citizenship. May have
beeen using my name since 2002.

Ich bin (am) 5`6``, have blue eyes, white-pink skin, look golden, parted chin,
ears like dumbo (lasik in left eye, glasses many years), am thin and
slim, have white hair in the forehead (hereditary). Speak three
languages, play guitar, whistle, have cat like movements, long palm,
relatively short fingers, thin wrists. I look ancient from afar. I
wear sideburns. I give the impression of a cat or a Lucifer. 35 yrs
have a little scar on third finger left hand. I can read French. Have
two opposed triangles from the vertices on left hand palm and an open
pore (small crater) on nose right side. Now with long curlied hair I
give the impression of a lion...

More names:
judge Matute, judge Mancuso, infructuously sought in the net.
Carmichael. Henaine. Who are they? I don`t know, they just popped up today.

The two thieves look like the comics of the Gorillaz (song
`Animales`), the batterist is actually shorter than the guitarrist.
The guitarrist might have had nose surgery (his nose was aquiline) and
looks like a easel/spider/piranha, hard to describe but mean and
vermin. The batterist also has a sardonic smile. Both of them are gray
brunettes and Mexican. Saw them at most 4 times.
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Alejandro Escalante is six feet, well formed, rounded skull, pink,
green eyes, full lips (open mouthed), balding, wears long hair,
hippi-ish. He thinks he is a programmer. May sing as falsetto and play
a little guitar. He may impersonate me.
The neighbor from appartment nine is about 6``, yellowish brown, gives
the impression of a baboon, stringy body, is a musician, never heard
him speak. He would visit the two old ladies that started complaining
about the bad odor when the bathroom started blocking. Other neighbors
were short, 5`4``, give the impression of toads, brown skin, round
Fraunhofer is pink, round cheeks, very deep voice, blonde hair. Looks
childish. Saw him once only. He know the name of the thieves.
Franz Lukovitsch can be confused with me! He is like 5`7``, has higher
cheekbones, slanted eyes, a somewhat depraved smile, must be 38 or 40
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
by now, white pink, of austrian origin, gives the impression of a
devil or a predator. His sister is Beatriz, looks almost like him,
little bit taller, she was calling my mother to insult her when I was
in Italy. They may be dangerous. Haven`t seen them for over 20 years.
de la Puente is also pink, oblong face, freckled, blonde, has a
disgusting, evil smile, of spaniard origin. Looks childish too; he
sent me to the hospital in high school. He uses the expression
`butifarras` quite often. He might have changed his name to Charles
Stoufer (Stoufer ?). He sent me to the hospital in high school.
Alejandro Ledezma Torres is very short, 5`4``, plump, very soft voice,
orange brunette, gives the impression of a champignon, his uncles are
federal policemen in Mexico, his father was driver for a politician.
He stole my Acer computer in 1999. He is a programmer too.
One of these last characters (but me) are in a relationship
cousin-uncle to the policemen they sent after me... There is conflict
of interests.
Zedillo, Fox, Cardenas, Camacho, Elias Ayub, Beteta, Gob. of Morelos,
Gob. of Durango, Sanchez, Rodriguez, Domitilo. Herminio Blanco,
Joffre (poli, they said he could redirect the DNSs...), Herminio Blanco
Gral. Drummond, Albright, Pointdexter, All members of family Bush,
Cheney, John Kerry, Quentin (FBI agent), Matute, Murdoch, the Fed
Director, McDowell.
Also an Italian, a French, a Sweden, and someone with German name,
though I couldn`t pick up the names in the multiple clues I have been
receiving. It is not enough to hurt, you mus know who is hurting you,
at least as a puzzle.
Whether friends, foes, are aquainted or somebody who ought to know I
don`t know. And all this because of Home for All, Alive and Human and
the musical pieces. I am tired of rumors.
Oh, and the names of my cats, too many to mention here, plus some
passwords and mail accounts. Fact is I have had no mail replies, have
no money at all, haven`t found the thieves and don`t know what
happened to my contributions.
Also several people from my early childhood have been mentioned,
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
mainly people I wrote the UN to help me protect, but then the original
pair of thieves have my high school yearbooks. No surprise, as that
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
yearbook was already in TV, in LA in FOX showing the page where
Isabel`s picture is.
Not really relevant might mention Roberto. Petite and brunette looks
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
like Erik Estrada.
My friend Valero is 6 feet high, well firmed, brown brunette, looks
mozarab, fully bearded. Plays piano. Mathematician.
Friend Alberto Espinoza is over 6 feet tall, thin, impression of
giraffe, white-light brunette, glasses, thin face.
High School friend Gonzalo Zamarron, only remember know he has
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
head, black hair, white and may be confused with Luis Bistrain.
Terrenceo Hammon from LA, Hector Candia from Mexico (ex-boss) and Jesus
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Zambrano from Mexico can be confused among themselves. They are all of
african ascent and have cuban features. They are not thieves, but mau
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
have been involved.
All of us may be IMPERSONATED.
See Home for All...
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Visit ghamac.org
Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
2004-11-07 02:52:58 UTC
More names: Weinberger, Pointdexter, WH chief security officer.

Luis Bistrain (Larry Belamy?) is of Basque origin, old fashioned, has
the round head of the Basques, dark eyes, MAY HAVE HAD SURGERY TO LOOK
LIKE ME, white, 5`8``(may have shoes to appear taller), rounded
andgay; may have changed his name (Belamy? Laramy? Stobes?), may have
undergone surgery to look like me (I wouldn`t doubt it from him). He
babbles english and french. Gives the impression of a swine (before
any surgeries, that is). His demeanor is sardonic. He is quite
poisonous. I met him in college he was in business administration.
Must be 38 now. Taurus. He may be far away by now... His father is a
lithographic artist. His uncle is Gonzalez Apaolaza, head of Mexico
City`s subway syndicate. May have impersonated me in a position given
by the US goverment. Mexican, may have changed citizenship. May have
beeen using my name since 2002.

Je sui (I am) 5`6``, have blue eyes, white-pink skin, look golden, parted chin,
ears like dumbo (lasik in left eye, glasses many years), am thin and
slim, have white hair in the forehead (hereditary). Speak three
languages, play guitar, whistle, have cat like movements, long palm,
relatively short fingers, thin wrists. I look ancient from afar. I
wear sideburns. I give the impression of a cat or a Lucifer. 35 yrs
have a little scar on third finger left hand. I can read French. Have
two opposed triangles from the vertices on left hand palm and an open
pore (small crater) on nose right side. Now with long curlied hair I
give the impression of a lion...
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
judge Matute, judge Mancuso, infructuously sought in the net.
Carmichael. Henaine. Who are they? I don`t know, they just popped up today.
The two thieves look like the comics of the Gorillaz (song
`Animales`), the batterist is actually shorter than the guitarrist.
The guitarrist might have had nose surgery (his nose was aquiline) and
looks like a easel/spider/piranha, hard to describe but mean and
vermin. The batterist also has a sardonic smile. Both of them are gray
brunettes and Mexican. Saw them at most 4 times.
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Alejandro Escalante is six feet, well formed, rounded skull, pink,
green eyes, full lips (open mouthed), balding, wears long hair,
hippi-ish. He thinks he is a programmer. May sing as falsetto and play
a little guitar. He may impersonate me.
The neighbor from appartment nine is about 6``, yellowish brown, gives
the impression of a baboon, stringy body, is a musician, never heard
him speak. He would visit the two old ladies that started complaining
about the bad odor when the bathroom started blocking. Other neighbors
were short, 5`4``, give the impression of toads, brown skin, round
Fraunhofer is pink, round cheeks, very deep voice, blonde hair. Looks
childish. Saw him once only. He know the name of the thieves.
Franz Lukovitsch can be confused with me! He is like 5`7``, has higher
cheekbones, slanted eyes, a somewhat depraved smile, must be 38 or 40
by now, white pink, of austrian origin, gives the impression of a
devil or a predator. His sister is Beatriz, looks almost like him,
little bit taller, she was calling my mother to insult her when I was
in Italy. They may be dangerous. Haven`t seen them for over 20 years.
de la Puente is also pink, oblong face, freckled, blonde, has a
disgusting, evil smile, of spaniard origin. Looks childish too; he
sent me to the hospital in high school. He uses the expression
`butifarras` quite often. He might have changed his name to Charles
Stoufer (Stoufer ?). He sent me to the hospital in high school.
Alejandro Ledezma Torres is very short, 5`4``, plump, very soft voice,
orange brunette, gives the impression of a champignon, his uncles are
federal policemen in Mexico, his father was driver for a politician.
He stole my Acer computer in 1999. He is a programmer too.
One of these last characters (but me) are in a relationship
cousin-uncle to the policemen they sent after me... There is conflict
of interests.
Zedillo, Fox, Cardenas, Camacho, Elias Ayub, Beteta, Gob. of Morelos,
Gob. of Durango, Sanchez, Rodriguez, Domitilo. Herminio Blanco,
Joffre (poli, they said he could redirect the DNSs...), Herminio Blanco
Gral. Drummond, Albright, Pointdexter, All members of family Bush,
Cheney, John Kerry, Quentin (FBI agent), Matute, Murdoch, the Fed
Director, McDowell.
Also an Italian, a French, a Sweden, and someone with German name,
though I couldn`t pick up the names in the multiple clues I have been
receiving. It is not enough to hurt, you mus know who is hurting you,
at least as a puzzle.
Whether friends, foes, are aquainted or somebody who ought to know I
don`t know. And all this because of Home for All, Alive and Human and
the musical pieces. I am tired of rumors.
Oh, and the names of my cats, too many to mention here, plus some
passwords and mail accounts. Fact is I have had no mail replies, have
no money at all, haven`t found the thieves and don`t know what
happened to my contributions.
Also several people from my early childhood have been mentioned,
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
mainly people I wrote the UN to help me protect, but then the original
pair of thieves have my high school yearbooks. No surprise, as that
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
yearbook was already in TV, in LA in FOX showing the page where
Isabel`s picture is.
Not really relevant might mention Roberto. Petite and brunette looks
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
like Erik Estrada.
My friend Valero is 6 feet high, well firmed, brown brunette, looks
mozarab, fully bearded. Plays piano. Mathematician.
Friend Alberto Espinoza is over 6 feet tall, thin, impression of
giraffe, white-light brunette, glasses, thin face.
High School friend Gonzalo Zamarron, only remember know he has
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
head, black hair, white and may be confused with Luis Bistrain.
Terrenceo Hammon from LA, Hector Candia from Mexico (ex-boss) and Jesus
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Zambrano from Mexico can be confused among themselves. They are all of
african ascent and have cuban features. They are not thieves, but mau
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
have been involved.
All of us may be IMPERSONATED.
See Home for All...
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Visit ghamac.org
Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
2004-11-07 21:31:51 UTC
More names: Weinberger, Pointdexter, chief security officer White
House, son of George Bush (?!) (These rumors must stop)

Luis Bistrain (Larry Belamy?) is of Basque origin, old fashioned, has
the round head of the Basques, dark eyes, MAY HAVE HAD SURGERY TO LOOK
LIKE ME, white, 5`8``(may have shoes to appear taller), rounded
andgay; may have changed his name (Belamy? Laramy? Stobes?), may have
undergone surgery to look like me (I wouldn`t doubt it from him). He
babbles english and french. Gives the impression of a swine (before
anyy surgeries, that is). His demeanor is sardonic. He is quite
poisonous. I met him in college he was in business administration.
Must be 38 now. Taurus. He may be far away by now... His father is a
lithographic artist. His uncle is Gonzalez Apaolaza, head of Mexico
City`s subway syndicate. May have impersonated me in a position given
by the US goverment. Mexican, may have changed citizenship. May have
beeen using my name since 2002.

Ichbin 5`6``, have blue eyes, white-pink skin, look golden, parted
ears like dumbo (lasik in left eye, glasses many years), am thin and
slim, have white hair in the forehead (hereditary). Speak three
languages, play guitar, whistle, have cat like movements, long palm,
relatively short fingers, thin wrists. I look ancient from afar. I
wear sideburns. I give the impression of a cat or a Lucifer. 35 yrs
have a little scar on third finger left hand. I can read French. Have
two opposed triangles from the vertices on left hand palm and an open
pore (small crater) on nose right side. Now with long curlied hair I
give the impression of a lion...
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
judge Matute, judge Mancuso, infructuously sought in the net.
Carmichael. Henaine. Who are they? I don`t know, they just popped up today.
The two thieves look like the comics of the Gorillaz (song
`Animales`), the batterist is actually shorter than the guitarrist.
The guitarrist might have had nose surgery (his nose was aquiline) and
looks like a easel/spider/piranha, hard to describe but mean and
vermin. The batterist also has a sardonic smile. Both of them are gray
brunettes and Mexican. Saw them at most 4 times.
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Alejandro Escalante is six feet, well formed, rounded skull, pink,
green eyes, full lips (open mouthed), balding, wears long hair,
hippi-ish. He thinks he is a programmer. May sing as falsetto and play
a little guitar. He may impersonate me.
The neighbor from appartment nine is about 6``, yellowish brown, gives
the impression of a baboon, stringy body, is a musician, never heard
him speak. He would visit the two old ladies that started complaining
about the bad odor when the bathroom started blocking. Other neighbors
were short, 5`4``, give the impression of toads, brown skin, round
Fraunhofer is pink, round cheeks, very deep voice, blonde hair. Looks
childish. Saw him once only. He know the name of the thieves.
Franz Lukovitsch can be confused with me! He is like 5`7``, has higher
cheekbones, slanted eyes, a somewhat depraved smile, must be 38 or 40
by now, white pink, of austrian origin, gives the impression of a
devil or a predator. His sister is Beatriz, looks almost like him,
little bit taller, she was calling my mother to insult her when I was
in Italy. They may be dangerous. Haven`t seen them for over 20 years.
de la Puente is also pink, oblong face, freckled, blonde, has a
disgusting, evil smile, of spaniard origin. Looks childish too; he
sent me to the hospital in high school. He uses the expression
`butifarras` quite often. He might have changed his name to Charles
Stoufer (Stoufer ?). He sent me to the hospital in high school.
Alejandro Ledezma Torres is very short, 5`4``, plump, very soft voice,
orange brunette, gives the impression of a champignon, his uncles are
federal policemen in Mexico, his father was driver for a politician.
He stole my Acer computer in 1999. He is a programmer too.
One of these last characters (but me) are in a relationship
cousin-uncle to the policemen they sent after me... There is conflict
of interests.
Zedillo, Fox, Cardenas, Camacho, Elias Ayub, Beteta, Gob. of Morelos,
Gob. of Durango, Sanchez, Rodriguez, Domitilo. Herminio Blanco,
Joffre (poli, they said he could redirect the DNSs...), Herminio Blanco
Gral. Drummond, Albright, Pointdexter, All members of family Bush,
Cheney, John Kerry, Quentin (FBI agent), Matute, Murdoch, the Fed
Director, McDowell.
Also an Italian, a French, a Sweden, and someone with German name,
though I couldn`t pick up the names in the multiple clues I have been
receiving. It is not enough to hurt, you mus know who is hurting you,
at least as a puzzle.
Whether friends, foes, are aquainted or somebody who ought to know I
don`t know. And all this because of Home for All, Alive and Human and
the musical pieces. I am tired of rumors.
Oh, and the names of my cats, too many to mention here, plus some
passwords and mail accounts. Fact is I have had no mail replies, have
no money at all, haven`t found the thieves and don`t know what
happened to my contributions.
Also several people from my early childhood have been mentioned,
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
mainly people I wrote the UN to help me protect, but then the original
pair of thieves have my high school yearbooks. No surprise, as that
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
yearbook was already in TV, in LA in FOX showing the page where
Isabel`s picture is.
Not really relevant might mention Roberto. Petite and brunette looks
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
like Erik Estrada.
My friend Valero is 6 feet high, well firmed, brown brunette, looks
mozarab, fully bearded. Plays piano. Mathematician.
Friend Alberto Espinoza is over 6 feet tall, thin, impression of
giraffe, white-light brunette, glasses, thin face.
High School friend Gonzalo Zamarron, only remember know he has
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
head, black hair, white and may be confused with Luis Bistrain.
Terrenceo Hammon from LA, Hector Candia from Mexico (ex-boss) and Jesus
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Zambrano from Mexico can be confused among themselves. They are all of
african ascent and have cuban features. They are not thieves, but mau
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
have been involved.
All of us may be IMPERSONATED.
See Home for All...
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Visit ghamac.org
Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
2004-11-07 21:36:47 UTC
More names: Weinberger, Pointdexter, Chief security officer WH, son of
George Bush (?!) (This rumors must stop) THEY KEEP DELETING MY POSTS,
I AM ON THE TRACK. Elias Ayub.

Luis Bistrain (Larry Belamy?) is of Basque origin, old fashioned, has
the round head of the Basques, dark eyes, MAY HAVE HAD SURGERY TO LOOK
LIKE ME, white, 5`8``(may have shoes to appear taller), rounded
andgay; may have changed his name (Belamy? Laramy? Stobes?), may have
undergone surgery to look like me (I wouldn`t doubt it from him). He
babbles english and french. Gives the impression of a swine (before
any surgeries, that is). His demeanor is sardonic. He is quite
poisonous. I met him in college he was in business administration.
Must be 38 now. Taurus. He may be far away by now... His father is a
lithographic artist. His uncle is Gonzalez Apaolaza, head of Mexico
City`s subway syndicate. May have impersonated me in a position given
by the US goverment. Mexican, may have changed citizenship. May have
beeen using my name since 2002.

Watashiwa am 5`6``, have blue eyes, white-pink skin, look golden,
parted chin,
ears like dumbo (lasik in left eye, glasses many years), am thin and
slim, have white hair in the forehead (hereditary). Speak three
languages, play guitar, whistle, have cat like movements, long palm,
relatively short fingers, thin wrists. I look ancient from afar. I
wear sideburns. I give the impression of a cat or a Lucifer. 35 yrs
have a little scar on third finger left hand. I can read French. Have
two opposed triangles from the vertices on left hand palm and an open
pore (small crater) on nose right side. Now with long curlied hair I
give the impression of a lion... NOT MARRIED, single chid of mother.
selling my work and publishing my site and working in telemarketing in
LA. See bio site where I have been.

More names:
judge Matute, judge Mancuso, infructuously sought in the net.
Carmichael. Henaine. Who are they? I don`t know, they just popped up
today. One sargent, Mexican.

The two thieves look like the comics of the Gorillaz (song
`Animales`), the batterist is actually shorter than the guitarrist.
The guitarrist might have had nose surgery (his nose was aquiline)
looks like a easel/spider/piranha, hard to describe but mean and
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
vermin. The batterist also has a sardonic smile. Both of them are gray
brunettes and Mexican. Saw them at most 4 times.
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Alejandro Escalante is six feet, well formed, rounded skull, pink,
green eyes, full lips (open mouthed), balding, wears long hair,
hippi-ish. He thinks he is a programmer. May sing as falsetto and play
a little guitar. He may impersonate me.
The neighbor from appartment nine is about 6``, yellowish brown, gives
the impression of a baboon, stringy body, is a musician, never heard
him speak. He would visit the two old ladies that started complaining
about the bad odor when the bathroom started blocking. Other neighbors
were short, 5`4``, give the impression of toads, brown skin, round
Fraunhofer is pink, round cheeks, very deep voice, blonde hair. Looks
childish. Saw him once only. He know the name of the thieves.
Franz Lukovitsch can be confused with me! He is like 5`7``, has higher
cheekbones, slanted eyes, a somewhat depraved smile, must be 38 or 40
by now, white pink, of austrian origin, gives the impression of a
devil or a predator. His sister is Beatriz, looks almost like him,
little bit taller, she was calling my mother to insult her when I was
in Italy. They may be dangerous. Haven`t seen them for over 20 years.
de la Puente is also pink, oblong face, freckled, blonde, has a
disgusting, evil smile, of spaniard origin. Looks childish too; he
sent me to the hospital in high school. He uses the expression
`butifarras` quite often. He might have changed his name to Charles
Stoufer (Stoufer ?). He sent me to the hospital in high school.
Alejandro Ledezma Torres is very short, 5`4``, plump, very soft voice,
orange brunette, gives the impression of a champignon, his uncles are
federal policemen in Mexico, his father was driver for a politician.
He stole my Acer computer in 1999. He is a programmer too.
One of these last characters (but me) are in a relationship
cousin-uncle to the policemen they sent after me... There is conflict
of interests.
Zedillo, Fox, Cardenas, Camacho, Elias Ayub, Beteta, Gob. of Morelos,
Gob. of Durango, Sanchez, Rodriguez, Domitilo. Herminio Blanco,
Joffre (poli, they said he could redirect the DNSs...), Herminio Blanco
Gral. Drummond, Albright, Pointdexter, All members of family Bush,
Cheney, John Kerry, Quentin (FBI agent), Matute, Murdoch, the Fed
Director, McDowell.
Also an Italian, a French, a Sweden, and someone with German name,
though I couldn`t pick up the names in the multiple clues I have been
receiving. It is not enough to hurt, you mus know who is hurting you,
at least as a puzzle.
Whether friends, foes, are aquainted or somebody who ought to know I
don`t know. And all this because of Home for All, Alive and Human and
the musical pieces. I am tired of rumors.
Oh, and the names of my cats, too many to mention here, plus some
passwords and mail accounts. Fact is I have had no mail replies, have
no money at all, haven`t found the thieves and don`t know what
happened to my contributions.
Also several people from my early childhood have been mentioned,
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
mainly people I wrote the UN to help me protect, but then the original
pair of thieves have my high school yearbooks. No surprise, as that
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
yearbook was already in TV, in LA in FOX showing the page where
Isabel`s picture is.
Not really relevant might mention Roberto. Petite and brunette looks
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
like Erik Estrada.
My friend Valero is 6 feet high, well firmed, brown brunette, looks
mozarab, fully bearded. Plays piano. Mathematician.
Friend Alberto Espinoza is over 6 feet tall, thin, impression of
giraffe, white-light brunette, glasses, thin face.
High School friend Gonzalo Zamarron, only remember know he has
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
head, black hair, white and may be confused with Luis Bistrain.
Terrenceo Hammon from LA, Hector Candia from Mexico (ex-boss) and Jesus
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Zambrano from Mexico can be confused among themselves. They are all of
african ascent and have cuban features. They are not thieves, but mau
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
have been involved.
All of us may be IMPERSONATED.
See Home for All...
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Visit ghamac.org
Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
2004-11-10 03:59:38 UTC
The poster of these threads (myslef) has adam`s_apple.
the other one is fattish.
More names: Weinberger, Pointdexter, Chief security officer WH, son of
George Bush (?!) (This rumors must stop) THEY KEEP DELETING MY POSTS,
I AM ON THE TRACK. Elias Ayub.

Luis Bistrain (Larry Belamy?) is of Basque origin, old fashioned, has
the round head of the Basques, dark eyes, MAY HAVE HAD SURGERY TO LOOK
LIKE ME, white, 5`8``(may have shoes to appear taller), rounded
andgay; may have changed his name (Belamy? Laramy? Stobes?), may have
undergone surgery to look like me (I wouldn`t doubt it from him). He
babbles english and french. Gives the impression of a swine (before
any surgeries, that is). His demeanor is sardonic. He is quite
poisonous. I met him in college he was in business administration.
Must be 38 now. Taurus. He may be far away by now... His father is a
lithographic artist. His uncle is Gonzalez Apaolaza, head of Mexico
City`s subway syndicate. May have impersonated me in a position given
by the US goverment. Mexican, may have changed citizenship. May have
beeen using my name since 2002.

Watashiwa am 5`6``, have blue eyes, white-pink skin, look golden,
parted chin,
ears like dumbo (lasik in left eye, glasses many years), am thin and
slim, have white hair in the forehead (hereditary). Speak three
languages, play guitar, whistle, have cat like movements, long palm,
relatively short fingers, thin wrists. I look ancient from afar. I
wear sideburns. I give the impression of a cat or a Lucifer. 35 yrs
have a little scar on third finger left hand. I can read French. Have
two opposed triangles from the vertices on left hand palm and an open
pore (small crater) on nose right side. Now with long curlied hair I
give the impression of a lion... NOT MARRIED, single chid of mother.
selling my work and publishing my site and working in telemarketing in
LA. See bio site where I have been.

More names:
judge Matute, judge Mancuso, infructuously sought in the net.
Carmichael. Henaine. Who are they? I don`t know, they just popped up
today. One sargent, Mexican.

The two thieves look like the comics of the Gorillaz (song
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
`Animales`), the batterist is actually shorter than the guitarrist.
The guitarrist might have had nose surgery (his nose was aquiline) and
looks like a easel/spider/piranha, hard to describe but mean and
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
vermin. The batterist also has a sardonic smile. Both of them are gray
brunettes and Mexican. Saw them at most 4 times.
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Alejandro Escalante is six feet, well formed, rounded skull, pink,
green eyes, full lips (open mouthed), balding, wears long hair,
hippi-ish. He thinks he is a programmer. May sing as falsetto and play
a little guitar. He may impersonate me.
The neighbor from appartment nine is about 6``, yellowish brown, gives
the impression of a baboon, stringy body, is a musician, never heard
him speak. He would visit the two old ladies that started complaining
about the bad odor when the bathroom started blocking. Other neighbors
were short, 5`4``, give the impression of toads, brown skin, round
Fraunhofer is pink, round cheeks, very deep voice, blonde hair. Looks
childish. Saw him once only. He know the name of the thieves.
Franz Lukovitsch can be confused with me! He is like 5`7``, has higher
cheekbones, slanted eyes, a somewhat depraved smile, must be 38 or 40
by now, white pink, of austrian origin, gives the impression of a
devil or a predator. His sister is Beatriz, looks almost like him,
little bit taller, she was calling my mother to insult her when I was
in Italy. They may be dangerous. Haven`t seen them for over 20 years.
de la Puente is also pink, oblong face, freckled, blonde, has a
disgusting, evil smile, of spaniard origin. Looks childish too; he
sent me to the hospital in high school. He uses the expression
`butifarras` quite often. He might have changed his name to Charles
Stoufer (Stoufer ?). He sent me to the hospital in high school.
Alejandro Ledezma Torres is very short, 5`4``, plump, very soft voice,
orange brunette, gives the impression of a champignon, his uncles are
federal policemen in Mexico, his father was driver for a politician.
He stole my Acer computer in 1999. He is a programmer too.
One of these last characters (but me) are in a relationship
cousin-uncle to the policemen they sent after me... There is conflict
of interests.
Zedillo, Fox, Cardenas, Camacho, Elias Ayub, Beteta, Gob. of Morelos,
Gob. of Durango, Sanchez, Rodriguez, Domitilo. Herminio Blanco,
Joffre (poli, they said he could redirect the DNSs...), Herminio Blanco
Gral. Drummond, Albright, Pointdexter, All members of family Bush,
Cheney, John Kerry, Quentin (FBI agent), Matute, Murdoch, the Fed
Director, McDowell.
Also an Italian, a French, a Sweden, and someone with German name,
though I couldn`t pick up the names in the multiple clues I have been
receiving. It is not enough to hurt, you mus know who is hurting you,
at least as a puzzle.
Whether friends, foes, are aquainted or somebody who ought to know I
don`t know. And all this because of Home for All, Alive and Human and
the musical pieces. I am tired of rumors.
Oh, and the names of my cats, too many to mention here, plus some
passwords and mail accounts. Fact is I have had no mail replies, have
no money at all, haven`t found the thieves and don`t know what
happened to my contributions.
Also several people from my early childhood have been mentioned,
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
mainly people I wrote the UN to help me protect, but then the original
pair of thieves have my high school yearbooks. No surprise, as that
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
yearbook was already in TV, in LA in FOX showing the page where
Isabel`s picture is.
Not really relevant might mention Roberto. Petite and brunette looks
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
like Erik Estrada.
My friend Valero is 6 feet high, well firmed, brown brunette, looks
mozarab, fully bearded. Plays piano. Mathematician.
Friend Alberto Espinoza is over 6 feet tall, thin, impression of
giraffe, white-light brunette, glasses, thin face.
High School friend Gonzalo Zamarron, only remember know he has
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
head, black hair, white and may be confused with Luis Bistrain.
Terrenceo Hammon from LA, Hector Candia from Mexico (ex-boss) and Jesus
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Zambrano from Mexico can be confused among themselves. They are all of
african ascent and have cuban features. They are not thieves, but mau
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
have been involved.
All of us may be IMPERSONATED.
See Home for All...
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Visit ghamac.org
Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
2004-11-11 03:41:23 UTC
Agustin Montiel, from my college UIA, militar.
The poster of these threads (myslef) has adam`s_apple.
the other one is fattish.
More names: Weinberger, Pointdexter, Chief security officer WH, son of
George Bush (?!) (This rumors must stop) THEY KEEP DELETING MY POSTS,
I AM ON THE TRACK. Elias Ayub.

Luis Bistrain (Larry Belamy?) is of Basque origin, old fashioned, has
the round head of the Basques, dark eyes, MAY HAVE HAD SURGERY TO LOOK
LIKE ME, white, 5`8``(may have shoes to appear taller), rounded
andgay; may have changed his name (Belamy? Laramy? Stobes?), may have
undergone surgery to look like me (I wouldn`t doubt it from him). He
babbles english and french. Gives the impression of a swine (before
any surgeries, that is). His demeanor is sardonic. He is quite
poisonous. I met him in college he was in business administration.
Must be 38 now. Taurus. He may be far away by now... His father is a
lithographic artist. His uncle is Gonzalez Apaolaza, head of Mexico
City`s subway syndicate. May have impersonated me in a position given
by the US goverment. Mexican, may have changed citizenship. May have
beeen using my name since 2002.

His father Luis Bistrain must look like him.

Watashiwa am 5`6``, have blue eyes, white-pink skin, look golden,
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
parted chin,
ears like dumbo (lasik in left eye, glasses many years), am thin and
slim, have white hair in the forehead (hereditary). Speak three
languages, play guitar, whistle, have cat like movements, long palm,
relatively short fingers, thin wrists. I look ancient from afar. I
wear sideburns. I give the impression of a cat or a Lucifer. 35 yrs
have a little scar on third finger left hand. I can read French. Have
two opposed triangles from the vertices on left hand palm and an open
pore (small crater) on nose right side. Now with long curlied hair I
give the impression of a lion... NOT MARRIED, single chid of mother.
selling my work and publishing my site and working in telemarketing in
LA. See bio site where I have been.
judge Matute, judge Mancuso, infructuously sought in the net.
Carmichael. Henaine. Who are they? I don`t know, they just popped up
today. One sargent, Mexican.
The two thieves look like the comics of the Gorillaz (song
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
`Animales`), the batterist is actually shorter than the guitarrist.
The guitarrist might have had nose surgery (his nose was aquiline) and
looks like a easel/spider/piranha, hard to describe but mean and
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
vermin. The batterist also has a sardonic smile. Both of them are gray
brunettes and Mexican. Saw them at most 4 times.
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Alejandro Escalante is six feet, well formed, rounded skull, pink,
green eyes, full lips (open mouthed), balding, wears long hair,
hippi-ish. He thinks he is a programmer. May sing as falsetto and play
a little guitar. He may impersonate me.
The neighbor from appartment nine is about 6``, yellowish brown, gives
the impression of a baboon, stringy body, is a musician, never heard
him speak. He would visit the two old ladies that started complaining
about the bad odor when the bathroom started blocking. Other neighbors
were short, 5`4``, give the impression of toads, brown skin, round
Fraunhofer is pink, round cheeks, very deep voice, blonde hair. Looks
childish. Saw him once only. He know the name of the thieves.
Franz Lukovitsch can be confused with me! He is like 5`7``, has higher
cheekbones, slanted eyes, a somewhat depraved smile, must be 38 or 40
by now, white pink, of austrian origin, gives the impression of a
devil or a predator. His sister is Beatriz, looks almost like him,
little bit taller, she was calling my mother to insult her when I was
in Italy. They may be dangerous. Haven`t seen them for over 20 years.
de la Puente is also pink, oblong face, freckled, blonde, has a
disgusting, evil smile, of spaniard origin. Looks childish too; he
sent me to the hospital in high school. He uses the expression
`butifarras` quite often. He might have changed his name to Charles
Stoufer (Stoufer ?). He sent me to the hospital in high school.
Alejandro Ledezma Torres is very short, 5`4``, plump, very soft voice,
orange brunette, gives the impression of a champignon, his uncles are
federal policemen in Mexico, his father was driver for a politician.
He stole my Acer computer in 1999. He is a programmer too.
One of these last characters (but me) are in a relationship
cousin-uncle to the policemen they sent after me... There is conflict
of interests.
Zedillo, Fox, Cardenas, Camacho, Elias Ayub, Beteta, Gob. of Morelos,
Gob. of Durango, Sanchez, Rodriguez, Domitilo. Herminio Blanco,
Joffre (poli, they said he could redirect the DNSs...), Herminio Blanco
Gral. Drummond, Albright, Pointdexter, All members of family Bush,
Cheney, John Kerry, Quentin (FBI agent), Matute, Murdoch, the Fed
Director, McDowell.
Also an Italian, a French, a Sweden, and someone with German name,
though I couldn`t pick up the names in the multiple clues I have been
receiving. It is not enough to hurt, you mus know who is hurting you,
at least as a puzzle.
Whether friends, foes, are aquainted or somebody who ought to know I
don`t know. And all this because of Home for All, Alive and Human and
the musical pieces. I am tired of rumors.
Oh, and the names of my cats, too many to mention here, plus some
passwords and mail accounts. Fact is I have had no mail replies, have
no money at all, haven`t found the thieves and don`t know what
happened to my contributions.
Also several people from my early childhood have been mentioned,
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
mainly people I wrote the UN to help me protect, but then the original
pair of thieves have my high school yearbooks. No surprise, as that
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
yearbook was already in TV, in LA in FOX showing the page where
Isabel`s picture is.
Not really relevant might mention Roberto. Petite and brunette looks
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
like Erik Estrada.
My friend Valero is 6 feet high, well firmed, brown brunette, looks
mozarab, fully bearded. Plays piano. Mathematician.
Friend Alberto Espinoza is over 6 feet tall, thin, impression of
giraffe, white-light brunette, glasses, thin face.
High School friend Gonzalo Zamarron, only remember know he has
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
head, black hair, white and may be confused with Luis Bistrain.
Terrenceo Hammon from LA, Hector Candia from Mexico (ex-boss) and
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Zambrano from Mexico can be confused among themselves. They are all of
african ascent and have cuban features. They are not thieves, but mau
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
have been involved.
All of us may be IMPERSONATED.
See Home for All...
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Visit ghamac.org
Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
2004-11-11 09:14:55 UTC
Agustin Montiel, from my college UIA, militar, brunette, stringy 7`.
The poster of these threads (myslef) has adam`s_apple.
the other one is fattish.
More names: Weinberger, Pointdexter, Chief security officer WH, son of
George Bush (?!) (This rumors must stop) THEY KEEP DELETING MY POSTS,
I AM ON THE TRACK. Elias Ayub.

Luis Bistrain (Larry Belamy?) is of Euzkadi Ta Arribatazuna origin,
old fashioned, has the round head of the Basques, dark eyes, MAY HAVE
HAD SURGERY TO LOOK LIKE ME, white, 5`8``(may have shoes to appear
taller), rounded
andgay; may have changed his name (Belamy? Laramy? Stobes?), may have
undergone surgery to look like me (I wouldn`t doubt it from him). He
babbles english and french. Gives the impression of a swine (before
any surgeries, that is). His demeanor is sardonic. He is quite
poisonous. I met him in college he was in business administration.
Must be 38 now. Taurus. He may be far away by now... His father is a
lithographic artist. His uncle is Gonzalez Apaolaza, head of Mexico
City`s subway syndicate. May have impersonated me in a position given
by the US goverment. Mexican, may have changed citizenship. May have
beeen using my name since 2002.

His father Luis Bistrain must look like him.

Watashiwa am 5`6``, have blue eyes, white-pink skin, look golden,
parted chin,
ears like dumbo (lasik in left eye, glasses many years), am thin and
slim, have white hair in the forehead (hereditary). Speak three
languages, play guitar, whistle, have cat like movements, long palm,
relatively short fingers, thin wrists. I look ancient from afar. I
wear sideburns. I give the impression of a cat or a Lucifer. 35 yrs
have a little scar on third finger left hand. I can read French. Have
two opposed triangles from the vertices on left hand palm and an open
pore (small crater) on nose right side. Now with long curlied hair I
give the impression of a lion... NOT MARRIED, single chid of mother.
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
selling my work and publishing my site and working in telemarketing in
LA. See bio site where I have been.
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
judge Matute, judge Mancuso, infructuously sought in the net.
Carmichael. Henaine. Who are they? I don`t know, they just popped up
today. One sargent, Mexican.
The two thieves look like the comics of the Gorillaz (song
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
`Animales`), the batterist is actually shorter than the guitarrist.
The guitarrist might have had nose surgery (his nose was aquiline) and
looks like a easel/spider/piranha, hard to describe but mean and
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
vermin. The batterist also has a sardonic smile. Both of them are gray
brunettes and Mexican. Saw them at most 4 times.
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Alejandro Escalante is six feet, well formed, rounded skull, pink,
green eyes, full lips (open mouthed), balding, wears long hair,
hippi-ish. He thinks he is a programmer. May sing as falsetto and play
a little guitar. He may impersonate me.
The neighbor from appartment nine is about 6``, yellowish brown, gives
the impression of a baboon, stringy body, is a musician, never heard
him speak. He would visit the two old ladies that started complaining
about the bad odor when the bathroom started blocking. Other neighbors
were short, 5`4``, give the impression of toads, brown skin, round
Fraunhofer is pink, round cheeks, very deep voice, blonde hair. Looks
childish. Saw him once only. He know the name of the thieves.
Franz Lukovitsch can be confused with me! He is like 5`7``, has higher
cheekbones, slanted eyes, a somewhat depraved smile, must be 38 or 40
by now, white pink, of austrian origin, gives the impression of a
devil or a predator. His sister is Beatriz, looks almost like him,
little bit taller, she was calling my mother to insult her when I was
in Italy. They may be dangerous. Haven`t seen them for over 20 years.
de la Puente is also pink, oblong face, freckled, blonde, has a
disgusting, evil smile, of spaniard origin. Looks childish too; he
sent me to the hospital in high school. He uses the expression
`butifarras` quite often. He might have changed his name to Charles
Stoufer (Stoufer ?). He sent me to the hospital in high school.
Alejandro Ledezma Torres is very short, 5`4``, plump, very soft voice,
orange brunette, gives the impression of a champignon, his uncles are
federal policemen in Mexico, his father was driver for a politician.
He stole my Acer computer in 1999. He is a programmer too.
One of these last characters (but me) are in a relationship
cousin-uncle to the policemen they sent after me... There is conflict
of interests.
Zedillo, Fox, Cardenas, Camacho, Elias Ayub, Beteta, Gob. of Morelos,
Gob. of Durango, Sanchez, Rodriguez, Domitilo. Herminio Blanco,
Joffre (poli, they said he could redirect the DNSs...), Herminio Blanco
Gral. Drummond, Albright, Pointdexter, All members of family Bush,
Cheney, John Kerry, Quentin (FBI agent), Matute, Murdoch, the Fed
Director, McDowell.
Also an Italian, a French, a Sweden, and someone with German name,
though I couldn`t pick up the names in the multiple clues I have been
receiving. It is not enough to hurt, you mus know who is hurting you,
at least as a puzzle.
Whether friends, foes, are aquainted or somebody who ought to know I
don`t know. And all this because of Home for All, Alive and Human and
the musical pieces. I am tired of rumors.
Oh, and the names of my cats, too many to mention here, plus some
passwords and mail accounts. Fact is I have had no mail replies, have
no money at all, haven`t found the thieves and don`t know what
happened to my contributions.
Also several people from my early childhood have been mentioned,
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
mainly people I wrote the UN to help me protect, but then the original
pair of thieves have my high school yearbooks. No surprise, as that
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
yearbook was already in TV, in LA in FOX showing the page where
Isabel`s picture is.
Not really relevant might mention Roberto. Petite and brunette looks
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
like Erik Estrada.
My friend Valero is 6 feet high, well firmed, brown brunette, looks
mozarab, fully bearded. Plays piano. Mathematician.
Friend Alberto Espinoza is over 6 feet tall, thin, impression of
giraffe, white-light brunette, glasses, thin face.
High School friend Gonzalo Zamarron, only remember know he has
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
head, black hair, white and may be confused with Luis Bistrain.
Terrenceo Hammon from LA, Hector Candia from Mexico (ex-boss) and
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Zambrano from Mexico can be confused among themselves. They are all of
african ascent and have cuban features. They are not thieves, but mau
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
have been involved.
All of us may be IMPERSONATED.
See Home for All...
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Visit ghamac.org
Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
2004-11-20 03:07:00 UTC
And more names: Plascecia Medina (or Medina Plascencia?), the Betetas,
the president of the PRI... They are throwng atme the whole roster,
people Idon`t know, but well, here are they mentioned.
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Agustin Montiel, from my college UIA, militar, brunette, stringy 7`.
The poster of these threads (myslef) has adam`s_apple.
the other one is fattish.
More names: Weinberger, Pointdexter, Chief security officer WH, son of
George Bush (?!) (This rumors must stop) THEY KEEP DELETING MY POSTS,
I AM ON THE TRACK. Elias Ayub.
Luis Bistrain (Larry Belamy?) is of Euzkadi Ta Arribatazuna origin,
old fashioned, has the round head of the Basques, dark eyes, MAY HAVE
HAD SURGERY TO LOOK LIKE ME, white, 5`8``(may have shoes to appear
taller), rounded
andgay; may have changed his name (Belamy? Laramy? Stobes?), may have
undergone surgery to look like me (I wouldn`t doubt it from him). He
babbles english and french. Gives the impression of a swine (before
any surgeries, that is). His demeanor is sardonic. He is quite
poisonous. I met him in college he was in business administration.
Must be 38 now. Taurus. He may be far away by now... His father is a
lithographic artist. His uncle is Gonzalez Apaolaza, head of Mexico
City`s subway syndicate. May have impersonated me in a position given
by the US goverment. Mexican, may have changed citizenship. May have
beeen using my name since 2002.
His father Luis Bistrain must look like him.
Watashiwa am 5`6``, have blue eyes, white-pink skin, look golden,
parted chin,
ears like dumbo (lasik in left eye, glasses many years), am thin and
slim, have white hair in the forehead (hereditary). Speak three
languages, play guitar, whistle, have cat like movements, long palm,
relatively short fingers, thin wrists. I look ancient from afar. I
wear sideburns. I give the impression of a cat or a Lucifer. 35 yrs
have a little scar on third finger left hand. I can read French. Have
two opposed triangles from the vertices on left hand palm and an open
pore (small crater) on nose right side. Now with long curlied hair I
give the impression of a lion... NOT MARRIED, single chid of mother.
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
selling my work and publishing my site and working in telemarketing
in LA. See bio site where I have been.
Remember, if you don`t use drugs you are NOT a drug addict because you
are not using them. And if you CAN stop using drugs if you are using
them, then you are not a drug addict either for you can stop using
them. In any case, we are ALL just ex-drug addicts. You know, prove
you have never never ever used drugs.... You can`t. Trap.
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
judge Matute, judge Mancuso, infructuously sought in the net.
Carmichael. Henaine. Who are they? I don`t know, they just popped up
today. One sargent, Mexican.
The two thieves look like the comics of the Gorillaz (song
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
`Animales`), the batterist is actually shorter than the guitarrist.
The guitarrist might have had nose surgery (his nose was aquiline) and
looks like a easel/spider/piranha, hard to describe but mean and
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
vermin. The batterist also has a sardonic smile. Both of them are gray
brunettes and Mexican. Saw them at most 4 times.
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Alejandro Escalante is six feet, well formed, rounded skull, pink,
green eyes, full lips (open mouthed), balding, wears long hair,
hippi-ish. He thinks he is a programmer. May sing as falsetto and play
a little guitar. He may impersonate me.
The neighbor from appartment nine is about 6``, yellowish brown, gives
the impression of a baboon, stringy body, is a musician, never heard
him speak. He would visit the two old ladies that started complaining
about the bad odor when the bathroom started blocking. Other neighbors
were short, 5`4``, give the impression of toads, brown skin, round
Fraunhofer is pink, round cheeks, very deep voice, blonde hair. Looks
childish. Saw him once only. He know the name of the thieves.
Franz Lukovitsch can be confused with me! He is like 5`7``, has higher
cheekbones, slanted eyes, a somewhat depraved smile, must be 38 or 40
by now, white pink, of austrian origin, gives the impression of a
devil or a predator. His sister is Beatriz, looks almost like him,
little bit taller, she was calling my mother to insult her when I was
in Italy. They may be dangerous. Haven`t seen them for over 20 years.
de la Puente is also pink, oblong face, freckled, blonde, has a
disgusting, evil smile, of spaniard origin. Looks childish too; he
sent me to the hospital in high school. He uses the expression
`butifarras` quite often. He might have changed his name to Charles
Stoufer (Stoufer ?). He sent me to the hospital in high school.
Alejandro Ledezma Torres is very short, 5`4``, plump, very soft voice,
orange brunette, gives the impression of a champignon, his uncles are
federal policemen in Mexico, his father was driver for a politician.
He stole my Acer computer in 1999. He is a programmer too.
One of these last characters (but me) are in a relationship
cousin-uncle to the policemen they sent after me... There is conflict
of interests.
Zedillo, Fox, Cardenas, Camacho, Elias Ayub, Beteta, Gob. of Morelos,
Gob. of Durango, Sanchez, Rodriguez, Domitilo. Herminio Blanco,
Joffre (poli, they said he could redirect the DNSs...), Herminio Blanco
Gral. Drummond, Albright, Pointdexter, All members of family Bush,
Cheney, John Kerry, Quentin (FBI agent), Matute, Murdoch, the Fed
Director, McDowell.
Also an Italian, a French, a Sweden, and someone with German name,
though I couldn`t pick up the names in the multiple clues I have been
receiving. It is not enough to hurt, you mus know who is hurting you,
at least as a puzzle.
Whether friends, foes, are aquainted or somebody who ought to know I
don`t know. And all this because of Home for All, Alive and Human and
the musical pieces. I am tired of rumors.
Oh, and the names of my cats, too many to mention here, plus some
passwords and mail accounts. Fact is I have had no mail replies, have
no money at all, haven`t found the thieves and don`t know what
happened to my contributions.
Also several people from my early childhood have been mentioned,
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
mainly people I wrote the UN to help me protect, but then the original
pair of thieves have my high school yearbooks. No surprise, as that
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
yearbook was already in TV, in LA in FOX showing the page where
Isabel`s picture is.
Not really relevant might mention Roberto. Petite and brunette looks
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
like Erik Estrada.
My friend Valero is 6 feet high, well firmed, brown brunette, looks
mozarab, fully bearded. Plays piano. Mathematician.
Friend Alberto Espinoza is over 6 feet tall, thin, impression of
giraffe, white-light brunette, glasses, thin face.
High School friend Gonzalo Zamarron, only remember know he has
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
head, black hair, white and may be confused with Luis Bistrain.
Terrenceo Hammon from LA, Hector Candia from Mexico (ex-boss) and
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Zambrano from Mexico can be confused among themselves. They are all of
african ascent and have cuban features. They are not thieves, but mau
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
have been involved.
All of us may be IMPERSONATED.
See Home for All...
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Visit ghamac.org
2004-12-16 22:11:49 UTC
Capital Lecuona from the Mexican Army. He has a personal (criminal)
interest in getting rid of myself. He has a hoarse voice and is in
touch with the US military. That is why all my attempts at getting help
have failed. People who know me are in danger if the Army uses its
resources under the command of single individuals to wage war against
innocent people.
2004-12-18 21:05:13 UTC
There is another Mexican here in New York. He looks like a devil with a
HUGE head. Also short and very brunette... I wonder if they are
tryinghto confuse him with me? DO THEY KNOW SOMEWHERE THAT I AM A GOOD
LOOKING WHITE GUY WITH BLUE EYES? Don't tell me that in the US there is
no racism or prejudice... If they think I am a poor mexican, no wonder
they are mistreating me THIS way...
Post by d***@beethoven.com
Capital Lecuona from the Mexican Army. He has a personal (criminal)
interest in getting rid of myself. He has a hoarse voice and is in
touch with the US military. That is why all my attempts at getting help
have failed. People who know me are in danger if the Army uses its
resources under the command of single individuals to wage war against
innocent people.
2004-12-16 22:12:02 UTC
Capital Lecuona from the Mexican Army. He has a personal (criminal)
interest in getting rid of myself. He has a hoarse voice and is in
touch with the US military. That is why all my attempts at getting help
have failed. People who know me are in danger if the Army uses its
resources under the command of single individuals to wage war against
innocent people.
2004-12-22 20:21:59 UTC
Funny, found a guy who looks like a cross between Valero and Espinoza,
with a vague resemblance to one of the thieves that stole my notes and
other things from my appartment. He was looking blue...
2004-12-23 02:01:43 UTC
THey said it is a first secretary. A name too: Driscoll. ANd Herminio
Blanco too. I am still looking for the guys behind my misfortune and
all the messages.
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Funny, found a guy who looks like a cross between Valero and
Post by f***@beethoven.com
with a vague resemblance to one of the thieves that stole my notes and
other things from my appartment. He was looking blue...
2004-12-23 15:40:10 UTC
And today they said behind this is an old governor! But I am in a sink
without any possibility to corroborate. NO phone number, no address,
lots of people in between, mymail arrives too late or doesn't arrive,
my emails don't arrive either, both ways, my posts end up being ROT-13,
my clothes stolen, no possibility to get transportation, no stable
place to leave papers, arrive too late and you lose your bed,
inconvenient food hours, bad food, uncertainty as to what drugs are
giving me in the food... what am I supposed to do if what I was selling
was stolen, even my identity?
Post by f***@beethoven.com
THey said it is a first secretary. A name too: Driscoll. ANd Herminio
Blanco too. I am still looking for the guys behind my misfortune and
all the messages.
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Funny, found a guy who looks like a cross between Valero and
Post by f***@beethoven.com
with a vague resemblance to one of the thieves that stole my notes
Post by f***@beethoven.com
other things from my appartment. He was looking blue...
2004-12-23 18:17:35 UTC
Forgot to mention Prof Alejandro Herrera Ibanez. I showed him "Alive
and Human" in 1998 when I was expecting a recommendation to get a job.
Post by f***@beethoven.com
And today they said behind this is an old governor! But I am in a sink
without any possibility to corroborate. NO phone number, no address,
lots of people in between, mymail arrives too late or doesn't arrive,
my emails don't arrive either, both ways, my posts end up being ROT-13,
my clothes stolen, no possibility to get transportation, no stable
place to leave papers, arrive too late and you lose your bed,
inconvenient food hours, bad food, uncertainty as to what drugs are
giving me in the food... what am I supposed to do if what I was selling
was stolen, even my identity?
Post by f***@beethoven.com
THey said it is a first secretary. A name too: Driscoll. ANd
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Blanco too. I am still looking for the guys behind my misfortune and
all the messages.
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Funny, found a guy who looks like a cross between Valero and
Post by f***@beethoven.com
with a vague resemblance to one of the thieves that stole my notes
Post by f***@beethoven.com
other things from my appartment. He was looking blue...
2004-12-24 20:46:38 UTC
Last two names mentioned: Tom Ridge and Mexico`s Hacienda secretary.
But nobody mentios my name.
BTW, there must be two Luis Bistrain, the guy I described and the his
father. While my father which I didn`t know and who must be around 75
by now might have been involved too. Shou I respond to the last name?
Friend or Foe, who can know?
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Forgot to mention Prof Alejandro Herrera Ibanez. I showed him "Alive
and Human" in 1998 when I was expecting a recommendation to get a job.
Post by f***@beethoven.com
And today they said behind this is an old governor! But I am in a
Post by f***@beethoven.com
without any possibility to corroborate. NO phone number, no
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Post by f***@beethoven.com
lots of people in between, mymail arrives too late or doesn't arrive,
my emails don't arrive either, both ways, my posts end up being
Post by f***@beethoven.com
my clothes stolen, no possibility to get transportation, no stable
place to leave papers, arrive too late and you lose your bed,
inconvenient food hours, bad food, uncertainty as to what drugs are
giving me in the food... what am I supposed to do if what I was
Post by f***@beethoven.com
was stolen, even my identity?
Post by f***@beethoven.com
THey said it is a first secretary. A name too: Driscoll. ANd
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Blanco too. I am still looking for the guys behind my misfortune
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Post by f***@beethoven.com
all the messages.
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Funny, found a guy who looks like a cross between Valero and
Post by f***@beethoven.com
with a vague resemblance to one of the thieves that stole my
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Post by f***@beethoven.com
other things from my appartment. He was looking blue...
2004-12-25 00:10:44 UTC
Sary or Sally Bermudez, they deceived her with my music or something,
also El Valedor was deceived with my poems, they said. Who is sending
the messages in Central Station? They just said I was infected with
cholera! And that they are doing this because I am not an All American,
though All Americans are scarce in NY, indeed.
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Last two names mentioned: Tom Ridge and Mexico`s Hacienda secretary.
But nobody mentios my name.
BTW, there must be two Luis Bistrain, the guy I described and the his
father. While my father which I didn`t know and who must be around 75
by now might have been involved too. Shou I respond to the last name?
Friend or Foe, who can know?
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Forgot to mention Prof Alejandro Herrera Ibanez. I showed him "Alive
and Human" in 1998 when I was expecting a recommendation to get a
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Post by f***@beethoven.com
And today they said behind this is an old governor! But I am in a
Post by f***@beethoven.com
without any possibility to corroborate. NO phone number, no
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Post by f***@beethoven.com
lots of people in between, mymail arrives too late or doesn't
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Post by f***@beethoven.com
my emails don't arrive either, both ways, my posts end up being
Post by f***@beethoven.com
my clothes stolen, no possibility to get transportation, no stable
place to leave papers, arrive too late and you lose your bed,
inconvenient food hours, bad food, uncertainty as to what drugs are
giving me in the food... what am I supposed to do if what I was
Post by f***@beethoven.com
was stolen, even my identity?
Post by f***@beethoven.com
THey said it is a first secretary. A name too: Driscoll. ANd
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Blanco too. I am still looking for the guys behind my
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Post by f***@beethoven.com
all the messages.
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Funny, found a guy who looks like a cross between Valero and
Post by f***@beethoven.com
with a vague resemblance to one of the thieves that stole my
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Post by f***@beethoven.com
other things from my appartment. He was looking blue...
2004-12-25 02:17:49 UTC
There is also Lexel Bistrain and his father. One of these must a
policeman, looks like. I stopped sending mails but to Columbia
university and copies to the house.
2004-12-25 19:48:38 UTC
So it looks like the thieves are from Veracruz and they managed to
involve people in the US, that is why I have been having so much
2004-12-25 20:57:37 UTC
There is a picture of my grandfather in the ghamac site. Hope nobody
confuses me with my grandfather! I am reaching the age of plenitude, my
plenitude awaits...
2004-12-25 20:59:56 UTC
One Thomas, maybe the person giving the messages.

(Fabrizio J Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore. The posts are now
including the mail account, so I have to include the name for the last
post to appear).
2004-12-25 22:02:13 UTC
A Caliope too! Too many names and rumors.
(Fabrizio J Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore. The posts are now
including the mail account, so I have to include the name for the last
post to appear).
2004-12-25 22:26:51 UTC
I guess governor Aleman from Veracruz must have heard about my music. I
went to school with Carla Aleman Magnani. Maybe she remembers me.
2004-12-25 21:00:17 UTC
One Thomas, maybe the person giving the messages.

(Fabrizio J Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore. The posts are now
including the mail account, so I have to include the name for the last
post to appear).
2005-01-01 19:34:23 UTC
Forgot to mention Prof Alejandro Herrera Ibanez. I showed him "Alive
and Human" in 1998 when I was expecting a recommendation to get a job.
I wonder if he managed to get his hands on the Hagenbeck`s fortune in
Mexico. Supposedly granted to `animals`, but then the *animals*
obviously went predatory...
2005-01-01 19:34:29 UTC
Forgot to mention Prof Alejandro Herrera Ibanez. I showed him "Alive
and Human" in 1998 when I was expecting a recommendation to get a job.
I wonder if he managed to get his hands on the Hagenbeck`s fortune in
Mexico. Supposedly granted to `animals`, but then the *animals*
obviously went predatory...
2005-01-06 15:11:10 UTC
The man who initiated this problem decided I whould be in trouble after
publishing Isabel's Death in ghamac.org. He sais my hotmail log was a
series of "absurditos" (hacker) and he was misinforming everybody. He
probably informs Fox directly. He said the Mexicans sacrificed Mireles.
He changed the names and gathered people who didn't like me to promote
them in both countries.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore. The posts are now
including the mail account, so I have to include the name for the last
post to appear.
2005-01-06 16:32:54 UTC
The man who initiated this problem decided I whould be in trouble after
publishing Isabel's Death in ghamac.org. He sais my hotmail log was a
series of "absurditos" (hacker) and he was misinforming everybody. He
probably informs Fox directly. He said the Mexicans sacrificed
He changed the names and gathered people who didn't like me to promote
them in both countries. He was creating browhaha. He believes that I
belong to his fictional country. And that by admitting he can go
unpunished! Maybe his name is Gonzalez Apaolaza. They also mentioned
Senator Rockefeller.

Fabrizio J Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore. The posts are now
including the mail account, so I have to include the name for the last
post to appear.
2005-01-10 17:20:58 UTC
Now some of the final words are that it was the Mexican AMbassador to
the US who made the mess. Somebody destabilized the Persian Gulf and
that benefits Mexico. Isabel's Death is an important work, it seems it
was sold for one billion (the authorship) and the money (one thousand
million dollars) were used to get hold of a billionaire inheritance.
Now the name seems to be Luis Bistrin. And I can be blamed of
everything cause I wrote the UN! It all started after March First. I
published Home for All in spanish on the 5th when I noticed something
happened. Once the money was in hand... the next step was to involve
key people to keep me at bay. I can show my musicianship, but I need
the opportunity! Therefore, I ended homeless. NO possessions. And that
means I cant even pay a lawyer! Eveb to be signed exclusive by a major
music publishing house I need money. THEN the subtle harrasment
started: the songs, the people speaking, the problems, no foodstamps,
bureacracy... The "author" of my masterpiece has been pointed out, but
I don't want to tell the name yet. I tried to locate the work and
nothing. That can be corroborated, but even in the Men's Ward shelter
(Schwartz building) getting into a program that pays is proving to be a
HUGE problem!

In San Antonio I was harassed by those two thieves. They had access to
the room's address I was going to be in (where, incidentally, I didn't
stay of lacking a bed and the signs of those guys around and they were
also... I already told somebody about it). I even believe the put
cianide instead of sugar! NOw I am leaving a trail of security guards
and homeless with electronics and cell phones! But I can't get
foodstamps nor welfare, and maybe the order was issued from Pataki's

I need more specific information to build the whole picture. A study in
conspiration building to steal what can't be stolen: Genius. There are
other ways, they could have bought works from me! But I know who I want
with me and what I would sell!

And this man with connections put EVERYBODY against me. They want to
deny my measure! What are they afraid of??? I have the right to my
capital and to generate and income to take care of my welfare and help
my mother and cats. I want my projects back and to be left free to
become all I want to be because I can be. Isn't this the free world? I
even got the "message" that I arrive 20 years late to be US citizen!!!!
That can't be. I know my allegiances and I already exposed them.
2005-01-12 16:00:48 UTC
Who said in the House that I was a "scarecrow"??? After I sent my page.
He is the source of most of my problems here. He lied and kept lying.
That is why I am still homeless and worst than when I arrived here...
2005-01-01 19:34:35 UTC
Forgot to mention Prof Alejandro Herrera Ibanez. I showed him "Alive
and Human" in 1998 when I was expecting a recommendation to get a job.
I wonder if he managed to get his hands on the Hagenbeck`s fortune in
Mexico. Supposedly granted to `animals`, but then the *animals*
obviously went predatory...
2005-01-01 19:34:36 UTC
Forgot to mention Prof Alejandro Herrera Ibanez. I showed him "Alive
and Human" in 1998 when I was expecting a recommendation to get a job.
I wonder if he managed to get his hands on the Hagenbeck`s fortune in
Mexico. Supposedly granted to `animals`, but then the *animals*
obviously went predatory...
2005-01-01 19:34:36 UTC
Forgot to mention Prof Alejandro Herrera Ibanez. I showed him "Alive
and Human" in 1998 when I was expecting a recommendation to get a job.
I wonder if he managed to get his hands on the Hagenbeck`s fortune in
Mexico. Supposedly granted to `animals`, but then the *animals*
obviously went predatory...
2004-12-23 16:05:28 UTC
And today they said behind this is an old governor! But I am in a sink
without any possibility to corroborate. NO phone number, no address,
lots of people in between, mymail arrives too late or doesn't arrive,
my emails don't arrive either, both ways, my posts end up being ROT-13,
my clothes stolen, no possibility to get transportation, no stable
place to leave papers, arrive too late and you lose your bed,
inconvenient food hours, bad food, uncertainty as to what drugs are
giving me in the food... what am I supposed to do if what I was selling
was stolen, even my identity?
Post by f***@beethoven.com
THey said it is a first secretary. A name too: Driscoll. ANd Herminio
Blanco too. I am still looking for the guys behind my misfortune and
all the messages.
Post by f***@beethoven.com
Funny, found a guy who looks like a cross between Valero and
Post by f***@beethoven.com
with a vague resemblance to one of the thieves that stole my notes
Post by f***@beethoven.com
other things from my appartment. He was looking blue...
2004-12-27 20:53:40 UTC
Holmes. IN the WH.
Sanchez and Rodriguez, who knows where. Also a Domitilo. I don;t know
if this people is against me or try to help me, I just get rumors and
strange encounters.
2004-12-28 17:16:19 UTC
I remember that Roberto's sister works in Gobernacion, and that makes
me think of Santiago Creel. I wonder... I am still getting hostility
from the spanish speakers in the shelter...
2004-12-28 21:36:10 UTC
Judge Edmondson and one Chandler. And the director of the CISEN. But I
still can't find who jas been orchestating this harassment.
2004-12-29 00:00:25 UTC
This thread is meant for the FBI and/or DC people who may be interested
in helping me. They are working as a team, I was left alone trying to
find people to helpme develop my work. Pity was forced to publish
unfinished ideas that still require several years of thought. Thank you.
2005-01-01 04:10:58 UTC
(Fabrizio J Bonsignore)
My she-neighbor of the old apartment upstairs. She knows the name of
the original thieves. She is white, brown hair, squarish, plump, no
neck, sardonic smile, not pretty, short (+/- 5`4``).

They say I have an unknown daughter! I may have seen her once in
Insurgentes, blonde, blue eyes, looks like smurfit. I thought she was
stolen for the people she was with didn`t look like her (130000
children lost in Mexico), but couldn`t find a policeman, so I let it
pass. Now I wonder... Must be by now like 8-9 years old.
2005-01-07 17:21:30 UTC
People believe this was ordered from the White House, when in fact it
an agreement between generals after those thieves sent them a diskette
with a supposed mass destrution weapon, a diskette I forgot in the LA
library! How could a diskette get from the LA library to someone in the
ARMY? I am sure I didn't forget such thing in the library, though I did
publish the idea in MY PERSONAL HOTMAIL ACCOUNT, which was obviously
hacked by this mobsters from Mexico and Veracruz, who used it to burn
me and put EVERYBODY against me... And it looks like they are still
being protected and there is people who believe they are the source of
my ideas and work!!! DAMN GUYS. But they don't dare to FACE ME., just
spread out rumors. I don't know if this rumoprs I get are true or have
the source in them. I was accused of being not worthy because according
to them I have lung cancer. How could they know? But it can be seeded
by poisoning... So shouldn't I be getting income from my work to treat
me? ANd then they went telling everybody I was their worst enemy, or
their best friend to the "bad" guys. And they were very probably using
the money from the patents they stole after hacing my computer IN MY
HOUSE. It is not fair. To me, the conspiracy is obvious since I
discount immediately the origin of my work, which is mine. After that,
all motives and moves are clear, but they created a web of interests
and incriminations... A group against a single individual... but they
comitted mistales...
2004-12-28 17:17:51 UTC
A spell,
a charm,
be well,
no harm!
2005-01-12 16:48:53 UTC
So, if I can follow the gossip, the idiot who defamated me since high
school again came to accuse me of drugs and there is an extradition
that if stopped would mean legalizing drugs? But how can they be so
sure if I had not been arrested? Why I wasn't arrested before? You have
income? Then you are using drugs. Prove to me you are not an ex-addict.
And to do that they want me to change my name? Why was I not notified?
Why was I left without money? So that I cannot find a lawyer nor appeal
nor nothing.

What America can't understand is that this is done by MEXICANS to
desprestige AMERICA. And because I was really proud of being American
and coming here. That is what disgusts me, that even the homeless
discuss me and I don;t know what I need to know. THAT neutralizes, to
have people speaking of you in the third person!

Since I know this and I can't do anything for lack of money, whatever
they are doing is illegal! I can't corroborate it, so if it is false,
then it is defamation! But their agents are mocking me in the face.
Either way I am being victimized. I should have a fortune by now.
Fabrizio J Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
2005-01-13 15:35:27 UTC
2005-01-14 17:26:03 UTC
I don't know who is behind this but nobody is helping and I am still
being abused. They myth of America of being a fair country where people
can thrive on intellectual property is respected is falling down to me.
And they keep threatening me. I forgot to mention Lopez-Obrador, but I
believe the judiciales are lying to him.
2005-01-19 17:06:18 UTC
A Captain Delgado supposedly from the Federal Preventiva. I am still
trying to get somebody to locate the people who are doing this and
sending their supersecret agents to the shelter to knock left my
eyebrow with rocks while I sleep, etc. Now they are even singing what
they do! But the cowards don.t show themselves...
(Fabrizio J Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore)
2005-01-22 00:11:43 UTC
Last rumors before I was transferred from the shelter, The one who is
doing this is either Rafel Macedo de la Concha or some aide that has a
rough voice, a captain. Luis Bistrain's father was a friend of Luis
Echeverria Alvarez and a friend of the Betetas (a general?), so they
may be moving "influencias", "palancas". And that I am also fighting a
whitehouser and a subsecretary od state in the state's departament!
Obviously, the people doing this to steal my work are already throwing
noise to hide their guilt. The cpwards. The world is ruyled by the
police and the police is corrupted by the drug ban... I demand JUSTICE,
my hard drive back and my work recognized.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore> See Home for All...
Post by Fabrizio J. Bonsignore
Visit ghamac.org
2005-01-24 14:58:34 UTC
From Veracruz, there was this Julieta friend of my aunt who was rather
worried that whatever help she was deriving from my aunt would revert
to my mother and I. She is supposedly a "composer" and is a friend of
one Rigo who I believe is the cousin or relative of the block addict,
the one that made us call the police and made me receive threats from
his family (the ones in the Christ house on Carlos Cruz). My mother
found later that he is friend of one arreglista Rodriguez. Theses
people I never met but Julieta. I had an interest in meeting them to
try to derive some income from my music to come back to the States and
maybe some contacts with labels from Mexico before coming her, but they
didn't want to be met... The fact is that I received threats from that
addict's family, though I am not sure of his relation to Rigo or
Rodriguez. I don;'t know if they were related to the Christian group of
the Christina institute. Obviously, with so many musicians, I wouldn't
play my music out loud; the only time I did they managed to take away a
country-ish theme by changing a single note from it.
Last rumors before I was transferred from the shelter, The one who is
doing this is either Rafel Macedo de la Concha or some aide that has a
rough voice, a captain. Luis Bistrain's father was a friend of Luis
Echeverria Alvarez and a friend of the Betetas (a general?), so they
may be moving "influencias", "palancas". And that I am also fighting a
whitehouser and a subsecretary od state in the state's departament!
Obviously, the people doing this to steal my work are already
noise to hide their guilt. The cpwards. The world is ruyled by the
police and the police is corrupted by the drug ban... I demand
my hard drive back and my work recognized.
Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org
2005-01-30 15:27:37 UTC
The doteasy webmaster gave entry to the Bistrain`s in 2002-2003, when
they modified the scripts for the ghamac webpag (somwhere in
http://ghamac.org/oldghamac/oldindex.htm or indexold.htm or maybe html,
don`t remember right now). Though I appreciate them for not deleting my
files during the year (2002) I didn`t pay the domain name.

They say also that Fl`s Governor was informed by an agent about a post
under the name Unwilling Victim where I criticize the effect of the
Mexican drug-oriented (no prescription needed) culture that convinced
his wife that I am a no good or something worse.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org
2005-01-30 19:29:28 UTC
(see above posts)
Right now I am looking Robin Hood-ish and Sherlock Holmes-ish
dependeing on whether I wear a coat or not. Hey! Have an idea to have
fun! Also, is there any gel polymer that can turn ice into plastic? Or
water into plastic,a film. That way tsunamis can be sort of controlled
and in case of ice cap melting iceberg could be controlled. Sort of
binding water molecules together to create a gel or something stronger
(organizing water molecules as cold organized them)... I wonder... If
there is a greenhouse effect this material might save the planet and/or
provide more habitable space... (it may even be grown in trees or
injected as code into bacteria for them to produce)

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-01-30 19:57:36 UTC
It is Mexican Colonel who is helping an immediate subordinate who is in
touch with the thiefs. They say he sacrificed 1000 lives! Not fair. And
the name was not revealed...
2005-01-30 21:30:22 UTC
It is a Mexican Colonel who is helping an immediate subordinate who is
touch with the thiefs. They say he sacrificed 1000 lives! Not fair. And
the name was not revealed... The subordinate is the one who is
threatening with triggering a revolution in Mexico, and their trick is
that those thieves were franted the US citizenship because they arrived
with MY musical and programmatic work.

Danilo J Bonsignore, previously Fabrizio J Bonsignore (J is for Jose,
hope to change that soon).
2005-01-30 23:42:13 UTC
Don`t fall in the trap: this list is for people to investigate who is
doing this to me and WHY. Obviously to robbed my vast and original
production in several areas, but then why so much HARASSMENT? This is
my country and *that* is the hating and frustrated people of Mexico
HYSTERIC (cheap trick to cause pity) that someone would have a great

Danilo J Bonsignore, previously Fabrizio J Bonsignore (J is for Jose,
hope to change that soon).
2005-01-30 23:54:00 UTC
Somebody ought to check the Telmex central in Veracruz to see if they
were not redirecting the packets from my computer.
Alejandra Ortiz de la Vega in ghamac.org is the niece to Guillermo
Ortiz Martinez, central bank director, now married to a singer I don`t
remember the name of. The rondo is for her.

Danilo J Bonsignore, previously Fabrizio J Bonsignore (may revert to my
old first name, though I am getting used to this that was my third name
in Mexico, first in the US. Jose hasn`t change except when I was called
Giusseppe Danilo briefly in middle school, when I met Alejandra...).
2005-01-31 02:19:31 UTC
Paulina Lopez-Portillo was my teacher in the course of Mexico History
II in the Universidad Iberoamericana. I guess she remembers me.
2005-02-01 15:48:21 UTC
The day after my bag of tools was stolen (threads, needles, scissors,
lip protector, that kind of stuff), because the beasts in the shelter
were messing with my hard drive and went violent so I had to stay in a
park on 2nd and 43rd, I saw a guy on 3rd with a yellow, short, plastic
bat. He was wearing a navy blue t-shirt, jeans, a cap (black?). I saw
his pofile only, he is white pink like me, long face, oval, soft jaw,
pointed chin but not too much, clean brow, black hair, straight nose
slightly hawkish, long nose, his middle face (eyes to lips)
predominates, straight normal mouth. I noticed him because of the bat.
That day I woke up after noon, maybe because he hit me in the left
eyebrow. I noticed my tool bags (plastic, with zipper) were missing,
but my hard drive was there so I thought it was just bad luck... and
went in shock. Because the hard drive was not missing. (he is around 6
feet tall, maybe taller, and slight hunched, long arms; he looked like
he was boasting with the bat; who would go in Manhattan with a plastic
bat like a gangster in the afternoon?).

There was also another suspicious guy, some days before (I didn`t
documented the date), who vaguely resembled Luis Bistrain; he was slim,
tall, above 6 feet or so, square, small head, long neck, rosy cheeks,
black hair, combed to the right, his features look a little cramped;
had a mischievous grin when he asked the guys what was that place, I
was sitting on a stair waiting for something to happen. He just asked,
received a no-answer and left right away. He really looked like one
version of Bistrain...

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-01 16:53:45 UTC
My old friend Guillermo Margules Diamant might be confused with me. He
has brown light hair, green eyes, oval face, looks fishy (sorry
Margules!), with a tendency to see things with his head slanted unless
he wears glasses. He is of polish origin. Haven`t seen him for 20
years, but since my yearbook was stolen, those mobsters might try to
involve him. We had an issue about some pactra paints... 8|

Camacho Solis. He helped during the Congress by sending 10 buses
(impressive sight) and provided two meals, though I didn`t meet him til
the first dinner in Los Pinos. He was not nice, I remember. (Perhaps he
holds a grudge?).
Post by f***@beethoven.com
The day after my bag of tools was stolen (threads, needles, scissors,
lip protector, that kind of stuff), because the beasts in the shelter
were messing with my hard drive and went violent so I had to stay in a
park on 2nd and 43rd, I saw a guy on 3rd with a yellow, short,
Post by f***@beethoven.com
bat. He was wearing a navy blue t-shirt, jeans, a cap (black?). I saw
his pofile only, he is white pink like me, long face, oval, soft jaw,
pointed chin but not too much, clean brow, black hair, straight nose
slightly hawkish, long nose, his middle face (eyes to lips)
predominates, straight normal mouth. I noticed him because of the bat.
That day I woke up after noon, maybe because he hit me in the left
eyebrow. I noticed my tool bags (plastic, with zipper) were missing,
but my hard drive was there so I thought it was just bad luck... and
went in shock. Because the hard drive was not missing. (he is around 6
feet tall, maybe taller, and slight hunched, long arms; he looked like
he was boasting with the bat; who would go in Manhattan with a
Post by f***@beethoven.com
bat like a gangster in the afternoon?).
There was also another suspicious guy, some days before (I didn`t
documented the date), who vaguely resembled Luis Bistrain; he was slim,
tall, above 6 feet or so, square, small head, long neck, rosy cheeks,
black hair, combed to the right, his features look a little cramped;
had a mischievous grin when he asked the guys what was that place, I
was sitting on a stair waiting for something to happen. He just asked,
received a no-answer and left right away. He really looked like one
version of Bistrain...
Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 01:28:39 UTC
Dr Guadalupe Valdes, herpetologist, was Luisito Bistrains friend. He
met her somewhere in Congress. She married or is married to a real
estate tycoon from the US, whose name he didn`t revealed, of course,
lest I would try to help establish a social circle. She inspired us a
project for a snake/turtle museum in Mexico City. We would take care of
reptiles people would no longer support and establish a research center
and serum center plus a zoo that would attract tourists, etc. Financial
support would come from Congress or such source etc. (the beginning of
the project was in my computer). If he is in touch with her husband, I
hope Home for All is not being... maligned.


The day after my bag of tools was stolen (threads, needles, scissors,
lip protector, that kind of stuff), because the beasts in the shelter
were messing with my hard drive and went violent so I had to stay in a
park on 2nd and 43rd, I saw a guy on 3rd with a yellow, short, plastic
bat. He was wearing a navy blue t-shirt, jeans, a cap (black?). I saw
his pofile only, he is white pink like me, long face, oval, soft jaw,
pointed chin but not too much, clean brow, black hair, straight nose
slightly hawkish, long nose, his middle face (eyes to lips)
predominates, straight normal mouth. I noticed him because of the bat.
That day I woke up after noon, maybe because he hit me in the left
eyebrow. I noticed my tool bags (plastic, with zipper) were missing,
but my hard drive was there so I thought it was just bad luck... and
went in shock. Because the hard drive was not missing. (he is around 6
feet tall, maybe taller, and slight hunched, long arms; he looked like
he was boasting with the bat; who would go in Manhattan with a plastic
bat like a gangster in the afternoon?).

There was also another suspicious guy, some days before (I didn`t
documented the date), who vaguely resembled Luis Bistrain; he was
tall, above 6 feet or so, square, small head, long neck, rosy cheeks,
black hair, combed to the right, his features look a little cramped;
had a mischievous grin when he asked the guys what was that place, I
was sitting on a stair waiting for something to happen. He just asked,
received a no-answer and left right away. He really looked like one
version of Bistrain...

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 18:17:34 UTC
The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:42 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:41 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:48 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:49 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:48 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:48 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:49 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:48 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:47 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:51 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:47 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:50 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:50 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:51 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:50 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:50 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:50 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:52 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:51 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:50 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:52 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:54 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:53 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:53 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:53 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:55 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:52 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:56 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:54 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:55 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:55 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:54 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:55 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:57:56 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:58:12 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
2005-02-03 23:58:13 UTC
Gral. BBurrg ess Mmerred ith. It is sickening to watch videos and
suddenly hear your name being vilipendiated! Who can be doing this?
This name was mentioned as the definitive source of opposition to my
productive stay in MY country.

The last person I know associated to Luisito is his cousing Lexel
Bistrain (Bis-train, are there still scripts in between?). Luis would
bring with him a laptop he claimed was his, thoughI don`t think so. I
think I remember the workshop project document was modified in that
laptop and had as the author name that of Lexel.

Fabrizio J. Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
See Home for All...
Visit ghamac.org

Fafabribri ziozio J Bonbon sigsig nono rere Dada ninilolo J Bonbon
sigsig nono rere
